If you could be any character in a movie, poem, play, song, story, ect who would you be?
My choice would be at least one of the female leads in "You Got Mail," "Sleepless in Seattle," "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves," Sandra Bullock's characters in "Practical Magic" and "Two Weeks Notice," Minerva Chesterton, Duchess of Wolverstone in Mastered by Love and the Black Cobra Quartet series by Stephanie Laurence.
i myself would like to be any leading lady of the forties and fifties
not an obvious or popular choice
Lowden Swain, Vision Quest
Wesley, the Princess Bride
Trinity, the matrix
Counselor Troi - Star trek
But the character I feel most represents me -
Eponine or Cossette from Les Miserables... but I can't sing. But my life can be summed up in two powerful songs.... Castle on a Cloud and On my own (original broadway cast)
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
i have one
I would want to be Harry Dresden from the books the Dresden files. Molly Carpenter is cool too, but Harry is such an epic wise ass.
In truth I'm more like Waldo Butters, just not a medical examiner
Diedre from Maggie Finson's Maiden By Decree, hands down. My 2nd choice would be Wren from Bailey Summers' Snakes And Ladders (There's just something about her...).
I wondered...
...if / when someone would opt for characters from one of the stories here :)
As for me, I'd have to give it some thought before I'd firmly make a choice. I'm not TG but if subjected to a magical transformation, wouldn't mind as long as the social / environmental factors were also taken care of (i.e. either society only remembers the 'new you' and/or you're transported to somewhere else entirely, and the obligatory wardrobe change!). So someone like Dierdre, Seren, Garia - possibly even Dahlia. Although having said that, I would initially miss the 'net and reading my daily dose of stories on a certain niche fiction site...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
no worries
I doubt anyone will want to be named after one of my characters.
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Or her original male form Jack, from Randalynn's No Obligation series. Wouldn't matter much to me where in the arc I begin, whether as Jack, or Becca, as long as I get to experience the best parts. ;)
Abigail Drew.
As painful as it might be???
Becca or Regina from The Hardest Battle, start to finish. Both display strength of character, self-sacrifice, and a calm self assurance to which I can only hope to aspire! And their character only grows stronger and deeper for the trials they overcome. I admire them immensely.
Love, Andrea Lena
Do you mean whose OCCUPATION/LIFE we'd want to take over, or whose PERSONALITY we'd want to have?
I've never encountered any fictional character in any medium who captures my personality accurately.
If I were to take over someone's occupation/life, I'd probably want to know more about it first, and if it would play out exactly as depicted in the story! :)
EDIT: Upon further thought, I'd be very happy to take the place of John/Jessica from Saless' My Summer Mutation, assuming that events would unfold just the same way for me. Becoming a Catgirl (genetically, to match my mind) and having a super strong girlfriend who could fly and carry me would be beyond wonderful (I commented on the story 14 months ago, mentioning that I'd love to get some of that toxic waste). ^_^
I'd also be happy as part of Kittyhawk's crew, though I'd be my own character rather than taking the place of an existing one. = )
Asta la vista, bay-bee!
Hands down, I'd love to have been a real life Nora Charles... and wouldda settled for acting her as Myrna Loy. (Mrs. Thin Man, btw)
Wit, wealth and wild adventures with a man I loved absolutely to death? Who could ask for anything more?
So many and so little time to choose
Audrey Hepburn, any of hers, Kim Novac most of hers, Peter Sellers, Pink Panther, a very funny movie, and of course Steve McQueen because of the motorcycles and a very cool guy. Arecee
Hmmmm.... Dawnstar from Legion of Superheroes - Beautiful, intelligent, amazingly spiritual and kick ass powers; Alice from Alice in Wonderland because, well, just because really; Selene from the Underworld movies or Daphne Zuniga's Alison Bradbury from the film Sure Thing. :-)
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
If You Could Be Any Character
Would like to be the male lead who wins the heart of any woman in a story
May Your Light Forever Shine
I would be her!
I'd be Tessa Altman, from the sitcom Suburgatory. Who else?
(Click on the pic to see it bigger)
Let's see...
Kim Martin in Better Late Than Never
Marvin Pentwater in Incomplete Without You
Garia in Somewhere Else Entirely (except I would miss all the modern technology)
Jaxom in The White Dragon
Elan Owen
Nicole in Neko
Jeffrey in Susie and Jeffrey
Yamaguchi Sakura in A Little Fox Tale
Kethan in The Jargoon Pard
There are lots of stories with lovable and memorable characters that I like, but I couldn't see myself in their place. That doesn't mean that the story is any less good.
I know that there are lots more, but I can't think of any right now.
I'm surprised there are Lists of characters.
I'm not sure how shocking this may be but:
Menolly, Of Anne McCaffrey's Harper Hall Trilogy.
I've never read of, or heard of another character that effects me in the
same way. Honor Harrington, perhaps would satisfy the daydream side, but
even the girl who gave me my first copy of Dragonsong said something like:
My god, you've got to read this. If you ignore the dragons and the happy
ending, this girl could be you.
Sarah Lynn
A kind of wishful thinking
I think for those of us in the TG-TS community, this kind of thing is normal - afer all most of us want to be different from what we currently are. Â Wishful thinking, but something we all do nevertheless, just to make everything more tolerable. Â Drea DiMaggio actually blogged about this sort of thing as well, in her blog entry "Their Faces; Our Selves".
Anyway, I guess my response to your question is here:
Bobbie's stories -Â
Bobbie's blogs -
Any character?
Well, from TG stories I'd have to say my first answers would be, well, just about any lead character from either Enemyoffun or Maggie Finson's stuff, though more specifically Stephanie from the former's Batgirl story, or Lorelei from the latter's Heaven and Hell series (minus the sex, 'cause I'm a prude like that.)
From other media, though, the choices are a little more open.
Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider video game franchise.
Rebecca from "Tank Girl." So sue me, I like my movies cheesy.
Bloom from Winx.
Sunshine from Sherrilyn Kennyon's "Night Pleasures." (Hey, it's a vampire story, don't judge me :P)
Melanie E.
Amelie ...
from the movie of the same name.
Or maybe the gnome from that movie. Boy, he got to travel a lot!
My OC Kari from Twins.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb