I'm baaack... sort of

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A few folks (you know who you are, Angel, Sephrena, John, and Hope) have recently added some inordinately (in some cases shamelessly) flattering comments to a couple of previous Leeway installments. I mean jeez, thanks for the encouragement and all, but if my head gets any bigger it will explode. *blushing furiously*

Well, I had been planning to finish polishing up the installment I just posted for a while now, but you did manage to encourage me to get off my derriere and just do it. I don't know if I'll have the next bit ready by next week; beyond that is even less certain, so enjoy it (or not as the case may be) while you can. The story does go on, and I will finish it eventually, as real life permits and as my fickle muse deigns to grace me with her inspiration. I hope that won't spoil your enjoyment of it too much, but I'm afraid it's the best I can do.

This installment, I think, brings us to the curtain of Act 2, to give you a vague notion of how much is left.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.



Just write as you can and post as you can. It's all any of us can expect. There is no rush. simple. You are more important than the story and real life comes first. Leeway is an absolute joy for me and many others to read. You have an amazing storytelling talent. But ultimately, its You we care about. Take it easy. We love you.

Your fan

    Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf


That is some Japanese girl? You told me that you were from Iowa!

Gwen Lavyril

Gwen Lavyril

Fickle muse, I know it well

Good to see a new chapter or two.

My muse is strange too. It loves to get two-thirds of the way into something and then "Oh look at the shiny new object, I'll play with that." The shinny new object being another story or the same story but with a hugh gap in the time line.

I have so many bits and pieces of Timeout and Glacier Girl floating on my harddrive and on paper it isn't funny. As to contest inspired stuff, don't ask.

Thanks again.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

ewe are knot a loan

If i got a nickle for every story that I backed out of to write a new story, well I wouldn't be a millionaire but I'd certainly be able to treat a few friends to a Texas Road house Steak.
I have decided to combine all of the unfinished stories do some tying in and character name changes and then submit it for exciting reading, You know a story that has so many side stories that a reader could just get plain old confused by the fourth page LOL. I have a muse that gets me on many tangents and then i forget what I was originally writing.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

I spells reel gud two, Jill


So you plan on a mulligan's/hobo stew sort of a story?

Could be tasty but having seen those posters for frat parties at UW-Milwaukee back in the late 70s and in the 80s, if you plan on a haedier story, a high *octane* Wapatuli Party story, NO pepermint schnaps!

John in snowy, sleety, I have to go and shovely ity, yucky -- for the moment -- Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa