MAU: More Than Meets the Eye - Chapter 10

MAU: More Than Meets the Eye

by Sleethr


Agent L has a wheel good time. Greg and Michelle have something important to ask Hector. Greg has a reason to play a theme song to a movie.




This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents
are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons,
living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Copyright  © 2013 by R. Nelson aka Sleethr
All rights reserved. This story or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


Chapter Note: Finally, the chapter you all have been waiting for, I hope. :)

Thanks Note: Again, thanks goes out to Elrod for his most excellent MAU universe and all MAU mistakes/transgressions are totally my fault. I am trying to keep this story as close to the MAU rules as possible, but I am afraid I may end up bending a few. Thanks also go out Beyogi, Landing and Grover for their sometimes real-time feedback and suggestions. Last but not least, djkauf for his magical editing.



<* Chapter 10 *>

As the mechanic finished putting their new wheel and tire on their car, Agent L checked his watch for the 10th time in the last five minutes as he paced back and forth in the rental agency’s repair shop waiting room.  Agent P sat in one of the cheap lobby chairs, reading a two year old magazine. Her legs were crossed, with her raised foot slowly tapping up and down as if to some tune only she could here. If not for her violent page turns, a person watching her wouldn’t know how frustrated she felt right now. Agent L was glad she was with him.  It was Agent P’s reminder of how much paper work he would have to fill out that kept him from shooting the dude working on their rental car.

First, the tow truck operator had to tow their car 20 miles to their rental agency’s licensed garage, 20 miles in the opposite direction.   Next, the mechanic took a two hour dinner break and when he finally returned, it took him almost 30 minutes to remove the stripped nut without destroying the wheel in the process.  Agent L offered to buy a new one, but the mechanic insisted on doing the job right.

Once the wheel was finally removed, the garage didn’t have any 15 inch tires in stock and mounting the spare emergency tire was a no-go. It was against safety regulations to permit a customer to drive more than 50 miles using the spare. All that meant they had to wait another thirty minutes to get a manager’s approval to borrow a wheel and tire from another Yaris.  They didn’t get back on the road until 2000 hours and if nothing else went wrong, they wouldn’t reach the target area until 2200 hours.

“We should’ve just taken one of their other cars...” Agent L muttered with frustration.

Agent P nodded her head with agreement. “Yeah, I know, but we got the car using a government contract and the government, in its ultimate cost cutting wisdom, elected to not allow for a replacement vehicle if the current vehicle could be easily repaired.”

Agent L rubbed his temples with frustration. “Easily? By what definition? Fuck...well, at least the traffic has died down now.”


Hector was blown away when Greg introduced Michelle to him.  Wow, Greg really did a good job with her and that made him think of Natalie. He sighed as he considered all the ways he had screwed up with her.  He found himself feeling even more jealous of Greg when he managed to calm Michelle down and convince her to at least think about the possibility of an alien device.  It must have helped that Michelle knew Greg for a little bit longer than three or four hours.

Yes, she was a keeper and it was now Hector’s duty to do all he could to help Greg keep and score with his new girlfriend.  Greg might not think of her as his girlfriend, but Hector could tell Michelle was thinking about it by the way she looked at Greg. She had that kind of shy half smile whenever she looked at him and she blushed way too easily around Greg. Of course, Greg was clueless about all those cues, but he was allowed to be since he was clearly smitten with Michelle too.  It was almost sickeningly sweet to watch the non-verbal communication between the two of them.

When Michelle stepped out of the machine as a human sized Avatar alien chick, Hector had to start mentally going over his tax forms to keep from embarrassing himself. She looked hot with her blue alien cat woman features and primitive attire. He fondly recalled how it was okay for him, and his buddies, to read National Geographic magazines when he was a kid.  The National Geographic had some cool pictures and articles, but it was the pictures of primitive cultures that were his favorites.  How else can a 12-14 year old boy get his hands on pictures of half naked chicks?

As soon as Michelle exited the machine, the two of them ran off into the house so she could check herself out in the mirror. He didn’t blame her either.  He sighed as he glanced over at the machine.  At least Greg and Michelle seemed to be happy about the changes it could make.  Hector knew he was just making himself more depressed and for no reason, but he couldn’t stop thinking about Natalie, and Jennifer.

He waited in the garage for five minutes before he started to wonder what was taking them so long. He expected her to check herself out in the mirror, think it’s cool and then, return to work on her Catwoman costume, but maybe she had to actually use the bathroom?  Hector turned off the light and re-entered the house.  The only sound he heard was coming from the living room. He followed the sound and found Wheelie cleaning the carpet, but no Greg and Michelle.  He glanced down the hallway and noticed Greg’s door was closed.

