Why does she have to be such a B****? It's not like we didn't get enough snow already. Last night we ended up with another 6 inches. That by itself wouldn't have been so bad, but we have been experiancing higher than normal tempratures. So the ground under the new snow isn't frozen any more. To compound the problem, because it's a bit warmer then normal, the snow that fell last night, has more water in it than would normally appear. This makes it that heavy crap that's only good for snowball fights.
I just got in from snowblowing out my driveway, and in the 15 years that I've been doing this, I set a new record today for snapping shear pins that drive the auger. I broke 7 of them today. I didn't break 7 in the past 2 years, but today I broke 7. Now I have to go out and try to find someone that sells the pins for this cheap piece of crap blower I own. Next time I'm buying a Deere. Either that, or I think it'll be cheaper to move to a warmer climate.
Thanks for listening to my ranting. I feel much better now.
Much love.
Thanks for reminding me
I live in Arizona in the high desert and where I live we don't get more than 1/2 an inch and it's gone by noon and even thats a rare ocasion.I grew up in New England and I'm planning to move back if I can sell my home.I'm homesick but not for the winter.Amy M
Arizona VS. NY State
I lived in Laveen for a while, so I know what you're talking about with the snow. I was right at the base of South Mountain, just outside of Phoenix. The cool thing was, on Christmas day the mountain got snow at the top, so we all climbed up and had a snowball fight. Then came back down and just chilled by the pool for a while.
I know what you mean about being home sick. I had that problem too, however, after today, I'm just sick of home. LOL.
Much love.
Too bad that we don't get no snow down here in the valley, unless the weather is acting weird like last year where it snowed for a bit in central phoenix.
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend
Snow. a wonder sight and pleasure
Sorry about your bad luck with shear pins, but be glad it wasn't your fingers or toes. I for one love snow. However I ive in an area where the average snow fall is not anything to cheer about.
I grew up in Minnesota and Montana. I know about cold and about snow, I liked it as a kid, it gave me spending money. As an adult I detested it as I had to shovel it. I now live where if it snows i wait for the complex to use the snow blower to clear the sidewalks and then for them to shovel my steps.
If you have kids let them shovel the snow burns calories and is good for the young heart
Let it snow is my motto because Delaware has an unique snow emergency system:
3 flakes , cancel all schools and other functions
4-6 Flakes get DELDot out to plow the roads as it snows.
6 Flakes or more delcare a statewide emegency shut down all roads only emergency vehicles are allowed through with a police escort.
The reason for shutting down the road, none of these people in Delaware know how to drive in snow.
I spent a year in the Antarctic with nothing but snow, no trees, no bushes just snow. drivimg on ice was a challenge and eventually it became a sport as in how many doughnuts can you do when you slam on the brakes while doing eighty. there is nothing to hit so its safe.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
State of Emergency.... LOL
I ran into that problem when I was working for a racing team in North Carolina. I was driving back from seeing my parents over the holidays, a few years back, and got stopped just outside of Ashville, NC. The Trooper wanted to know why I was driving. So I told him I was heading back to work. He informed me that the state was having a snow emergency. I looked out my window at the inch or so on the ground, and asked him if it was any worse then this in Charlotte. When he told me "no", I pulled out my camera-phone and showed him the pictures I'd taken of my house near Syracuse. You could just make out the roof of the mini-van I was driving, just over the top of the snow bank, as it sat in the street. I told him, that what was on the road I was currently on, wasn't a snow storm, it was a dusting. He looked at me, then at my plates, and told me to drive carefully.
There is a friendly contest held in Upstate NY every year. It's called "the Golden Snowball." Basically it's held with Buffalo, Rochester, and Syracuse, to see which city gets the most snowfall in the season, from October to April. Syracuse has won just about every year for the past 10 years. Which makes me laugh. I live 30 minutes north of Syracuse, and EVERY year we end up with a minimum of a foot more, in total snow then they get. So after the first storm of the season, it stops being pretty, and gets pretty old, pretty quickly. For me anyway, that's how I feel on the snow.
Much love.
