Howdy folks. I've been under the weather all week. That is to say, weather's been over me. I've been sick. Get it? Geeze.
Anywho, I will try to get the next chapter of Being Christina Chase up by tomorrow night, but I can't promise I'll get it in on time. It might come later in the weekend.
That's it!
- Krunch
Under a blanket
Would be a good place right now. Hope you feel better soon.
Karen J.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Um, Karen ...
I ...
Can I join you? Sounds like fun. I can bring a cat or two for extra BTUs?
Temp starting to drop here. The forcast for gametime in GB Sunday evening is +1 F and going down.
With luck I may see the Packers radio anouncer from the Coyboy/Packers championship game where it was - 13F. He's mostly retired and a customer of ours, nice man witho ne of those deep radio voices.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
You know
Janis made that line hers by living and dying by it more than just singing it, even though it was written by Kris K. It's appropriate to give her the credit, also because it's probably Janis that Kris was thinking of when he wrote it.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Take a rest
And take the time to get better.Hope you feel better soon.Amy M
get well soon
Sorry to hear that you are under the weather. Hope you get to feeling beter soon
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
Warning Gross out comment!
Whats that?
"OH," you mean that green mushy puss every time I cough up something?
Or, how about not being able to stand up with out falling over?
Its worse then being drunk! Because, then I don't remember it.....
Even better yet how about aching so bad that your tempted to go out and buy a gun to shoot yourself so you can feel better?
Well? Been there done that outgrew the T-shirt cause I gained a couple of hundred pounds!
Told you it was a GROSS OUT COMMENT!
So don't whine to me about it!
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn,"
"Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead! ... "
You know you have more than three
Take care of yourself, Krunch. Whenever Christina arrives, she'll be welcome.
looks like there's 4 of us,
get well soon AK.
Make that 5?
What hooked me into this story was that I felt like I was reading a story like Dickens' bleak house, but instead of having the contrast between the hopelessness of the chancery suit and the happiness of life at bleak house it was the contrast of the entfremdung (re: Marx's theory of alienation) of the impersonal big city with the Gattungswesen (re: more natural and human orientated) small town life of Oak Grove. For me, the big city felt like Chicago and Oak Grove felt like Lake Wobegon with mountains. Lake Wobegon is the fictional Minnesota boyhood hometown of Garrison Keillor, and IMHO represents the best characteristics of small town America. It is very rare to find a writer in any genre that can evoke these kind of themes. If the rest of the story is of the same caliber as what you've written so far, Tina will have a series of events that leads to an apocalyptic crises where she consciously decides to become female. There have been signs of this already, where she has realized she likes herself as female better than as male. There will also be more events (like the Oak Grove fire works) that highlight the contrast of life in the impersonal big city with life in Oak Grove. Your writing is so good, I'm another fan that feels it's time to promote you to Admiral of the Fleet Krunch... Get well soon so we can get more of this outstanding story. I can hardly wait until Friday when the next installment shows up.
Any take care of yourself. Someone who writes as well as you do is so rare that we don't want anything to happen to you.
current status
I haven't heard anything from you for a week. I hope my previous post didn't scare you off. Is there anyway your adoring fans could get an update on your condition? Otherwise, we'll be worrying ourselves sick about you...
get well
hey Krunch get well soon. I've always wondered why BC authors have problems counting beyond 3. I mean I have it on good authority that blonds can manage to count to 5 or sometimes even to 10 using their fingers don't you know. So why is it BC authors can't get beyond three when counting fans? :)
(Warning above comment is meant in jest and fun. Everyone knows blonds can count to twenty. Fingers and toes!!!)
I can only go to 15! I use my right index finger to tick off all my fingers and toes and only get to 15, how do I get to 20? /sigh :(
laughter is the best medicine
Just to let you know Admiral, the preceeding was in hopes of speeding your recovery.
Get better soon! /hugs
You definitely
Have a lot more than three fans. *smiles
Get well soon.
Hugs, Fran
Hugs, Fran
Get Better
I think the rest of us can survive.....well for a little while. But not too long. The cravings are starting. Soon the chills and the shakes will take hold. Is there a 12 step program for stories? Not that I want one. I don't have a problem. I could quit at any time. Yeah. I don't need this. But if you do have some........I guess I'll read. Are you sure its not posted yet? No No, I can wait.
Ummm is it getting hot in here?
Definitely more than three fans
Take care of yourself. We'll have to deal with our Christina withdrawal for a few days but having the author recover is important enough to make it worthwhile.
Hope you get better!!!!!!!
Admiral, you definitely have more than 3 fans; especially with that title.