“They couldn’t be, could they?” Hector’s eyes flared with disbelief when his sensitive hearing heard Greg ask Michelle if she was sure. He snorted and slowly shook his head as he sat down on the couch. “Oh well, I guess I can watch some TV while I wait. If they are, it shouldn’t take them too long.” He muttered mostly to himself.

“Too long for what, boss?” Wheelie stopped and looked up at Hector.

“Umm, looking at Greg’s comic collection...” Hector struggled to contain his laughter as he hit the power button on the remote.  The noise of the TV should give the two lovebirds a bit of privacy and allow Hector to ignore them if things started to get a little loud.

The two lovebirds surprised him by taking almost an hour and even a bigger surprise was when the two of them walked out of Greg’s room, smiling, hand in hand, with only their loincloths haphazardly wrapped to conceal their groins. Hector’s sensitive nose caught their scents and he had to smile as the pair sat down on the couch opposite Hector with expressions that could only be described as, befuddled, deeply and hopelessly in love with each other.

Not that he was complaining about seeing Michelle topless, but he had to do something to shock them to their senses. “So, when are you two getting married?”


Even if Greg wanted to tell her no, there was zero chance of it happening. Especially not after she said, please.  “Okay, but we should probably try it in my room and if we see any flying jellyfish; we stop, right?”

Michelle giggled and let him lead her into his room. With Michelle in tow, he felt like he was at his parent’s house and he was trying to sneak a girl into his room. That never happened, but now he knew what it would have felt like. Hector was sure to give him some shit about it later.

He glanced around and was relieved he had done a little cleanup the night before.  Michelle glanced around and smiled when her eyes passed over Greg’s Transformers action figure collection.  It was a fairly impressive collection and he was quite proud of it. Some of his “models” or “action figures”, had come directly from Japan because they weren’t available in the US.

“So, how do these things work?” Michelle sat down on his bed with one leg crossed under as she held up her queue in front of herself.

“Well, I am not 100% sure they will work because all of this,” Greg motioned to the two of them. “Is based on a movie. None of it was real but, from what I read, when two Na’vi joined their queues, they would do it under that big glowing tree thing. If their bonding was good, then Eywa, their god thing, would have them share only good memories. If Eywa decided they weren’t meant for each other, bad memories. If they had the good memory thing, they would return to the clan and were considered married, for life.”  Greg decided to skip over the sex part that followed. While he liked Michelle, a lot, he had no intentions of having sex with her tonight.  They both barely knew each other and he didn’t want to ruin it by trying to move too fast.

Michelle slowly nodded her acceptance of the facts. “I see, but since there’s no god to decide things for us, if it does work, we shouldn’t have to worry about being married to each other and if it doesn’t work, then, well, nothing, right?”

“Probably, but are you sure?” Greg noticed Michelle’s face fall with disappointment. “I mean, I like you. I like you a lot. You’re so cool and beautiful. I just don’t want to take a chance and mess things up.”

Michelle stood and grabbed Greg’s hands. “I like you a lot too Greg. Thank you for showing me this, this wonderful thing you two found, but the one thing that captivated me with Star Trek and the movie was this linking of minds thing.  I always thought, ‘how cool would it be if two people could just link their minds together and understand each other, completely and with no misconceptions?”

Michelle looked so hopeful and once again, Greg was stunned by her. She liked Star Trek? “Well, I guess we can try, but don’t hate me if it doesn’t work, please...”

Michelle answered him with hug and a shy, hesitant kiss on his lips. “I promise.”

Greg gestured for Michelle to take a seat on his bed and he followed by taking a seat, cross legged, and facing her.  She held up her queue, and Greg reached around and grabbed his. It felt kind of strange to hold the thing in his hand.  He had never had a braid before and he imagined having one would feel like just having long hair. Except, when you tugged on a normal braid, you wouldn't feel your hand squeezing your braid and when you pulled on it, you would feel your hair being pulled from your scalp, but this braid felt directly attached to his skull.

The delicate tentacle filaments opened on both of their queues and as they brought the ends together, the filaments sought each other out and intertwined themselves around each other. Neither one was fully prepared for what happened next.  They both felt like they were falling into each other, but the sensation was confusing because they could both feel their bodies and they had not moved.

