A Boy and His Dog

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When I woke up that morning I thought my life was normal, Little did I expect that shortly I would have to deal with kidnappings, evil cults, assassination attempts, mutant rock stars, strange powers, mud men, and my own body doing a flip on me, and that doesn’t even touch on my dog!

Man, I should have just stayed in bed!

A Boy and his Dog
by Landing

Copyright © 2013 Landing
All Rights Reserved.

Image Credit: Modified from Quizilla.Teennick.com - Eden. ~Landing

Author's Note: There is no connection between the novel by Harlan Ellison and my story except perhaps that we both just chose something simple that describes the story. :)

This is a fan fiction, the Whateleyverse and all canon characters are the property of their respective writers. If you find your life being depicted in this story you it is purely accidental and you have a hell of a lot more to worry about than suing me. No canon characters have been hurt in the writing of this story...yet.

Many thanks to GinnCaster5 for the editing help, without Ginn this story would probably be unreadable. And to Pmanpman and Rozarius for their read through.

This is a Whateley Academy fan fiction story, you can find the Whateley stories at http://www.crystalhall.org/ I highly recommend them. ~Landing

Technical editing by Sephrena Lynn Miller, Thanks Sephrena!



what to expect

Well, it is going to be pretty much the standard Whateley fare. A boy discoverers he is a mutant and turns in to a girl and has to learn to deal with that. A bit more specifically with Adam, he has to sort out a few family surprise issues, villains of various sorts attacking him and deal with his dog (who is trying to become the main protagonist though shear doggie energy and cuteness). I don't really have any plans for deep philosophical subtexts or indoctrinating anyone to my political ideology. I'm just out to tell an entertaining story. I generally hold with the writing style where you give your character hell, and have the whole world seem to be out to get her, But with plenty of times where she wins and has fun so it doesn't become too intense. I do hope people will find my magic system interesting when I finally get to that part, but that probably won't be for a while into this story or maybe the next one.

I do, as of right now, have plans for more stories past this one. In the next one Adam will get to whateley and deal with settling in, making friends (and enemies), and maybe even get some class work done.

A couple of my favorite authors are Terry Pratchett and Jim butcher so you might see some influence from them, or you might not, I'm no where near as good as they are.

Boy and dog

Great story, nice to see a new update.

here is more o Harvard than I suspected, and I am guessing there is more to come?

Eden Oakson

Eden oakson.jpeg

You shouldn't cut her hair