Ill try my darndest to turn it arund ASAP
I was able to get the last part back in under two hours from when Krunch sent it to me.
I'll keep an eye out for it, have been most of today, but do have a few other things on my schedule.
But it should not take more than 4-5 hours at worst.
Krunchie, I'm another of your way more than 3 fans.
One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness.
It usually comes back to you.
Get well -- I'm going nuts waiting tho!
I think I may have to check myself in somewhere so I can get over the withdrawl symptoms of waiting to see what happens next. :)
-- Syd
Are These Your Symptoms
Dear Admiral Sir,
I love your Christina Chase series! It is one of the most engaging serial stories I've had the pleasure of reading. The anticipation during each week has been almost as much fun as my Friday night readings. I'm amazed at how much I've thought about Christina since Friday night when she didn't show. I surely hope that you get well soon (and not just for my own selfish purposes).
As to the symptoms, I'm wondering if you've been having the same ones as I. My chest feels sorta' itchy and swollen, my thingie (you know, [blush] down there \|/) seems to be less active and maybe even smaller today, I feel all emotional and seem to cry at any slight, imagined or real, and I've noticed that my jeans seem to fit much tighter around my hips but loose around my waist. I know I'd feel even worse if it wasn't for the herbal tea and new vitamins my partner has been so insistent that I take during the day. The shots from her Doctor seem to have helped, too. Oh well, I guess I'll just ride it out and hope that I can get back to work soon.
Looking forward to your next episode and thank you so much for bringing Christina to life!
Three Fans???????I Question That????
Sounds like a lot of us are having Christine withdrawals But we all want to see you well first for this first class story, So we will just have to wait. Take care of yourself first!! Richard
Get Well Soon, Already!
Dearest Admiral,
I think you should know that you have a lot more than 3 fans out here. More importantly, you should know that there are some people you have touched who care a great deal about you, and worry when you disappear like this, even for just a few days.
I hope you're being well-taken care of by someone, and are currently on the mend. Even if you're not ready to post a story, please drop us a line to let us know that you're okay.
Get well soon, already, dammit!
Your friend,
get well card
Get well soon.
I am still alive
Hey folks. I'm feeling better. I guess I'm punting on these last 2 fridays. My intention is to have the next chapter of Being Christina Chase up this Friday, and to resume normal posting.
- Krunch
Glad to Hear that You are Getting Well
Like many others I've gotten used to the new episodes on Friday. I was concerned that something bad had happened to you. It's a great story. Thank you.
I'm glad you said something :)
I really was getting worried. Be well soon.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I'm so glad you're feeling better.
Let the hijinks recommence.
Glad your alive
Admiral - I think you had us all worrying anout you Kooking fws to the nx chapter. Richard
Glad you're feeling better
Hope we're able to say the same thing about Christina soon.
Four weeks...
I'm going into withdrawal here.
*hopes for tomorrow*
posts late
The Admiral tends to post at 10:00 PM EDT, so don't give up hope yet..
Yeah, I know...
... but we've been without 'Tina for 4 weeks. Nearly an entire Lunar Cycle. I'm gonna be pouty if AK is still under the weather. I mean, not that the only reason I want him to get better is Christina, but... I want to read more of my favorite story on TopShelf!
Someone call the Coast Guard!!!!!! We must get our Admiral back!!!!!!
I'm waiting, too.
I just got home about 30 minutes ago, and the first thing I did was check to see if Krunch had sent me anything to edit.
I can't promise to sit at the computer all day waiting, but I will try to check every 2 hours or so, and get right on it when I see it, so I don't hold it up for the rest of you.
And I want to see what is happening, with Miss Chase, myself.
One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness.
It usually comes back to you.
Miss Chase
Hello mate
Sorry to see she is not back yet but know how it is. I don't have an editor to help me, all you over there do, think you all live close to each other, Hope to hear from you lads and lasses soon.
Hugs and Kisses
Melissa Ann
Hugs and Kisses
Melissa Ann
Where is the Admiral - Anyone heard??
Has anyone been in touch with the Admiral, is he ok? As he hasn't said anything since the 28th of January?? Richard
Admiral Krunch IS alive and Kicking
Between being sick, and hurt, and other real life activities. I believe he is doing a slight sabbatical to get his mind focused on upcoming things in his life this year. I have been voicing with him and have gently prodded to find out if he will continue Christina. He has assured me he would. I do believe he will when he is ready. And yes, I miss his story being here too.
BigCloset TopShelf
Thanks for the update
Good that one person can update the fans without everyone bugging him.