I have been given permission by EoF to post this Index. What you will find here is a fairly comprehensive index of places, items, characters and organizations in the DarkRealms Universe. As I am not privy to any of the stories before they are posted, I have no prior knowledge of what is happening. However, with this list, I have also come up with some speculation. Some of it could be right on but some of it could be way out in left field (I am a lefty and even I don't find that insulting...)
If you wish to learn more about the information posted here I suggest visiting the DRU Wiki.
Note: I do not include information released on the Wiki here. I only publish material that has been released in the narration of the stories or mentioned by the Authors in the comments for those stores.
DarkRealms Universe Gazetteer
Ravencrest Locations
Ravencrest College/University — Ravencrest NY in the Catskills Region
University Center or UC — The Student Commons
Were Archives — Hidden under the fountain at RU
Ravencrest Manor — Originally the home of Jacob Ravencrest, town founder, now the Admin Building of Ravencrest University
Delta Beta Zeta (DBZ) Sorority House — Sorority set up by Wisteria and Carmilla to protect the Vampires of Ravencrest
Ravencrest High School — Mascot is the Rhino
Theodore Locke Elementary School
Locke Manor — Home of the Locke Family Patriarch — Werewolf Faction
Locke Hunting Lodge — Location of Werewolf initiations
Harper Mansion — Were-coyote family home
Harper Den — Location of Were-coyote initiations. Very modern facility built into a cave.
Styles Mansion — Were-cougar family home
Crawford Home — It has been owned by the Crawford's since before Agatha Crawford, on Meadow Street.
Drake House — Home of the Drakes, it is on Lake Crowley
The Crowley Manor — Coven HQ, built by Mortimer Crowley and willed to the Wilkes family on his death
The Guardian — Bar owned by Carmilla and run by Terry Locke
Ravencrest Savings and Loan — Bank managed by Constance (Connie), Tracy's Step-mom under her maiden name of Reynolds
Mario's — Pizza Parlor and teen hangout
Comic and Collectible Shop — Owned by Mr Larson
Costume Shop — Next door to the Comic Shop
Ravencrest Gazette — Newspaper owned and operated by Patrick Harper
Sally's — Karaoke Restaurant owned and operated by Joey who bought it from Vick who “died” according to Dani (she is not telling)
The Teen Scene — Clothing Store catering to teens and pre-teens and owned by Darcy Williams
Marisol's — Clothing Boutique owned by Marisol, Terry Locke's mother
Raven's Feather Clothing LLC (formerly known as Epic Threads) — Probably similar to a J.C. Penny's
Sears — Probably one of the small catalog stores, mentioned in “Singing to the Moon”
The Top Drawer — Local Victoria's Secret knock off store
Master Chang's — Dojo owned and operated by Carly, Cindy and Chris Harper. Dojo is between a small Christian Bookstore and a small Italian eatery.
The Herb Garden — Apothecary one block from the Dojo, Samantha Holden, part owner and Asst Manager
Hui Piao Bo — The only Chinese Restaurant and delivery place in Ravencrest
Imagine — Book Store between RHS and RU, it is owned by the Davidson family
Marco Polo's — Bar that is another hangout of Ravencrest University Students
The Pit — Nightclub in an old warehouse owned/operated by Mr Breem. Burnt down Dec 2011
Down Unders — Steakhouse similar in theme to the Outback Steakhouse
Marvin's — Small bar that caters more to the locals
The Revival Theater — Town Movie Theater close to the Guardian
Kona's — Small food market, has a bakery inside it
Lake Crowley — Parts of Ravencrest University are on Lake Crowley. Has a public beach and is quite deep.
McCormick Field — Ravencrest's small airfield (can handle Lear Jets though) and is one of only two ways into Ravencrest
Ravencrest Public Library — It is on Main Street
Post Office — It is visible from outside the Library
Ravencrest Community Center — Kelly's 16th birthday party was held there
Homeless Shelter — Michael Taylor did volunteer work there
KOA — Campground northwest of town (Caravan Park for you silly Brits)
Motel (name not given yet) — Unknown what part of town it is located in. It is the only motel in town.
Brendson — Closest town to Ravencrest (30 miles) with the only road to Ravencrest coming from that town.
Brendson Memorial — Closest Hospital
Other important locations mentioned
The Archive of Knowledge - London England, the library of the High Coven
Shrewsbury UK — Hometown of Taylor Michaels
The Grail — Sentient Artifact — not evil — taken by the Dragon's for safekeeping
Orb of Aka Manah — Sentient Artifact — VERY Evil — recovered from Lake Crowley by Ashley Martin for the Coven. It was corrupting Lake Crowley and everything around it. It has now been revealed that the Orb is the Prison of Aka Manah.
The Book of Shadows — Each of the major Witch Families of Ravencrest has one. They are the spell book of each family and each is unique.
Well of Orin — Under Ravencrest Manor reached by a hidden tunnel from the Crowley Manor with the exit into Ravencrest Manor. It is a portal to a Nexus.
Novice Spell Book — They are enchanted to return to storage once they are no longer needed. Kelly Daniels Novice Book was Melissa Williams' old book. The pages are blank until a new spell is to be learned so this means that the pages are magically erased once they go back into storage.
Tracy's Diary — This diary was mysteriously left on Tracy's bed. It had a letter inside that was addressed “My Dearest Daughter” from Tracy's mother. It was later learned that Tracy's father placed the diary on the bed.
Athame — A knife used by Witches for rituals only
Boleen — A knife with a curved blade used by Witches for cutting herbs and stuff. Can also be used for self-defence.
Cat Collar with the Eye of Bast symbol — A Witch Familiar collar
Were Clan Leadership Necklace's — The Alpha, Beta and Omega's of each of Ravencrest's Were Clans each have a magical necklace that signifies their position in the Clan. These necklace's also allow these Officers to be able to change into their Were form without having to remove their clothing.
Ring of Office — All three rings were made by Jacob Ravencrest himself and given to each of the major Unseen Factions of Ravencrest. It has also been learned that the Office of Lore Keeper is Unique to the town of Ravencrest. Each ring is a key to each Lore Keeper's Archives and possibly for a lock that requires all three items to access. The Wiccalore's ring gives access to a secret door in Crowley Manor leading to the Well of Orin. Nothing is known about the ring given to the Vampires. It would also appear that all three rings bond to their bearer. They can not be forcibly removed from the bearer. Anyone who attempts to remove them will be severely burned just attempting to grab the item.
Ring of Office — Were Council Lore Keeper (varlore) now in the possession of Mikaela Vance (formerly Michael Williams). This item has now transformed into a Charm Bracelet. This item also works like the Alpha, Beta and Omega Necklace's of the Ravencrest Were Clans. The bracelet presently has four charms on it. A Zatanna and Star Trek charm, a silver wolf charm and now a golden bird charm. Each of these charms show up as a new aspect of Mikaela reveals itself. Confirmed Power: The bearer of the item is able to assume the Were-form of all the Alpha Clans in Ravencrest essentially making the bearer an official member of that Clan.
Ring of Office — Coven Lore Keeper (wiccalore), in the possession of Donna Williams.
Ring of Office — Vampire Lore Keeper (vryklore), not known who possesses this ring but I suspect that Josephine has this ring.
Monroe Collar — Designed by Archimedes Monroe in 1403. Artifacts that prevent a Witch from using their magic except for when ordered by the person wearing the ring that controls them. Only two known to be in existance with one placed on Sophie Green and the other placed on Kelly Daniels. Kelly somehow managed to destroy the one placed on her and it is probable that Sophie managed to free herself from the one placed on her.
Ravencrest College/University Faculty
Cyrus Edmund Vance — Headmaster in 1911, replaced by Carmilla after she killed him.
Mr Torres — Present Dean of Admissions
Mr Bankroft — Dean in the 1940's
Leo Atozota — Historian, University Chief Librarian — assassinated by an unknown party in 1981. Were-cougar and last Lore Keeper of the Were Council until Mikaela Vance shows up in 2012.
Grace McCormick Saito — Woman's Studies Instructor — See under McCormick/Saito Faction
Amane Saito — Woman's Soccer Coach and Teacher (field unknown but probably Physical Education) — See under McCormick/Saito Faction
Donna Williams — Administration — See under Williams family, Coven Faction
Trevor Locke — History Professor — See under Werewolf Faction
Dr Angela Bernacci — Geology and Volcanology Professor
Students mentioned attending Ravencrest University
Steve Tobias — Room mate of Kyle before Kyle was turned
Edward (Ed) — Room mate of Ashley before Ashley was turned
Brooke — Ed's girlfriend
Josh McEntire — History Major — Food and information source for Carmilla
Samantha Wilkins — Lesbian lover of Degna, murdered but made to look like suicide by Theresa
Samuel — Eugene's Room mate before Eugene was turned
Lydia Beaumont — Freshman during the spring semester of 1996. Most likely no longer at RU.
Michael Williams/Mikaela Vance — Works part-time at the Comics and Collectible Shop — See under Were Council Faction
Jennifer (Jen) — Dated Michael Williams and is also a friend of Alexandra Drake, from a prominent Boston family
Madison — Friend of Jen and Alexandra
James — Probable boyfriend of Madison
Alexandra Drake — See the Drake family under the Coven Faction
David Murphy — Disappeared in 2009 and was possibly turned. This is only conjecture though
Rodney Murphy — Younger brother of David who shows up in 2011 looking for his brother, wanna-be Vampire Hunter
Jeane or John — RU freshman from Quebec on Degna's recruitment list but not selected
Carly Harper — Taking Business Management courses — See under Harpers
Karen Holden — See the Holden family under Coven Faction
Jason Dupray — See the Dupray family under Coven Faction
Diane Pratchett — See the Pratchett family under Coven Faction
Dave and Rick Locke — See under Werewolf Faction
Jason Locke - See under Werewolf Faction
Merlena and Sandie St Hill — See under Skoghaven Were Jaguar Faction
Scarlett DeWitt — Freshman — See the DeWitt family under Coven Faction
Andrew Kincade — Freshman- See under Skoghaven Were-bear Faction
Justin Locke — Pre-med student, room mate of Taylor Michaels — See under Werewolf Faction
Daniel Corday — See under Were-bear Faction
Archibold (Archie) Tucker — Daniel Corday's room mate — See under Succubus Faction
Taylor Michaels — See under Paranormal Investigations arm of Scotland Yard
Dave Bly — Freshman, graduated from RHS class of 2011 and was on the football team. Works as a Bartender at Marco Polo and used to serve drinks to Mike Curtis. Mike thought that he was getting real beer from him but Dave was serving him non-alcoholic.
Mike — Part-time student at RU, home is about 50 miles away so is only in Ravencrest about 3 days a week. Could be considered to be Misty Curtis' boyfriend.
Ravencrest High School Faculty
Ms Irene Craven — Principal, stepmother of Jack Pratchett, See under Coven Faction, Pratchett family
Mr McCormick — Vice Principal, See under Were-fox Faction
Mrs Kathleen Lee — Mr McCormick's elderly secretary
Mr Clarke — Biology Teacher, 10th grade
Mr White — History Teacher, 10th grade
Miss Dawkins — Math Teacher, 10th grade
Mr Stone — Teacher, 10th grade
Mr Douglas — Gym Teacher
Melissa Williams — School Nurse, See under Coven Faction, Williams family
Miss Ross — Math Teacher, 10th grade
Coach Cross — Coach of the school's female sports teams (Volleyball is mentioned)
Coach Wilkins — She is the coach for both the boy's and girl's swim team
Mr Spencer — One of the Physic's Teachers
Bernie - Janitor
Ravencrest High School students (Norms)
Melanie (Mike/Misty) Curtis — As Mike, is a bully and a member of the Football team, father is the Sheriff, later changed into Misty as punishment by the Coven. As Misty is befriended by Kelly Daniels so is probably in the 10th grade and is asked to join the Volleyball team. (additional info under the Blessed category)
Jason Wright — Bully and buddy of Mike Curtis, Quarterback for the Varsity Football team
Hank — Bully and buddy of Mike Curtis and also a football player
Eddie Hines — Football player, unknown grade
Troy Stanton — Jock and bully of Kelly Daniels
David Westerburg — Hockey player and bully of Takashi Saito
Chip — Follower of David Westerburg
Edelston — Soccer player and bully of Takashi Saito, 10th grade
Sean Johnson — Bully
Troy Curtis — Cousin of Mike/Misty Curtis
Tara Heart — Cheerleader, unknown grade
Britney Hawkins — Cheerleader, unknown grade
Beth Hastings - Cheerleader, unknown grade
Greg — Friend of Trevor/Tracy Locke and Mary (Malice) Crawford, 10th grade
Clara Saunders — Waitress at the Bistro and ex-girlfriend of Dana Styles, 10th grade?
Rita Barnes — Greg's new girlfriend and in Tracy Locke's Biology and Math classes, 10th grade
Heather - 10th grade? She is a really well built brunette.
Rachel - 10th grade?
Constance (Connie) - 10th grade? Friend of Cindy Harper, father owns a small Realtor Office dealing in commercial property like warehouses.
Christopher — Morgan Dupray's friend, unknown grade
Gillian — Christopher's ex-girlfriend, unknown grade
Ethan — Morgan Dupray's friend, unknown grade
Mandy (girl) - Morgan Dupray's friend, unknown grade
Anna - Morgan Dupray's friend, unknown grade
Carol — Mandy's cousin and Morgan Dupray's friend, unknown grade
Steve Rowe — New boyfriend of Gillian
Katie (Kat) — In Kelly Daniels math class, 10th grade
Dominic — Good looking boy according to Kat, unknown grade
Abby — Classmate of Kelly Daniels, waitress at the diner across the street from the Library.
