This link bothered me deeply, is it really true to do something like that? Now I know the CD is supposed to be for un-forced, but it reminds me of those stories I've read where the mother or person played a certain tape over and over again in a person's head. Is this stuff really possible? O_O!?
Not to burst a bubble
well, actually, yes, to burst a bubble. That's little more than a scam. There is a slight chance that the people hawking those CDs actually believe they'll do what they say, and if that's the case then it's an unintentional scam. If they know that nothing will happen, then they are the worst kind of crooks, preying on the hopes of those who will believe anything that may possibly help them when even their own families scorn them.
Princess, I Have Read Stories Using Such Tapes
All too often, the story will depend upon the success of the victim succumbing to the tape. A few of these stories are here on Big Closet. But with them being FICTION, I tend to take their validity as fiction.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
In about 5% of the population
it is possible to introduce post hypnotic suggestions which may be against the wishes of the individual, but they will follow because they are so susceptible/suggestible. The rest of the population will ignore them to a greater or lesser degree. Most TG stories show little knowledge of hypnosis it is very difficult to break down a core identity unless all sorts of weakening procedures are used as well,(eg sleep deprivation, most of which are thankfully, illegal.
I can believe that
I went six days completely without sleep (first onset of ms, I was 'twitching' too much too to fall asleep), and was clearly delusional. Fortunately I made it to my GP's surgery, before I completely lost control but she did consider hospitalising me.
When C4 produced the reality show about sleep deprivation I was among the first to complain to broadcasting standards, anyone who's been through it will know it's not an entertaining subject.
Breast growth?
Hypnotic breasts?
Ow! I gotta stop rolling my eyes that hard!
a dream reality
They could possibly hypnotize you into THINKING you had breasts, put you in a hypnogenic (?) version
of THE MATRIX. A scam like this might make a good story- all the satisfied customers are running
around hopelessly deluded about the results~~~ "Paging Phillip K. Dick..."
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
You mean it won't work? : (
Gwen Brown
I know people who have done hypnosis and it does work, but you shouldn't. ((No I don't mean the breast growth thing, that's just ridiculous, the whole time on this topic I was referring to the mind control crap, not the feminizing body thing, that's just ridiculous)) I think it's better to be your own standard of femininity rather than trying to be a stereotype. I'm a girlie girl, but I'm also a gamer girl, I like to write horror stories ((Which I will post on here if I ever get confident enough to write one for this genre xD)) and watch horror movies. I like the thrill of being scared, I hate being terrified though, there's a difference ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D