An interesting article just spotted in the New Statesman:
Why are NHS doctors are still treating trans people like they’re mentally ill?
Meanwhile, here's the NHS's page on Gender Dysphoria, complete with video case study and a comments section filled with people's self-written experiences (the comments section also appears on the various subpages of GD, which at first glance don't appear to be as coherently written).
Interesting article
I suppose because there are so many doctors in the NHS, and the system still suffers from the control of accountants and dinosaurs, there will always be the odd one who gets it wrong. Remember that most psychiatrists are probably as mad as their patients and that explains anything the previous bit omitted.
In having worked with dozens if not hundreds of doctors, most of them are helpful souls though they all have large egos with gynaecologists and psychiatrists having the biggest god complexes.
My own experience as transgendered has been largely positive with all but a few doctors or nurses seeing me as a woman; but then I'm a health professional, fairly articulate and know the complaints procedure!
Sounds like a controll drama to me.
I believe Angharad is partially correct but I am under the opinion that the management end has a control freak problem in that they want to make and hold definitions allowing them to act like a defense of male superiority. Equality is a poor substitute for a child minded fossil over the total power men once had in the past. The very thought of them having to admit women are as important and having as much to give to the world must be a 'female night horse from Hades' to them. Thankfully the larger portion of people are growing out of this nonsense, and see no problem for a person to have there own definition of self.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book