This is a news story from New Zealand:
Transsexual backs law change to alter her birth certificate
The law change talked about is that our Parliament is presently considering a bill that will make it legal for couples of the same gender to marry. That bill recently passed its first reading.
Personal Status
I'm not sure what she's complaining about
she can change her birth certificate if she wants, there is a procedure for doing it. The fact of her remaining married to her wife, if she does so is a separate matter.
New Zealand like Canada has some of the most sympathetic laws on equality/recognition of transsexuals in the world. Obviously not sympathetic enough for some individuals.
There are still issues.
I still have issues with a system of governance and laws that permits a perniciously pervasive and destructive religiosity to have undue influence in the way that that governance and law affects our individual freedoms.
It seems to me that almost all religions both monotheist and polytheist are seemingly obsessed with sex, gender and money when they should be attending to the principles of love care and protection as espoused by their various founding prophets and holy men. Religion should be caring for and fighting for those that need protection, namely the poor, the weak, the dispossessed, the starving and the children. There are plenty of real issues for the supposedly religious people to concern themselves with, without persecuting and killing those that they differ from.
Simple, Bev
Religion concerns itself with sex in order to tightly control the frequency you get to get any. If you have sex anytime you want you won't care about the afterlife 'cause you are happy here! That means the "church" won't get nearly as much in donations, people won't be buying a happy afterlife if they are already happy. Same thing with same-sex marriage. Legalize that and simply everybody will be screwing like bunnies, nobody will be going to church and the various preachers and priests would have to get honest jobs! Can't have that, oh no!!!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Same problem in Australia
Much like Stephanie, i can not change my Birth Certificate in Australia, because i am still married to my wife and the law clearly states that one must be single (never married or divorced). so due to my still being legally married, changing the law to allow same sex marriage would be a way around the existing law re changing the BC.
Alas Australia is years away from even considering allowing same sex marriage.
I still live with and share a bed with Gillian, and so i couldn't divorce her if i wanted to, as one of the conditions for filing for divorce is that you must live apart for some period of time.
I hope New Zealand pass the bill, as that might help the morons here, aussies don't like being seen as behind the kiwi's in anything.
EDIT: It is hard enough on the spouses of transitiong people, to force a couple to divorce if they don't want to is simply wrong, as much as i feel i need that F on the birth certificate, i will not hurt my wife to get it after she has supported me where so few would or could.