Wallace Erickson — Friend of Takashi Saito, 10th grade
Leslie — Friend of Ashley Martin, 10th grade
Jan - Friend of Ashley Martin, 10th grade
Chad Hermsdorf- Dana Styles chem lab partner, 10th grade
Max — Ashley Martin's boyfriend. Because of Aka Manah's attempt to possess Ashley they are no longer together. Joined the swim team shortly after.
Ben — Shows up in the Nurse's Office “sick” after Sean dumps water on Ashley, unknown grade
Brad — In Trevor/Tracy's math class, works at Mario's, 10th grade
Cathy Wilson — Classmate of Trevor and Mary when they were in the 2nd grade. Is probably in their grade now.
Sarah George — Cheerleader, unknown grade
Tonya Grant - 10th grade?
Heather Barnes — She might be the entry above that does not give a last name. Unknown relation to Rita Barnes but probably a cousin.
Sam — Unknown grade but probably 10th grade
Rick — Unknown grade, started pestering Ashley for a date as soon as he found out that Max was no longer her boyfriend.
Kaitlin — Captain of the girl's swim team, unknown grade
Cameron — Co-Captain of the girl's swim team, unknown grade
Ravencrest townspeople (Norms)
Franky — Band-member, moves to Chicago 1996
John - Band-member, moves to Chicago 1996
Cornbread (Carrol) - Band-member, moves to Chicago 1996
Vick — Band-member, stayed in town and opened a Karaoke Bar (Sally's). Sold it to Joey two months later and according to Dani, died five months later (Dani not telling the circumstances, possibly transitioned or was turned?) 1996 — 1997
Joey — Owner of Sally's
Clarence Potter — Locksmith, Craig Harper (Cindy) worked for him one summer (at age 14?)
Jack O'Connor — Detective Ravencrest Police Department (1944)
Benjamin Carver — Police Officer Ravencrest Police Department (1944)
Crystal Connors — Employee at the Teen Scene
Mrs Irene Beck — Librarian at the Ravencrest Public Library
Chloe — 6 or 7 year old granddaughter of Mrs Beck
Kathleen — Employee at a local clothing store
Janice — Receptionist at the Law Offices of Corday, Dupray and Bosch
Hank — A cab driver
Hank — One of three older brothers of Greg, Greg being the friend of Trevor/Tracy Locke
Mr Barry Levine — Lawyer for TTLIII, murdered by Damien Cross.
Dolores and Gerard Thompson — Murdered neighbor's of the Lockes and former owners of Boomer. They were killed by Damien Cross.
Mr Maury Goldsmith — Real Estate Agent who worked for TTLIII, murdered by Damien Cross.
Greg — Bartender at Marvin's
Father Marcus — Rector of Ravencrest's small Roman Catholic Church.
Ravencrest Sheriff's Department
Davide Curtis — Sheriff and father of Mike/Misty
Gerard Cole — Deputy
Stephanie Clark - Deputy
Vampire Faction — Wisteria, Carmilla and Josephine arrived in Ravencrest in 1911
Wisteria “Stone” - President of Delta Beta Zeta (DBZ), Eldest and mother (maker) of Carmilla
Carmilla du Lac — V.P of DBZ, 2nd Eldest, turned by Wisteria in 1793 during the French Revolution. Before being turned was Phillip Marie DuLac, a Silversmith and the 3rd son of a minor Marquis.
Josephine — First daughter of Carmilla, turned during or shortly after the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1863 during the U.S. Civil War. Not known if Joseph was Union or Confederate only that he was mortally wounded. I suspect her to be the Vampire Lore Keeper.
Wisteria's line in the House, official total is 12
Theresa — Very bitchy, Thomas Cane before being turned by Wisteria sometime in the 1950's. Was a Hunter from a prominent New England family before being turned and Wisteria allows her to retain those skills and her two silver swords.
Charlotte — She is on friendly terms with Degna, Dani and Jasmine of Carmilla's line. She was turned in 2000. Originally from Texas, she is able to make her skin as hard as stone
Katrina Cross — Katie, the persona forced on her by Wisteria's spells, Kylie, her true personality who broke free of Wisteria's programming and is the secret ally of Carmilla. Formerly Kyle before being turned Halloween 2011, was supposed to be turned by Carmilla but Wisteria stole her and turned her. She is able to see spirits.
Lucy — Invisibility, Wisteria assigned her as the official greeter at the door of the DBZ House. Turned in 1983.
Maxine — Able to detect the potential of recruits. Wisteria likes to keep her close to her.
Reese — One of the twins
Regan — The other twin
Ronnie — She is of African American decent
Carmilla's line in the House, official total is 12
Joline — Turned in 1976, is able to change the color of her hair, it is presently green, her favorite.
Jasmine — Can see magic as colors, turned in 2005
Degna McNeil — See under Other Factions, Spirit Faction
Pandora Purdue — Degna's replacement in the House, Ashley before being turned Halloween night 2012
Danielle (Dani) McQuaid — Michael Fitzpatrick before being turned 5/3/1996. KIA just before Christmas 2012 freeing Ashley Martin from the Black Horn
Darcille (Darcy) — Dani's room mate in DBZ, turned sometime during the 1960's
Lillian — Able to see people's aura's, on weekends, works as a waitress at Marvin's Bar
Other Vampires not mentioned, counting Josephine in Carmilla's line means 5 not named. With the death of Dani in Dec 2012 this line is now down by one.
Suzanne — Turned by Wisteria but later disowned when she broke her control in 1981. She supports Carmilla's line and was originally supposed to be turned by her but her fate was determined by the flip of a coin. Was Lance Valantine/Suzanna before being turned in 1944. It has now been learned that while disowned, she is still counted as still in Wisteria's line in the House.
Lewis Dunovan — Young male Vampire who caused problems in Ravencrest by leaving drained bodies in town. Caught by Carmilla's girls, educated on proper Vampire protocol and told to find his “children” and teach them the proper ways. He is not in Ravencrest any longer.
PFC James Lagrange (KIA in Liberia) — Michael Fitzpatrick's (Dani) best friend in High School.
Note: It is my belief that Wisteria pissed off a Prince or Princess of the local Seelie Court (The Sacred) when they arrived in Ravencrest in 1911. I think only they would have had the power to trap them to the town. I don't think the Coven would have had the ability to do so.
Werewolf Faction — The Locke Family (all wives are norms), 1st Were family
Theodore Tobias Locke II — Deceased, Father of Tobias, present Alpha
Frank Locke — Younger brother of TTL II and presently estranged from the rest of the family
Theodore Tobias Locke III (Tobias) - 1st son of TTL II, present Alpha (an old school friend calls him Toby)
Thomas Locke - 2nd son of TTL II, permanently stuck in Wolf form — Silver
Trevor Locke - 3rd son of TTL II, History Professor at Ravencrest University
Terrance Locke (T-bone) - 4th son of TTL II, Manager of a local car dealership
Timothy Locke - 5th son of TTL II, Insurance Salesman and Basketball Coach at the Ravencrest Community Center
Mason Locke — Son of Frank Locke and Clan Omega
Theodore Tobias Locke IV — Deceased, 1st son of TTL III
Terrance Locke (Terry) - 2nd son of TTL III and disowned. Lover of Carmilla and the Manager of the Guardian
Trevor Theodore/Tracy Anne Locke - 3rd son until age 16 then 1st daughter of TTL III. Changed to female by the Sacred (Fae/Seelie Court). The first female Werewolf in the Locke family since her great-grandmother. Birthday is Sep 5, born in 1995. Re-instated as Clan Beta as of January 2013.
Thomas (Tommy) Locke - 4th now 3rd son of TTL III, not yet of age but has already been told of his heritage because of what happened to Trevor/Tracy.
Marisol (Sanchez) - 1st wife of TTL III and mother of Theo IV and Terry. Aunt Meri to Tracy. She only uses her 1st name.
Constance (Connie) Locke - 3rd wife of TTL III, mother of Tommy, stepmother of Tracy, Manager of the Ravencrest Savings and Loan under her maiden name of Reynolds.
Carson Locke (18) — Son of Trevor Locke, was Clan Beta until Tracy was re-instated. Not able to communicate with dogs. Dating Cindy Harper.
Max (12) and Ben (6) — Sons of Trevor and brothers of Carson
Dave and Rick Locke (20) — Twin sons of Terrance Locke, uncle of Tracy
Melanie Locke — Wife of Timothy Locke, they have 2 young son's
Justin Locke — A cousin of the family from Camden NJ, studying Architecture at RU
Mr Larson — Owner of the Comic and Collectible Shop, 2nd cousin of TTL III
Gloria — Hispanic Housekeeper of the Locke family, norm
Boomer — German Shepard who used to be the pet of the Thompson's down the street but now Tracy's after the murder of the Thompson's.
Stewardess # 1 — Lesser Were from Majestic Falls Alberta Canada, flight crew of the Locke Gulfstream
Stewardess # 2 — Lesser Were, possibly Beaver or Otter, flight crew of the Locke Gulfstream
Note: This family (Locke's) started out as a Clan of Ulfheonar (Odin Warriors - Berserkers) who were the bodyguards of the Volurs of the clan of Vikings who originally settled around Skogshaven - See important note about the Summer and Winter Courts for more information.
Were Coyote Faction, The Harper family, 4th Were family
Patrick Harper — Uncle and adoptive father of Carly, Craig/Cindy and Chris, Male Alpha
Cecily Harper — Wife of Patrick, aunt and adoptive mother of Carly, Craig/Cindy and Chris, Female Alpha
Carly Harper — Older sister of the twins, Craig/Cindy and Chris, Manager of Master Chang's, the family Dojo (owned by Carly, Cindy and Chris), Female Beta
Craig/Cynthia (Cindy) Anne Harper — After her transformation, considered to be special to Lady Moon (Were Coyotes Goddess), is basically the manifestation of Coyote the Trickster. Born 9/5/1995 (same date as Tracy Locke)
Chris Harper — Twin of Cindy born 9/5/1995
Mary Jane and Clarissa Harper (21) — Twin daughters of Patrick and Cecily
Linda Harper — True name Aeovel (Joy), adoptive daughter of Cindy (legally adopted by Patrick and Cecily though), only remaining Dragon baby.
Sylvia Carstairs — Patrick's second cousin and thinks she should be the Alpha Female
Ryan Carstairs — Son of Sylvia and a jackass, gets his ass handed to him by Cindy after her transformation
Catherine (Kate) — Distant cousin
Adding Linda's Dragon Guardians to this section
Roger or Carl Harper (no relation), true name Sigleah — Guardian of Evangeline (Linda) until given to Cindy
Natalie or Nancy (both names given in the story) Harper, true name Amaranth — Same as above
Were Cougar Faction — The Styles family, 2nd Were family
Vernon Styles — Alpha of the family and Real Estate Mogul — killed by his illegitimate son Damien Cross
Dana Styles — New Alpha of the family after the murder of her father Vernon Styles, she is in the same grade as Tracy and Cindy. Because she is a lesbian, she was being blackmailed by her half-brother Damien. Clara Saunders was her girlfriend. Dana has two younger brothers, one was dressed as a girl on Halloween and looked just like a younger version of Dana.
Name not given Styles — Younger brother of Dana
Name not given Styles — Younger brother of Dana
Damien Cross — Son of Vernon Styles and Molly Cross (info from ch 19 For the Fairest) and chose to go by his mother's maiden name. It appears that he was the Clan Beta until he murdered his father and was in turn killed by Tracy Locke in her berserker combat form
Molly Cross — Mother of Damien, was Vernon's lover before he got married and is probably a norm.
Were Bear (Kodiak) Faction — The Corday family, 3rd Were family, Native American heritage
Burton Corday — Senior Partner of the Law Firm, Corday, Dupray and Bosch. Alpha of the family, Tracy Locke and Mary Crawford used to call him Uncle Burton even though they are not related. This family is related to the Kincade family of Skoghaven MA. Theodore Locke, Tracy's Great-grandfather brought this family to Ravencrest to avoid persecution in their last location.
Henry Corday — College age son of Burton
Amy Corday — Twin of Henry, Law student
Ben Corday — Son of Burton, same age as Tracy but not a RHS student. He is being home-schooled if I remember correctly.
Daniel Corday — Son of Don and Linda Corday, attends school at RU and was the room-mate of Archie Tucker
Stuart (Stu) Corday — Cousin of Daniel Corday. Doorman at The Pit, a club run by Mr Breem
Donald (Don) Corday — Father of Daniel Corday, unknown relation to Burton but probably brother
Linda Corday — Mother of Daniel Corday
Anna Corday — Daughter of Don and Linda Corday, younger sister of Daniel Corday. She is away at College at this time.
Arnie Corday — Cousin of Daniel Corday
Roberta — Anna Corday's girlfriend/lover at College. Unknown Were-type
Were Fox Faction — The McCormick's, 5th Were family
Mr Duncan McCormick (Mr McC) — Vice-principal of Ravencrest High School and Alpha of the Foxes
Mr McCormick — Owner/Operator of McCormick Field, unsure how closely related he is to Mr McC
Exact connection here is now known. Takashi Saito's Mom and Mr McC are brother and sister. They have a very antagonistic relationship with each other. It has now been learned why all the bad blood between brother and sister. Starting in the 30's and especially during WWII, the fortunes and influence of the this family started to decline. Also, fewer and fewer children were born into this family. Before this time, the McCormick's and the Saito's were close-knit but it would appear that it was during this time that the McCormick's turned against the Saito's. During WWII, the McCormick's used their closeness to the Saito's to take-over a large portion of the Saito property in a way that was very unfair to the Saito's. At this time Mr McC and Grace are the only remaining members of the main family left. It is my belief that the problems with the McCormick's is due to the Saito's placing a curse on the family. The reason for the bad blood between brother and sister though is that Grace is a lesbian and because of this was pretty much cast out of the family. It also probably did not help when Grace married Amane Saito. For this reason I am going to place Takashi's family line here.
