Ahh, off work, listening to a football game (Dang networks didn't pick this one up) and letting my mind wander around, or stumble according to some of my friends. :)
I've been reading stories here since I got back, and have seen things from a lot of relatively new writers who are quite good. And yes, I'll get around to commenting pretty soon. Right now I'm reformatting stories and editing them. I can't believe how ragged my earlier stuff was in some ways. But most of those were saved in straight text files and I absolutely hate working with those things. ASCII may be pretty well universal, but it's very limited and a real pain in the posterior for me. I don't work with it at all any longer if I can avoid it. Now I copy those files into my Open Office formats and can really play with the formatting and other things.
Also, I'm impressed with you all in general here for another reason. At other sites it was rare for anyone to really get the drift of my story 'A Small Matter of Equity'. You guys have given cogent comments on the story, and actually seem to appreciate it for what it is. An exercise in working with dualities. Thanks all. Now I don't think the story is a failure like I used to.
I'm currently immersed in a very long and involved Whateley tale titled Ill Winds. It isn't sweetness and light this time around and involves a lot of different characters. It's fun. Anyone who knows me at all winces when I call a story fun. Chaos. Mayhem. Unanswered questions. Things like that. It will probably go up in chapters at our Whateley site before anywhere else, given the problems Sapphire is having with getting new stuff posted. Not her fault, and I understand all too well how RL can mess with online stuff. Priorities, you know. Gotta have them.
Comments. My thought on those. You don't have to be worried about hurting my feelings, but please be polite. I don't deal well at all with jerks. As for comments in general, say what you want to if you didn't like the story or if you saw things you thought detracted from the story. Most of us writers appreciate honesty about things like that. Just stay civil when you slam something, please. Also, we can tell if a critique is a genuine effort to help as opposed to slamming something just because you didn't like it. Oops, my soapbox just fell in. Probably for the best. lol.
Works currently in progress. Ill Winds (Whateley and Fey), Pirate Queen (Caregivers), Morgana (Finally!), Outline for a continuation for 'Dead Heroes', Several new Halloween stories, a Christmas story for Fey and Jade, and working on the background for a universe called Maelstrom (SF).
I know I've wandered around here, but I did warn you with the title. Right?
More later.
Irons, Fire, All That
Heh. Lots of projects in the works... seems to be more and more common around here.
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? Wait, no, that was God. Sorry, common mistake...
Anton/Isobel Antoinette
"Also, I'm impressed with you all in general here for another reason. At other sites it was rare for anyone to really get the drift of my story 'A Small Matter of Equity'. You guys have given cogent comments on the story, and actually seem to appreciate it for what it is. An exercise in working with dualities. Thanks all. Now I don't think the story is a failure like I used to."
Ms. Finson,
I've always appreciated ASMOE. I'm sorry that I have not said so before, in writing. The story is a success, not a failure. :-)
Anton/Isobel Antoinette is an all too human shade of gray, with good and bad intermingled. While not EVIL, lots of work needs doing to earn redemption. You've issued a reminder to all of us.