Stay a while and listen...
So for those of you who don't know In round about a week from now ( 6 days and nine hours, but who's counting?) "Diablo 3" is being released.
Aside from the normal hell and the destruction of Tristem (Again) it would release the Doom days curse on the world ( and in Doom I mean the game not the "end of all life" and the likes): A drop in human productivity . In my group alone there are 6 people who hold prime jobs in major companies who took a week off for the sake of helping man-kind fight against the forces of hell.
so my questions to you are:
A)How many of you are going to play?
B)Is Diablo evil plan is to make the world's economy collepse due to lack of work force?
C)Isn't it exciting ?Are you excited? cause I am excited, I never been so excited. well except from that time when I saw you walking in the town and went OHHHHHHH, but I mean really, who can top that?
So prepare your Horadric cube and your Stones of jordan, cause Tuesday we dine in hell...
if my gear was still up to
if my gear was still up to snuf :(.
Have you checked the minimum spec ?
D3 Isn't really that have of a game. If you post your spec in here I can probably tell you if you can run it ( a good pc from 5 years ago should be able to handle it...)
Anyway big Hug if you can't join the party :(.
It's a Dell XPS M1530 with as
It's a Dell XPS M1530 with as processor an Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T9300 @ 2.50GHz, 2501 MHz with a NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics card wiht Vista as an OS. O yeah and a 4MB RAM. Think I have it about 6 years now and it's been through a lot of stuff . HD is only 3,5 gig so rather small, but hey ->laptop.
The only problem according to
is the hdd space :D.
oeps should have put free
oeps should have put free before that but that's outdated (used a an old sys diag file as a short cut on a few MB left) . Just read the stuff on the website and wonder above wonder I should be able to play. Even my GC is up to snuff for it ...
I'll see if I can give you
A guest pass once I get my CE so you could try and see how it works :D.
I second that!
Diablo is a game for schoolchildren and requires very little in terms of ability to think. I see no reason why anyone would want to play it. Heck Wow (also made by blizzard) is more challenging.
That's just my opinion and is actually the nicest way I could put it.
Sorry I am not in the best mood at moment.
About skill level:
I play DOTA , SC2 and a few FPS so I know a bit about skill level, and believe me D3 on inferno is anything but easy or dumb . At that point you would need to plan your attacks as a simple "scoot and shoot" wouldn't work (also hardcore mode adds to the challenge ).
As for your like/dislike of the game : It's a matter of personal taste so I can't tell you what to think aside from that it's ok to think it.
Also a giant hug to improve the mood plus some cupcakes :D.
thank you for hug
thanks for hug. Still in a very bad mood though.
If there is anything I can do
Just ask ( I am not sure I can help but I am willing to try).
hug again.
that reminds me I promised
that reminds me I promised myself to never buy anything from Blizzard anymore after WOW. had to reinstall WOW (the complete set) at least once a week. Took about 4 houres each time to do it. Drove me crazy, 'cause it didn't 'take' from the first time every time. Once spend more then 8 houres reinstalling 'cause the damn gatekeeper programme said my version was corrupted each time. So seriously starting to doubt if I'd buy D3 although I got D1 and 2 plus expansions here ... >mmzzzw<
I really doubt that
That was Blizzards fault. I have found them to be pretty technically competent over many years. Machines and ISPs not so much.
According to my network prof
According to my network prof my side (including ISP) of things weren't azt fault (I installed correctly ISP side checkedout, ...) only thing left is somewhere between my ISP and Blizz. And I could play without a problem before that last expansion. Gave up after About a month reinstalling at least once a week.
Haven't finished my bach yet but I'm not a noob when it comes to computers (at least I didn't used to be at that time). heck I even TA'd in highschool for ICT a bit and used to be the IT resposible at my work division. So I definitely know how to check things out . Got to admit I'm getting rusty these days 'cause I haven't done any real computing in years.
Thank you
I have 7 level 85s. To get maximum damage output nowadays is not easy.
Its like a foreign language,I have,nt a clue what you are talking about. I must be too old.
