Credit card recommendations?

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Can anyone recommend a credit card company that will let you sign up with your legal (male) identity and billing address but issue that same person a (second) credit card with their female name? I'd like to be able to buy stuff while I'm out en femme without dealing solely in cash and without having awkward questions about the obviously male name on my current card. My current credit card's web site will let me request additional cards, but they want a social security number for each one, so I thought I'd ask here first in case anyone has advice.

Many thanks!

-- Michelle


depending on who you get a visa or mastercard through you can get them in an enfemme name if you wish.

There is a problem with that though some retailers ask for a drivers license or other identification that you are who you say you are. So its not just the card itself.

On a positive note most cashiers won't blink an eye at the name since they don't even see it. I wouldn't worry about it so much. Just use what you have and If and thats a big IF it becomes an issue just say "its the boyfriends card" and leave it at that.

That excuse doesn't work

That excuse doesn't work anymore. Because of massive amounts of credit card fraud there has been a crackdown in CC security. If a person has a chip on their card then clerks don't look at it. They just process it.

However, if your credit card doesn't have a chip then clerks are required to check the name on the card, verify the signature, and check the last four digits on the card to make sure they match those on the receipts. If the name doesn't match the gender of the person (i.e. a girl using a card issued to John Smith) then a piece of ID is required to verify that it is their card. That means checking names and pictures.

Of course, that's only my experience in retail in Canada. It could be different elsewhere. So far, I've had to prevent the use of a few cards. Once when a man came in with his "mum's card" to do her shopping and another where a woman wanted to use her "husband's card". Perhaps they were telling the truth but either way, if the name doesn't belong to the user then it's considered fraudulent.


I don't know why you replied to me with that, it doesn't seem relevant to my post? Asking for ID in order to use a spending device with no security features is not new or illegal. This seems to say "asking for a zip code or other information" is illegal but only in the U.S. and asking for ID is only contentious on store returns.

I know my own store policy on returns is that I need a signature, the original receipt to show the item was bought at our store within the last 14 days, and a telephone number OR street address. We won't do returns without them.

just pointing out

I was just pointing out that they can't ask for id in some places :) It all depends on where you live and the local laws and store policies. :)

"When you pay by credit card and a merchant asks you for your ZIP code, phone number, driver's license or Social Security number, do you have to show it to complete the sale?

In most cases, the answer is no. In some instances, asking for personal information may violate store policy, credit card merchant agreements and even state law"

That's odd. I've never had

That's odd. I've never had to give a social security number when I've asked for an additional card. They just want to know the name to put on the account.

Since I'm responsible, it doesn't matter as much.

Try Discover?

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

More IDeas. Get one from someone who'll put your picture on it.

I got Mastercards from both Citibank and Frontier Airlines ( actually Barclay's Bank ), in my now legal name in addition to my old legal name with just one phone call each, years before I changed my name legally.

One advantage to the Citi card was that you can get your picture on them. I had one card under my male name, presenting as HIM, and one as Holly Hart presenting as ME. As a result, I seldom had to show any other ID. It wasn't a government issued picture ID, but it was usually enough. In California, if questioned, I just outed myself and that solved it. Elsewhere?

I also had 2 debit cards from Bank of America with my separate pictures on them. That worked, too, though it was more difficult to get two cards from them to go along with my checks which already had both names. BofA had my signature card with both signatures on it, too. Citibank however, would not let me have both names on my checking account, nor would any credit unions I tried.

Later,I ordered 3rd party checks, ( Not ordered from BofA-but from one of those that advertise in the throw-away coupon books in the paper), in each name separately and had no problems there, using my debit cards as IDs.

Chase started to let me use both names on my checking account until they realized I was not going to use the same last name on both, however, I'd already signed my signature card both ways, and was able to order 3rd party checks and cash them with either name, using my picture credit and debit cards as picture IDs. I also used them as IDs for my frontier credit card a few times.

Just some additional IDeas;


It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


I only have a bank debit/credit...

And only in my legal name, and of course I have to flash my license around whenever I use it as credit, which, of course, is also with a male identity. And, of course, I have to sign with my legal, male name.

Honestly, no one bats an eye or raises a brow when I use my card and am femininely garbed. No questions, nothing. They just take the plastic and run, so to speak ;)

Frankly, I don't think most places care as long as they get their money.

Abigail Drew.

Have you thought about...

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

What about ordering a credit card with you initials only?

with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.


Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

Then you could even sign your name the same way enfemme as you do in drab.

with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

Good idea!

That's quite clever. It'd work, too.