Am I being too optimistic?

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Am I being too optimistic in checking on Crystal's Story Site each day? I've taken her at her word that she's restructuring the entire database and will one day finish. However, it's been since March of 2009 since there's been any news. Does anyone know... Is Crystal still working on it, or has it been just too much to accomplish and maybe I should give up looking at the "What's New" page for an update?


I have found

I have found that I've been waiting for over 3 or more years. I'll check once in a blue moon. The message board is the only thing up and running now. But that sometimes gets filled with spam.

Maybe you are?

bobbie-c's picture

I'm afraid you just might be...

The very first stories I ever posted on the net was on Crystal's StorySite around The first week of August 2009. And around February 2010, I had a couple of stories up for review and posting when... whatever happened... happened, and Ava left and the site was frozen, and my new stories were never put up.

For months after that, I kept checking back, hanging on to Crystal's promise that she would restart the site. After maybe a year, I came to the conclusion it wouldn't happen.

I could be wrong (as I often am), and StorySite may be revived. But I'm afraid that even if it was, the new site won't be the old one - three years is a long time to ask people to wait for the site's revival, I think, because in that time, old StorySite afficionados would have discovered new sites, read new stories and made new friends and connections elsewhere. Whatever the future of StorySite will be, any connection a "version 2" of the site will have to the old site will be teneous at best. It will probably be a good site, but it won't be "StorySite". It will not have the advantage of say, BigCloset or FictionMania, where their evolution happened with their members, allowing them to change with the sites. And even when old StorySite members come flocking back (as I am sure they will) when the new site is put up (if ever), it'll be like logging on to a totally different site.

I think, whatever chance of StorySite being revived hinges on the reboot happening soon (in truth, I think it's already too late). If more time passes, StorySite will never have a chance to be revived AS StorySite - the new one will be just like any new site you see being put up, and not StorySite at all. This is just an opinion, of course.

You know, I got such a good feeling about posting when I posted my first stories at Crystal's (everyone was so nice and everything) that I felt confident enough to post my stories here in BCTS too, as well as in a couple other sites.

But when Ava left Crystal's and took her server with her, all my stories on Crystal's disappeared. I can therefore surmise that I had the misfortune of having my stuff saved on Ava's server, and so, when Ava took her server off, then my stories were taken off as well.

My only proof that I was ever at Crystal's was that the comments to my first story are, incredibly, still there, even if the story itself has disappeared. (The only reason I can even access these comments was that I took a guess at the URL, and I was lucky).

Anyway, I have just taken a peek at these comments and I just came to the realization that a lot of them are the same as the ones that comment here in BCTS. I cannot understand why I never made the connection (sure, I did for some names, but not all). For that I apologize.

So, if everyone will indulge me, a shoutout to the people who commented on my stuff in StorySite, and apologies that my stories have disappeared over there, along with your comments. So, in alphabetical order: Andrea DiMaggio, Angel O'Hare, Baby Anna, brandie, Brat, Brenda , Brian426uk, Chris, christi, cindy_bee, Connie, darkwinglance , Deann, Debbie, Duncanmusic , EASports, Felicia Morris, Geena, Geena White, Geoff, Gianna Michelle, Gloria, Hippie Cheerleader, Jeanne, Jes, Joanna K, Karen J., Keera, Krissy L., kt, Lady Ursula Freeman, Lilith Langtree, Lisa Kaufmann, Lisa Wange, Lyle, Mickey D, nic, PDX Reader, Ramona, Rebekah, rone welles, Sara, saralee, Scrambler_J, Sunni, SuZie, Teri Waller, Terri, tessiegirl2, Vivien Tena and xyzab.

Thanks a bunch, everyone! Lemme know if you want to reminisce and read our comment-conversations, okay?

A special shoutout to "cindy_bee" - you were the first person EVER to comment of my first ever posted story on the net. Thank you, Cindy.


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According to Erin,

Storysite, Crystal hall, and other sites are on Big Closet data bases, awaiting for her and Piper to get them up and running. Currently, only Fictionmania, Yahoo TGF and this site can post new stuff along with

May Your Light Forever Shine

Where'd You Hear That?

The April 29 progress report from Piper only references the sites that have been associated with BigCloset for some time now, with the possible exception of Crystal Hall.

There's nothing there about StorySite or FictionMania.

Is there something newer?
