Gay friendly school in Milwaukee

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An article in the Guardian about the Alliance School in Wisconsin showing the change in trends in the US in the last twenty or thirty years. I believe they'll have banks there soon :)

Angharad 8)



For the article, Angie! I really don't spend enough time reading serious news sites.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

I drove cab in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for 24 years; as myself.

The passengers, some of who were LGBT persons, and some that were straight, accepted me as I am. One young black man even said to me, "way to go, girl, we need more women cab drivers". There are ways of being accepted without having to go to extreme measures such as a different high school that is LGBT friendly.

I agree whole heartedly, that existing schools, whether grade, middle or high school, need to get on the band wagon and incorporate LGBT curriculum in the schools. Mainstream students need to be educated as to why we are the way we are, and what science has found we are who we are for a reason. I read online in one of the medical sites (I forget which one, at the moment) that sexuality may affect a fetus as early as 7 weeks after conception. This means that for most of us, that we are born the way we are. We live our lives according to how our brains formed while still in the womb.

Mainstream schools need to be educated about this, and that being who we are, is something we have to do. If I was to live as a "man", I would fail miserably.

This is a good article, but the problem needs to be effectively addressed in mainstream schools.

"With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward."

Love & hugs,

"If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be."