Kitsune Faction — Saito Family, they are not Were's but more related to the Fae. They are a type of Yo-kai which is the Japanese equivalent to the Fae.
Takashi/Maeko Saito — Irish/Japanese teen who just turned 16. Taught Ninjutsu by his Haha (Japanese informal for mom) and told not to reveal that he has received training so is often bullied in school. Takashi is now definitely shown to be a hybrid between Were fox and a Kitsune and is now female. She has now been re-named Maeko Saito, daughter of Chiharu and Takashi's half-sister from California. She is at this time a 3-tailed Kitsune.
Grace McCormick Saito — Mother of Takashi/Maeko and of Irish decent, sister of Mr McC so she is a Were fox. She teaches Woman's Studies at Ravencrest University. Grace was temporarily transformed into a man so that she could father Takashi with Amane.
Amane Saito — Haha, it has now been discovered that Grace and Amane went to Canada and Massachusetts for their legal marriages. Then got married in NY after same sex marriages became legal in NY. Now confirmed that Amane's family is from a line of Ninja families. Amane is Takashi/Maeko's birth mother.
1st name not given Saito — Grandmother of Amane and Great-grandmother of Takashi/Maeko, matriarch of the Saito Clan in Ravencrest and probably the U.S. Has the rank of Countess in the Summer Court.
Satoshi Saito — Younger brother of Amane, lives in Skoghaven and has twin children younger than Takashi/Maeko. Has a government job with access to what is needed for Maeko's new identity
Chiharu Saito — Older sister of Amane, lives in Pearson's Creek CA and has taken on the role of Maeko's “evil” mother for Maeko's cover story for why she now lives in Ravencrest.
Name not given Saito — Daughter of Chiharu and older than Maeko. She is back in Pearson's Creek at this time.
Hideki Saito — Son of Chiharu and younger than Takashi/Maeko.
Eri Saito — Male cousin of Takashi/Maeko and two years older.
Saiyuri Saito — Great-aunt of Takashi/Maeko visiting from Japan.
Pepper — Pixie, Maeko's liaison with the Ravencrest Summer Court
Note: The Saito family appears to be related somehow to the Shisaa family of Skoghaven.
Note: As the Saito family are a type of Yo-kai they all have magical abilities with the number of tails they have showing how powerful each individual member is with magic.
Were Council
There are five families in the Were Council. The Alpha's of the five families sit on the council. The families are as follows in order of influence: the Lockes, Styles, Corday's, Harpers and McClintocks. The Council used to have a Lore Keeper but he disappeared back in 1981. The Lore Keeper was the RU Chief Librarian and Historian Leo Atozota. Leo by all appearances was an elderly Were cougar since that was the form he took when attempting to escape from his assassin. If he was a cougar he may or may not have been related to the Styles though. He was assassinated by an unknown party but he did manage to give his Ring of Office to Chiron the Raven before he died. It has now been revealed that Chiron is the Clan Alpha of the secretive Were Raven Clan of Ravencrest. The only people who know of the Raven Clan's existance are the Council Leader and the Lore Keeper.
Mikaela Diana Vance (formerly Michael Williams) — Former male magically transformed to female when he put on the Were Lore Keeper Ring of Office. Ring has transformed into a Charm Bracelet. Works part-time in the Comic and Collectible Shop while attending RU. Mikaela has now been revealed to be a Werewolf. It is unknown why she did not initially transform at the age of 16 but it might be due to being a hybrid of two animals that can not hybridize in nature. Her wolf form is a silver wolf and has the ability to communicate with Ravens like Leo could. It has now been learned that she also has a bird form as well. In bird form she is a Raven like her father's family. Her Charm Bracelet also allows her to assume the form of the other member clans of the Council.
Samantha Vance — Mother of Mikaela, is from a Werewolf Clan out in California (the Vances). She is presently visiting her daughter because of the transformation.
Leon Hawkins — Biological father of Mikaela and 1st husband of Samantha Vance. His real name is Jason Davidson and Leon is the cover name he used while investigating the Western Were Clans while he was in College — See under Raven Clan.
First name not given Williams — Second husband of Samantha and adoptive father of Michael. He is a norm.
Were Raven Faction, the Davidson Family, this faction is known to exist by only two people in Ravencrest. The Were Council Leader and the Lore Keeper. This is because this Clan is the eyes and ears of the Lore Keeper
Chiron Davidson (Grandfather) - Clan Alpha
Jason Davidson - Clan Beta and Mikaela Vance's biological father
Castor Davidson - Grandson of Grandfather
Pollux Davidson - Grandson of Grandfather
Helen Davidson - Manager of Imagine and the mother of Jessica
Jessica Davidson - Daughter of Helen and a Co-captain of the RHS Cheerleading Team. Possibly a Senior.
Lycaon - Unknown person who Grandfather sent a message to. At this time I am unsure of the connection but I believe that he is a member of this family.
Lesser/Minor Were Faction
Todd Lang — Spokesman of the Lesser/Minor Were Fraternity on Ravencrest University. Not known what Were type he is.
The Coven Faction (The Witches), 7 major families — Known members that sit on the Coven, Agatha Crawford, Margaret Williams, Cassie Drake, Doloris DeWitt, Mrs Donovan, Jessica Holden, and Matilda Pratchett. Matilda, as of this writing may have been removed from her seat for cause and her granddaughter may have been installed in her place.
Information given to Kelly Daniels by Melissa Williams during her 1st Novice lesson. A secret tunnel from the Crowley Manor leads to under the Ravencrest Manor where the Well of Orin is hidden. The key to the door to the secret tunnel is the Ring of Office of the Coven Lore Keeper. Above ground, this well looks like a wishing well. Jacob Ravencrest, one of the founders of Ravencrest was the 1st to call the Fae (Seelie Court) The Sacred because he was led to the Well by Prince Orin who appeared to him looking like an Angel. Jacob's partner and fellow founder, Mortimer Crowley built his house to hide the entrance to the tunnel to the well. Jacob built his house directly over the well.
Jacob had a young wife and 3 daughters before he disappeared. Two of the daughters married and moved out of Ravencrest. One daughter remained and to hide her connection to Jacob took her mother's maiden name of Crawford.
Mortimer Crowley died several years after Jacob's disappearance and bequeathed the manor to his Manservant Martin Wilkes who is the ancestor of Maggie Wilkes. He did so to prevent his estranged daughter Jocelyn from getting the house. She went back to Germany with her new husband after that.
It is known in by those who research the Unseen that both Mortimer and Jacob were both Wizards. It is believed that Mortimer was the last known Wizard in existance after Jacob's disappearance possibly into the Fey Realm. If Jacob did go over to the Fey Realm then it is quite possible that he is still alive at this time.
Wizards, unlike Witches do not burn out with the use of magic like Witches can.
There is one additional male magic user in Ravencrest in recent times. After capture by Degna and being turned over to the Coven his fate is unknown at this time.
All local Coven's report, sort of, to the High Coven which is somewhere in Europe.
The Crawford's (descended from Jacob Ravencrest who was the 1st to refer to the Fae as Sacred) The Crawford's specialization is in defensive magic.
Agatha Crawford — The Coven's High Councilor, granddaughter of Jacob Ravencrest, familiar is Nicodemus.
Nick — Husband of Agatha, killed by the Black Cross, Agatha's Warden.
Molly Crawford — Mother of Mary, daughter of Agatha, deceased
Dave — Father of Mary, deceased
Mary (Malice) Alice Crawford (16) — Granddaughter of Agatha, Novice Witch, friend of Tracy Locke, her familiar is Princess.
Rebecca (Becky) Crawford — Daughter of Agatha, wife of Marcus Daniels. See under Daniels in the Carsonville CA section for additional information.
Marcus Daniels — Husband of Becky. See under Daniels in the Carsonville CA section for additional information.
Jessica (Jess) Daniels — Daughter of Becky and Marcus. See under Daniels in the Carsonville CA section for additional information.
Kelly Daniels (16) — Youngest child of Becky and Marcus. See under Daniels in the Carsonville CA section for additional information.
Grace Dupray-Crawford — Daughter of Agatha — See Dupray family for information
The Dupray's, the family does not have a seat in the Coven and could now be considered to be a Sub-sett of the Crawford's.
Arthur Dupray — Husband of Grace Dupray-Crawford, Partner in the Law Firm of Corday, Dupray and Bosch, Dud. There were no females born in Arthur's generation so the family is in danger of dieing out.
Grace Dupray-Crawford — Wife of Arthur Dupray, Pharmacist and Witch
Morgan Dupray (16) - 3rd child of Arthur and Grace — for full description go to the Sacred Faction
Jason Dupray — Older brother of Morgan, dud, student at Ravencrest University
Carrie Dupray — Older sister of Morgan, Novice Witch, only female in the Dupray line but not on the Coven
The Williams
Margaret Williams — Coven Member
Donna Williams — Daughter of Margaret, Works at Ravencrest University, Coven Lore Keeper
Name not mentioned — Husband of Donna, Rare Book Dealer, a dud and Donna's Warden
Melissa Williams (23) — Daughter of Donna, Nurse at Ravencrest High School, Witch and Kelly Daniel's Novice Instructor, familiar is Phoenix
Darcy Williams — Daughter of Donna, younger sister of Melissa, Owner of The Teen Scene, Witch, and adoptive mother of a feral Wereraccoon.
Amanda Arric Williams — A young Wereraccoon, born and raised as a raccoon who has recently lost her parents to an automobile. Recently started transforming into human form. In human form appears to be a 12 to 13 year old girl.
The DeWitt's
Doloris DeWitt — Coven Member
Grace DeWitt — Daughter of Doloris, Inquisitor of the Coven until killed by a strike team from the Black Horn.
Scarlett DeWitt — Daughter of Grace, freshman at Ravencrest University and a Novice Witch. With the murder of her mother she is now the new Inquisitor of the Coven.
Carter — One of Grace's Warders, killed by a strike team from the Black Horn.
Jackson - One of Grace's Warders, killed by a strike team from the Black Horn.
The Drake's — Family specialization is in elemental magic.
Elizabeth Drake — Mother of Cassie, around in Aug of 1981 but I believe is deceased now.
Cassandra (Cassie)Drake — Best friend of Becky Crawford, Kelly Daniels asks her if she is a Shrink and she replied that she is. She is also on the Coven.
Name not given — Husband of Cassie, not known if he is a norm or a dud but he is probably at least Cassie's Warder
Alexandra Drake — Daughter of Cassie, Ravencrest University student, and a Novice Witch. Birthday is the 7th of October. My guess is that she is now 19 years old.
Charlie Drake (13) — Son of Cassie and wheelchair bound and a Dud.
The Holden's
Jessica Holden — Coven Member (need to check this), Grandmother(?) of William and President of the Historical Society
Karen Holden (23?) - Daughter of Jessica, waitress at the Bistro, Witch involved in the Harper Affair
Samantha Holden — Older sister of Karen, part owner and Asst Manager of The Herb Garden, Witch
Marrisa Holden — Medical Doctor, runs a clinic in Ravencrest, Witch, I don't know what the familial relationship is but I suspect that she is Jessica's sister
William Holden — Classmate of Kelly Daniels, member of the Dud Club
The Pratchett's — The Pratchett's are the guardians of the Vault of Magical Artifacts as of this writing but this may change soon.
Mrs Matilda Pratchett — Coven Member. It has been learned that she is also the leader of the local Aka Manah Cult (the Black Horn). Grandmother of Diane and Jack. Took off for points unknown the week Kelly Daniels was in a coma.
Mr Pratchett — Not seen in any stories yet. Father of Diane and Jack, he is a Dud.
Irene Craven — Stepmother of Diane and Jack, she is only a member of the family due to marrying into it. She is also believed to be a Cult member and she disappeared with her Mother-in-law. It has now been learned that she is a Witch from an outside family.
Diane Pratchett — Older sister of Jack Pratchett, girlfriend of Jason Dupray, depending on age is either a Novice Witch or a Witch. After intense questioning she was determined to have not been involved in the Cult with her Grandmother.
Jack Pratchett — Younger brother of Diane Pratchett, dud, wanted to become a Warden and liked Kelly Daniels (Crawford). It has now been learned that his Grandmother forced him to join the Cult with orders to get close to Kelly Daniels (Crawford). Status: deceased, probably killed by Kelly in self-defense when he attempted to kill her by stabbing her.
The Donovan's
Mrs Donovan — Coven Member
Characters from unknown family
Name not given (17) — A rare male who is not a Dud and actually has the ability to use magic, in Death is Precious, he attempted to magically poison DBZ's food source. Caught by Degna and turned over to Carmilla who then turned him over to the Coven. This character is unusual for a male in this Faction in that he is not a Dud but an actual magic user of some skill. However it appears that this is a possibility because the Black Crosses were to all appearances, magic using males. I can foresee three possible punishments that the Coven would institute. One is that they bind him turning him into a Dud. The second would be turning him into a girl and then very closely monitored in Novice Training. And the third but not likely would be to kill him and then bind his spirit to a cat making him a Familiar.
Coven Auxiliary family — The Wilkes, Norms
Mr Gordon Wilkes — Caretaker of the Crowley Manor
Joanna Wilkes — Wife of Gordon Wilkes, Housekeeper of the Crowley Manor
Maggie Gertrude Wilkes (16) — Granddaughter of Gordon and Joanna, friend of Tracy Locke, Ashley Martin,Kelly Daniels and Takashi/Maeko Saito.
