When I first began to discover myself, I had some dealings with Exodus International and they just made me feel like killing myself. Is anyone aware of any statistics regarding them. Do they drive the suicide rate up? It would seem so.
Gwen Brown
Please message me directly, I need this information as quickly as you can send it.
Exodus International is a Hate Group
Exodus International is a Hate Group that hates Transsexual and Intersexed people (in fact all GLBT) and their only mission is to attempt to brainwash people into conforming to their puritanical standard of morality. They use brainwashing and intervention techniques.
Anecdotal data given to me by my Therapist, when I asked her about it, was that they were 100% unsuccessful in cases of transsexuals who met the criteria for SRS by the Standards of Care in place in 1999. End results were either suicide, withdrawal from reality, or eventual resuming transition.
This organization's goal is Identity Death for those they target. This is because they seek to stop the behavior of a person's gender expression by brainwashing them into ignoring their true gender identity and substituting their own warped reality.
Exodus International is bad news for our community. Please stay far away from them.
All my hopes,
Sasha Nexus
"That's the thing about faith... if you don't have it, you can't understand it and If you
do, no explanation is necessary."
All my hopes
Ariel Montine Strickland
Suicide attempmts among transsexuals
I just want to give some figures from Sweden
In his doctoral thesis Mikael Landen gave the following examples
In 99 FtM, 14 cases of suicide attempts before the SRS (14.1%)
In 134 MtF, 31 cases of suicide attempts before the SRS (23.1%)
Mikael Landen, Acta Psychiatrica Scandivavia, 1998, p. 189
My side comment: The whole thesis is good reading. Try to borrow it from any science library (it is written in English)
ISBN 91-628-3877-6 (1999)
[email protected]
Reparitive therapy
Reparitive therapy is nothing more than modern day witchcraft.All the organizations that practice it are based on spiritual belief like focus on the family.All the major medical and phsycological organizations are against the practice of it because it causes more harm than good.Within the last few months I had read the story of a transexual women who got swept up in it thru joining a church.They disregarded the fact that she had over eight years of therapy invested in becoming herself.They convinced her and payed to have her breasts removed and to return to living as a male.As soon as she started to complain about being unhappy with the results they refused to allow her in church.The last I heard she was thinking about sueing them for medical malpractice.I think anyone who is transexual should want to try and bring a class action suit against these organizations as we are all effected by there practices and opinions of are treatment.We have established medical protocols that we must follow that are in conflict with their treatments and in essence I believe they are practising medicine without a license and not their religion.If they have a medical license like James Dobson we should fight to have it revoked . Amy