A bright light overwhelmed their physical sensations of their bodies and memories began to replay themselves to Greg. Michelle’s memories, but it wasn’t like watching a movie; it felt like he was there and experiencing things as Michelle. Not just physically, but also emotionally.  He felt the warmth and love from being hugged and rocked by her momma, his momma. He felt the joy of being tossed in the air by her daddy, his daddy.  The memories started out slowly, but they quickly sped up as Greg experienced more and more of Michelle’s life.  He felt her first kiss and how it made her feel. He felt the pride she felt for winning second place in her school’s science fair. He felt the adrenaline rush and joy she felt after performing in the lead role of her first high school play. He enjoyed the kiss she shared with the lead actor in that play’s kissing scene.

Her high school prom, how the dress felt and how it made her feel.  The pride and embarrassment she felt when her daddy took her date off to the side to quietly discuss his ‘little girl’ with her date.  He felt himself falling deeper and deeper in love with this woman.  Physical sensations began to slowly reassert themselves and he felt the tears flowing down his face, and her face.  They both felt each other’s heart beating in time with each other like a gigantic bass drum, thrum, thrum, thrum, thrum.

They began to gently caress each other’s body, which turned into a kiss, hesitant at first, but as they each felt what the other felt through their link, it started to create a feedback loop that quickly overwhelmed what little resistance they felt about taking their relationship this far.  They both realized how silly it was to feel that way since they both felt like they had known each other for their entire lives.  Greg loved Michelle more than anyone else in the world and he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she loved him the same way.

If Greg thought having sex as a woman felt good, experiencing the joined sensations of the two sharing their bodies with each other blew that away.  He even knew Michelle knew about his little adventure and it made her love him even more.  Neither could tell where the other’s body began or ended, but when they climaxed; it was simultaneous and larger than anything either had ever separately experienced.  It caused them both to pass out in each other's embrace.

Greg felt like he was flying.  The wind pulled on his long Na’vi hair and when he looked down, all he saw were stars, up was the same, but at his side, flew Michelle. She was human again and her lush black hair fanned behind her from the force of their passage.  He noticed her braid that hid her queue and when she glanced over at him, her smile drowned out everything else.  He stood in a hospital. Michelle rested on a bed with a baby boy and a baby girl, twins nestled in her arms.  She looked up at him and he felt her love flare brighter than the sun as his love for her combined to a pitch black.

They woke in each other’s arms, still joined by their queues with their bodies joined together as one, with neither knowing exactly where the other began or ended. Reluctantly he pulled away and he felt the dual sensation of him pulling out of her and the empty feeling inside of her.

“That was, no, is incredible...” Michelle whispered as she leaned forward and kissed him.

They both glanced at the clock and realized that an hour had passed, but it felt like days to them.  Their queues detached from each other and they both felt a momentary sense of loss and confusion as their shared senses retreated to their own limited bodies.

“Hector is probably wondering what took us so long.” Greg grinned as he stroked Michelle’s hair and ran the back of his hand across her cheek.

“I doubt that.” She giggled as she grabbed his hand and kissed his fingers.

“Well, should we go give him the news?” Greg stood and reached out to help Michelle up.

“Sure, but let’s grab some clothes first.” She glanced over at their loin cloths lying on floor. “Okay, well, at least our loin cloths.”

Greg pointed to her bare chest. “You’re not worried about?”

Michelle glanced nonchalantly down. “Nah, Hector’s seen boobs before and from your memories, he’s had them, so, meh.”

“Okay then, shall we?” Greg held out his hand and they exited his room.  Greg marveled at the woman at his side. He had never felt happier and more complete in his entire life.

He spotted Hector in the living room watching some TV and pretending to not notice the two of them walking toward him.  Hector waited until they both sat, side by side before he turned to them. “So, when are you two getting married?”

Michelle laughed. “Well, Hector. I think we already are, but when we make it legal. Will you be Greg’s best man?”

Hector’s eyes opened wide and he had to pick his jaw off the floor before he could form a coherent reply. He glanced rapidly back and forth between the deliriously happy couple. “Umm, are you two sure? I mean, you’ve only known each other for a few days and you just had sex for the first time...”

Instead of feeling angry or embarrassed by Hector’s reply, Greg and Michelle simply looked at each other and smiled. Michelle nodded as if Greg had spoken to her and got up from her seat.  Greg watched, amused by Hector’s surprise as Michelle plopped herself down next to Hector and held his hand against her chest, as if she had known him all her life.

“Hector, what Greg and I just did wasn’t just sex. It was more. It was a complete sharing of our lives and I,” Michelle glanced back over at Greg. “No, we can’t imagine being separated ever again.  I know how highly Greg thinks of you. You are like a brother to him and as a result, to me, you feel like my older brother too.  Will you please be our best man?”