Diablo 3
Is a highly anticipated game by blizzard. It's been in development for ~10 years and people all over the world are really excited about it.
The "Doom day curse" is a nick for the effect the game doom had on college students and IT workers :At the time universities saw a major increase in the use of network resources, which they though was students studying extra hard, but they saw a major decline in grades (since what most of what the students did was playing doom over the university network).
Hope this helped a bit.
But I have no clue why that should be.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
The excited bit
Is there to see if someone will get the reference ( and no cheating!). ( Although I really am excited about it :D).
It's really nothing worth anything at all... now, if Tri-Ace announced that they changed their mind about discontinuing the Star Ocean series after Last Hope... I'd be all going SO5! SO5! SO5! Cheering and getting excited and stuff. Especially if it was announced that it was to take place after SO3, rather than as a reboot filler between SO4 and SO1. Hm... A title that could go after 'Til the End of Time... Hm... So far, we've got Star Ocean, Second Story, 'Til the End of Time, and Last Hope, which actually goes before Star Ocean by like, several hundred years. I think "Ends of Infinity" would be a good subtitle...
I'm not a Star Ocean fan, no, not at all.
Anyways, the Diablo games are Just Yet Another Rehashed Shooter. Except for the few rare exceptions, shooters're almost all wanna-be-Doom. Even the sequels to Doom sucked.
Abigail Drew.
Diablo a shooter?
A heck and slasher maybe, and even that's a far fatch. The Game is an Action RPG game , really nothing shooter about it at all.
As for SO: While I've enjoyed some after FF13 I doubt that Tri-ace under square-enix direction will make this a game and not an interactive movie ( which is what FFXIII was )
Tri-Ace is its own company
And I guess I must've been confused. I dunno why I never got into it then, normally I love action RPGs... maybe it's more hack and slash than you think? Or maybe it's more dungeon crawler? There's gotta be a reason my mind would have stuck it under the "not enough story to be worth it" tag.
Anyways, as I said, Tri-Ace is it's own company, they've already done a lot of games with Squeenix as publisher, they originally had an exclusivity contract with Enix, but when Square and Enix merged and Squeenix was born, that agreement was nulled and they've now got games published by other publishers, including Sega, IIRC.
Anyways, SO4 was after the Squeenix merger, and was a great game, my only complaint is that it's a reboot, it's a well done reboot, but, it's still a reboot.
Tales Of isn't really suffering under the Bamco merger either, you know.
Final Fantasy is just... well, interactive movie is kind of the direction that series has been going in ever since FF7. It has an established fan base that are looking specifically FOR interactive movies... I kinda quit playing em after X-2 myself. Six was and will always be the crowning achievement for that series.
Abigail Drew.
Didn't know they
were independent , that's nice to hear.
I liked SO4 and even though it was a reboot it had a solid plot ( way better then the Star treck reboot {the horror,the horror}).
As for diablo : it's actually far less heck and slashy then the other action rpg out there. It's a very classical Action-RPG so while you still click @ monster to hit them it's more about skill set (in D2) or skill combo (D3). I might get some Trial version with my collectors edition I can give you to try as you might have misclassified the game ( lets remember that D2 was released 12 year ago) as at the time it was considered the best RPG (better then the similar buldors gate and Icewind-dale.)
Anyway Here's hoping for more good JRPG ( there is only so much times I can replay Shin megami tensei games...).
interesting thing...
Tri-Ace are Trekkies.
Abigail Drew.
Maybe that's where they
learned how not to make a bad reboot :D
I think I need to dye my hair yellow?
