Hey everyone,
I just tried to load Bike 1804 and was blocked by my security for Malware (www.girlswithslingshots.com)
that is a first since I got my apple IIe. I have no idea what to do with or about this so I am asking for help. Who do I tell? Any others having this problem? Who can fix it?
Malware fixed
I PM'ed Erin. It seems to be fixed now.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
This Site, WWW. Girlswithslingshots. Com
Has been infected with Malware for the last 4 days... What that has to do with Bike, though, is beyond me Joani.
Glad that the malware was blocked. But wondering about the connection with both sites.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Picture links
The problem was a picture someone had linked to in a comment. The site, GirlsWithSlingshots, is on a server that had been hacked. This effect GWS and about 12 other webcomics but it will likely be cleared up today or tomorrow. Meanwhile, this is one reason we'd rather people did not link to offsite photos.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Joani, et. al.
I have just tried it. I have a gateway PC (built out of parts collected here and there.) that runs on Lenux, and the way that can work is I can actually take in a packet, and pass it to a whole different OS, antivirus etc., and all three security systems I have running block that site. I'd give it a wide birth. Sorry, I don't know enough about the actual threats to give anything more.
It's actually being forwarded
It's actually being forwarded to tumbler.com, because the Blind Ferret server is having issues.
So, no, your system is a bit... wrong. The current site is safe to visit.
Yes, I run Linux, and I just looked at the source code for the site.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.