I thought it would be fun to blog about Unfinished Symphony while it was being posted, but I'm not sure I like the way the blog is turning out. Sounds like I'm just complaining about too few comments (like there ever could be enough). So let's try something else.
Truth is I spent hundreds of hours on this story. I wouldn't have done that if I didn't get something out of the creative process, and I do. Sometimes it was hard; this story really took far longer to write than it should have because I had a hard time dragging it out of me. Put another way, my muse apparently decided to take a lot of time off. Maybe she went back to Greece to visit her family, I don't know, but she sure wasn't here lots of times when I really needed her.
The story itself is one of transition, but it's not the kind of transition you find in Rules are Rules or Show Me the Money, or for that matter, any Vicki Tern story. The first two are joyful romantic comedies, and you all know what kind of stories Vicki writes (I've loved many of them).
In fact, Unfinished Symphony was inspired by a videotape I saw that documented the transition of a real person I know who is featured on Lynn Conway's site on Transsexual Successes. (http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TSsuccesses/TSsuccess...
- no, I’m not saying who it is). One scene in particular, in a therapist’s office after SRS and facial feminization surgery had been completed, just blew me away. The new woman was simply thrilled about how things were going, and could hardly contain her joy and excitement. As she talked, literally bouncing up and down on the couch in her joy, you could also see the wife. She was exactly the opposite, curled up into herself, looking as if she had just received a diagnosis of terminal cancer. The difference between them couldn’t have been clearer and it was obvious that the new woman was absolutely clueless about the effect her transition had on her wife. This demonstration of utter narcissism, great joy and obvious pain made me start to wonder. Unfinished Symphony is what came out.
I hope it's not a grim story and lots of times writing it was a joy. There are wonderful scenes and insights about people and life that just made me feel wonderful, and I'm pretty sure you'll react to them the same way. The characters are basically nice and I like them. It's the situation that's difficult. But one thing I do love about writing long stories is that I get to spend lots of time with my characters so I get to know them. Sometimes they surprise me, sometimes I surprise them.
Sometimes, I hope we all conspire to surprise you.
Could be what's keeping the readers down, they *think* they know
what the basic plot is. IE We may be assuming it's forced fem or whatever and it turns the interest down.
I may be guilty of that too plus there is so much being posted at the moment.
When you have a few more out I will give it an honest read. From what you're blog says this story is in responce to several of these *classic* story types and in responce to the vid you saw where the voluntary transformee forgot he/she was hurting their significant other.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Muse gone missing?
Perhaps you need to dump the old one and go for new technology!™ Introducing the all new Microsoft Universal Story Expositor or MUSE 2009®! Currently in beta (bugs everywhere, try again™), this exciting new technology is sure to usher in a new age of writing and will revolutionize the world as we know it! (1) No more will you have to wait for your muse to be in the mood or suffer writer's block again; no, all you will need to do is fire up you trusty word processor (2), and when you need help, MUSE 2009® will come up at the click of a mouse to provide you with new inspiration! To start enjoying this new technology!™, please request the new and updated non-disclosure application from our site for MUSE 2009. Note: this requires a signature in your own blood, and does not require the indentureship of future progeny, as in the past; you talked, we listened!™
1. Note: At this time during the private beta, the few minor known bugs are plot theft, story theft, identity death and plagiarism, but these are so minor you will be left wondering what happened and can truly claim innocence after suffering&bksp&bksp&bksp&bksp&bksp&bksp&bksp&bksp&bksp enjoying the wonders of this exciting new technology!â„¢
2. Note: Requires Windows Server 2007â„¢, Office 2007â„¢ and at least 2 quad core processors with 32 GB RAM and 1 TB of storage space; an OC-1 internet connection (or equivalent) is required, but for optimal performance, an OC-24 internet connection (or equivalent) is necessary.
ps Does this qualify as fiction writing?