I was googling myself and discovered that there is a porn star (or at least a model who frequently poses nude) named "Jennifer Brock." She seems to have been a Playmate. I'd like to assure both of my readers that I am not she, although I wish I had her figure.
The cool part is that my collection of stories here comes up fourth out of over eleven thousand "Jennifer Brock"s on the web. (Porn girl is first and third, but the one who comes in second is a real estate agent who is also not me.)
And, aside from the BC/TS hit, *I'm* none of the me's you can Google either!
P.S. Practically *everyone* has a googleganger.
I don't
Of all the Edeyn Blackeneys, in all of the sites on the internet... I am she.
I Googled Mr. Ram, there were 392000 hits, of the first 10, two were me. As I looked further, it looked less and less like I would find anything other than a lot of Indian guys, East Indians not wooo wooo wooo Indians!
I Googled my real name and there were a little less than a thousand hits, none were me.
Mr. Ram
I'll never forget the day that I Googled Sarah Lynn Morgan.
I got about two hundred hits, and all but three were me.
The other three were listing the ancestors of some captain
(He was a really lutenant, but I can't spell Lutenant right
now for some reason. Obviously those were the brain cells that
died last night!)
As for the Jenny Brock pictures, I'm sorry. I needed the
money for divinity school. Sorry.
Shameful Lynn Morgan.
Just say Lt
Send me some of that divinity and we'll call it even.
Those Leeks
Make very satisfactory dildos, don't they?
I'm sure I don't know for sure.
When I referred to 'homing leeks,' it was
a metaphor.
wow, Joanne.
Sarah Lynn
I have grown them and I wouldn't advise it
Um, leaks can be gritty unless pealed, trimmed and washed carefully. Would you want grit up there?
I shudder to think what my name would google as. There were three of me at UW _Milwaukee in the mid 1980s and at that point were had the equivalnt of 15 thousand full time students -- UWM is mostly a commuter campus.
I did know a Tom Smith, father James. That would be worse but not by much!
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Wow, I just saw a flock of homing leaks fly overus!
John in Wauwatosa
Oh John!
In wherever the hell that is. Loved that,
how many of us are there??
hmmm googlegangers. i was just googling myself and apart from the real estate chick, porn star, yourself and the various professionals im there too.. ha ha.. gwenhwyfar of agaricus.. which is sooo old.. anyway.. what a vain way to while away the hours.. :o)
Choose me ! Choose me!
I guess I am really healed up now. They told me that I would get really horny when I did. SOMEONE TAKE ME ! Gad, is this what is in store for me? Sigh !
Gwen Brown