Since moving to Kentucky, I have observed their snow rituals. Very interesting to say the least. First comment of a possible snow storm or freeze and all the DOT trucks or contract companies trucks are out to sand/salt/brine or plow. We actually saw some, one time, parked two by two in the emergency turns along I-75 fom Lexington to Louisville, waiting patiently with engines running. Being from the West Coast, when I asked a tire company for snow tires as we were driving back there (last winter), I was informed they were not sold in the state of Kentucky nor were chains! Thankfully, I have chains, tho I have never had to put them on. I was asked what I would need them for by the tire people and I informed them that you will not be allowed to cross over the mountains if it is snowing and you don't have them. They said the mountains are not that high and I laughed right in their faces as I informed them that the highest mountain in the Appalachians (6800 feet) did not even make a good pass for the Rockies and Sierra Nevadas (Vail Pass 10,666 feet), and just West of that pass is another that tops at 9850 feet. Then Donner Pass (7100+ plus)in the Sierra Nevadas on I-80, and a pass on I-80 near Laramie, WY that tops out at 8490 feet. Heck, Fourth of July pass on I-90 in Montana can have ICE and SNOW in July!! and has signs posted to tell drivers this fact as it is known to be a very dangerous pass.
I agree that most people do not know how to properly drive in snow, but it is the ICE that can really get you, plus too many out there that have 4x4's feel that will get them anywhere and over drive their capabilities.
Having lived in Alaska, Minnesota,(got photos of my two Sons standing in our front yard with LEVEL snow at their armpits) Montana, Eastern Washington/Idaho and even Southern Germany (think Alps) where they get SNOW, and adding in a very lengthy career in police work; I spent a whole lot of time driving in some, how shall I put it, INTERESTING weather, assisting others who were not quite prepared or trained to do so.
So I can relate to what Toni was telling the NC trooper regarding her area NY vs NC, as my kids ask me when we got transfered back to Western WA state from Minnesota, "why are they closing the schools when it is only an inch of snow"? I just told them, well, you all got winterized in MN so don't worry about, just go with the flow.
What I do want to say to everyone is "hey, hey, lets be careful out there and drive safely and come home safely."
Don't even get me started with those pedo-necro-beato-fecalfiliacs that drive 4x4's. Around here it's not uncommon to see one blow by a line of cars on the highway, in the middle of a snow storm. Kicking up a roostertail of snow behind them, as they go blitzing down the road. Then about a mile or so later, you find the same idiot, sitting in the center median, burried up to their axle's in snow, with their flashers going. Then when the local news crew shows up about the same time the police and tow truck get there, they bitch about how "no one would stop" to help their dumb ass.
Well Einstein, let me clue you in to a little fact. The reason no one would stop, is because we were all too busy laughing at your brain-dead ass. J-Lynn said it, 4x4's, are good for snow and mud, but there ain't shit that's going to help you when you hit a patch of ice.
Much love, for anyone who doesn't drive with their head up their ass.
A pedo-necro-beato-fecalfiliac, is someone who likes to have sex with the shit of under-age, dead animals. Just thought I'd clarify that one. HEHE... IEW!!!!!
Snow Is a Four Letter Word
My blessing for snow is the same as the blessing for the Tzar in "Fiddler on the Roof." It has worked perfictly for the Tsar for about ninety years. Unfortunatly, it hasn't worked that well for snow until I came to the San Frascisco Bay area.
Four letter word...
It's the dirtiest curse word you can use in the north east.
Much love.
Although Nothing Runs Like a Deere
Get a Toro.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Nothing may run like a deer...
But nothing stinks like bullshit... LOL... get it? Toro... bullshit... *giggles herself silly* I really hope you realize I'm just cracking a joke. Toro, makes a good snowblower.
I used to have a Toro. I got rid of that one for my old Arren's Snow Pro. Then when that one finally gave up the ghost, from a rusted out auger, I ended up with a yard master. The ONLY good thing about the yard master is that it has a 15 horse Takumpsa engine. I should have sprung for the extra money and just picked up the blower attachment for my riding lawn mower... Either that, or I'm going to buy a Unimog, and get the blower attachment for that. I could do my driveway in one shot with that monster. :)
Much love.