Wheel Of Time

I started reading the prequel to Robert Jordan's (James Oliver Rigney, Jr.) the Wheel Of Time (WoT) series. I've already read the 11 main books. He died too young and I'm sure he had a lot of stories left to tell. As I was reading, a thought and possible idea for a TG fan fiction occurred to me.

A short, quick and incomplete background for those not familiar with the WoT universe. There is an 'energy' source called the "One Power". Very few people can 'touch' and 'use' the One Power. Using the One Power is called 'channeling'. The One Power is divided into 2 halves called "saidar" and "saidin". Men who can channel inherently use saidin. Women who can channel use saidar. It's an automatic thing.

What would happen if a male inherently channeled saidar instead of saidin? Given the social structures in place, would the Aes Sedai, sorry too lengthy to explain, still kill or 'gentle' that male, or would some of them try to accept that person as Aes Sedai and all that would imply? Of course there are possible, maybe probable, physical and mental changes involved in using something that is totally female in it's nature.

Whatcha' think?
