Lengths of posted chapters

I originally wrote this as a comment to a story I enjoyed. Fortunately I took my foot out of my mouth before much damage was done...

...I still think this topic needs airing, so here it is.

This is what I wrote:

Good story, although I found it difficult to read, and only because of its length.

I don't tend to read stories which are this long but the premise sounded good, so I began... It took me three sessions to finish and even then I spent time at the computer when I ought to have been doing something else. Reading a single file in several sessions is difficult, especially when there are no 'chapter' or 'part' markers within the file to guide you.

Posting a story which is complete and is this long is okay, I think. That's what I assumed when I began reading. I don't take too much notice of the 'solo'/'serial' flags since I know many authors forget to set them right.

When I eventually reached the end and found "To be continued" I was annoyed. If you are going to post a story in more than one part then you might as well make the parts manageable for your readers. It will be more manageable for yourself as well, since it is much easier to find those pesky typos in a file of 6,000 to 12,000 words than in one of 42,000. And yes, I spotted at least four typos while reading; I bet there are more. No author gets them all.

This part could have been split into four, maybe five parts. Shorter doesn't make a story harder to read, sometimes it is the opposite. I try to make my chapters 6,000 to 9,000 words and sometimes I think those are too long. Look at Bailey Summers' stories - those can be as little as 3,000 words and still each part packs a punch.

So, a good story, well thought out, but as a reader you are not encouraging me to read any more, if the experience is going to be the same as reading the first part was. I understand that a dead-tree book may have many more words but very few of those come without chapters, ie places to stop and put the book down until next time.

There you have it. I haven't, in the past, downloaded much to be read on a later occasion, so all my reading is done in front of a screen. (Now I have a Kobo and a tablet, that policy may change in the future.) Reading whole stories this way is uncomfortable, since sitting in the same place staring at a glow does bad things to one's eyes - and I have to spend time here writing, too. So I prefer reading stories in reasonable-sized chunks. To me, anything up to about 12,000 words is tolerable, although I'll go larger on rare occasions.

If you write single-chapter novels longer than this, I won't read them, even if they might be worth reading. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

Another reason for splitting large stories into parts and posting separately is simply this: If you post one big chunk, you get one kudos (if deserved). If you post many chapters, each is eligible of a kudos of it's own.

