I just want to express my enjoyment of all the Big Closet Novels, short stories, and serials I have read in here. It takes a lot of time on the authors part, especially if they have several unrelated storylines going at the same time.
Thanks everyone, including all who leave kudos, and comment on most of the episodes!
Back to another story! Dont be afraid to leave comments!
Why thank you
While I can only speak for myself, I do think I mirror the sentiments of the other authors on here when I say thank you very much. Readers like you make it fun to do this. :D
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Appreciation is always appreciated! Not sure whether that's tautology or oxymoron or just a statement of the bleedin' obvious!
I know *I* love comments and kudoes on my stories, and I'm pretty sure most authors do,
Thank You,
May I squeeze in between you two?
...I feel somehow comforted by being next to the two of you (among many, I should say.) I love comments and kudos for sure. But what I love most is the company I get to keep. To be appreciated by and to appreciate the best folks, aye? Thank you, Stormy and every one who reads and encourages and supports us here! I am so blessed!
Love, Andrea Lena
I'll get behind you then!
Thanks for the KUDOS. If people keep reading I'll keep writing! ;D
Sometimes it is like shouting out into a dark night, and when somebody replies it makes all the difference.
Thanks. It is always nice to
Thanks. It is always nice to be appreciated. There is a lot of work that goes into these stories and any and all things like this, from blog posts like this to comments and kudos help make sure that the authors feel the love. We can never get enough love, as I know I love comments. I like to know what people think, if people got the little jokes of funny lines I had in the story, the puns or things like that. It is nice to know more than "Hey great story" but even that does make me feel good, because I know the person did take that bit of time to leave me a message.
So, yeah... thank you. It does mean a lot.
We are the change that will save the world.
I agree Stormy thanks for
I agree Stormy thanks for that, It's hard to keep some ideas flowing but when a reader like you comes along it makes writing so much more pleasurable :)
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Have a mew of a day!
KUDOS to all the Big Closet Authors!!
And we must also thank Erin for creating Big Closet
May Your Light Forever Shine
Anyone who has fought their way through Bike
deserves to be listened to, if only on the grounds of stamina :)
Music to my ears, and thank you for your comments on my humble efforts.
Best wishes,
Angharad, Bonzi & Izzy.
And a big thank you very much from me too:)
*Great Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
I remember why I began writing here
I found the site last May (2011) and was instantly pulled in by the first story I read, Heather Rose Brown's story, Shoes. Those who have not read Shoes an the other part to that story, Brianna's big brother, should. It brought tears to my eyes.
I followed that up with The reluctant girlfriend by Melanie Brown, a wonderful story that really caused a lot of my addiction to this site. Then came the Epic of Biking wonder kid, Gaby Bond From Maddy Bell. I was up late, like 12:30 (and I had to be up at 2:45am at that time to get ready for work) reading this. I found myself taking breaks on the road to read "just one more chapter"
Since then I have tried to follow as much as I can, from Little Katie, to Andrea DiMaggio and a gang of others. Sorry Angharad, I've only scanned through many of the Bike stories. I read the more recent ones, but not the other 1600. I have some saved as a favorite, so I can go back and finish them. Others I find when someone asks "What was the title of this???" Oddly enough, that's how I found the Odyssey stories of Jennifer Sue. I found Becoming Robin and it became another one I couldn't put down. I think this site is what killed my last smart phone, just from me having to recharge my battery every couple of hours.
There are a lot of violent stories and while I know violence is a part of life, it takes a lot out of me to write it. I will read a lot of them, but sometimes I'm so pissed off, I can't comment, for fear I'll go off on a rant. But a lot of these stories is what gave me the drive to start writing here myself. I have written elsewhere and it failed because of the others on those sites would tear apart the writing. But here I've gotten a lot of good ideas from readers and those who comment, and I love that. I know I'm bad with tried, tired, then, than, and a bunch of other words. I thank Djkauf for finding my mistakes so I can feel good about the finished product.
As I think someone stated before, it's not just the writers here though, it's the readers. I was one once too. Then I got an account so I could leave kudo's for those wickedly awesome stories (I think my first kudo was on shoes. I had to go back and find it so I could give it.)
As I look at the account page, I find that I'll be a member for one year in two weeks, as of 5-21-2012, and honestly, I'm glad I am a member.
Never before have I seen a community of writers band together like this. One person has problems and you all are there to help. Sure, there's personality conflicts and people who may not like a story, but for the most part, everyone seems to look out for everyone. I know I get worried if I see a day pass by and no responses on any story, not just mine, from Stanman63, or from Bailey (or even a story too, lets face it, I think Bailey has the most current stories still ongoing right now), Dorthy Colleen or even Andera Dimaggio.
Well, once again thanks to those that write, but a bigger thanks to those that read.
I've done about 25 short stories too
Including Gaby stories and drabbles. There's a whole pile of Gaby fanfics on Maddy Bell's site including two complete books of a trilogy by me, and of course Snafu on Sapphire's site.
The testimony to your craft...
...your short stories are so varied and diverse and entertaining along with your serial work. Truly terrific!
Love, Andrea Lena
Thank you Stormy.
Comments ARE a writer's life blood, and only payment here at Top Shelf. It's gratifying to know that the readers appreciate the hard work that goes into writing a story.
Hugs 'n stuff,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
KUDOS to all the Big Closet Authors!!
and all the smaller one two!!
For the Big Closet, I would like to thank Erin and all her helpers !!!
To all Peace, Love and Happiness xxx