Hector looked to be at a loss for words as the half naked Michelle calmly sat next to him. He glanced over to Greg, before returning his attention to Michelle. He smiled and nodded once. “Okay, but I’m not explaining to your parents why you’re both blue aliens.”

Michelle laughed and hugged Hector, giving him a friendly kiss on his check. “Oh, Hector! Thanks, but we will be changing back, well, mostly.” She let go and grabbed her queue. “We are keeping these though.”  She stared at Hector as if daring him to tell her no.

“Okaaay, so, it’s almost eight, do you two lovebirds still wanna go to the convention?” Hector asked.

Greg could tell Michelle was having fun with Hector, but he didn’t feel the slightest bit jealous. She was treating him exactly like Hector was her brother. Well, except for teasing him with her naked chest.  She wasn’t exactly teasing him either. She just looked completely relaxed with both her body and Hector. She trusted Hector like Greg trusted Hector.

They returned to the garage and Greg went first, changing himself back to his human spider man form, except he kept the queue.  For the queue, he did modify it a little. He made it retractable since it would be a little hard for a guy to hide a long ponytail.

Michelle noticed and liked his modification.  She followed suit when she changed back into herself, plus an extra three inches of height.  Once they were both mostly human again, it was Hector’s turn to create his costume.

Hector brought himself up, but imagined himself wearing Snake Eye’s ninja costume, complete with his Katana.  Before he changed himself, he glanced back at Greg.  “Would you mind doing your thing with my costume?”

“Sure, but I’m guess you would want shurikens that can restock themselves, are super sharp, but not too sharp and disappear without a trace after a few minutes?” Greg smirked knowingly.

Hector smiled and nodded. “Of course, and don’t forget the ninja smoke bomb things.”

Greg simply blew on his fingertips before buffing them off on his shirt. “Already there buddy. I even gave you the spider man gloves and boots so you can crawl walls like a ninja. I also,” He pointed to the glove’s knuckle area. “Gave your gloves slots for your claws.”

“Awesome! So, is it ready?” Hector asked.

“Yepper, go for it.” Greg gestured toward the purplish crystal.

Hector stepped out looking every inch Snake Eyes from the movie, minus the sub-machine gun. Greg didn’t think it would be a good idea to walk around with what should be a real weapon. A sword was one thing, but the cops probably would freak over a machine gun.  With a thought, Hector’s costume and sword melted away, replaced with his normal street clothes.  “Wow, that’s pretty damn cool, Greg, thanks!”

Next up was Michelle. She made herself a couple of inches taller, and then brought up her costume.  Greg had to admit, her hologram looked hot and even Hector whistled at it. She removed her hand and glanced back at Greg.  Her look was all it took.

“Sure M, I’ll tweak your costume for ya.” Greg took over and added his tweaks. He added all of his Spiderman v3.7 costume features, but kept out the web shooters. It wouldn’t make sense for Catwoman to have web-shooters. However; he did add his Spiderman wall crawling power to her gloves and boots. He knew Catwoman was a cat, but she sorely lacked in the climbing department. Her claws, he made it so her suit’s fingertips had two preset positions. One was normal, with very little material to get in the way of her feeling for small cracks or vibrations when stealing something with the other preset causing her suit’s fingertips to harden and turn into razor sharp claws.

He looked back at Michelle. “So, besides adding a few inches and hiding your queue, did you make any other changes to yourself?”

Michelle slowly nodded her head back and forth. “No? Why?”

“I have a few ideas...” Greg returned to Michelle’s image.  He added his Black Widow super soldier serum powers along with enhanced healing factor. Not as big  a healing factor as Hector’s, but enough to heal her from the worst injuries. Reinforced bones to help prevent broken bones was the final tweak he made to her body.  The rest went into her costume.  He really loved his costume designer job.  He had already done a lot to her costume with his Spiderman tweaks, but Catwoman was a thief, a cat burglar to be exact.  As such, he added a tail, but not just a lame, hang there and do nothing tail. He added a cybernetic prehensile cat tail that she could consciously control.

Additionally, as a cat burglar, she would need a way to bypass security systems.  Motion detectors were essentially radar guns. He made her suit absorb and reflect radar waves in random directions. He also made her suit absorb sound waves in case some security system used sonar.  Next up was thermographic and for those security systems, he made her suit able to match the ambient air temperature of her environment.

Next up was visual and for that he gave her suit chameleon powers to allow her to blend in with the background. Black is hard to see, but a sexy woman slinking around in a black cat suit would be very noticeable. The only other tweak he made was to her vision system. In addition to the low light and thermographic, he also added a beam detector to allow her to spot and avoid the laser beams used as tripwires.