Timothy Wilkes (6) — Younger brother of Maggie
Buttercup — Dog, family pet and a friend of Boomer, female Golden Retriever.
Dud Club
Charlie Drake
Jack Pratchett (deceased)
William Holden
Morgan Dupray and Jason Dupray are possible members
Maggie Wilkes is an honorary member
Other Factions
Spirit Faction
Degna McNeil - Vampire of Carmilla's line staked by Wisteria and now an incorporeal Consciousness (Ghost)who can only be seen by Kylie. Degna has, however learned that she is able to communicate with others using the powers she developed before being staked. Eugene Westerfield before being turned in 2010. Originally from Tampa FL
Witches's Familiars are also part of this faction. Familiars are the spirits of deceased humans bound in the body of a cat as punishment. Known familiars at this time.
Nicodemus — Familiar of Agatha Crawford. This Familiar may be an exception to the spirit being punished part. This Familiar may actually be the spirit of Agatha's husband who was killed by the Black Cross.
Diamond — Familiar of Rebecca Crawford (Kelly Daniels mother)
Phoenix — Familiar of Melissa Williams
Princess — Familiar of Mary Crawford
The Neried Faction — The Martin's (all Neried's are female)
Carl Martin — Norm
Janice Martin — Wife of Carl Martin, Neried
Ashley Martin (16) - Only child of Carl and Janice, born male became female at age 16 when she came into her abilities. Birth date: 8/29/1995
Note: It has been learned that Taylor Swift is a Neried. If you do not know who this is then you need to get a life :)
Succubus Faction
Leena — Succubus, mother of Archie who abandoned him in Virginia. Present location is not known.
Rachel Linsey McKenna, formerly Archibold (Archie) Tucker — Abandoned child of Leena, Nun at the Orphanage who found him outside the door gave him his shell name. Rachel has now fully come into her heritage as a Succubus and is in love with Daniel Corday.
Selina — Succubus who has awakened Archie's heritage. She is also possibly Rachel's sister.
Shamus — Selina's husband when her heritage awakened, died because Selina accidentally drained him due to her hunger.
Stacy — Formerly Col Albert “Father” Steagan, commander of the Tenebris Pententibus Cell attempting to capture Selina. Rachel turned him in revenge for the apparent death of Selina.
Tammy — Formerly a soldier (referred to as Tim by Rachel) of the Tenebris Pententibus enthralled to Rachel now turned. As a Succubus she has a child-like mind which is a major improvement over being basically mindless as a Thrall.
Darrell (Scarface) — A Tenebris Pententibus soldier enthralled by Selina to assist in their escape and now dead.
Lt Robert Barns “Son” - Subordinate to Col Steagan, enthralled by Rachel and now dead
The Blessed
Little is known about this group. What is known is that they are not Unseen but actually Norms. What little information known comes from the Coven and there is much bad blood between them. The only known Blessed in Ravencrest is Misty Curtis.
Melanie (Mike/Misty) Curtis — Daughter of the town Sheriff, she was changed from male to female by Alexis the Punisher (see Unknown Unseen). This enabled her Blessed heritage inherited from her mother. So far the only known affects of this are that Misty is able to determine if the people around her are Norms or Unseen. When Agatha Crawford determined that Misty was a Blessed from the Cane family she wanted to immediately gather the Coven and bind Misty. Melissa Williams may have saved Misty's life by vouching for her and accepting responsibility for her.
Reginald Cane — Older brother of Misty Curtis' mother, lives in Europe and seems to have loads of money. Misty is creeped out by her uncle.
Celestial Faction — or better known as the Authors
Enemyoffun — Head of the Pantheon
Lilith Langtree
Maggie Finson
Dr Bender
Wren Phoenix — R.I.P. You will be missed
Dark Kitten and her Familiar, Zoe Taylor
Dustin Carter
Poetheather (Heather O'Malley)
Divine Faction - Quasi-Dieties. The number of Divine is believed to be twelve
Lady Moon - Goddess to the Were-coyotes, named Artemis by the Dragons.
Inari — Goddess of the Kitsune's (this entry has not been confirmed yet)
Demon Faction - Opposites to the Divine, called "The Desolate One's" by Witches. Twelve is also the number of Demon's that are believed to exist.
Garmr - Demon associated with pain and destruction, Suzanne seemingly defeated him back in 1954.
Talia - Demon who corrupted the Order of the Sacred Heart cell that Seth escaped from. Has used the surnames, Cartwright and Henry in the past.
Aka Manah — Demon of Evil Intentions, He is worshiped by the Black Cross and the artifact found in Lake Crowley has been determined to be his prison (the Orb of Aka Manah).
The Sacred's — Fae, Seelie Court
Lena — Princess of the Seelie Court living as an adult Human in Ravencrest, Guardian, and instructor of magic for Morgan Dupray, also the true sister of Morgan.
Morgan Dupray — Two entries for this character — boy child of Grace Dupray-Crawford switched after birth to save the life of the human child with Changeling daughter of a Fae Princess. The boy to remain in the Fae Realm until age 18.
Morgan Dupray — Changeling Princess enchanted and glamoured to appear as a human boy. At age 16 the enchantments and glamours start breaking down early forcing Lena to instruct Morgan in survival skills. Shortly afterward, after the training began was attacked by Dorian, an Under the Bed Monster. Morgan defeated Dorian and Dorian swore to become a humble servant. Unfortunately, the fight depleted the glamour and Morgan discovered that “he” was really a she. The rest of the family did as well. After some explanations and the discovery of her wings she passed out. The story is not yet complete, however we find out in other stories that the glamour is still in effect 6 months later.
Princess Anelia — Adoptive mother of the human Morgan and real mother of the Changeling Morgan. Also the mother of Lena.
Duke Corvalis — Member of the Summer Court in Ravencrest.
Duchess Naethien — Wife of Duke Corvalis and also a member of the Summer Court in Ravencrest.
Pepper — Pixie who runs across Takashi in her fox form out in the woods and is now Maeko's liaison with the Summer Court
Unknown group or organization
Cameron (last name unknown) — Killed Leo Atozota in 1981 and tasked to find the Ring of Office for the Lore Keepers of the Were's, Coven and Vampires in Ravencrest. Has additional associates to assist him in this task. All evidence points to him being a Were-lion
Mr Bellock — Were-cobra, he works for Cameron and is quite sadistic.
Miss Anderson — She is a Medical Lab Tech and it looks like she is employed by the Mysterious Woman. Unknown status but by demeanor could be either a Lesser Were or a Norm who knows about the Unseen.
Mysterious woman — Person who contracted the Mysterious man to collect the 3 Rings of Office for her. I now suspect that this woman could be Mrs Pratchett.
Note: Cassie Drake eavesdropped on these two people in the Ravencrest University Library when she and Becky Crawford were attending Ravencrest University.
Father Mitchell — A man who showed up behind Misty's car as she was waiting for Deputy Cole on the road from Brendson to Ravencrest. He is probably NOT a Priest and he gave both Misty and Gerard the willies.
Outside Factions operating in Ravencrest.
The Order of the Sacred Heart (Hunters)
Brother Sebastion — Only named member of this group. All members of this group who came to Ravencrest were killed at the end of the Harper Affair. This is also the same group that almost destroyed the Locke family over 100 years ago by killing all the females, adult and child in the family except for the infant who was Tracy Locke's Great-grandmother.
The Black Horn — Cult dedicated to serving Aka Manah
Mrs Pratchett — See under Pratchett Family, Coven Faction. She was the true leader of the local cult.
Sophie Green — Appeared to be the leader of the group operating in Ravencrest. Note: the following is added only for continuity and is information that has been found to be totally wrong. (Friend of Kelly Daniels, Psychology student — appears to be a Norm but could be from a Witch family that has forsaken their heritage. Has a girlfriend (Patty) back home who sounds like she transitioned from male and is not a cross dresser. Update: is not attending RU and Sophie may not even be her real name, also probable that she is associated with the Black Cross.) It has been learned that Sophie is very strong in the magical arts. She killed both of her parents who ran the Black Cross and also her rich adoptive parents. Her present status is unknown. She had been collared with a Monroe Collar like Kelly Daniels and like Kelly it appears she managed to free herself from it. She disappeared the night of The Pit Nightclub fire.
Joseph Talbot — Observer of the group operating in Ravencrest who are trying to capture Kelly Daniels. Had possession of the control ring for the Monroe Collars, last seen alive leaving The Pit with the Orb of Aka Manah. Status: Deceased,
Krueger — Only named member of the Strike Team that attacked the Crawford home. Killed at the Crawford home.
Mr Breem — Owner/Operator of The Pit Nightclub. Status: deceased
Nick — Worked at The Pit, “friend” of Sophie (not confirmed but a strong probable)
Marco — Cult member told by Talbot to snap Mary Crawford's neck, causing Kelly to get angry enough to free herself from her collar and save Mary. Unknown status but probably killed by the Werewolves under Tracy when they came to the rescue.
Note: The Black Cross members mentioned below may actually be members of the Black Horn. These two are apparent magic users. All confirmed members of the Black Horn (besides Mrs Pratchett) however appear to be Norms.
The Black Crosses — Necromancers and Black Magic users. This organization no longer exists
Scar Face — Taggart — Chasing Kelly since Carsonville, possibly killed by Kelly
Pock face or Baldy — Miles - Chasing Kelly since Carsonville, possibly escaped
Both of these men are dead. One killed by Kelly during the fight and one by Sophie Green using Kelly's body. Sophie was their boss and was she was tieing up loose ends.
Tenebris Petentibus — A Hunter organization of some form, performed medical experiments on Selina. Daniel Corday believes the name means "Seekers of the Darkness".
Col. Albert “Father” Steagan - Commander of the group in Ravencrest. In revenge for the death of Selina, Rachel turned him into a Succubus
Lieutenant Robert Barns “Son” - Subordinate to “Father”. Enthralled by Rachel and later killed by Tenebris Pententibus.
Lieutenant Freeman - Probably killed in the Corday's attack on the Tenebris Pententibus camp during the rescue attempt of Selina, Daniel and Rachel but not confirmed.
Note: It is presently unknown at this time if there were any survivors of this group that were operating in Ravencrest.
The Forsaken - Were's without a Clan who have banded together, they act as spies and work to eliminate threats to Were's
Iris Malune- Young woman who approached Mikaela Vance. Her business card has a picture of a Hawk on it. It is possible that she is connected with the Gibb's family back in Mikaela's hometown. She is a Were-hawk.
Unseen of unknown type or not affiliated with any factions
Alexis — Unknown type of Unseen. She is the person who changed Mike Curtis to Misty. She referred to herself as the Punisher. She was killed by an arrow just before changing Misty back to Mike six months after the original change.
Carsonville and Shepardsville CA
The Daniels Home — Two story Victorian
The Box - Comic Shop (in Carsonville) — owned by Jerry
Carson's — Bistro in Carsonville
Braddock's Flowers — Flower shop in Carsonville, run by the daughter of the Daniels neighbor
The Square - Teen hangout, large fountain with a small eatery nearby with several shops around it.
Shepardsville — closest town to Carsonville with regular bus service between the two towns
Morgan P. Johnson (The Morgan) Community College — in Shepardsville — where Kelly's parents teach
Mumsford — This is a small College that caters primarily to the Unseen. It is located somewhere in Northern California. Jess Daniels attends this school.
Norms of Carsonville CA
Mrs Kitty Braddock — Elderly neighbor lives across the street from the Daniels, Cat-sits for them when needed.
Professor Wright — Archaeologist at The Morgan
Donna — Secretary for the Humanities Department at The Morgan
Carsonville High School Students
Tom (Tommy) Sinclair — Kelly Daniels best friend. Tom is told the truth after Kelly returns home from Ravencrest. I suspect that over time, Tom will become Kelly's boyfriend and then her Warden as he as already been acting as a Warden even if no one realized it at the time.
George Davis — Bully of Kelly
Tara Brown — She is in the same English class as Kelly Daniels and works as a server at Carson's
Becky Rawlings — School Queen Bee, appears to be a good person but is really a bully
Amber- A drone of Becky's
Courtney — A drone of Becky's
Mike Douglas — He is a Techy
Frank Douglas — Mike's older brother and a grade above Kelly Daniels
Tamara Stone — She is in the popular girl Clique and shows some signs of friendship to Kelly
Dave — A Toady of George's
Penny — Originally from Arizona and Kelly befriends her.
The Daniels - a sub-sett of the Crawfords of Ravencrest
Rebecca (Becky) Crawford — Daughter of Agatha Crawford, wife of Marcus Daniels, Professor at “The Morgan”, Witch/Magister and Cryptozoologist/ Paranormal Investigator, familiar is Diamond.
Marcus Daniels — Husband of Becky, Professor at “The Morgan”, Warden and Cryptozoologist/ Paranormal Investigator, Warden/Magister and a Norm.
Jessica (Jess) Daniels — Daughter of Marcus and Becky, Novice Witch (mediocre — attends Mumsford College and still does not have a Familiar)
Kelly Daniels (16) — Youngest child of Marcus and Becky and a Dud until after getting to Ravencrest. Something changes him into a girl and she is now capable of using magic, no longer a Dud but now a Novice Witch.
“Uncle” Felix — Mexican born in Australia, family friend and Pilot for the Daniels when they are on a mission, a norm.
Non-Ravencrest Factions
The Order of the Sacred Heart — A Hunter organization corrupted by what appears to be a female Demon. This cell appears to be unconnected to the cell destroyed in the Harper Affair.
The Rector (Paul) — Only member named so far- Corrupted human leader and the only one older than 28.
