Hello All.
Since I am not a very prolific writer I doubt that anyone knows me but even though you all hated my Sister Danielle O'Bryan you have to admit that she had a way with words. I said 'HAD' because she died today less than a hour ago ( 2: 12 A.M Mountain Time). The Family still have yet to find out all the whys and wherefores but I thought I would give you all a heads up so you can plan your party.
I hope to get Joyce's permission to repost her stories here as a sort of monument. I hope this will not anger too many of you but I at least think she was an incredible Author. We all have our foilables and idiosyncracies but I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive whatever it was she did to all of you. I was never told so I have no idea.
Any way there you go.
It is a real shame that you never got to know her as she was, without a doubt, the most Human person I knew. She gave of herself to many Charities and was a big sister to two TG/TS groups. If it wasn't for her I know several t/s's would have suicided, myself included. She held very strong opinions regarding rape either physical or mental and was never afraid to be a vocal advocate for those that suffered such depravity. I do know that she abhored the honoring of such people that performed such rape in either written or video portrayal. We talked quite a bit of a new series of stories she had planed to write under the name of "The Pink Avenger" and I intend to honor her by writing those stories. I will try to get all her notes and begin as soon as possible. I hope you will enjoy them even though you will know where they originated from.
I have run out of steam for now so will say Good Night and Blessed Be.
Leigh Richards
Please accept my condolences
I cannot say I hate anyone. I dislike the way some people are, but not hate.
I am truly sorry to hear that Danielle passed away and hope that you can do well with her story ideas. It's never nice to hear that someone has gone and for me there will be no 'party'.
My thoughts go out to you, her family and those who truly knew her.
Nick B
If by Joyce...
...you mean me, you have my permission to post or repost stories, not that you really need it.
However, I can simply re-pub Danielle's stories if you like. I honestly don't remember exactly what the problem was.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
the Ghouls from BigCloset
A BigCloset Top Shelf where people throw parties celebrating someone's death? That honors perpetrators of sexual abuse and soul-murder, or would drive someone away for speaking out against such things? That must have been before my time, and I'm glad I missed it! I'm really sad that you're hurting Leigh, but I have found so much kindness, understanding and support here that I hope you will understand if I'm a bit resentful when someone paints the folks who are helping ME find my way out of hopelessness & suicidal ideation as such monsters. I am looking forward to reading your sister's stories, and yours (thank you for posting the ones you have), and I hope that someday you'll be able to see this bunch here as the caring---if flawed, which is to say human---folks they are. I get along better with some here than others, more in common, more like minded, but even those I've wound up getting into hellacious comment-feuds with, I'm glad they have
a place here (stupid wrong opinions & all), can share the benefits of this community. In any event
I pray for you, that the Divine Force (God/Goddess/Other) will help you through your grief...
~~~hugs if you'll have them, LAIKA
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
I will miss her
I commented elewhere but Danielle O'Bryan was a valued member of the BC comunity.
I am sorry if she felt estranged in the last few months but that is not uncommon with the damaged souls that flock here.
She PMed me a number of times and I treasure that. I know she had problems with her prescriptions. I remember more then one person here nearly killed by incorrect dosages.
She often wrote in an exagerated over-the-top style but it suited the over-the-top abusive stories she wished to alter.
I hope you can continue on for her. If you feel you can, proof her stories to aid readablity. She sometimes had extreamly long paragraphs which are hard to read online but then other favorites of mine have done the same. My feeble stories have benifited much from proofers.
I hope in death she has the body her foolish doctors as a little child took away from her.
May such self important surgenons rot in hell as did -- I hope -- the bastard who claimed Ann was born severely disabled because my mom married an unbeliever. She was Christian Science, he was Evangelacal Lutheran - ECLU. Mom chose love and family over narrowmindedness as did my dad. I miss both, mom and Ann who each died in 2005. Thank God dad is still with us. Okay he is currently driving arround Australia and terrorizing the residents at 80. He will fly back to Wisconsin in a week or so, I promise.
WE will miss you, the good and the bad, Danielle.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
My Thanks
Leigh Richards
Thank you all for your kind words.
I am a little calmer now. I've managed to sleep for awhile and my doctor has given me these cute little pink pills that keep me level.
I do apologize to all for comming on so strong earlier today. When I hurt I do tend to lash out.
My Mom sent over Danielle's story notes and I am amazed at just how prolific she was. There were over forty stories in various states of completion, each with a paragraph or two explaining what the story was trying to say and why. I shouldn't have too much difficulty in finishing them almost as she would have.
I also got her computers. I mean this girl had some mean equipment. Wow! She was such a geek! Of course I mean that in a loving way but I am not sure if I dare even turn some of this stuff on. Scary stuff. ;-)
I did find that many people did love her stories and I am gratified that she brought joy to so many. I will try to continue her legacy but I know that she was head and shoulders above me in the intellectual department so I will need all the help I can get. So if any one would like to help me get this prodigious pile of lititure onto the net I would be very gratefull.
Thanks again for all your kind words.
P.s. John She loved your stories and there are a few here where she has tried to emulate you. So you must be a damn good author so enough of putting yourself down. (Light slap on hands!)
Take care and Goddess Bless
Leigh Richards
I'm happy I brought her some happiness
I write first for myself, then for others if they so wish to read it.
I can do the occasional serious bit but I like humor in sizable, frequent dosages. My parents had their share of pain, nearly as many miscarages as births and a severely disabled first child and the streses that brought on. Humor and loving relatives/friends got them through the dark days. Humor and love is what makes live worthwhile.
I wrote this at first to ease the pain of my mothers impending death. I first posted a story -- Glaicer Girl, a side story to Timeout -- on Christmas Day 2005, six months after her death and a week befor my disabled angel of a sister died with little warning.
I use writing to remember the good and the bad of my life and of my family, particualy of my teenage years now some ways back -- when I was in the Boy Scouts, Tricky-Dick Nixon was President.
I also am accused of having a strong sense of outrage at those who would do other harm. That is in my writings and knowing Danielle's stories, that may well have appealed to her.
Others have written me that they appreciate the humorous, happier touch I have and if it put a smile on her face, that is high praise indeed.
May you remember your sister, the good, the bad and the inbetween. So long as you do she is not totally gone. It may be a saying but it is true in it's
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Color Me Confused ...
I follow some heated discussions around BC/TS, but I don't think I've seen anyone, at any time, hate another poster here. Frustrations? You bet. Nothing more than that.
Danielle had her place here, and her passing will be a loss to us all.
Party? Not a chance.
Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)
"Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite."
Robert A. Heinlein
Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant)
Veni, Vidi, Velcro:
I came, I saw, I stuck around.
Hatred is special
Whatever the opinions of Danielle were, I doubt she was hated. She may have been disliked by some, and liked by others. Few people are liked by everybody.
I personally reserve my hatred for those that truely deserve it, the pedophiles (that term is not nearly nasty enough to describe what those people do), the abusers, those who cheat and rob others of their future, the murderers, that type of people. Hatred should not be casually inflicted on the small sinners. We are all sinners in some way, and to do so means we must hate ourselves.
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your sister, and my prayers that your heavy heart will in time mend from this wound.
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way."
College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Again my Thanks
All of you, Thanks from the bottom of my heart for your thoughts and kind words. Yes hatred is best saved for those that truly deserve it.
Well I have a mountain of work here to do but it is good to get so close to Danielle again so I will enjoy it. Reading some of these stories has shown me her rather pixie type humor that totally eluded me before. Wow people are like onions... layer upon layer.
Take care all and Goddess Bless.
Leigh Richards