He removed his hand and his changes were undetectable to the naked eye. “All done.”

Michelle gave him a quick hug before she entered the MAU and when she stepped out of the machine, it looked like she was wearing the same clothes she entered the booth. However; with a pleased grin, her costume quickly formed over her body, leaving no trace of her street clothes.  She looked every inch Catwoman, complete with her signature bull whip on her hip and purrfect feline smile.  “Hello big boy, did ya miss me?” She activated one of her claws and trailed a clawed finger tip lightly across Greg’s chin before kissing him deeply, her tail wrapping itself around his waist.

Hector coughed to get their attention. “Well, I was thinking about taking my bike. It’s easier to get through traffic. Do you two wanna just meet me there?”

Michelle glanced over at Hector’s bike. “Oh, a bike would be nice.” She looked back at Greg. “Do you think that the MAU could make us a bike?”

Hector laughed as he walked over to his bike. “You should just turn yourself into one of your Autobots. They had a couple motorcycles in the movie, right?” He said as he turned back and leaned casually against the seat of his motorcycle, arms crossed as he looked back at Greg and Michelle.

Greg felt both stunned and somehow excited by Hector’s suggestion. Could the MAU really turn him into a sentient robot?  “Yeah, they did, but those where,” He glanced self consciously over at Michelle who simply smirked at Greg. “Female Autobots.”

“Go for it hun. I don't mind if you try it again, just as long as you don’t plan on staying on my side of the gender divide.” Michelle gave Greg a hug to reassure and show her support for him.

Greg licked his lips nervously as he glanced over to Hector, his motorcycle, Michelle and finally, his eyes rested on the machine’s control panel.  He reached for it and began thinking of the Arcee sisters from both the movie version and the comic adaptation of the “Transformers: Rise of the Fallen”.

He, plus thousands of other fans, hated what Bay did to Arcee in the movie. She was one of the more popular and well developed characters in the Autobot comics, but in the movie, Bay killed her off and made her look powerless compared to the Decepticons. In the comics, while smaller than her fellow male Autobots, she made up for her smaller size with speed, cunning, stealth and violent strikes against unwary or over-confident opponents. She used that speed and rapid violence to her advantage in battle. Her own version of the U.S military’s “Shock and Awe” campaign. She struck suddenly and swiftly and then vanished away again as fast as she appeared.

It took a long time before anything displayed on the holographic display.  A long time, being 10-15 seconds, compared to the previous 1-5 seconds for all the other changes he had imagined.  He felt satisfied when the image of Arcee finally materialized.  She looked amazing and every inch a realistic female robot based on a motorcycle versus the softer, more human appearing version based on the animated cartoon version of Arcee.

Her humanoid robot image slowly rotated and after a complete revolution, it automatically transformed into the distinctive red motorcycle from the movie. It even had the Transformer’s symbol on the side fairing.  Greg was able to read “Ducati” stenciled on the tank with “848” on the fairing, above the Transformer’s symbol.  The motorcycle then transformed into the more familiar “scooter” mode, half humanoid, half motorcycle mode before transforming back into her humanoid shape.

Hector glanced over his shoulder at his bike mode. “Nice, very nice. The 848 is a good bike, but you’ll need a helmet for Michelle.”

Greg nodded and a helmet appeared attached to the tail section like he had sometimes seen Hector do to store his helmet when he parked his bike.

“Oh, I like it. A matching helmet and red is a good color for you.” Michelle whispered into Greg’s ear. “Don’t forget your queue thing.”

With her reminder, he thought about an interface cable that would connect with Michelle’s queue. In bike mode, it would be like he was the Banshee and she the rider, able to see, feel and help control him while in vehicle mode, but not make him do what she wanted as if he was the animal and she, his master. It would be more of an equal partnership. He hoped. If it even worked.

Greg was about to go ahead with the ‘transformation’, but he stopped himself. “What if they don’t let a robot into the convention?”

Hector chuckled. “Dude, if you came in looking like that, they would be idiots to not let you in. Plus, they would probably let you in for free since they wouldn’t think you were a person.”

Greg glanced over to Michelle to see what she thought. “Hmmm, you might be right there, but what else could you do?” She asked as she glanced over at the still rotating image of Greg’s robot form.

Greg thought long and hard on the problem. The best solution would be if he could also be a Pretender bot, like the Alice Decepticon, except not evil.  To do that, his robot form would have to be able to compress itself down to human size.  It was a good thing the Arcee from the movie was only about 12 feet tall when in humanoid form to begin with compared to the other car based male Autobots who easily stood 20-30 foot tall. If her armor was made from a honeycomb composite, it would allow both excellent protection, but also be compressible.