Talia "Cartwright or Henry" (The Naked Woman) — Woman who challenged Seth 2 days before his 16th birthday. Seth won the fight. Seth learns that this woman is probably a Demon and is the actual leader of the OSH prompting him to escape.
The Hands — Those members of the OSH who have passed the initiation ritual at age 16. None older than 28.
The Order of the Sacred Sword — a Hunter organization dedicated to only hunt evil Unseen. Based in England. I suspect that this organization is known to the Paranormal Investigations arm of Scotland Yard
Sir Seth Gladius (16) — Escaped from the OSH two days before his initiation ritual and rescued by the OSS, Knighted that night on the flight from the U.S. To England.
Hannah — Seth's long dead sister (or so it appeared from the narration) Only placed here for accountability as she is out of the story.
Captain the Lord, Peter Bastion — An English Duke and Leader of the OSS. The man who knighted Seth.
Sir David Handle — A Knight from the team that rescued Seth and Kevin's XO.
Sir Kevin Smythe — a Knight and the leader of the team that rescued Seth. Also a Lt of Peter's. Saved Seth's life at the age of 5 when Seth's house caught fire.
Lauren Felice Hauptman — English Were rabbit and Seth's soon to be wife and 1st Unseen Knight.
Nancy Bastion — Seer, Grandmother of Peter and Great-Aunt of David. Seers are a rare type of Unseen.
Order of the White Lotus — A Para-military Unseen group (sounds like an Anti-Hunter organization)
Jethro — Team leader of Mongoose Unit, Were-otter.
Barrabas (Rabid) — Were-rat, unit tracker/assassin
Sparkle — Witch
Cracker - Witch
Paranormal Investigations arm of Scotland Yard
Mr Duncan Michaels — Taylor's father, Director of the Paranormal Investigations arm of Scotland Yard
Mrs Michaels — Taylor's mother, Chief Investigator
Anne Smithers - Ladies Maid to Mrs Michaels
Sergeant Jimmy/Jamie King — Promoted from Corporal and assigned to investigate Taylor's disappearance. He is a friend of Taylor's (Jamie is how Taylor/Mystic refers to him.)
Taylor Michaels — A student, originally from Shrewsbury UK, of Angela Bernacci, tricked into going to Finson and then changed against his will into a female black tortoiseshell kitten, the new Familiar of Laura. The spell was reversed with one major side-effect. Taylor is now a Lesser Were. More specifically he is a Were Cat. In Were form he transforms into his Familiar form which is female. On transformation back to human form he reverts back to his male form. He is now married to Laura Martin.
Laura Martin — Novice Witch and niece of Kathy. Was the recipient of the female kitten that Taylor had been turned into. She is now the wife of Taylor.
Jamie, Taylor and Laura are now an Investigation Team of the Paranormal Investigations Branch with Jamie as Team Leader
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Frank — (1944), friend of Lance Valantine/Suzanna (See Ravencrest Vampire Faction)
Agent Bowen — I suspect that he is assigned to the FBI Paranormal Branch
Agent (name not given) — Bowen's partner
Hawaii Faction — The Umeki's and Imai's have been forced out of Hawaii by Olina's family
Ken Umeki (17) — Japanese American — See Kimme Umeki under the Umeki family in Skoghaven.
Aya Yoshida — See under the Umeki family in the Skoghaven Factions
Sachiko Imai — See under Imai family in the Skoghaven Factions
Olina — Native Hawaiian girl. Girlfriend of Ken, and her family strongly disapproved. Now confirmed to be an Unseen. Kimme's family referred to her as a Ningyo which is Japanese for human fish or Mermaid. This means that she was probably Neried or some other type of Unseen, maybe even the Hawaiian equivalent to Fae or Yo-kai. Status: deceased, she was killed by Aya on orders to fuel a ritual performed on Ken. It is for this reason that the Umeki and Imai families get forced out of Hawaii by Olina's family.
Hina'ea — An unknown type of sea spirit who was helping Ken build a sand castle during a flashback by Ren Shisaa.
Finson Vermont— This town is connected to Ravencrest via a bus route.
Katherine (Kathy) McGee — Witch who used an illegal spell to turn Taylor Michaels into a Familiar, and a friend of Angela Bernacci at RU. She has now been bound and rendered unable to utilize magic.
Laura Martin — See Scotland Yard section for further details.
Debra Martin — Sister of Kathy and mother of Laura, a Witch.
Taylor Michaels - See Scotland Yard section for further details.
Don — Ex-husband (and violent ex-con) of Angela Bernacci, turned into a pig by Katherine after he assaulted Angela, deceased.
Mrs White — Coven High Councilor
Mrs Conover — Coven Member
Miss Davis — Coven Member
San Francisco California — The Coven
Ms Graham — Magistrate sent to “Evaluate” Kelly Daniels. Mary Crawford referrers to her as the Witch Bitch (WB) to Kelly on Skype.
Reginald Duncan — WB's Warden. Kelly thought of him as Mr Muscles when she first saw him.
Rancho Calaveras California — Mikaela Vance's hometown
Werewolf Clan — The Vances, Mikaela's mother is a Vance
Mountain Lion — The Bly's
Bears — The Todd's
Hawks — The Gibbs' Clan, it is not known if there are any remaining ever since a wildfire 20 years ago.
Skogshaven Factions and locations
Skogshaven MA locations
Read Along — Bookstore owned by Diane, Coven Member, the store is on the opposite side of the Park from the Public Library.
The Nordic — Local Bistro owned by the Elofsson's
The Skogshaven Public Library
The Skogshaven Historical Society Museum — An old Victorian mansion built over an old Norse Barrow Mound (the norms don't know this)
Eastpoint Medical Center — Skogshaven's hospital
Skogshaven High School — School mascot, The Vikings
James Barns Middle School
“Father Oak” - White Oak standing like a Guardian at the entrance to the Town Commons, near the Public Library.
Carole's — Skogshaven's one stop shopping center
Shopping District — Couple of expensive restaurants, Reno's, Ice Cream Shop probably not a Friendly's (Ice Cream shop and restaurant chain primarily in New England), Kosta's Pizza Parlor, a chain sandwich shop and The Nordic.
Kosta's Pizza — Pizzeria where Miki works
Reno's - Steakhouse restaurant
Eastside Deli — Sora, cousin of Ken makes bagels there.
Ye Olde Cuttery — Barber Shop
Eve's Touch — Beauty Salon
In Stitches — Dress Shop (Formal wear) owned by Naomi Shisaa
Love Lace — Lingerie shop
The Hangout — Clothing Store, sounds similar to The Teen Scene in Ravencrest
Chaussures — Shoe store
Pocomtuc Mound/Hugelgrab — Nearby ancient Viking burial mound thought to be an Indian burial mound. It is now being guarded by a family of Spriggan's as a reward by Morgan.
The Necropolis — A nearby Dance Club
St Anne's — Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Western Massachusetts
Ashton House — An old Victorian Mansion that like the SHS Museum is owned by the Summer Court Sidhe in Skogshaven.
Memorial Hill — Just east of the woods on the edge of town. It is the location of the first church built in Skogshaven. The church is no longer standing but the Cemetery is still active. Presently, the only people who get buried there now are Veterans and it is now the final resting place of Navy Corpsman 2nd Class Matthew Dobson.
Sword of Samphire — Ancient (sentient?) artifact presently held by Poppy. Poppy has started calling the sword Samphire and the sword seems to like it when she does.
Cursed Athame — This is the knife that Katie is bound to. It is presently in the possession of Morgan and never leaves her presence. This item has recently had the enchantments weakened by Queen Morgause so that over time the enchantment will fade and eventually go away.
Norms of Skogshaven
Mrs Laura Holms
Mrs Laura Holms — Woman that Morgan helps in the Town Common by finding her daughter.
Mandy Holms (8) — Young daughter of Laura who wandered into the Fae woods of the Town Common.
Cindy Rose — Deputy Sheriff
Mrs Jacobson — Town Librarian
Jakob Dahl — Sheriff
Walter Marvin — Manager of a BMW Dealership, deceased and turned into a Draug (Barrow Wight)
Frank Marvin — Grandfather of Walter, 101st AB Div Vet from WWII, Walter's hero. It was his M1911A1 that Morgan used to defeat the Draug.
Lisa — Walter's ex-wife
Lori — Rebecca Rynder's assistant at work, technically not in Skogshaven. Rebecca's workplace is not known only that she has to commute by train so either in the Boston area or someplace in CT or NYC.
Frank — Works at Kosta's with Miki.
Mr Thompson — School Board Member and father of Dylan Thompson
Mrs Dorothy Styles — Elderly neighbor of the Magrath's. Killed by the Unseelie Hag, Black Mary and replaced by her.
Duyen Nordberg — Wife of Aaron, see entry for Aaron under Eastside Medical Center
Allison Talbert — Woman seriously injured in a car accident and treated at the site of the crash by Dr Dobson. She is still in a deep coma as of this entry.
Jacob — Son of Allison and her oldest child
Name not given — Daughter of Allison
Name not given — Daughter of Allison
Daniel — Marine or former Marine who assists at the accident
Mr Nelson — Father of Tabitha
Mrs Nelson — Mother of Tabitha
Stacy Nelson — Sister of Tabitha, might be deceased
Heidi — Pre-teen or teen sledding
Paul - Pre-teen or teen sledding
Josh — Teen injured and treated by Poppy after a snowboarding accident
Alex — Teen sledding
Laura Rheingold — A pregnant woman helped by Poppy, Morgan and Abigail when she went into early labor
Robert Rheingold — Husband of Laura
Name not given Rheingold — Twin child of Robert and Laura, gender not given
Name not given Rheingold — Twin child of Robert and Laura, gender not given
Name not given Rheingold — Infant born in the backseat of the Rheingold's Minivan at the Skoghaven Library
Name not given — Sister of Laura Rheingold, called to take care of the twins when Laura is rushed to Eastside Medical Center
Faculty of James Barnes Middle School
Mrs Simpson
Miss Shisaa — Gym Teacher, unknown which member of the Shisaa family she is.
Mrs Armstrong — Bree's Math Teacher
Students of James Barnes Middle School
Emma Andersen (13) — Classmate of Braden Magrath
Samantha — Best friend of Emma
Braden/Breyana Magrath — See under Cailleach Feasa Faction.
Dylan Thompson — Bully, father is on the School Board
Susan Jacobson — Classmate of Braden
Sofia Teague — Student in Mrs Simpson's class, best friend of Breyana. See under Coven Faction
Skogshaven High School Faculty
Rachel Byrne — Principal and Coven member
Heidi Mitchell — Vice Principal
Mrs Sheffield — School Secretary
Francine Berg — Chemistry Teacher and Coven member
Margaret — Teacher
Miss Byrd — Kimme Umeki's homeroom Teacher
Mrs Hilderbrant — Kimme's History Teacher
Mrs Hotaru Saito — Geography Teacher and one of Morgan's teachers, see under Kitsune Faction
Skogshaven High School students - Norms
Michael (Miki) Moody (17) — Pizza delivery driver
Felicia — Friend then bully of Abigail at SHS (2010)
Brandy — Daughter of the Mayor of Skogshaven
Kristen — Classmate of Ken/Kimme, senior
Eric Sullivan — Ex-boyfriend of Kristen and very possessive (thinks Kristen is still his girlfriend), bully and trouble-maker. Son of a drunken mother, has a younger sister, guessing she is pre-teen. After encounter with Kimiye, literally becomes a new and nicer person.
Melissa — Ex-girlfriend of Miki, niece of Jakob Dahl, the Sheriff
Jessica — New girlfriend of Eric Sullivan
Ashley Rowley — In Kimme's homeroom
Lauren - In Kimme's homeroom
Christen — Male student who thinks he is God's gift to women. Senior with a very nordic appearance, could be a Kincade but probably not.
Tabitha Nelson — Senior, see under Vampire Faction
Roselle (Rose) Mjoll — Senior, friend of Tabitha
Eastside Medical Center Staff
Dr Shango St Hill — Head of General Surgery, see under Were Jaguar Faction
Oshun St Hill — Licensed Mid-wife, see under Were Jaguar Faction
Dr Doris Kreig — Pediatrician, Coven Member, see under Coven Faction, Kreig family
Dr Alexander Dumas — Trauma Surgeon, norm
Dr Matthew Dobson — New Trauma Surgeon at Eastwood. Seriously injured (head trauma) while treating a seriously injured woman in a car crash. He has finally succumbed to his injuries and was given a military funeral in Skogshaven . See Poppy under Seelie Court Faction
Elaine Dobson — Dr Dobson's wife, deceased
Aaron Nordberg — Former Marine and Vietnam Vet, friend of Dr Dobson from the war. Works in the Admin Office.
Dr Abasi — Shango's assistant, he is a tall African-American. Unknown if he is Unseen or norm at this time.
The Coven - There are five families in this Coven. Only four are given at this time, Teague, Byrne, Berg and Kreig.
Diana — Owner of the Read Along, bookstore in Skogshaven, Coven Member and cousin of Deputy Sheriff Dan Summers. Her family name has not been given at this time.
Eshne Teague — Store owner in Skogshaven, Coven High Councilor, Aunt of Abigail Morris but more of a mother to her.
Mr Teague — Husband and Warden of Eshne
First name not given Teague — Son of Eshne and brother of Sophia
Sophia Teague — Daughter of Eshne, student at James Barnes Middle School
Abigail (Abby) Morris — Niece of Eshne, High School student, girlfriend of Morgan Rynders and Novice Witch. Her mother's name is never mentioned. She is alive but rarely around and mostly a stranger to Abby. Never met her father so he is unnamed as well. She now has a Familiar by the name of Blacky.
