blocked access

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surprised that this site was blocked for being pornographic and having nudity at the local car dealership

No porn

erin's picture

A little bit of nudity but there is no porn here.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


I think this is actually somewhat open to some mild interpretation. Depending on whether one defines "porn" as strictly having to have imagery supplied, or if even when it is only language and the imagery is left for the reader to compose on their own.

If the former is to be the only thing considered porn, then this site is free of pornography. However, many definitions include the latter as well, which would make at least some of the stories on this site mildly to even some strongly pornographic content.

That said... it's still odd. Because other sites where you can read stories that are just as pornographic but have nothing to do with TG generally aren't blocked by these same places that are blocking BC and others.

And just because we host stories that ARE, doesn't mean that ALL stories here are necessarily of adult nature.

Technically speaking, erotic fiction is erotica or an "ero novel" rather than porn... but many of those site blockers don't appear to make the distinction. And in fact I've spoken to many people who aren't even aware of the terms "erotica" and "ero novel".

Abigail Drew.

Nope, definitely no porn

erin's picture

At least, by US law. The definition is a bit vague but nothing that does not involve images of people having sex or one or two other narrow criteria can be pornography in the US. First Amendment and all that.

But that is also why we don't have a PayPal box anymore. PayPal defines forbids any adult content unless you are a big corporate client like Amazon. PLBBBT! Anyone who would have the money to sue them for acting in restraint of interstate commerce would have to have the money to be safe from their tiny little mental processes in the first place. Double PLBBBT!


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

PayPal :

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Yet PayPal still Keeps doing business with VRs & MMOs with erotic content, and that is visual and also interactive.

I know.

I know it's not. You know it's not. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows that the vaguer definition of porn is completely incorrect.

Unfortunately the people who make and use nannybots don't have 2 brain cells to rub together, so they think that ANYTHING adult themed is porn.

I was simply explaining that despite by any legitimate definition we are NOT pornographic, the nanny filters deem us worthy of blocking. And to be frankly honest it doesn't even have to do with the erotica either. It's because it's openly TG.

Abigail Drew.

It's all about sex....NOT!

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Well, we all know that any straight thinking person knows that trans anything is all about sex... NOT!!

I don't know how many people have stated to me that transvestism/sexuality is just a sexual perversion. One person at my church saw me in obvious feminine clothes and cornered me later to talk about whether or not I, as a Christian, should be doing that and when I asked for verses in the Bible that dealt with prohibiting cross-dressing they changed the subject, asking, "What about porn?"

So I guess that tells why nannybots want to block the site. We're all perverts you know and society needs to be protected from us.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

This site

and numerous others are often blocked on business access sites, even some college/university systems block them on system computers, but you can often find the sites on your own computer. Evev some hotel/motel sites will have them blocked, which I thought was insane.

Libraries too

However I believe as long you have access to certain anonymizer sites you can still get to BC.

You can kinda backdoor into it through google sometimes if you know some of the stories but is probably a no-no. I have yet to have trouble at a hotel/motel though. That is why a USB stick mobile internet is a good thing.


Secret Squirrel Entrance

erin's picture

Anyone who needs one can email or PM me for another way to reach BC. This is just for avoiding nannybots, don't use it all the time.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


TOR (Tor Onion Router) is a free and open source anonymizer that will get you through most nannywalls. If you're running Debian/Ubuntu/Mint, search the repository for Vidalia. Otherwise, google it.

Some stories still get snagged by the 'dirty word' detector, but not very many.

Bob Evans

This site is blocked at Bob Evans because it is an "adult site". I think they got from the banner page at

adult rating vs porn

Teresa L.'s picture

Having built, designed and maintained some of the hotel internet kiosks (many years ago) the software we used could be adjusted for type of content, and was more about the adultness, not the porn-ness of the site. having a child whose parent is NOT supportive of LGBTQ would consider this site to be satans playground, and thus not fitting, so some businesses have taken the better overly cautious than sued attitude.


Teresa L.