I'm breaking my own rule. Dang it.

It is with frustration and embarassment that I write this.

I have a story for the Val. Day Contest. Due to my current work schedule and some personal problems (the usual; exorcism of alien tapeworms from my spleen, the sudden appearance of 5 extra subconscious personalities [each with the name Eunice] and a very tragic hangnail), I am finishing it late. LATE LATE LATE. It's probably going to be closer to 30K words than 20K, so it needs to be cut into parts like my last story. And there's only 6 days left to post it. Drat.

I wanted to post a chapter every other day, like Cruiser Lake. But that's blown out of the water; it's probably gonna need 5 or 6 chapters. And I'm currently still in the middle of writing the last (or next to last?) chapter.

So, I'm breaking my own rule. The one that says I'll never post a story until it is fully written. When I get home tonight, I'll post part one of Heart. Trans. Plant. and try to finish the last part in time. I'm such a hippo-critter.

So please don't. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I put these stupid rules up and then end up breaking them. Like now, when I broke my rule of never saying "hippo-critter" (though the mental picture that conjures may be pretty close to my phenotype).

I appreciate you all. What a good influence being a BCTS'er has had on my life.


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