Phylis — Witch, her specialty appears to be Scrying, unknown which family she is a part of.
Rachel Byrne — Principal of Skogshaven High School and Coven Member
Francine Berg — Chemistry Teacher at Skogshaven High School and Coven Member
Kyle — Husband of Francine and her Warder
Dr Doris Kreig — Pediatrician and Coven Member
Stephan Kreig — Lawyer(?) and brother of Doris, Dud and now dating Rebecca Rynders
Nikki — Novice Witch, unknown which family she is a part of.
Deputy Dan Summers — Dud, originally from Ravencrest NY and Diana's cousin. As well as working for the Sheriff's Department he also works for the Coven. It is not mentioned which Ravencrest Coven family he is a member of.
Elizabeth (Liz) Summers — Wife of Dan Summers, probably a Norm.
Katelyn Summers — Newborn daughter of Dan and Liz Summers
Emma — Coven Inquisitor, unknown which family she is a part of.
Raynard — Warden
Sandra — Possibly Raynard's wife and she is a Witch, unknown which family she is a part of.
Were Council
Were bear Faction (Kodiak) — the Kincade Family, related to the Corday's of Ravencrest
Richard Kincade — Eldest Brother and Clan Alpha. He is also a former Mayor of Skogshaven
Delilah (Elle) Kincade — Wife of Richard
Greg Kincade — Brother of Richard, friend of Dan Summers, attended Ravencrest University
Stephanie Kincade — Wife of Greg, friend of Liz Summers
Stephan Kincade — Son of Greg and Stephanie, football player
Malcolm Kincade — Son of Greg and Stephanie, High School senior and Wrestler
Charlie Kincade — Son of Richard and Ella
Lori Kincade - Wife of Charlie
Michael Kincade — Oldest child of Charlie and Lori (Middle School?)
Olivia Kincade (7) — Daughter of Lori and Charlie
Emma Kincade — Youngest daughter of Lori and Charlie
Jacob Kincade (2) — Son of Charlie and Lori
William Kincade — Son of Richard and Ella
Amy Kincade — Wife of William
Andrew Kincade — Eldest Son of William and Amy, college freshman
Tina Kincade (15) — Daughter of William and Amy
Brandon Kincade — Not mentioned but I think, son of William and Amy
Note: Ages given for this faction are as of 2010.
Were lion-dog Faction (Japanese) — the Shisaa family, some females of this line have limited magical ability
Rika Shisaa — Matriarch and Clan Alpha. It has been learned that she has left Skogshaven for Hawaii to help re-establish the Umeki family there.
Masanori Shisaa — Son of Rika and Beta, owner of the most popular Dojo in town. With his mother moving to Hawaii, he is now the Alpha in Skogshaven.
Emmi Shisaa — Wife of Masanori
Ren Shisaa (17) — Son of Masanori and Emmi
Rebecca Shisaa (14) — Daughter of Masanori and Emmi
Steven Shisaa (16) — I suspect that he is the son of Masanori and Emmi but am not sure.
Yui (Shisaa?) - Cousin of Ken/Kimme Umeki and she is off at College
Hirio — Uncle of Ken/Kimme, husband of Naomi?
Jared — Uncle of Ken/Kimme
Naomi — Aunt of Ken/Kimme, owner of In Stitches
Juro Shisaa — Son of Naomi
Sora Shisaa — Son of Naomi
Hibiki Shisaa — Daughter of Naomi
Nanako Shisaa — Unknown relationship to Kimme
Imai Family Faction — Japanese Witch family
Sachiko Imai — Grandmother of Kimme and mother of Kaede, she is a Shinto Priestess and de-facto Clan Chieftain for the Imai, Umeki and Shisaa families. She sacrified herself by stepping in the way of a katana blade meant for Kimme.
Taro — Black Robe, he seems to fit into a Warder role for the Imai family.
Umeki Family Faction — Japanese Witch family charged by the Emperor to be the keepers of the peace to the Japanese equivalent of Fae (Yo-kai).
Kaede Umeki (Imai) — Mother of Kimme, former head of the family, daughter of Sachiko Imai, she was a Japanese Witch. Princess Morgan has stripped her of all magical ability. The Winter Court Duchess she is Sclabhai to has spirited her and her entourage away to Ireland as punishment for failing her.
Maso Umeki — Father of Kimme, he is a Dud.
Ken/Kimme (Kimiye) Umeki — It has now been learned that Ken/Kimme is actually a Karakuri or Puppet Enchantment to provide a shell for a bound and sealed Yo-kai named Kimiye. She is now the head of the Umeki family. Kimiye in her Yo-kai form is a Cat Spirit. It has now been revealed that when Kimme sacrificed her life energy to Kimiye to save Katie that what actually happened was that both Kimme and Kimiye merged into a new combined being with both of their personalities and memories merged together.
Katherine (Katie) — From Ireland, was Ken's Nanny when he was younger then started working for his Great-aunt Rika, is back to being the servant in charge of Ken, now Kimme's care. See under the Seelie Court Faction for details.
Aya Yoshida — Ken's trainer and mother figure. Aya has been released from her binding and revealed to be a White Nine-tailed Kitsune. She is also distantly related to the Saito family. As such, I will be leaving this entry under Aya here but will be making a new entry under the Saito family as well under the name of Kuugen.
Ume-chan — Female retainer of the Umeki family, Witch. Probably received the same punishment as Kaede and also spirited away by the Unseelie Duchess like Kaede.
As punishment, Princess Morgan totally striped the magical ability from the Witches of this family including the ability to pass on this heritage to their decendents.
Were jaguar (Black) Faction — the St Hill family (African-Caribbean)
Dr Shango St Hill — Male Alpha, Head of General Surgery at Eastside
Maria St Hill — Wife of Shango
Merlena and Sandie — Twin daughters of Shango and Maria, When attending school are enrolled at Ravencrest University.
Nathaniel St Hill — Son of Shango and Maria
Oshun St Hill — Sister of Shango, Female Alpha, licensed Mid-wife
Roberto — Husband of Oshun, Dentist
Agwe St Hill — Daughter of Oshun and Roberto, She disappeared into the sea back on Martinique for one year and believed to have been in the Fae Realm for that year.
Name not given — Older brother of Agwe, works with their father Roberto
Name not given — Older brother of Agwe, sophomore in College in Georgia.
Daphnia — Cousin of Agwe, runs a B&B in their Grandmother's old house on Martinique.
Lesser Were Faction
Deputy Sheriff Justin Blackstock — Unknown Were-type, Dan's back-up for Unseen police calls.
Juan, EMT — Wereraccoon
Brett, EMT — Were-German Shepard
Vampire Faction
Nina Ombre — Owner of The Necropolis. After Phillip rescued Sile in Spain back in 1801, she nursed her back to health then took her back to Paris after the Peace of Amiens.
Pavel — Husband of Nina and door man at The Necropolis, not known if he is Unseen or Norm at this time. He is Russian and it sounds like he was formerly in the KGB or GRU.
Lorelei — Daughter of Nina, was in Spain with Nina when Sile was rescued. She runs the office at the Necropolis.
Medea — Daughter of Nina, she runs the lights at the Necropolis.
Tabitha Nelson — High School Senior and friend of Agwe, Rose and Kimme. She and Rose were attacked by rogue Vampires. Unfortunately for Tabitha, she was drained so Nina turned her to save her existence. Agwe and Kimme both know this but because Rose is a Norm she believes her friend died in an accident.
Marco — Employee at the Necropolis, unknown status but possibly norm.
Kris — One of the Doormen at the Necropolis, probably a norm.
Cody — Vampire poaching in Skogshaven, attacked Rose and Tabitha, killed by Kimiye
Jeremy — Vampire poaching in Skogshaven, attacked Rose and Tabitha, killed by Kimiye.
Kitsune Faction — Saito family, sub-sett of the Saito's of Ravencrest
Satoshi Saito— Younger brother of Amane Saito of Ravencrest and Uncle of Takashi/Maeko, Works in the government.
Hotaru Saito — Wife of Satoshi and a teacher in SHS.
Kohaku Saito — Twin daughter of Satoshi and Hotaru (13 at this time.)
Ren Saito — Twin daughter of Satoshi and Hotaru (13 at this time.)
Kuugen Saito - Formerly Aya Yoshida, a 9-tailed Kitsune no longer bound to the Umeki Clan. She is not actually a member of the Saito family but she is distantly related to them.
The Twins are younger than Takashi/Maeko Saito of Ravencrest so at this time should not be aware of their heritage as Kitsune.
Spirit or Lost Souls Faction
Blacky - Familiar of Abigail (Abby) Morris, he is a large black Tom-cat.
Cailleach Feasa (Irish Witches) Faction, This faction is referred to as the Coimirceoiri by the the Seelie Court. They are distantly related to the Aes Sithe. They are the helpers, family and guardians of the ways into the Fae Realm
Alexandra Magrath — Mother of Mr Magrath, grandmother of Braden, deceased.
Mr Magrath — Father of Braden, Dud, rescued from the Hag by Princess Morgan and sent off to Queen Mab for healing.
Mrs Magrath — Mother of Braden, Norm, killed in an auto accident and probably actually killed by Mrs Styles, an Unseelie Hag.
Braden/Breyana Magrath — Youngest child of the Magrath's, becomes an untrained young Witch after Lily changes her to a girl to save her from the Cw'n Annwn, able to see Fae.
Molly Magrath — Older sister of Braden, norm, killed in an auto accident and probably actually killed by Mrs Styles, an Unseelie Hag
Michelle Walcott — Deceased, Witch/Magister, Morgan's original Guardian
Lawrence Walcott — Deceased, Lawyer, Warden/Magister, Morgan's original Guardian
Phillip — He was Sile's lover starting in 1801 back in Spain. He was also a 1800's trained Physician. He was killed by Eoghan in Paris France sometime before Sile showed up in Skogshaven.
Important information about both the Summer and Winter Court's
Maher Family — This would appear to be the name that the Summer Court uses to administer their holdings in and around Skogshaven.
There are three Queens of the Summer Court and it would appear that the High Queen's title rotates among them. The three Queens at this time are Titania, Mab(Maeve) and Uonaidh (Una) with Titania the present High Queen of the Summer Court. Una will be assuming that title in about 30 years.
The High Queen of the Winter Court is determined in an entirely different way. The present High Queen has held her position for quite some time now and it does not appear that there is anyone strong enough to force her out. The present High Queen of the Winter Court is Queen Morgause.
Pixies — Most Pixies are just that, Pixies. However, there are some Pixies that originally started life as mortal humans and on death became Pixies. Only Pixie's with this heritage have the ability to become human sized and appear as normal mortal humans. Notable Pixies in this category are Samphire, Xeranthemum and Poppy. Samphire was originally a member of the Cailleach Feasa and a guardian of Brigit's sacred flame. Xeranthemum was originally a Volurs (Daughter of Freyja — Norse Witches). It is her body that lies under the mound in the Sacred Grove in Skogshaven. Her husband, Njall and her Ulfheonar (Odin Warriors — Berserkers) buried her there. The Ulfheonar were her bodyguards and this particular band were Werewolves.
Skogshaven Seelie Court Faction (Sacred)
Morgan Rynders — Thought to be a boy when adopted by Rebecca Rynders. At age 15, Hamadryad Sapphira finally managed to remove all of the enchantments and glamours on Morgan which slowly revealed Morgan to have a human female form. Morgan is a Fae Princess, The Arbitrator, Daughter of Mab the Warrior Queen of the Summer Court, long thought lost. She is of the Aes Sidhe
Breyana Rynders (See entry for Braden/Breyana Magrath). Adopted by Rebecca after being saved from Black Mary
Rebecca Rynders — Adoptive mother of Morgan and Breyana, norm. She is a Lawyer specializing in Entertainment Law.
Nichole Rynders — Daughter of Rebecca (living with her father in California), older sister of Morgan, norm
Phil Rynders — Ex-husband of Rebecca, norm
Aes Sidhe — By the context given I think, Fae Nobility of both Courts
Aos Sidhe — By the context given, a Sidhe (Fae) of the Summer or Winter Court whether they are noble or common.
Sten Elofsson — Son of Gurdy (80's), runs the kitchen of The Nordic. I suspect that his father was a normal human.
Gurdy — Mother of Sten, runs the front of The Nordic, a Huldra. Appears much younger than her son so pretends to be a distant cousin.
The Green Man — Guardian of the Sacred Grove, Sacrificed himself to kill Ashur the Redcap.
Sabina — Woodwife, gentle caretaker of the forests
Siv - Woodwife, gentle caretaker of the forests
Sapphira — Hamadryad — Gatekeeper of the Skoghaven Fae Gate
Mab — Warrior Queen of the Summer Court, Morgan's mother
Duke Uilleam — a cousin or uncle of Morgan
Lord Alexander “Hastings” - Son of Duke Uilleam, cousin and fiancée of Morgan, Sophomore at BU, poly sci major
Countess Cliona — Young Aes Sidhe attending a private school in North Carolina
Count Delancey — Father of Cliona, recently assassinated by the Winter Court. Carried out by Countess Sianna on the orders of the White Duchess. It has now been learned that he was only a secondary target. He was killed while meeting a Baron from the Winter Court about the two Courts cooperating.
Bria — Clan Leader of the local Pixies
Eglantine — Bria's XO
Acadia — Pixie guardian of Abby
Teasel — Pixie guardian of Abby
Xeranthemum (Xera) — Pixie guardian of Abby and Clan Keeper of Names.
Zinnia — Pixie, assigned to help guard Breyana (and help keep Lily out of trouble...)
Iris — Pixie, assigned to help guard Breyana
Lily — Pixie, has the reputation of being the most accident prone Pixie in the Clan, befriends Braden. New apprentice to Xera and guardian of Breyana.
