Please Help! IF you can't gift to the project directly, then PLEASE share this link with everyone you can. I need your help!
Please follow the link "South Carolina or Bust" to find out more.
Just general FYI, I have 30 days to find a new place to live, and start a new life, and I need EVERYONE's help!
For full disclosure purposes, this project is listed in my legal name.
Just a note of corroboration
Yes, Piper has been caring for a friend, someone known to many here and in other chatrooms as a friend. That period of her life is ending because her friend is going to go into paid care which means the house they have been living in will be sold or rented out. So Piper needs a place to move to. I'm going to help her stay where she is for this month and part of next and a friend in South Carolina has a lilypad to jump to. But moving costs money and Piper no longer has a car either. See the link above for particulars and know that I am backing her up on the internet service offers.
Meanwhile, we made the goal for August for BC and a little over but I've kept the level the same for September because of a fifteen hundred dollar dentist bill I got stuck with. I can pay it but it will squeeze the credit cards pretty hard, so that's what I'm asking. Thanks to everyone whether your are able to give or not because the community supports us and we know that.
Hugs to all,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
just another note
Piper and Pickles have both been by my place. Both really nice people. Haven't been there, but I know the place she was offered South of Indy. Had some relatives that even lived down there for a while. Almost a shame she couldn't get it, cause she would have been closer to my home. Made that donation, and one to BCTS. Good luck to both.
good luck
Im currently out of work and dont have any money to spare, but I wish u well
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
I'd suggest adding another
I'd suggest adding another $1500 to that goal. You need a cushion to get the beater car, and once you have one, you'll need to pay for Tax, Title, and Licensing, insurance, change the oil and transmission fluid, have a mechanic do a check-over so you know it'll last at least a year, and possibly four new tires and an alignment.
Good luck!
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
South Carolina or BUST!
Come the end of month when my checks come in, will help out. Erin, please keep this blog up as a reminder for all who want to help, but can't at this time.
May Your Light Forever Shine
I am definitely wishing you
I am definitely wishing you the best Piper and I'll be making dua for you. Sadly I can't help more than that at this time as I'm in the middle of having to get a new place quickly as well. But you'll be in my thoughts and I'll try to see if some of my friends will be able to help out.
Samirah M. Johnstone
Add Link to Favorites
I added the link of Sout Carolina or Bust to my favorites so I can add a donation at the begining of the month when my checks come like Stanman said.Hold on Piper BCTS to the rescue.
We just
moved from there about seven months ago. I would suggest checking AAA and Penske rental trucks. Our AAA membership gave us a discount that pretty much paid for the membership fee. That gave us some padding if something had gone wrong on the trip which thankfully it didn't. Penske also have a little better rep for maintaining their equipment than U-haul and the others.
The worse problem we had was getting help unloading. Getting everything on the truck wasn't too hard since we had family and friends to help, however at the other end we knew no one and it was a serious bear. Tired from the loading, traveling, and the general stress of it all, unloading was tough.
Sorting though everything deciding what was going and what was staying was tough too. Perhaps a yard sale might help get rid of some stuff and add to the kitty too.
From Columbia, SC to Tampa Bay area, FL.
Moving Woes
I prefer Penske actually, We drive Penske trucks @ Christmas when I used to work for UPS :)
My AAA membership lapsed and last time I looked into getting a new one, there were "penalties" if you used a discount right away. Penalties that essentially made it not worthwhile to get the membership :( But I do love AAA and will get AAA again once I have a working vehicle.
Keeping to the same general budget, but changing things a little, I've been looking into getting myself a pickup, or large van or even a SUV, that has a tow hitch. I can rent a tow trailer for much less than a full van, get much the same usage out of it, and that adds $$$ to my vehicle budget allowing me to buffer for a bit more than a beater :)... This thought was brought on by the fact that the used car market in SC seems to be a bit pricier than here in NJ).
As for help moving, I'm probably in the exact opposite position. If I ask, I could probably have more people on that end helping me, than I can on this end. But assuming I don't end up in a 2nd floor apartment, I'll probably end up trying to do it all myself or with the help of 1 or 2 close friends.
-HuGgLeS- and thank you everyone for the advice, kind words, and especially to those that have contributed so far. We have a long way to go, but I have faith that we will get there!