Greg remembered how the tiny ball bearing sized spider bots expanded to be 10x their size, and then, combined to form a larger Decepticon.  Using that kind of compression could work, but he would also need to do something about his weight. Floating was out, so the trick they did for Hector wouldn’t work, but some sort of anti-grav would help to reduce his weight and even offer some flight if needed.  There was no way he could defeat an airport’s metal detector, but he shouldn’t have to since he was only going to be a robot for a few hours. He did wonder if there was a way to jam or fool the detectors though.

The other thing he worried about was power. He had no idea what Energon might be, but it would suck to run out of it.  It seemed like fusion would be the best power source. In a pinch, simple H2O could be used as fuel for that, but he had heard Helium-3 was the leading fusion candidate and the moon was thought to have tons of the stuff.  He decided his anti-grav would need to be convertible to allow him to fly to the moon and back. Which meant, that unlike all the other Autobots, Arcee needed to have a flight mode. After all, Arcee was a speed demon. It would make sense for her to have a flight mode that allowed interplanetary travel. Maybe her flyer mode could resemble that mini-jet James Bond used in Octopussy?

It might take some energy to do that and if he was low on power to begin with, flying to the moon might be a bit hard. Maybe he could make a small Helium-3 generator?  Something that he could hide by transforming it to look like something else.  Whatever the power source, he would need to be able to go years at time before needing to be refueled. Did he really need to worry about something like that when he was only going to be a robot for a few hours?  He decided it couldn’t hurt and since Helium-3 was so rare, maybe he could use it to make himself some spare cash on the side by selling Helium-3 to mad scientists.

Greg was in costume designer heaven. This was going to be his ultimate costume. His Sistine Chapel and everything had to be perfect! His Arcee image shimmered a few times as the worked through his changes and a small cube formed to the side of his image.  After that, it took another 10 seconds before his image began to compress itself down from Arcee mode into Pretender mode. That transformation took a little over 20 seconds in the hologram before a compact female robot stood in Arcee’s place.  She did not look at all pleasing to the eye. In fact, she looked downright scary, but so did Alice when not in human form.

“Hmm, I need her to look more human, but I need a human to copy an image from...”  He muttered as he glanced over at Michelle.

“Oh no, not me. I love you, but having you walk around as my twin would be too weird, even after all the weirdness we have already gone through.” Michelle laughed.

Greg glanced over at Hector. “Any suggestions?”

“Scarlett.” Hector answered with barely a pause.

“Seriously? What is it about you and redheads?” Greg grinned as he struggled to recall what she looked like, besides a redhead. “Umm, do you remember what she looked like?”

Hector chuckled as he placed his palm on the paw print.  His Pretender robot form slowly, over the course of a few seconds transformed into G.I. Joe’s Scarlett, wearing her armored tactical suit from the movie, complete with a collapsible crossbow pistol.  “There, that’s what she looked like.”

“Wow...” Greg and Michelle said in stereo as they viewed the image on the holographic display.

“She can transform into a motorcycle?” Michelle appeared a little skeptical.

Greg touched the purplish crystal to activate the door. “I hope so...or we will find out in a few seconds.”   He stepped inside the machine and activated the change.  After the red light went away and the door reappeared. Greg instantly felt the changes.  He stepped out of the machine and his foot made a very solid thunking sound as it hit the floor.

“This..feels...” His voice sounded female, but more digitized than human, but as he devoted a few spare CPU cycles to the problem, his voice smoothed out to sound more normal.  “well, weird. I feel,” He patted his new female form a few times. Except for the armor plates built into his armor, he thought he felt like a real woman. “I feel, for lack of a better word, full. Kind of like I just ate a few plates too many during Thanksgiving.”

As he stepped forward another step, his own internal sensors told him he was putting almost 1,000 pounds of weight on the floor. Not a problem in the garage, but it could be a problem in the house.  He activated his internal anti-grav compensators and his weight sensors dropped down to a more normal 150 lbs for a 5’ 11” human female.

Both his brain, or core, and his heart were in his chest and highly shielded from both detection and damage. Having his brain in his chest made it easier to protect and he didn’t notice a difference. He did notice the difference with his heart. It was now a miniature and highly efficient fusion plant. His ‘heart’ could have been smaller, but it was highly armored against damage and shielded from detection.  He was currently operating at what the military would term, “peace mode” and his sensors calculated he had enough fuel to go five years at his current power consumption of a miserly 1 megawatt.  In full battle mode with all of his defenses and weapons armed his ‘heart’ could pump out a continuous 20 megawatts for 1.5 years.

