Why do good things fail? Entropy? Hubris?

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When I first came to this site I was prepared to, and did admire you, Erin. You are, after all, a successful, intelligent and articulate woman. But, in time, I realized that you were also controlling, unbending and not open to the views of others.

When faced with an opinion you don’t share, you dub it “unfriendly” and hide it from your readers. When we question your actions in any way, no matter how politely, we are insulted by you, told that we have no right to question you, indeed have no right to disagree with you in any way and our comments are deleted before anyone can see or respond to our views. You then tell your readers that we were unfriendly without giving them a clue as to what we said.

Then you threaten to shut down the site so you can call out your sycophants to kiss the hem of your garment to feed your ego. Then you usually relent and bask in their praise. But what you don’t do is ever let them see a dissenting opinion. In short you treat your guests like mushrooms: Keep ‘em in the dark and throw sh*t on ‘em! Not the nicest analogy, I admit, but fitting!

Now you may say you can do what you want because it’s YOUR site. You may have been right in the early days when you supported it all yourself. But now we’re bombarded by ads on the site, and you constantly importune your guests for money to support the site. And we have given. I have given. Maybe since others help support BCTS, their concerns and opinions should be allowed to be heard.

Instead you ban those who disagree with you. I know of five for sure in the last month. Three are good friends and the other two I don’t know at all. Another author has asked that you remove all her content from BCTS, and we all know other authors who have left the site.

My account is many years old, but It wasn't until I retired a year ago that I had the time to make friends here. And, as a guest, I started to make comments to stories that I enjoyed. I felt it was the least a reader could do to thank the authors. My comments were a little idiosyncratic and off beat as I am, but I was told by one or two authors and even a few commenters that they enjoyed them.

When you delete this as I’m sure you will, I really don’t think you have the guts to leave dissenting views on the site, please also delete my account. And please, be truthful and remove the word friendly from the site.

Should you surprise me and have the nerve to leave this comment up, I’m sure you will delete the comment of everyone who agrees with me on the grounds that it is “unfriendly”.

Should you be brave enough to leave this post up, I will expect to be free to discuss openly, on site, the differences between us that we’ve been discussing between ourselves since mid-July.

I’m sure when you read this it will be deleted. I suppose it depends on which Erin reads this: Will it be the brave, intelligent Erin who first set up the site, or will it be the frightened Erin who will allow no criticism so she can protect her… Um… gains?

Perhaps it’s time for a committee of some kind, made up not just of your cronies, to steer policy, rather than a fascist dictator making all the decisions. Yeah, I know, “them’s fightin’ words”, but how are they wrong?

In the past you've accused people of stabbing you in the back. Well, after months of behind the scenes discussion, here I am, right up front. Do you have the nerve to face open criticism, or will you pick up your ball, like a 5 year old, and go home? Are you a big enough person to discuss differences openly?

My feeling which I’ve expressed to you on many occasions is that “Reasonable people should be able to disagree reasonably”. It’s the cornerstone of our political system. I think your guests on BCTS are smart enough to discuss things openly and in a friendly manor. Why don’t you trust your readers?

Ole Ulfson

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