I have settled on an idea for my novel for NaNoWriMo.
It is cheesy. It is historically inaccurate. It will likely tick a number of people off.
It will also be a blast.
Inspired by a poster advertising "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" as I walked into work this morning, here is my novel for NaNoWriMo.
-----The Four Fathers----
1785. Near the turn of the nineteenth century. America is a young nation, barely a babe in fact, yet it faces a threat far greater than has been seen on the face of the planet in over six hundred years. For it is in this burgeoning country that the doorways to Hell have opened, and demons and monsters alike have begun their all-out assault on mankind.
Enter four heroes of already great renown, who must yet again join forces to bring down their greatest enemy of all.
George Washington (as played by Jason Statham,) the aged statesman but still great warrior whose tactical and combat skills are legendary.
Benjamin Franklin (portrayed by Jack Black,) whose strange inventions and mental abilities are without parallel.
Thomas Jefferson (Woody Harrelson,) womanizer and jack of all trades.
And John Adams (Ewan McGregor,) diplomat and negotiator. Also handy with a saber, should need be.
Together, these four men shall face the tides of darkness, and protect the world from the most vile forces known and unknown to man.
The battle begins in Philadelphia.
Now if that doesn't sound like an epic, cheesetastic story, then I don't know what does.
Melanie E.
OMG Wow.
THAT is totally a story that COMPLETELY captures the entire SPIRIT and POINT of NaNo.
Have fun with it, Mel!
Abigail Drew.
Ah yes...
...featuring Mila Jovovich as Abigail Adams and Kate Beckinsale as Betsy Ross.
Love, Andrea Lena
And Crispin Glover as "The Slender Man,"
a more modern myth I plan to work into the story to give it an even more anachronistic vibe than it already has.
Because, you know, Benjamin Franklin walking around with a lightning generator strapped to his back and using it to flash-fry undead demon-babies with bug wings isn't anachronistic enough.
Melanie E.
For cheesetastic results
You really should find a cameo for Samuel L Jackson. Or at the very least Nicholas Cage.
not as think as i smart i am
More than just those two...
Take a look at this site for a short overview of just a few of the women who made significant direct contributions to that war. Especially look at Deborah Sampson, who actually did bind her chest and enlisted as a man (under her brother's name).
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
so afraid
I was so afraid you were going to say about a high school wrestler that falls in love with a transsexual. :)
I am probably going to put Wrestling Against Myself up there. The way things are going, I'm almost sure I will still have 50k to write in November and they're the really good parts.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Muahahahahaha! (Subtitle: NaNoWriMo)
Sounds like The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_League_of_Extraordinary_Gen...
or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_League_of_Extraordinary_Gen... I look orward to reading it
May Your Light Forever Shine