Life Hurts
I Hurt. My best friend Tracy died yesterday at her own hand. She was bullied by fellow TS's. She overdosed on pills. She was alone. Truly alone. Homeless and alone. Why? Why was she alone? wHY cOULD NOONE Help????
WE Must Help. We must care. Small wins mean nothing if we don't care.
Sometimes small wins are the only ones at the time
I feel badly for your loss. I can't know how you feel as I haven't had such a loss.
The reason I'm still here is that there have always been others who were willing to talk or chat or email with me, I couldn't 'just disappear'. So I ask YOU, to talk or chat or email with someone, anyone, just don't be alone.
I SPECIFICALLY chose my on-line identity to ALWAYS remind me to seek the positive, even at the worst of times. AND sometimes that has even helped me. I dream that it might happen that just seeing my on-line name could be a beacon for someone else someday. Find a positive beacon for yourself and USE it.
There ARE caring people in this world, they might be hard to find sometimes, BUT they are DEFINITELY worth looking for. Find someone!
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
I'm saddened
by your news, it means the system has failed and each loss is a tragedy.
It seems as a group we can be bitchy and spiteful, as if by condemning others we boost our own self esteem. As a minority group we need to be more caring and inclusive not elite and exclusive. We know what it takes to make the change or to live with the frustration because it isn't possible for whatever reason.
We can't preach acceptance by others if we can't do it ourselves.
To The "family"
We cry with you.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Death of a sister because of the hatefull acts of are own kind
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