A Canadian Miss Universe contestant has been banned from the competition after organisers found out that she had been born male.
The 23 year-old girl said she had known that she was a female at age four, had commenced hormone therapy at fourteen and finally transitioned at nineteen.
Some of the articles...
...and it's hard to tell which is correct, are saying it's because she's had surgery to enhance or correct her looks, but I've not been able to find out for sure. Either way, she's such a pretty girl; it seems such a shame to be set apart for such dubious reasons instead of being recognized for how lovely she is. Another contest...another year...another girl...maybe finally? Too sad!
Love, Andrea Lena
Miss Universe Contestant
A shame she was banned
May Your Light Forever Shine
devils advocate
Although she was already 'in' the competion she new that, like in a lot of high end Miss election, there's some small lettering saying that that contestant needs to be be born 'female'. Ok that discriminatory but it been around for a few years now and she probably knew that going in. And I've also got a problem with the ' born female ' part >by which definition<.
Don't think she can fight being banned although I think she can go after them for discrimination. But that isn't going to be easy 'cause it's one of Trumps'.
Not really said
The Miss Universe organization hasn't really said what specific "rule" she violated, so it's hard to say for sure what the situation really is. This has been discussed at length on the AddictingInfo.org page on FB, it seems that both parties are playing their cards close to their chests so unless or until a lawsuit is filed we probably won't hear what the infraction actually was. Lots of rumours flying around with nothing to back them up.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Such contests or pagaents are
Such contests or pagaents are so stupid. The Miss America is limited to people from North America, north of Mexico, i.e. the United States and it's territories. There is much more of America that should be allowed to enter to compete for "Miss America" if they are going to use that title. The much more grandiose Miss Universe is limited to only human beings, though the contestants are at least from many countries (if they can find the financing and training needed to become contenders). They would likely try to ban an intelligence from another world not even slightly human who had the technological ability to get here, if they suddenly appeared and demanded entry. I think in their bigotry and their grandiose ideas of their own supremacy of this little speck of dust, they would try even though they claim their contestants are the most lovely in the Universe!!!!
And to make it all worse, the idea is for it to be eye candy time and a fuel for immature male fantasies while they manually stimulate themselves, same as with "men's magazines".
Silly porn producing maggots. Why would any intelligent woman ever want to be part of such a crappy endeavor?
CaroL wrote almost a chapter
CaroL wrote almost a chapter in reply, but shorting it down a bit.
Okay it's still a lot about how one looks/act and don't think that's going to change. But if they want to, why not???
Otherwise one needs to remove almost every videolip currently on air. Heck those clips are pretty mutch all worse with
how woman are portrait.
I'm not pretty, I'm overweight and I sure as heck wouldn't even partipate in something like a Miss election myself even
if I was pretty enough. It's just not me. But I repeat, if they want to (am not talking about the -18 version here),
why the heck not???
O yeah and scrap the beach volley tournement 2 while where at it >humor really wouldn't want that , the horror<
north of Mexico, i.e. the United States and it's territories
Er...I don't follow beauty contests, but what's that very big country in the North called?
The United States...
of... oh yeah, snap, America.
Abigail Drew.
That bit to the North of the USA... the biggest bit of N America...
Oh, you mean...
Oh, you must mean the Dominion... (of Canada).
Miss Universe Petition
Here's a petition to Mr. Trump & the Miss Universe Canada organization,
calling for the reversal of Jenna Talackova's disqualification
and for them to change their discriminatory policies:
Fat lot of good it will do, but I feel a bit more useful for having signed.
And what's with this "never having been pregnant" restriction??
Are they planning on throwing the winner
into a volcano to appease the gods?)
~hugs, Veronica
Also for them what's interested there's a picture of Ms. Talackova...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Knowing Donald Trump
That would be exactly how he could say...."You're Fired!"
She cheated
that was the repeated opinion of my Dear Wife.
Beauty pageant contestants having surgery to improve their looks. Heavens to Betsy, like that's never been done.
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
reached the flemish national
reached the flemish national news agency VRT (http://www.deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws/ookdatnog/ODN_120329_C...).
the view of socitiey stinks some times
When a child can presen her self as a pretty and worthy to be in such a contest . the people who make such a judgment are the poliyicly incorect
they are self centered bigots and probly democrats and stiff necked as well ....
The girl should have been alowed to take place in the contest and let the world deside who is prittyer
the rest of the girls must have been jelous a born boy was prittier than them and thier mommies protested you know how that works...
We are watching and seeing the proper world views un fold ...