They cost a bit more, but
They cost a bit more, but what I found when I moved my wife from Detroit to Houston was that the plastic tubs (Rubbermaid or Sterilite) worked MUCH better than straight cardboard. Easier to stack without shifting, and easier to carry without killing yourself. (I'll admit, we started packing her up about a year in advance, so it wasn't as big of a financial hit. We used a spare bedroom in her trailer and every time I visited, we filled and stacked more. When we were ready to fully _move_ her, it took only about a day and a half to get everything finished and in the truck - well, once I tossed her family out, pulled everything out of the truck, then repacked. They were of the 'just chuck it in, it'll all fit' packing method)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Moving and Stuff
I didn't do much unpacking since we moved back in after the mold cleanup, so most eerything is still in boxes, except for my room.... Everything that is in our storage unit is already in plastic tubs. Many are the quick stack kind with hinged interlocking lids... As time went on with storage we upgraded to the larger, harder to carry when you fill them up big rubbermaid ones :)
My main thing is I want to keep as much furniture as I can. My new mattresses for sure, but also the Dressers/End-tables/Nightstands that I inherited from Kim, that once belonged to her parents. They are nice pieces, still in good condition, and keeping the heritage alive means something to me :)
I'm going to be leaving behind some, and scrapping a lot of my old electronics stuff. I'm going to keep my VAX and some of my larger old rackmount servers, things that tell a history to me. But I'm heavily cutting down on the hardware I take. (all my spare SCSI LVD hostwap drives will come with of course, because we always need spares).
had problems ...
I had hooped to contributed for two items, but the buttons would take one at a time only, so I did the lower level one first, when I went back to do a higher level, the payment section took my information, than asked for it again, backed up tried again twice, the third time I went a head and reentered the information on the second questioning and received error notes???
I now have three paypall $1.00 charges and one 30, where I had intended one paypall charge and a total of 80. I'll have to take it up with them, I know but I thought you might like to know of the problem.
I'll admit, I went to go look
I'll admit, I went to go look at the link (to see the extra information), and was somewhat disgusted. Not at the need for the site, but that the site _immediately_ demands that you register an account, or have a facebook account, before you can look at anything.
Too many of the sites I have to deal with are like that. "Oh, we'll let the search engines see everything, but if YOU want to see it, you need to drop them and bend over!" I've lost track of the forum registrations I've done over the years, plus various sites, etc.
Very minor pet peeve, but I thought I'd better mention it in case it stops others from donating or looking.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
No problems viewing here
All worked fine for me too before I even had a login.
You can't choose your relatives but you can choose your family.
SC or bust
I went to the site to see it in prep for a donation. Had no problems at all. I have no account and didn't sign in or anything. Today I went and made the donation. Clicked on paypal and it went right through no problems.
I went back and looked again,
I went back and looked again, as you said you had no problem. I _then_ noticed on the side that the scroll bar on the right showed space to move - so I scrolled _two pages down_, and saw an actual post page. Keep in mind, I'm on a netbook, so I'm limited to 1024x600, and I keep the address bar, tab bar, menu bar, and favourites bar all showing.
So, for me, what I saw was a site that told me I had to log in.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Wishing you well
I wish you well on your journey. I have been out of work and homeless for a long while or i would help but i do send you lots of love and light.
Why south Carolina and not a more open minded place like Asheville North Carolina? Ahh well its your journey. Wishing you the best
Love and Hugs Hanna
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
Why South Carolina :)
A close friend is currently going to school in Columbia, SC... Originally plans were for me to buy a place in Indiana, and her moving in with me first of the year (after the semester was over and she could transfer schools) but with that falling through, we figured the best bet was for me to to join her, so she can finish out school where she is, and we can move in together right away!
-HuGgLes- and thank you for your support..
Well I send you lots of love and HuGgLes on your journey.
Love And Hugs Hanna

Blessed Be
I'll help if I can Piper,
I'll help if I can Piper, hopefully later this month I can contribute a little.
I feel for you since I'm pretty much in the same situation. I need to try and get enough money together to move to Montreal in a few months since I'm heading toward a divorce and I want to be closer to a close friend of mine while I try to sort my life out.
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Good luck girl!
Good luck girl and I hope you got my little contribution.
Hey Piper update us on how it is going and if you are getting closer to your goal. Your public wants to know
IndieGoGo / SC Moving Fund
As of right now, we are up to $544 in funds through IndieGoGo and have had a couple inquiries about possibly sending private gifts also.
If you visit the Link the fundraising goal meter is in the right hand column near the top, and it also lists the "perks" that have been claimed so far.. (only 2 right now)..
-HuGgLeS- to Everyone, and thank you for your support!
-Piper/Kirstyn Amanda Fox
SC or bust
wish i could help out. but i'm on a limited income. but i do wish u well