Laurel — A red-headed Pixie
Syringa — A purple haired Pixie
Poppy — A new-born Pixie, Matt Dobson, newest possessor of the Sword of Samphire. It has been revealed that Poppy may be of the line of Samphire. She is also now Morgan's Champion.
Dr Poppy Sully - Poppy is also referred to as Doctor Sully by the local EMT's who are also Lesser Were's when she is in full human form. Now with full official documentation.
Hepatica - Pixie
Gan-ainm — Unnamed, A Pixie before she learns her name.
Phriomh Ard — High Chief, a title given to a Pixie during times of great peril.
Samphire — The greatest Phriomh Ard known to Bria. It appears that her sword was in the possession of Menadue. Poppy gained possession of the sword from the Spriggan Menadue by winning it in a game of Letum.
Liam — Sidhe
Roisin — Wife of Liam, Sidhe
Emily — Daughter of Liam and Roisin, Sidhe
Countess Athadra - Aos Sidhe
Dame Wyndra - Daughter of Countess Athadra and a Knight in the Order of Red Oak
Caitrin, better known as Katherine or Katie — An Aos Sidhe imprisoned and made into a Sclabhai by a Duchess in the Winter Court and assigned to one of her other Sclabhai. She is bound to an Athame. While she has not yet been freed from being bound to the Athame, she is now free of the compulsion to obey the owner of the Athame. The Athame is presently in the keeping of Morgan.
Arabeth — An Aos Sidhe working as a Paralegal in Charleston SC, her mother is a Knight on Mab's Court. She will probably be asked to join Morgan's Court.
Dame Sian — Mother of Arabeth. She is a member of Mab's Court.
Sile “Martin”— Baobhan Sith (Scottish Vampire), Unseelie who asked for and received sanctuary from Morgan. Provided covert aid to the Seelie. Now the new Town Historian
Cu Sith — Guardians of the Woods, pony-sized, green and brown dogs
Knocker's — Fae Miners, can be malevolent or helpful to Norm Miners depending on how treated.
Note: It has been learned that the Tunguska event in Siberia in 1908 was actually a full scale battle between the Summer and Winter Court. One of the few times where a Queen of the Sidhe actually are allowed to participate in battle.
Unseelie Court Faction
Queen Morgause — Queen of Air and Darkness and current High Queen of the Winter Court. She is also Princess Morgan's Aunt.
Baron Scrymgeour of the Red Lances — Aes Sith killed by the Dunkelheit for holding discussions with a member of the Summer Court (Count Delancey) about cooperation between the two Courts
Dunter — Redcap (killed by Kincade's)
Jabol — Dunkelheit. He is actually not Unseelie but a Dalaketnon or Filipino evil Fae equivalent. (killed by Gurdy)
Manfred — Dunkelheit (killed by Queen Mab earlier)
Eoghan — Trapped High sorcerer of Hildaland (Finfolk), possessed the Draugr that was formerly Walter Marvin (Draugr defeated using M1911A1 that was orignally owned by Walter's grandfather, Frank, a hero of WWII.
Draugr — Norse Barrow-Wights, these creatures are what inspired J.R.R. Tolkien's Barrow-Wights
Dunkelheit — Unseelie Swords for hire primarily interested in collecting slaves
Ashur — Redcap (Killed by The Green Man)
Countess Sianna — Mistress of the Dunkelheit, the only one to survive and get away from the Hugelgrab fight. Presently hiding out at a home in Blairsville, a town in the mountains of Northern Georgia. Recently captured by Princess Morgan and her team and after questioning, turned over to Queen Morgause.
The White Duchess — Her name has not been revealed at this time but she is the Unseelie noble who Countess Sianna was taking her orders from and the noble who owns Kaede Umeki and now physically possesses her
Haugtrold — Troll-kin
Sir Mavin — Knight of the Winter Court (killed)
Sluagh — Unforgiven Dead, what Eoghan tried to turn Dan Summers into.
Sclabhai — Celtic Irish for slave, what Abigail became for a short while after being captured.
Dream Eater — Servant of Sianna, killed by the Pixie guardians of Abby.
Bog Lemmings — Animals used by the Unseelie as either spies or messengers.
Black Mary - A Hag who has killed Mrs Styles, neighbor of the Magrath's and replaced her. Seriously wounded and driven off by Princess Morgan.
Cw'n Annwn — Look like large black dogs, the heralds of death.
Adnet — Baobhan Sith who was traveling with Sile in Spain back in 1801 when they were attacked by Hunters. She did not survive the attack.
Spriggan's - Spriggans are short, grey goblin like creatures. Used as guardians of Fae treasure since ancient times. Those families who lost or did not have hordes became nomadic. and it also looks like they are used by the Winter Court as spies (eyes and ears, might be the Unseelie analog to Pixies).
Hembrynkyas — Chief of a Spriggan family
Piran- Former Hembrynkyas of the Spriggan family that shows up in Skogshaven shortly after Poppy gains her Pixie name.
Jago — Present Hembrynkyas of the Spriggan family that visited Skogshaven shortly after Poppy became a Pixie. Now deceased in a leadership dual with Menadue
Menadue — Hembrynkyas of the Spriggan family that was present during the battle in Skogshaven. His family was all but destroyed in the fighting and on the order of Countess Sianna has merged with Jago's family in an attempt to take it over. He is now the newest Hembrynkyas of the combined Spriggan families. Now KIA along with a sizable portion of his new family.
Kernow — Leader of a group of 6 Spriggan's that appear to report to Menadue.
Ili — A Spriggan Wife, very beautiful. It is rumored that female Spriggan's came about long ago by the capture of Pixies by Spriggan's.
Letum — A Spriggan dice game
Kaede Umeki (Imai) — Mother of Kimme, former head of the Umeki family, daughter of Sachiko Imai, she was a Japanese Witch. Princess Morgan has stripped her of all magical ability. The White Duchess has taken possession of her property as punishment for failing in her assignment. It is also believed that all the other Witches of the Umeki family who had their abilities striped by Morgan were also taken by the White Duchess.
Qingu and Zaltu — Redcaps, they were named after Assyrian gods. These two were given to Countess Sianna by the White Duchess to serve as her Body Guards. They left her side after bowing to Princess Morgan when she and her team attacked the compound in Georgia where the Countess was hiding. These two creatures are ancient and would be very powerful
Note: All of the fighting age males of the Spriggan family that was ruled by Menadue were all killed in battle. However, during the battle, it was the males of the Jago line who turned against the males of the Menadue line in a fight against the Pixies of Skoghaven. In return, Princess Morgan has granted the surviving family members with the Hugelgrab. In return, they are to guard the Hugelgrab from any who wish to do evil there.
Canada (Toronto)
Roy — Security Guard at the Toronto Airport
Sally — Security Dispatcher at the Toronto Airport
University of Toronto Students
Keith Roseberry — From Sena Island B.C. Canada, discovered to be the son of a Witch
Pete — Keith's college roommate. He is from Thunder Bay.
Sena Island, B.C. Canada (Half an hour by seaplane from Vancouver B.C.)
Locations on Sena Island
Harbor Dock — Sena Island Float Plane Base
Coven Council Hall — Man- made tunnel somewhere on the Island
Roseberry Manor — Was built during the founding of the town and is presently occupied by Helen.
Whitlock Mansion — Meeting place of the Unseen Council
The Valley — By the description given it is a Fae Sacred Grove and in the Fae Realm.
Crossroads — Five ley lines intersect above Sena Island
Sorcha Bay — Named after Sorcha Roseberry, one of the founders of Sena Island. At least half of the seals populating the bay are probably Selkies (see under Selkie Faction)
Johnson's Hill - Near Sorcha Bay, named after Edward Johnson, a Selkie, after he led the defence against British Seal Hunters from the hill in the 1800's
Whitlock Beach — Named after one of the founders of the town.
Aaki Square — Business district in the town. Named after one of the founders of the town.
The Book Mark — Bookstore owned by Gwen Roseberry.
Gino's — Pizza Parlor and a teen hangout on Aaki Square.
Cabin — Used as an emergency shelter and Search Party HQ for searches in the forest near the Valley.
The Lighthouse — One of two pubs in Sena Island and where the Norms of the Island hang out. (new feeding ground for Genevieve and Kayla.
On the Rocks — The second pub in Sena Island and the Unseen hang out.
Cairns Auto — Local auto shop owned by Carl Kairns, Kayla's father.
Sally's — Old-style drive-in restaurant.
Oh My Goth — Small clothing store, one of four clothing stores in SI. Did not get much business until Kayla arrived. It is located on Third Ave.
Denman's - Locally owned department store, one of the largest buildings in town as well.
Nature's Blessings - Flower Shop owned by Nora Poole. It is also the local apothecary for potion supplies for all the Witches in the Coven.
Ground Zero - Coffee Shop, owned by Meara O'Connor, see under Selkie Faction
Sugar and Spice - Bakery owned by Molly McGreggor, mother of Jason
Cool Cat Combat - Dojo owned and operated by Emi Brand and her daughter Moriko. It is just down the street from Oh My Goth.
Danica's - Clothing store popular with teenage girls primarily it would seem for clothing worn on dates.
Inside Out - Lingerie Store
Sole Train - Shoe Store
Snippits - Beauty Salon
Kiss and Make-up - Store catering to teenage girls casual clothing, accessories and make-up
Rave-olution - Dance Club opening soon catering to the local teens to give them someplace to go for fun. It is being opened by Kate Graves (See under Coven Faction - Dennis family)
Serendipity — The only fine dining establishment on Sena Island (seafood and pasta dishes)
Titania's Glove - Poole family heirloom , very elegant looking bronze chainmail wrist guard. It can not be removed from the possessor until that person dies and can only be transferred between members of the Poole family. The item is a magic amplifier so is of no use to males. it was last in the possession of Nathan Poole's great-grandmother when she disappeared back in 1951 while out searching for herbs near the Valley and she fell into a cave running from Ly Erg, an Unseelie Soldier and he broke her neck. Nathan Poole was led to the heirloom by the Pixie Dandelion. He also fell into the cave and subsequently discovered his great-grandmother's skeleton. He unfortunately touched the glove and it transferred to his hand and transformed him into a girl.
Titania's Armor - This is the rest of the armor set that Titania's Glove came from. This is a set that Titania no longer wears and it was given to Natalie to provide additional protection for her if needed. Unlike the Glove it is removable. A longsword and a dagger were also provided with the armor.
Eric Peters - Teenage arrogant jerk who thinks he is God's gift to women.
Mike Hartley — Eric's buddy and fellow Neanderthal
Julie — Maid/Housekeeper at the Roseberry Manor
Tara Hill - Sena Island HS student and Volleyball team member
Janice Meyers - Sena Island HS student and Volleyball team member
Lisa Edwards - Receptionist at the S.I. Medical Clinic. A bit of a snob and attended S.I.HS with Keith Roseberry
Dr Lincoln - Night shift Doctor at the Clinic
Laura — Stylist at Snippits
Paula Leeds — SIHS student and Queen Bee-type
David Kelly — SIHS senior who was temporarily possessed by Maorg so she could spy on Natalie Poole.
Sena Island High School Faculty
Mrs Janet Lawson - Sena Island High School Principal - Coven Member
Miss Evans - School Secretary
Miss Snyder - Physical Education Teacher
Mrs Jacobs - Home Education Teacher
Mr Phelps - Math Teacher
Mr Lyle Brand - New English Teacher, See Were-Lynx faction
Mr Greg Moore - Science Teacher, See Selkie faction
Mrs Jameson - History Teacher
Witch Faction - The Coven has Five member families.
The Coven
Helen Roseberry - High Councilor
Nora Poole
Agnes Taylor
Janet Lawson
Clair Dennis
Katherine Taylor - Inquisitor
Roseberry Family
Sorcha Roseberry — One of the founders of Sena Island. Long dead.
Helen Roseberry — Kayla's aunt and older sister of her mother, Coven High Councilor.
Gwen Roseberry — Kayla's cousin and daughter of Helen, Witch. Owns the local bookstore
Lena Roseberry — Mother of Keith, Witch. See under Vampire faction for Keith.
Carl Kairns — Father of Keith, not known if he is a norm or dud, is his wife's Warden.
Poole Family
Mrs Nora Poole - Mother of Rick and Nathan (now Natalie) - Coven Member
William - Father of Rick and Nathan (now Natalie) - Warden
Rick Poole — Dud, fiancée to Gwen and her Warden and is a Float Plane pilot. He is also the pilot for the Island's Medivac Helicopter
Natalie Poole — Rick's little sister, formerly Nathan Poole, found an old family heirloom and it changed him into a girl. Now a Novice Witch. As Nate, he was pledged to Sarah Taylor as her Warden-in-training.
Taylor Family
Mrs Agnes Taylor - Grandmother of Sarah Taylor, Coven Member
Katherine Eunice Taylor — Inquisitor of the Sena Island Coven.
Sarah Taylor — The teen daughter of the Inquisitor. Novice Witch and friend of Natalie.
Oliver Dennis — Father of Sarah and husband of Katherine, he is a doctor at the Sena Island Clinic. He is from the Dennis family so he is a Dud. He is Katherine's Warden.
Lawson Family
Mrs Janet Lawson - Sena Island High School Principal - Coven Member
Becky Lawson - Teen daughter of Mrs Lawson, Novice Witch, known for her wild tales so is not taken seriously by the Norms
Dennis Family
Mrs Clair Dennis - Coven Member
Karen Dennis - Novice Witch, S.I.HS student
Melissa Graves - Novice Witch, S.I.HS student and cousin of Karen
Kara Graves - Older sister of Melissa. Attended Business School in Vancouver and moved back to open a Dance Club to give the local teens something to do besides outdoorsy stuff. She is probably older than 21 so that would make her a Witch.
