Girl Scout Launches Cookie Boycott Campaign After Organization's Inclusion Of Transgender Child
Saw this article which maybe of interest here. It was a link from an article regarding the start of Girl Scout Cookie sales season. Anyone selling Thin Mints ;-0?
Thin mints!!!!!
I got a connection this year for my thin mint fix. My roommate is a Troop leader. I'm already saving up money to get my good fix, last year I spent $70. on cookies. So this year I'm cutting back bit due to tighter times.
wonder how much longer she'll be allowed to stay in the GS. If my doctor couldn't keep me from buying cookies for my health, this little twit wont stop me.
oh to clarify
that $70.00 wasn't just thin mints. I spent $35. on thin mints and $35. on the samoma's. Man I love those. Tanya had cookie training last night. Had to teach her how to use the order site and how to sell and stuff like that, so my fix is coming soon.
Thin Mints...
One serving = one tube...
Saw this thing going around yesterday. It's really sad when parents teach their children such bigotry. *sighs*
Annette, your wrong
One serving is at least 4 boxes, not one tube. Well for me at least
On a related note, My roommate Stu came home the other day with a one pound snickers bar and has delighted in teasing me by leaving it on hte counter. It says it's 9 servings, but I believe that's a lie and want to prove it wrong.
An excuse to buy cookies- Yeehaw!
I wondered why my neighbor's daughters havent been around to get me to sign up for my annual Girl Scout cookie fix. I hope they haven't jumped on the boycott bandwagon; the mom is nice but pretty high strung and religious and I could see her getting all alarmed about this. If so, I'm sure someone will have a table out in front of WALMART I can buy from.
The nice thing about YOUTUBE is there's already a lot of nice responses to this little Nazi's bilous rant. Some are better than others, but they're all in this general vicinity:
And it's already been wonderfully parodied here in this appeal for us to boycott Dr. Who:
~~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Oh My God
The Doc. Who one is totally awesome!
Best response yet!
This guy rocks. VERY articulate response to Hategirl's paranoid video:
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
The Funniest Response I Saw...
...in the HuffPost comments was something on the order of, "I guess she's trying to earn her Hate badge."
I've always been too much of a free spirit to sign up to be regimented.
Another good Youtube response to Cookie Boycott Video
Peace out, G-scout!
Hi everyone Like being a sexy Crossdressing Male to Female & love all of ur Crossdressing stories.This is BULLSHIT!!!!I was a girlscout when I was 6 yr.'s old untill I was 17 yr.'s old & everyone knew about me being Transgender!!!!GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!
The Girl Scouts and Campfire organisations...
...in contrast to the homophobic Boy Scouts of America, have a longish history of inclusiveness and non-discrimination against either LBGT members or adult leaders, starting a little after the time that the National Organization of Women (NOW) stopped discriminating against (or attempting to conceal) their lesbian and bisexual members and a few amongst the leadership back in the early Seventies. It was a contentious issue at the time.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
I was a Scout ...
... but many years ago when even homosexuality, let alone transgender issues just never arose. There was, however, a paedophilia issue but even that was swept under the carpet. Even though the adult in question served a jail term he returned to the town and was left alone.
AS far as I know girls are permitted into Rover Scout activities in the UK and may even be allowed into the lower age group activities. btw Girl Scouts are called Guides here or were the last I knew of it. I suspect a lot of girls see that what the boys do is a lot more fun than conventional female activities without sacrificing their femininity. My own wife enjoys cycling, sailing, motor cycling and outdoor activities in general alongside her cooking and sewing etc.
I don't think there's an issue over gay Scouts - certainly not a well-publicised one. In any case it's inevitable that large single-sex organisations will attract gays whether the organisations like it or not. That includes, Scouts, Guides, Catholic priesthood, armed forces etc. Only prejudice will see that as necessarily a "bad thing".
It's sad that there is such a reaction in this case. One wonders just what they fear.
That's not actually true.
That's not actually true. They actively discriminate against anyone with a penis - or at least did, when I was working camps. The local GSA camp, for example, had two or three male employees - who were not even allowed to be NEAR the camp at night - escorted off by armed (female) guard. In contrast, the BSA camp I was working had a number of female scouters/employees, and they simply had their tents in a separate section, and had a separated shower/bath facility. No second class citizens.
As for homosexuality? It's like atheism. Don't ask, don't tell mostly works. Agnosticism chaps their hide more than atheism, oddly enough.
