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That boy told he couldn't play because he was too good, can now play.


Right Decision

Well they got that one right. Let's see what happens as he gets older and therefore bigger and stronger, if the rules don't change.



Don't ever bother reading the

Don't ever bother reading the comments there though. My god...

To me, this is very simple...Title IX and look at him...he's outweighed by every single girl on the pitch, not to mention a lot smaller overall. When will people realize that America is NOT the only country in the world. "Only girls play field hockey..." Yeah right, watch the Olympics this year then.

Samirah M. Johnstone

Am I the only one?

Andrea Lena's picture

...who wishes for the scenarios that play out in our stories make the headlines. Where girls who weren't born that way are routinely included in girls' activities or even just kids activities as girls? I am happy for him, but somehow it all makes me want to cry.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

My Church wouldn't play in a league that let's him play

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

I would keep my church's team from competing in the play-offs if they allowed a MALE player. I - guess - it might be ok to play regular league games against their team, BUT - NEVER - in the play-offs. Either their team would ave to bow out or we would boycotte the final game.

Wow!!!! That was fun. I could just FEEL myself becoming all bigotted and prejudiced. Even my neck was starting to get all red and stuff.

SPORT is SPORT - Play for fun or don't play AT ALL.

Oh, the initial paragraph? Well, it's based on the premise of me HAVING a church, which I do NOT! I consider myself a somewhat SPIRITUAL person, NOT a religeous one.

with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.