Okay. A news story this morning has me wondering, nay, in fact astounded!
It seems that there is a forest fire somewhere in the U.S. Not unusual, right? However! the report stated that some aircraft which were involved in fighting the fire were grounded because of METEORS in the sky, which would have endangered the aircraft!
Is this the beginning of some subtle invasion from "out there" somewhere... the beginning of the raprture again? The harbinger of the forecasted end of the world on Dec 21st?
METEORS interrupting the battle against a forest fire??
sigh. Guess I better get my affairs in order after all. I mean, what's next? Frogs raining from the sky? Plagues? Strange mists claiming our first born sons?
as long as some idiots don't run into the fires looking for MAU's we're fine. As the report says it would've had to be pretty big to be noticed during the day, but I think in this case they were being safe rather than sorry. Flying above fires are hazardous enough without other ... problems.
The risk of one striking an aircraft, VERY low proabiliy BTW
OR is it fears the metors might prove a momnetary distraction or cause disorientation? At the low levels these aircraft must fly and in the extream turbulence of the fires there is a narrow margin of safety. Wouldn't take much to cause a crash.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
...This just in from CNN:
Love, Andrea Lena
No need to get all religious, Catherine.. it's just Hollywood
Alas, little quenching rain will result from a space-attack... it interferes with filming schedules.
Instead, the eerie ground-fogs that inevitably follow *any* meteor will prolly just bring the spectral revenge of long-dead reptilian monsters, Captain Highliner casting-call rejects, and very un-creative aliens. They might all be a nice change in the parched west this summer. (Hint to those affected: gazebos, convertibles and restaurants with all-glass walls will make poor shelters from both natural AND supernatural assault, despite the excellent lighting and camera angles they afford).
In Canada, meteors usually bring giant, radioactive insects that we ignore because they inevitably migrate southward, and conservative governments, which we can't.
Meteors stop fight against a Forest fire?
Meteor showers are tracked bt astronomers. Must be a new one.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Pine cones explode in fires.
Yes folks, pine cones from the trees there routinely explode when in forest fires. This must have been a very large pine cone.