Those 'child molester' scouters? VERY exaggerated. In every case I looked at, they weren't abusing scouts - they were abusing their own children, who were _not_ scouts. Mind you, I'm sort of personally responsible for some of the changes made nationally to reduce potential abuses of scouts in one on one situations. I'll explain briefly in PM, but I'm not going to broadcast it.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
But, it was the BSA...
But, it was the BSA that went to court in order to keep the right to exclude Gay leaders (& kids) from the Cub Scouts and the Boy Scouts. (They do let girls into the Explorers and Sea Scouts... And, one article I read they were considering allowing girls into the Boy Scouts, but hadn't reached a conclusion.)
So the BSA inclusive? Not to LGBT. Does the BSA hire & respect females? Most definitely! I agree with you there. But not LGBT people (if they know about it). Local exceptions do exist... But, they are not safe exceptions as it wouldn't take many complaints for National to have a say... This issue makes me embarrassed to admit I was a part of the organization and earned my eagle... (Hmmm. Wonder if they'll give me a new document, with my new name - after I change it... Why do I think the more likely answer would be to strike my achievement...)
Your GSA experiences - varies. I've heard of some where male counselors were welcome and DID stay the night, just like the women counselors. (I've not experienced this, just what I was told.)
A Holiday Problem
Unfortunately, in the past my order of Girl Scout Cookies come just before Passover when I am trying to get rid of the leavened items because I am not allowed to own or posses leavened that week.
You buy them
And I'll keep them for you! :-)
Karen J.
* * *
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. - Winston Churchill
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Dear Shalimar:
So, when you sell the chametz through the Rabbi to its ultimate purchaser, make sure you specifically include the Girl Scout Cookies. Or, let a friend buy them for you, and then after yom tov you can buy them from that friend. Only the ownership and possession of the Chametz is forbidden. There is nothing wrong with anticipating tasting a delicious Thin Mint or Do-Si-Do after Yom Tov, as long as you wait the required number of hours if you had meat before dunking the thin mint into a cold glass of chocolate milk. Unlike Jimmy Carter's problem, it is not an avera to think of the chametz you will eat after Passover.
Just make sure that if you eat any before Passover that your candle, spoon and feather pick it up.
Best regards
One More Reason...
[email protected]... To buy more Thin Mints'!!!;0 They really are yummy crumbled over chocolate ice cream.;)
Love And Huge HUGS,
Bailey's Jonelle
P.S. Thanks for the links Roni.;) The first girl truly showed the spirit of the organization, even if she wasn't one.;0
[email protected]
so evil
but you know I will have to try this. Eddy's ice cream actually makes a thin mints flavor in january and a samoas too
It gets nastier than
It gets nastier than that.
The hypocrites attacked the BSA (Boy Scouts) for being a 'male on ly' organization, forcing them to allow females in virtually every level - despite the GSA being allowed to practice 'single sex'. (Actually, the BSA always had females in their various 'Explorer' posts, now called 'crews'. Long story)
So, now you have someone in the GSA being upset that there's even an attempt to break that monopoly on sex (or gender, however you want to look at it). Again - hypocrites.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
This just in
Talked to Tanya, my roommate who is the troop leader. She saw the video after I asked her if I had to boycott the cookies. She even thinks it's a load of hog wash. Something about hte GS pledge and how it's to promote togetherness abnd this little twit is promoting hate.
Then I asked her if, to save time and my feet, if we could set up a cookie booth in front of the house. She said no. Darn, guess I'm making an order or three.....dozen
Whatever happend to....?
Whatever happend to the 'sandwich' (like an oreo) Girl Guide cookies?
They were the only ones I liked! I used to buy as many boxes as I could ever year.
Then, maybe 5 years ago, POOF. Totally gone, replaced by all these yucky ones they sell now. I really dislike the thin mints and I've tried the rest and.... bleh. I want those cookies they had before!
They came in a rectangle box, with one row of vanilla (very much like vanilla oreos) and one row of chocolate cookies, both with a white icing in the middle.
I'd pay BIG money for a box of those. Does anybody know if they exist anymore, anywhere?
I'll ask Tanya
She should be able to find out something from the council here in Michigan.
Girl Scout Cookies: Vote for Your Favorite And Learn Their Histo
Girl Scout Cookies: Vote for Your Favorite And Learn Their History
This is the story where I found the link to my blog subject. It gives a history of girls scout cookies and you can vote for your favorite.
do you live in canada?
I have a friend in Toronto that says that type of cookie is the only type they sell in her area.