The additional strange concept or sensation for him to get used to was the fact that he knew the status and condition of every part of his body.  Unlike being a human and not knowing how well his lungs were performing or what his blood pressure was or anything except what his normal five senses told him, being a robotic life form was freaking cool.  All of his servos, actuators, weapons systems, defensive systems, self-repair and construction nanites, and damage control systems were all operating at 100%. An augmented reality system, or heads up display, overlaid his vision and displayed targeting information along with extra data about everything he looked at. It took a few seconds to realize that all the symbols were in the Autobot language and he understood them as if they were all English.

He felt Michelle touch his arm to get his attention and that sensation surprised him because he felt her touch through his clothing.  His disguise had a layer effect separating his clothing from his body. It impressed Greg, but at the same time he recalled that in the movie, Alice’s clothes reappeared when she changed back to her human disguise mode after blowing the crap out of the library.  Were his clothes generated as part of his Pretender bot disguise? If so, that meant he could take them off and change into different clothes, but what would happen to his original outfit?  Too much crap to worry about right now.

He turned to face Michelle and she looked very curious, yet hesitant. “Is that really you?” She chuckled nervously. “I mean, I know it is, but it seems so strange because it seems like I’ve seen your face before.”

“Maybe from the G.I. Joe movie?” Hector asked.

Michelle shook her head, confused by what she was seeing. “No, I’ve never watched the movie. I just don’t know. It seems like I saw her very recently...” She closed her eyes as if trying to bring up where she saw Greg’s new face, but after a few seconds, she shrugged. “Oh well, it will come to me sooner or later, but I do have one question.”

Greg smirked at her. “What’s that?”

“What do your lips feel like?” Michelle hesitantly bit her lower lip as she glanced shyly down.

“Why don't you kiss me and we can both find out?” Greg whispered as he leaned forward to meet Michelle halfway.  Her lips touched his and he was amazed by the fact that he could feel her lips, just as if he was still human and not a robot.  They felt just as soft, warm and inviting as before and he felt his nipples begin to tingle. “Whoa! I felt that and in more than one place...”

Michelle smiled happily at him. “So did I. Your lips feel, well,a little softer than before, but still very nice. They tasted like strawberries. Are you wearing anything?”

Greg touched his lips and didn’t feel anything. “Not that I am aware of...”

Hector snorted impatiently. “As loath as I am to break up such a cute couple, we should probably get a going...” He grabbed his helmet, armored rider jacket and gloves.

“Yeah, lemme hide the MAU.” Greg touched the paw print and willed the MAU to collapse.  He picked it up and walked inside before he remembered that he needed to check the convention’s website to order tickets and get directions. He turned around and poked his head back into the garage. “Hey, I’m going to check for tickets online, or did you do that already Hector?”

“Oh,, I forgot. Michelle?”  Hector glanced over at Michelle as he wheeled his bike around.

She shook her head. “No, I have my ticket in my purse, but I didn’t get any for you two, sorry, I didn’t know...”

Greg laughed. “It’s okay, but it will take  me a few seconds to print them out. Be right back!” He ran into his room, tossed the MAU on his bed and opened up his browser.  His typing was good before, but as an Autobot or Decepticon or whatever he now was, his typing was amazing. As fast as he thought, the words appeared while his fingers moved impossibly fast on the keyboard.  He had two tickets ordered, paid for and printed out in no time.

He heard Wheelie come into his room. “Oh yeah, this room needs some work. What a freaking- Ahhh! I’m sorry master! I didn’t mean to defect. They made me!”

Greg turned and watched Wheelie debasing himself on the floor. “Wheelie! It’s me, Greg. Get up, I’m not a Decepticon.”

Wheelie hesitantly raised his head up. “Are you sure? This isn’t some kind of trick, is it? ‘Cause, I totally didn’t defect if it is!”

Greg crouched down to help lift Wheelie up. “Nope, not a trick. I’m just in costume for the comic convention. I’ll be back to my normal self in a few hours.”

“Oh yeah, hehe, I totally knew it was you. I was just messing with ya!” Wheelie laughed hysterically. “Oh, hey boss?”

“Yes, Wheelie?” Greg stood up and retrieved the tickets from the printer.

“You make one fine robo-babe, hehe, just saying, ya know?” Wheelie waved his arms to ward of an attack as Greg glared at him. “Oh, hey, ya, don’t hate the playa, hate the game. Ya know what I’m saying boss?”

