I marched! =) With banner (for an LGBT group I'm part of) held high! =D Many others marched too, including representatives of LGBT organizations from many countries. ^_^
The most amusing part occurred about 2/3 of the way along the marching route. An organized group of bible bashers were bitching through their sound systems and holding banners and generally preaching fire and brimstone on us LGBTers. Most of us glanced at them briefly as we passed, but no-one paid them any further heed. Talk about a gloriously futile gesture. :D
Glad you could represent us, hon
maybe one year, a bunch of big closet authors could go as a group and really show off!
from the Guardian.
Jeez what's really sad.
Is that they don't teach Western Civilization in High School to really thin out the Christian Population.
"Losing My Religion" would do us a lot of favors. Not to say we don't need to believe in something but let us make the decision with an informed mind and hopefully one that deprives a lot of money from a specific institution.