Is it just me or do some blogs disappear before their time from the 'newstuff' page. You know, the page you get when you click 'more' under the recent blogs on the front page so you can look at older ones than the newest seven? Are people deleting their own blogs or do they get shuffled off before their time some how? I have noticed this happening to a number of different blogs in the past. Is it just me? am I going crazy?
I have been baffled at how things work on any site I regularly go to. The spell weaving of HTML leaves me baffled like Norse glif writing
Yes I have noticed some things vaporizing befor there time, I just do not know why.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
No you aren't going crazy
Both Erin and myself periodically move posts further down the storage order (in simpler words - moving it from appearing on the front page and it is meshed in with older posts further back in the page storage) when someone posts more than one too often. It is to make the blogs fairer for all and not let the 7 blog slots on the front page become someone's personal domain.
The blog that is moved is always the older one showing.
The only time an extra blog is normally shown, is when it is in the form of an informative announcement by an editor, moderator or admin. This is not done often.
The blogs so moved are findable by scrolling back through the storage pages starting from the front page on back, or by the user name of the person who created it, or by the search engine by title or user name.
And Remove Things You Don't Find Interesting Yourself
I can't help noticing that you completely removed my post about the voice styling of a drag performer, who I thought had developed a particularly authentic sounding voice, a shining example of what could be done with a little (a lot!) of effort.
I don't know why you were so upset about the post or why the subject of drag performance is "off the table." Jerrick Hoffer offers a particularly inoffensive and realistic version of it. Plus, unlike the lip-sync artists, he can actually voice the songs himself. And well.
Not quite true...
That blog was not removed, it simply rotated out of the box on the left side because of newer blogs being posted. It's still on the front page down at the bottom.
The blog WAS posted twice (it happens when connections are wonky) and the duplicate WAS removed but not the copy that had already attracted a reply.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Wherever It Is, No One Has Access To It
Or, at least I don't, and I wrote it. It has been deleted from my account. It's not there when I click on my "My blog" link.
I don't have permission via the link you posted to it above, either. Could it be that's currently locked to Administrator-Only?
Sorry, I don't mean to display ruffled feathers, it's just a little disorienting, you know? Do accept my apologies for any misunderstandings.
I clicked on "more" at the bottom of the blogs on the front page and your blog was listed there. Using the More button is the way I always look for blogs that get pushed off the front page list, it's easier than scroll down to the end of the front page for me. I can't speak for others.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I contacted both Erin and Piper again
to take a look at this problem Pippa. I believe its a permissions table glitch on just your account since Karen J and me can both see your blog. It will be fixed asap! ^^
While I can see her blog, I can't SEE her blog, if you know what I mean?
I mean. I can see the link, but when I click it, I get access denied.
Abigail Drew.
It's been Fixed :)
Just FYI, the permission issue was fixed and the blog should now be available to everyone here:
Just to Note...
Catrina and Myself also peruse the list and make demotions of blogs and stories. We also demote/un promote blogs which cause heated discussion of a negative nature.
Sometimes a very valid blog topic, can be brought down because too many people think wrong of it. It has no bearing on the merit of the original blog, just it's ability to cause strife among many users.
Sephrena, does the same
count for an author who posts multiple chapters of the ame story, or more than on story in a day?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Aunt Erin's Blogs and Stories
Blogs have a property called "promoted". A new blog has this property which allows it to be displayed on the front page of the site. In order to have room for everyone's blog to appear for at least a while, people normally only have one blog with the promoted property and a new blog means that one of us demotes the old one. There are a few exceptions.
Also, blogs older than five days are usually demoted.
Stories similarly have a property called "sticky". A new story is both sticky and promoted. Promoted means it can be displayed on the front page and sticky means it will be listed ahead of all non-sticky posts. Two chapters in the same story can't both be sticky for more than a few hours, once again, to keep the room on the front page available for everyone. The older one will be unstuck so it is listed after all the sticky ones, which usually means it drops off the front page.
Authors are allowed to have three or four sticky stories at once. Usually three.
Also, a story that is older than six days is usually unstuck.
This stuff is done by hand so sometimes mistakes are made and have to be undone to restore a blog or story to the front page to have it's time there.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I pretty much...
I pretty much stopped blogging because my posts were gone so fast (sometimes pushed off by other bloggers who posted two+ times)... While some blogs I see are long and involved. Some are more like I'd expect to see as a "tweet" or a status update on Facebook. (Basically - I wondered why spend one to three hours crafting a blog, if it's likely to disappear for most folks in a few hours at best.)
I see from Sephrena's comment that they've recently been moving some posts dates down the list (frequent posters)... Perhaps that will help. I also noticed that there seem to be a few more entries in the front page blog list... Which might make some folks blogs last longer there.
We're thinking that we may have something new soon. A "squeak" for blog posts that are very short and blogs for longer posts. This will require some work tho so it isn't even being tested yet. (Closets may have mice but they usually don't have birds.) :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I've noticed that the forum
I've noticed that the forum y'all have set up here seems to be underutilized. I know that this very blog would probably have been better categorized as a forum topic, I just didn't think to use that since blogs seem to be more utilized here than the forum. The way things are happening now people mostly seem to just be sticking to the front page and commenting on blogs that show up there and ignoring the forum. This means that there are less lengthy discussions as blogs get rotated out of the front page and people stop commenting on them. I don't know if this was your intention or not. I tend to like a long drawn out discussion of topics. Since y'all are thinking about working on the set up of the site is there a way to increase the attention payed to the forum? Maybe putting a big link somewhere on the front page or something? I'm not really sure how you would go about influence more people to check out the forum instead of just using blogs on the front page for communicating, you guys seem to be a lot smarter than me so I would leave that up to y'all if you are at all interested in the idea. :P
It is kind of interesting in a psychology of the internet kind of way how as it becomes more difficult to keep up with a blog by needing to click a link to see them or having to search for them it becomes less and less likely that people will comment on it. I'm sure that has some kind of dreadful implications about the human psyche but I can't spare enough attention span to think about it. :P
Edit: Oh, and this post is addressed to the powers that be here.
Purposely trying to shorten commenting on blogs
is not nor ever was our intent. Users have changed their habits. They tend to want to stick to the front page and not bother elsewhere. That will probably have us rethink and play around with a new blogging method for the site later after the upgrading is finished and the kinks worked out. For the mean time, we cannot even consider that until the upgrade is over with.
A suggestion could maybe have a Blog Page dedicated solely to blogs with the link to that page from the front page. We can have it organized by relevance, Most commented on, and such, having separate ways for you to organize the blogs for you to see.
That's the kind of stuff we would rather be working on right now, but can't until upgrading is over.
Please... bear with us :)