I must offer an apology...

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I know what you're all like when you get your noses into a story you like and how you can get snotty (with good reasons too) when they end up sitting unfinished.

I have such a story that has one poor lad (or is that lass) sitting on a ship in the middle (metaphorically speaking) of the Atlantic.

Currently, the Captain of said ship, is being kind enough to circle patiently until I have the time to complete or at least continue.

I know, I have been brow-beaten in the nicest possible way by a number of you to continue, but real life I'm afraid, has me well and truly by the short and curlies.

You see, both Penny (my better half) and I have become very disillusioned with our lot and have been musing for some time over the possibilities of a move. We have looked into the work availabilities and also the cost of housing here in England and have come to the conclusion that unless one earns far in excess of the wages I currently earn, there is no way we could even move to a 'like-for-like'.

Thus we have decided to follow our dream of a small French farmhouse, where we can raise some chickens - for the eggs only; I for one am too squeamish to kill them even if I was hungry and Penny's no better - grow some veggies and learn that all too familiar Gallic shrug. Perhaps our collective noses are too small to be real French jobs (thinking of Gerard Dippydoo and Jean Reno to name but two), but going for it we are. Our place is currently on the market and we are hoping for a fairly quick sale.

I look about this site and see someone who's just had surgery, is still managing to keep going and whose story has me captivated (thanks Angharad). I feel guilt for not having got to grips with the last chapter or two of Cruisin', but frankly with all I have to do before Christmas and the sale of the house, plus the impending move that WILL happen come hell or high water (I can swim, though I fear the cat may not like the cross-channel doggy paddle or is that pussy-paddle in his case?) but can't seem to keep my head on track.

So this long-winded diatribe is just to say sorry.

Cruisin' WILL end. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon - probably after the Christmas and New Year celebrations are over and done with. It IS only a month - well not even that now.

So I ask that you please be patient with me. They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions and I had the best of intentions to finish my story, but well...

Shit happens!

Nick B

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