Vampire Faction
Genevieve Dunn — Daughter of Carmilla who has left Ravencrest, has the ability to cause anyone she is speaking to to always tell the truth. Turned in 1999.
Carly - Daughter of Carmilla who has left Ravencrest. Turned in 1998. Killed by Hunters in Toronto.
Kayla Marie Dunn (formerly Keith Aaron Roseberry) — First daughter of Genevieve, after being turned it is learned that he was a dud (son of a Witch), Turned December 19 2011. Now appears to be a 16 year old girl. It has also been learned that Kayla has inherited a very rare family ability. She is not a Witch but a Healer, the 1st in the family in over four generations.
Unseen Council — Meets in the Whitlock Mansion
James Whitlock — Present head of the Council and representing the Were-foxes
Helen Roseberry — Representing the Coven
Tanner McGreggor — Representing the Were-moose faction
Dr Sandra Brand — Representing the Were-lynx faction
Lessa Freemont — Representing the Neried faction
William O'Brien — Representing the Selkie faction
Thomas Whitefeather — Current Shaman of the Nui-chal-tulth representing the Whitefeather Tribe and the Norms in general.
Genevieve Dunn - Representing the Vampire faction (recently added)
Were-fox Faction, Whitlock Family
John Whitlock- A founder of Sena Island
James Whitlock — Descendent of John. head of the Unseen Council
Jenny Whitlock - S.I.HS student
Max Whitlock - Younger brother of Jenny
Andrew Whitlock - Cousin of the Whitlock's
Were Moose Faction
McGreggor Family
Tanner McGreggor — Father of Jason and member of the Unseen Council
Molly McGreggor - Wife of Tanner and owner of the local Bakery
Jason McGreggor — Teen about 16 to 17 years of age, friend of Natalie and Sarah.
Potts Family
Denise Potts — Jason's Aunt and Tanner's sister
John Potts — Husband of Denise
Derrick Potts — Son of John and Denise
Daphne Potts— Daughter of John and Denise
Were-lynx Faction
Dr Sandra Brand — Member of the Unseen Council and S.I.'s Ob/Gyn
Gordon Brand - Brother of Sandra, recently moved back to S.I. (2011)
Erin Brand - Daughter of Gordon and in the same grade as Natalie Poole
Lyle Brand - Brother of Sandra, moved to S.I the night of the Halloween party of 2011 from Japan.
Emi Brand - Wife of Lyle and mother of Moriko, she is a type of Yo-kai known as a Bakeneko. They are women who can turn into cats. Like Nerieds, Bakeneko are all female.
Moriko Brand - Daughter of Lyle and Emi. She is a hybrid between a Were-lynx and a Bakeneko and it would appear that until she was 16, she was their son. However, like Ashley Martin in Ravencrest it would appear that her Bakeneko heritage changed her into a female on her birthday which was just before Halloween.
The Whitefeather Tribe — A branch of the Nui-chal-tulth Indian tribe
Aaki Whitefeather — Shaman of the Nui-chal-tulth and a founder of Sena Island
Thomas Whitefeather - Current Shaman of the Nui-chal-tulth and a member of the Unseen Council
Jackie Whitefeather - Her mother is an O'Brien and her heritage is Selkie.
Selkie Faction — A large number of the Irish settlers of SI were of this faction. Similar to Weres in that they are people who can change into seals.
William O'Brien — Member of the Unseen Council
Shaun O'Brien - Same grade as Natalie
Jack O'Brien - Older brother of Shaun (18)
Bailey O'Brien - She is the cousin of Shaun and Jack (16), works at Danica's
Greg Moore - Science Teacher at S.I. High School
Gary Moore - Senior at S.I.HS, possibly the son of Greg
Edward Johnson - One of the early settlers of Sena Island, a hill was named after him.
Meara O'Connor - Owner of the Ground Zero coffee shop, she is in her 20's and is from Dublin Ireland. It has been learned that she has a dual heritage, she is also of the Cailleach Feasa (see under that faction below)
Neried Faction — One or two families of this faction reside on SI.
Lessa Freemont — Member of the Unseen Council
Chloe Freemont - Girlfriend of Andrew Harris
Cailleach Feasa (Irish Witches) Faction, This faction is referred to as the Coimirceoiri by the the Seelie Court. They are distantly related to the Aes Sithe. They are the helpers, family and guardians of the ways into the Fae Realm
Meara O'Connor - Owner of the Ground Zero coffee shop, she is in her 20's and is from Dublin Ireland.
Were-deer minor Faction
Damon Gibson — Sheriff of Sena Island. 13 years previous to the time-line of Bloodlines he was a member of the OSH. He left that organization when they attacked the small town of Snow Creek. He helped a small group of refugee's escape (mostly children and women) and one of them is the Were-deer who became his wife.
Sandy Gibson — Wife of Damon and a Were-deer
Megan Gibson — A 14 year old S.I.HS student who is positive that Kayla is a Vampire. Kayla's healing ability tingled when she touched her. It has been learned that she has ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) so she probably believes the ALS might go away if Kayla really is a Vampire and she can talk her into turning her as well. She was found by Damon just outside Snow Creek and adopted by him. It is presently unknown whether or not she is a Norm or Unseen.
Sacred Faction - Summer (Seelie) Court
Queen Titania — High Queen of the Summer Court
Count Hilliam — Cousin of Queen Titania
Giselle — Companion and Protector of Queen Titania
Oberon — Husband of Titania killed sometime in the past by Prince Sarric of the Winter Court
Sephrene — Daughter of Titania killed sometime in the past by Prince Sarric of the Winter Court
Lisianne - Aos Sidhe Commoner, sent to evaluate Kayla
Paul - A human who got lost in the Valley and taken in by Lisianne, now her husband.
Marie - One year old daughter of Lisianne and Paul, healed by Kayla of an unknown poison
Eochair - Rumored to be one of two people (the other being Queen Titania) item or creature able to access a hidden vault of magical items hidden in the Sacred Grove.
Thymhelia - Clan Leader of the local Pixie Clan, green-haired.
Azrhea - Clan Keeper of Names, violet-haired
Dandelion (Dani) — Pixie and one of Natalie Poole's guardians (yellow-haired with a pixie cut and very loquacious and flighty.)
Verbina (Vina) — Pixie, Natalie Poole's other guardian (long pale blue hair and more reserved than Dani.)
Silphia - A young Pixie who is the fastest flier in the Clan newly designated to be Kayla's Guardian. She has very long fire-engine red hair.
Sacred Faction - Winter (Unseelie) Court
Ly Erg - Unseelie (Aos Sidhe?) Soldier who murders Nat's great-grandmother.
Prince Sarric - Unseelie (Aos Sidhe) noble who appears to be hunting for control of the Eochair.
Maorg - She is an Unseelie known as a Sleepwalker, appears to be a messenger for Prince Sarric. Her ability is to be able to take over someone who is sleeping. She is presently very much weakened because she is withering away and can no longer take over anyone who has any power. She is the one who poisoned Marie by taking over Paul, her father while he slept.
Reshin - Unseelie connected to Ly Erg. He is a Duergar. In D&D terms he would be what would be called an evil dwarf. He as well as his entire observation team are now dead attempting to kidnap Natalie Poole.
Vancouver B.C. Locations
Float Plane Docks - Down on the Harbour (yes, I used the Brit spelling as it is Canada Ah!).
Harbour Park
Convention Center
Canada Place
Suki's Intimate Apparel Store where Natalie is taken for her initial intimate apparel.
The Silver Spoon - A fairly upscale fine dining restaurant.
Majestic Falls, Alberta Canada, Closed Unseen Sanctuary (no Norms) People and locations, Pop, 200+. Witches and Wolves are also not allowed in the town.
Green Pines - Unseen Ski Resort near Majestic Falls
Deer Crossing Bed and Breakfast - Owned by the Ross Family
The Ross Family - Were-bears, Native American and they prefer Skinwalkers to Were
Chief Ross - Tribal Chief
Nana - Shaman and appears to be the B&B cook
Monroe Ross - Old school friend of TTLIII (Toby) and owner of the B&B, also a Trout exporter
Tia Ross - Wife of Monroe and Sheriff
Sandra Ross - Daughter of Monroe and Tia (20?)
Mark Ross - Son of Monroe and Tia (guessing about Tracy Locke's age)
Mara Ross - Daughter of Monroe and Tia (11)
Grace Ross - Daughter of Monroe and Tia (4)
Ralph - Ross family pet, Husky
Deer Crossing B&B guests at the time Tracy Locke was there
Miss Qwan - Lesser Were, Tracy believes that she is some type of Waterfowl, Employee of the Bank holding the mortgage to the B&B
Mr Dobson - Lesser Were, Tracy believes that he is either a Beaver or Rat, Works with Miss Qwan
Jake Phelps - Were Dingo, Scout of the Dingo Pack, supposedly a student at University of Sydney AU, dead
Green Pine Guests
Reese - Were Dingo, Pack Leader, all members of the Pack are Blood Thieves and supposedly like Jake, students at UofSydney, status: captured
Rob - Were Dingo, brother of Reese, escaped
Corgi - Were Dingo, dead
Carl - Were Dingo, dead
Shawn - Were Dingo, dead
Beth - Were Mouse, college student from Indiana
List updated as of 1845 EDT 1/31/2014 by Payter Eketta DRU Lorekeeper
That's a nice list you've compiled. Just so you know Daniel Corday is definitely not Burton's son, and Stu's last name is Corday.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Good to know. I was having to go by what was already posted.
edit: List updated.
Yeah I figured. :D I added a bit of info on the Wikia (including the name of Daniel's parents). Daniel, Archie, Selina, the Tenebris Petentibus, and Succubi all have their own pages. I will be expanding them as I post each part of the story.
Edit: I've also added edits to the timeline, the unseen, and characters by author pages.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Posting a link
The wiki can be found here: The DarkRealms Wiki
You can post a link with this button:
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Have a delightfully devious day,
Awesome list, a great index of who's who and what is what.
Ps- Skogshaven High team name is the Vikings :-)
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Oh, sure...
Go ahead and use a not obvious name for their teams... I mean, come on, there is absolutely nothing in town that points to the Norse way of life...Oh, wait, a barrow mound, a bistro, a whole clan of Were's with a Viking Long-house.
List updated, thank you.
I also want to thank the Admins for editing in the links.
Don't look at me...
*shifty eyes*
*cough* *cough* Kona's *cough* *cough*
Have a delightfully devious day,
Eric Sullivan
On your list Eric and Eric Sullivan is the same person. FYI
- Elsbeth
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
Is now corrected and updated with new information from recent releases.
This List
You have no idea how many times I've consulted this list. I've come here so often that I'm dubbing you the "Lorekeeper of the DRU" :)
Hmm, going to have to set up Wards
It is a good thing then that I am mildy paranoid. That shadowy group after all the Lorekeepers will have a difficult time getting past my fully operational Death Star...
A Good Resource
I agree. This is definitely a good resource to use for DRU writers to keep other characters straight, and for readers who want a list of who's who.
I know
I know, I end up using it all of the time when I'm not writing at home.
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
DRU Gazetteer
There is a new faction added. It is a special Faction...
Which faction would that be?
DRU Gazetteer
The list has been updated with all the latest editions.
Payter Eketta, DRU Lorekeeper
DRU Gazetteer
Has been updated with K&K 6 info
Might want to fix the
Might want to fix the McCormicks, since they are the fox family in Ravencrest. They currently say McClintock.
Wiki wiki wiki
I've finally got around to putting a couple of links here from the wiki - as your gazetteer tends to be more up to date than the wiki, it could prove useful as a "feedstock" (i.e. wiki editors can grab basic info on people / places / objects from here to get pages started before consulting the individual stories to pad articles out with details).
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I made some minor corrections to the Gazetteer as well as added some additional notes to the Ravencrest Coven section today.
I wish to thank
Payter for doing up the gazeteer to to help us keep things straight. Now for my usual smart a$$ appearance. Has anyone else had the thought that he might have done this, just so he could attach DRU Lore Keeper to his name, beyond all the rest of us just plain fans? Hmmmm?
I might have...
But no, I was actually pleasantly surprised when EoF referred to me as that in a reply of his :) This just helps me keep my research skills active as well as somewhat helps my dyslexia. In fact, my working on a list for Penny Lane's Somewhere Else Entirely is what lead me to make one for this Universe.
Just be grateful...
...you never had the idea to do one for Bike... :D
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I had already noticed...
That some other fool decided to take that one :)
DRU Gazeteer
At this time I am presently re-doing the Gazetteer on my off-line copy. I am going through it line by line to correct spelling and update old information that has not been updated. Main reason I am doing it is that my present off-line version any time I hit enter to add a new line it it double-spacing as if I am adding a new paragraph instead of just adding a new entry so I am manually re-copying without copy/pasting to correct this annoying problem. While it is tedious, the upside is that it is allowing me to focus on each and every line and finding mistakes or changing some of my speculation with newer information and speculation :)
use SHIFT+ENTER, most word processors understand that to be a line break instead of a new paragraph
"we can turn it all around, because it's not too late, it's NEVER too late" -(never too late, Three Days Grace)
DRU Gazetteer
The Gazetteer has been fully updated with the majority of typo's removed.
*ominous comment is ominous*
Given that it's 2019, and a lot of the stories aren't finished, I'm unsure what to do with my idea...
Because of work and other
Because of work and other commitments I have had zero chance to read anything and update. Especially since for a while I had no internet. However, I will be trying to find time during this summer to do so.