Because I REALLY REALLY feel like a dumb blond now. The language in your post ALMOST looks like English, in which I have been fluent for over 55 years, but I only even RECOGNIZE every fourth word or so.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
good thing I didn't started
good thing I didn't started about swor or sto then ;) The first are game names, the second is a production studio and the third a game compagny. Although I might be a bit of on the last 2. Haven't been hardcore for more then 10 years now -> used to play all the Rogue Spear games, Mech Warrior, Quake and Doom in a LAN team. Heck I started playing Doom (the original) in the store with only a mouse 'cause they didn't let customers have a keyboard (even finished the game :) )
good thing I didn't started
good thing I didn't started about swor or sto then ;) The first are game names, the second is a production studio and the third a game compagny. Although I might be a bit of on the last 2. Haven't been hardcore for more then 10 years now -> used to play all the Rogue Spear games, Mech Warrior, Quake and Doom in a LAN team. Heck I started playing Doom (the original) in the store with only a mouse 'cause they didn't let customers have a keyboard (even finished the game :) )
Thanks Kage
I did actually get that this was about gaming and such but that was just about ALL that I understood. I appreciate that you posted a comment to try to explain things though.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Your welcome Gamers are a
Your welcome Gamers are a strange breed of geek to a to a post below. Even a 'standard' geek can't follow us. And being out of the community for so mmany yeares even I have difficulty following everything. Evolving language how ... intresting ;).
Mmmzz think I'm going to hold out for Neverwinter if Cryptic or PW don't botch it up
Game names, Game Company (though you are MOSTLY right in it being a production studio - they do NOT have any publishing staff, but they do own all creative rights to their own games), and Game Company/Publisher (the slash publisher being because Square-Enix, just like the other Japanese video game mega giants, Bandai-Namco, Nintendo, and Sega, they also publish games made by smaller companies who, for whatever reason, do not employ their own publishing staff.
A big difference between the Tales of series and the Star Ocean series though, is that Star Ocean is owned by a smaller independent company who publishes Star Ocean through Squeenix, while Tales is wholly owned by Bamco, and though MOST of it's titles are all made by the same production studio (Tales Studio), that studio is wholly owned by Bamco, and not independent at all.
Interesting history lesson, Tales Of and Star Ocean were both made by basically the same people, WOLF Team, who split up because Namco wanted too much control over Tales of Phantasia and the three "Aces" of WOLF Team didn't want to give it up. So they took off and made the new company, Tri-Ace (whose name might make a bit more sense now that you know it's founding story), and published Star Ocean through Namco's then biggest rival - Enix. Meanwhile, back at WOLF Team, things were going even worse than before the aces up and left and Namco ended up buying them up entire. The first Tales of Phantasia was released for the Super Famicom, then a year or so later, Star Ocean was released on the same. Namco tried going after Enix because of the similarities between the two games, but failed.
Fast forward to today, and Tales Of has become a massive franchise with almost as many titles as Final Fantasy, it's battle system has remained mostly stagnant, and the stories remain mostly disconnected, and the few times they've done "timelines" (Like Symphonia-Dawn-Phantasia-Narikiri-Lineage) they had huge gulfs of time between and made lots lots more continuity goofs compared to Star Oceans nearly linear timeline with almost no continuity goofs, except a few glaring ones with the recent reboot.
I enjoy Tales Of, but, Star Ocean is definitely the stronger series, and, I've gotta say, I really think it's because Tri-Ace has insisted on maintaining independence.
Abigail Drew.
HER, you just don't speak Geek. Geek is kinda like Greek, but even weirder. It ALMOST looks like the native tongue of its writer, but unless the reader speaks geek, they can only make sense of every fourth word or so.
Geek has as many dialects as there are world languages AND dialects of all said world languages btw... so American Geek is almost meaningless to a British Geek, and English Geek in general looks completely alien to an Asian Geek, but likewise, Japanese Geek is completely alien to any English Geek.
Abigail Drew.
Thanks Abbie,
See the comment below Kage's for more.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Diablo 3...
I used to play Diablo 2 a number of years back, then went on to Warcraft which I played for over 4 years, got bored with them both and finally quit them. I did the Star Wars beta recently as well as the Diablo 3 beta, I didn't find either of them really worthwhile to spend money on so I won't be starting either of them. As for D3 I found it rather boring actually, the graphics were much improved from D2 but that was about it as far as it went. The beta was really buggy too. As with anything else this is MY opinion and others are probably gaga over both of them.
Major headache
I remain clueless. I now have a headache. Thanks to all who tried to explains this. I think I will try and find some tubes for my T.V.