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Phobias are irrational. I know. That doesn't make them any less real, or even any easier to overcome.

Alone time. I know lots of folks that relish and look forward to their alone time. Some I know even plan their week around the four hours they get to spend entirely without other contact with people, or pets, or even the "amenities" of modern life (telephones, computers, etc).

That would probably do me in. I'm so exceedingly scared of being totally alone, that... well, let me tell you all about this week for me.

Tuesday night, I had plans with three friends. Due to back injury and car trouble, none of them could make it. My roommate and I watched a video (The Santa Clause 3), and she went to bed around 9:45pm. She's a schoolteacher, she leaves for work at about a quarter to 8am. Now, being the only one awake isn't the same as being alone. Being with pets actually, isn't the same as being alone. Wednesday morning, she loads her car, and leaves for school. I had a few errands to run that afternoon, so went to do so. While I was out (around 4pm) she text-messaged me goodbye, saying she'd probably be back Friday. I got home and the cats were gone too. Ah well. Wednesday night reschedule with three friends still a no-go (and, incidentally, called by younger sister to make certain that I knew I wasn't welcome for Thanksgiving Dinner at her house [6 hours away]). Plans for Thursday cancelled. Twice. Friday, roommate informs me via text that she'll be home Saturday. Plans for first real social activity in over 2 years on Saturday get cancelled by influenza outbreak at hostess' home. Roommate informs me that she'll be home Sunday night.

Now. My phobia, as you've likely figured out by now, is being alone. I've been alone pretty much since Tuesday night. I've had three panic attacks and twice I've found myself in my closet hugging my knees and crying. I'm so tense you could likely break boards across my back and I'd not notice. I've ground my teeth so much I have a killer toothache (and headache). I jump at every tiny noise.

I really don't know why I'm writing this other than to just get it out there.

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