Uploading stories

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As I'm planning to post the first parts of my story soon, I have a question. I type my stories using the Open Office application, and I'm wondering if I can upload the document somehow, or if I have to copy and paste the text into the appropriate box. If the latter, I have the feeling it'll remove all formatting, and I would hate having to, say, re-italicize all thoughts, for instance.

Open Office

Penny Lane's picture

I write my stories using Open Office.

When I am reasonably happy with a chapter I save it as HTML and never go back to the original again. Then I open up the .html file in a simple editor (like notepad: as I run Linux I use gedit or leafpad) and strip out all the unwanted guff that the word processors put in.

You can test your html by dragging from the file manager onto a browser window. That gives you the opportunity to read through in (nearly) final form and check the formatting (and spelling, typos...).

With that file open, I then log into BCTS, go through "add a story" and copy/paste my .html file from my open editor into the body box. A quick preview to make sure I haven't done anything silly and Bob's your uncle!

PM me if you need more assistance.


I use open office too. I

Raff01's picture

I use open office too. I don't know all the technical mumbo jumbo, but I just copy and paste from open office to the mail feature on this site to send it to the editor

When posting though, I have to do the ittalics then and bold and stuff like that but that's easy with the buttons just above where you put the story into.

Yeah, well

Penny Lane's picture

Unfortunately I don't have those buttons above the story box anymore, which means I have to make sure it's all in the html to start with. I'm assured that it is something my end, which probably means I've done something terminal to Firefox.

Whatever, I don't have time to debug that right now. I have to be writing more stuff!


Javascript buttons

erin's picture

The editing buttons are javascript and if you have that turned off in your browser, you won't see them. In Firefox, choose Preferences from the Firefox pull down menu. A box will come up with an iconic menu across the top. The third icon should be labeled Content. Choose that one. Several checkboxes should appear, the third one down is Enable Javascript. Make sure it is checked. There's an Advanced menu to the right edge opposite the checkbox which will reveal more checkboxes to control the behavior of javascript pop-up windows. None of those are important for the function of the mini-editor.

The File and Image uploader at the bottom of the editing box is also javascript BUT, if javascript is turned off, those links may still work, just without the niceness of floating menu boxes.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Uploading files

erin's picture

At the bottom of the story editing box are two links to the file uploader. The links are labeled Image and Link but they are the same uploader, just the menus you will see are slightly different. You can use these links to upload files of types .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .txt, .rtf, .pdf, and .epub. The image files will actually appear in the story as presented on BC, the text files will be made available as download links.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Another problem

Ragtime Rachel's picture

After I posted my story, I noticed there were some things I still wanted to change--i.e., a couple of sentences weren't as clear as I would have liked. But every time I try to edit the story, I get an error message saying I can't, because it already had been altered by someone else (in this case, Sephrena.) She fixed a formatting error, and added the neat little Christmas-light image to my title page. Because she did that, I can't edit the text.

Is there a workaround for this problem, or would I have to delete the story and resubmit it, or almost as bad, undo everything Sephrena did and then edit?


Livin' A Ragtime Life,
