I still haven't given an introduction... but...
Can anyone give me a hairstyle advice fitting for my face type?
Something gender neutral (I do not think, that I am ready or currently want to cross the line of "more feminine"). And relatively easy to maintain.
Currently it is just low ponytail or the lack of any hairstyle (part in the middle, brush out, tuck behind the ears).
PS. Yes, I know, that I need to work on my eyebrows and do something with facial hair.
but dang.
You're lucky with that face... You're a perfect oval.
Honestly just thinning and shaping your brows and covering up your beard shadow would make you more than passable. A little more makeup and you could be drop dead gorgeous.
Just about ANY hair style can look good on an oval.
Abigail Drew.
Not to sure about styling
Not to sure about styling advice, but I wish I had your beautiful hair. My hair is like the economy short and thinning.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Let your fingers do the walking...
Call around to small hair salons, being sure to block your caller ID if you're worried about it, and explain that you want an androgynous hairstyle that could go either masculine or feminine and ask if they have any other clients who have wanted the same thing. If they have then go to that stylist. If you can't find any that have experience, ask if they are willing to help you achieve that.
Be prepared to tip well. 10% is absolute minimum, but if you want to go back, then 15 to 20% would be more like it. This will make you a favored customer and you can be assured that when you want to experiment a little they will work with you.
When I was trying to go both ways, I had a woman who had converted her garage to a two chair salon and was happy to do cross-dressers hair.
BTW, a slight thinning of your eyebrows would make a huge difference and if you like the hairstyle you get from your stylist then ask for the same treatment on your brows. IE thinner without going feminine.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
hair, more than a musical
I have one word for you... Volumize. Adding some volume isn't masculine or fem, but would round out your face a little more. My hair has too much volume... it's like turned to 11.
I notice one thing about hairstyles. You can get a female cut, and when you want guy mode, just comb all the hair back.
BTW... I have this link saved in my bookmarks, maybe it'll help you.
last bit of advice... whatever you do, don't go with a Mohawk.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
I do think I agree...
You look to have about a medium density, so volume certainly wouldn't hurt, and with how stick straight it is, it might help in just the way Katie suggests.
I also tend to agree with the link she posted. Though I'm not sure you really have that many strong features to contend with... You really were blessed with that face of yours...
*tendrils of green smoke can be seen emanating from Abi as she starts prepping a fillet knife*
What this? It's for fish! *giggle*
OK, so I'm jealous. But I wouldn't ever try to cut your face off... really... I wouldn't do that...
Abigail Drew.
Hairstyle advice...
Try a page boy, or curls like lil orphan Annie. Both are unisex
May Your Light Forever Shine
More than one way to skin a . . . .
When you find a good stylist ask her to give you a lesson or two on blowdrying your hair. A good shampoo and conditioner with a light styling product made for blowdrying will do wonders. I had hair like yours about 2ft and a goodly number of years ago, and I learned that just the way I dried my hair would skew the look from masculine to feminine. I got by using a good dryer and a large round brush along with a heat-styling product to add or remove the waves and curls.
Do get a good stylist who doesn't have a problem with "T" people. Sometimes you have to shop around to find one who's best work lines up with your desires. I really would suggest a blunt cut, perhaps tapered a bit from front to back and a little undercutting so it will hang nicely with a bit of a natural curl under. Be sure to tell the stylist what you want even if you can't describe a style. I mean like: I want to be able to pull it back into a low ponytail. I want to be able to restyle it when I'm off work so it will look more feminine. Etc.
Collect pictures of what you think you might like. This site was a metric shitload of hair style photos, take a look and see if you find anything you like. Be realistic!
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Facil Hair
Jana; Go to NoNo.com and look at the item they have there that almost will permnanently remove hair anywhere on your body and its better than waxing or shaving as it will stay away for several weeks if not months before you need a to retreat it. And each time its retreated the time is longer or never comes back and its very safe too!
have you used nono
All I've heard is negative reviews of the product, that its a scam. Have you tried it with success or anyone here. I would buy it if I knew it had a chance of working. I bough a one touch epilator, but haven't even used it.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
I highly doubt he has...
Considering the no-no is literally a heated wire burning the hair off at the surface. It's much like chemical depilatories in action, just using direct heat instead of chemical heat. Imagine lighting yourself on fire with a lighter and then hoping it stops with just the hair.
It's not pleasant. And it definitely doesn't have any of the advertised benefits. It's only benefit over chemicals is the lack of mess. But you'll also need to get used to the smell of ozone and of burning hair.
Abigail Drew.
have you used nono
All I've heard is negative reviews of the product, that its a scam. Have you tried it with success or anyone here. I would buy it if I knew it had a chance of working. I bough a one touch epilator, but haven't even used it.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Re: Facial hair
Actually I thought about using laser hair removal.
do you have a brush?
Not a comb but a brush? If you do try this and you tell me how it looks.
Put your head down between your legs, or as close too as possible. Brush your hair away from yourself first then brush towards your scalp. When you stand up straight, aside from being all over the place in your face the hair should have some volume to it. From there you can play with it gently fingers will do and put it into place.
Your hair would look great with a couple of highlights and some waves to it adding volume. You can test this idea with some temporary hair gel products that leave a small layer of color behind. This washes off because the natural oil of your hair lifts it off. It doesn't harm the hair. Avoid Henna products unless you really want to be a red head.
Once you have an idea of what you want for hair, pick up a vogue magasine and look at the hairstyles in there you can do an approximation. You can also find you tube videos explaining what to do with hair and so forth.
Good luck
Yes, I do own a brush. I'll
Yes, I do own a brush. I'll try it next time I wash and dry my hair. I played a bit with blow-drying and it gave a bit more volume.
As I now remember, I tried highlights in my hair at least twice.
First one was magenta/dark red in my university days (never never never use a fuchsine based medical dye for that, it runs when wet. :-( (the idea was sister's...)).
The second time it was a remain of my attempt to dye hair bright pink. Parents got home just in time to see me and my sister looking at an unexpected results of trying to get my hair lighter (It got to be all shades from bright yellow to orange). Mother was shocked, to say the least.
Well, the lighter ones looked good. Red - I really do not remember.
Oh, and I tried henna on my hair and have a photo to prove it. I still have some remains of color on my hair and do not want to repeat.
PS. Please excuse my language, cause English is not native to me.