“Uuhhggg! Wheelie, first chance I get, you’re getting an adjustment. Wall-E was such a nice robot!”  Greg tried to look mad, but that lasted for less than a second before he laughed at the cowering little robot. “Sorry bud, but can you start on the kitchen now?”

“Oh, phew! Sure thing robo-babe boss lady, I mean, umm...” Wheelie gave up and nervously backed out of Greg’s room.

Tickets in hand, Greg closed the door to the garage a little harder than he planned.  “Sorry...” He cringed. “Wheelie thought I was a Decepticon and apologized for defecting. Then, he called me a robo-babe...”

Hector and Michelle looked at each other and laughed.

“Ah, come on, it’s not that funny guys!” Greg whined before even he found the humor in the situation and broke into a grin. “Okay, maybe a little...” He pinched his fingers together.

Michelle gave him a quick hug. “Welcome to the hot babe club, babe.”  

Greg groaned as he handed the tickets to Michelle to hold and he was about to try activating his motorcycle mode when he spotted his new generator sitting in the middle of the garage floor. He picked it up and looked around for a way to hide it.  Hector’s beat up, portable power generator seemed like a good choice.  With that thought, a beam scanned Hector’s generator and Greg’s generator transformed into a perfect copy.

“Good idea...” Hector nodded his approval as Greg set his generator down next to Hector’s.

With the two side by side, they looked like twins and that seemed a little strange to Greg. He considered the problem for a few seconds before decided to make his look even more run down and possible even broken when compared to Hector’s. His generator even leaked a little oil to complete the disguise.

Greg walked back over to the open garage stall and after a deep breath, purely to calm his circuits since he also no longer breathed air; he activated his motorcycle mode.  As he started to de-compress, he heard Michelle’s gasp of surprise.

“Tio mierda santa...” Hector muttered as he shook his head with amazement.

To Greg, it felt like he was stretching his back and every joint in his body cracked with the release of tension. It felt wonderful to be out of Pretender mode, he felt much better and not as ‘full’.  His arms turned into the bike’s front forks. His hands turned into the front wheel and tire. His legs molded together to form the single sided swingarm, with his feet turning into his rear tire. His ass felt like it was up in the air, his chest was pushed out with his face looking up and forward from the headlights. He felt fast, sexy and proud of how he looked.

He started his motor and he heard simulated rumble of a twin engine through race exhaust cans. Yeah, he had some nice cans and that made him feel very amused.  From start to finish, it took him exactly 22 seconds to convert from Pretender mode to his motorcycle mode and he wished that someone had filmed it because it had to look pretty damn cool.

He activated his Sadie rider hologram and turned to Michelle. “Are you ready to ride me?”

Michelle clapped her hands excitedly. “You know it babe!”

Greg released his helmet as Michelle grabbed it.  He watched as she put it on her head and deactivated his Sadie hologram when Michelle moved to sit on him.  As soon as she was comfortable, he activated his rider interface.  A small, segmented cable snaked its way out from his seat and joined with the back of Michelle’s helmet to form an interface with her queue.

He could feel her again, she could feel him and they both felt sheer pleasure to learn that the interface worked.  He felt mildly sexual tingle as Michelle made herself comfortable on his seat. Her soft and supple body pressed against and into his felt very pleasurable. They felt complete again and neither wanted to ever let the other go.  Hector used the garage door opener in his pocket to open the door and as soon as the door opened, Greg activated his front brakes as he applied power to his rear wheel.  They both felt the power and joy as Greg expertly brought them both out of the garage leaving Hector in a cloud of tire smoke.

As he emerged from the smoke, Hector shook his head from side to side as if to say, “Kids, chill”.   He activated the garage door opener and this time, Greg picked up the signal and copied it.

Michelle giggled when Hector pulled up beside them. “Show off... cops love pulling over sport bikes. So, try to keep it down to legal speeds, please. This is not a race. Follow me and try not to get us pulled over, okay?” He asked sounding like he was explaining the rules to a child, a naughty child who should know better.

While their interface with each other was perfect and made them feel invincible, Greg and Michelle both felt mildly chagrined because Hector was right. However; they were not about to let Hector know that.

“Yes dad...” Michelle said pretending to be ashamed of herself before she couldn’t take it any longer. “But, this is sooo damn cool!” She giggled.

Hector shook his head, but Michelle could see the smile in his eyes. “Just try, both of you, okay?”. He glanced down at Greg’s gas tank as if talking to Greg too.

Greg also knew Hector was right, but he couldn’t resist playing the Linkin Park song from the movie over Michelle’s helmet speakers as he trailed at what felt like a sedate pace behind Hector.



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