I'm sitting here, just after posting chapter 17 of "Becoming Antonia" and I can't stop myself from crying. They aren't tears of pain, they are tears of joy. I never thought, when I started writing this series, a litte over a year ago, that anyone would actually want to read it. But here I sit, just having looked at the view numbers for the chapters, and each new chapter gets about 500 reads, the day it goes up. And I can't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by it all.
It's not so much the numbers, but the fact that people out there are reading it. And from what I've heard from those who've commented, or sent me a PM about it, actually enjoy reading it. I just can't completely wrap my head around having created something that has brought joy into this world. Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy lives to read my stuff.
Most of all, thank you to Zomba, for proofing the latest chapters. I couldn't have done it without you. And I can't forget Holly Logan, who went back and started proofing the chapters that were posted before Zomba signed on to help. Both of you willing to help me, is a feeling beyond words.
To everyone who enjoys reading about Toni, and her friends, I will do what I can to keep it coming to you. I'm not sure how you all are going to like the plot twist I just threw at you, but just know, that I'm not going to end the story, YET, that is. There will come a day when it will end. Just know this. It is a fact of life, but the end still isn't in sight yet, and Toni, hasn't left the building. Just be patient with me. I just started going back to school, and I don't know what my free time will be like yet.
Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart, and Much love.
few things better
Congrats Toni.
There are few things better than people... lots of people, enjoying something you have created..... something that you have poured your heart, soul, tears and callussed fingers into. It lifts you up, makes you feel lighter than air, puts a smile on your face, and brings tears to your eyes. It quickens the heart, washes over you like an incredible drug, making you feel almost disconected in a way. I have found that this site has a lot of people who have a lot of love and they just want to share it with everyone.
Again, congrats on your success.
p.s. now I have to go and read your damn story. :)
Okay, now get out there and write
Now that we have made you a sucess, WE own you, Toni, Bru, ha, ha, ha!!!
The plot twist was a shocker but if you develope it well we will come to like it, it's like getting two stories for the price of one. Just don't be tempted to stop too soon, otherwise it could come off as a quick, cheap ending. But then we complain, or I do, only becauase Antonia, Brit, Jess, Sarah and co are great characters we have begun to care about.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa