Developing slang...
Well, I've developed a few slang words for the final chapter in my Ragnarok Rising trilogy and I've become a bit conflicted on one particular slang word.
First, let me explain. The protagonist for this story is eighteen and I figured that he and his friends would be much more prone to using slang words than other previous characters. So I developed some terms like splurged, thatched, maer, frizz, and Rekk.
My main issue is with the word 'Rekk'. Basically it is an Anglicized version of the Old Norse word 'rekkr' which means man. My issue you ask? I've come to find the term annoying.
The word is used more or less in the same way that people use the words 'dude' or 'man'. For example, 'Rekk, are you alright?' is a sentence muttered by one of the characters early on in the story.
I'm tempted to remove all trace of the term, but I'm conflicted. Should I replace it with something else? If so should I develop a new slang word or should I use 'Man' or 'Dude' instead.
Oy vey
Well... I guess it's equally
Well... I guess it's equally annoying as hearing teenagers dude-ing each other the first time ;) It might be worse for you than for your readers. It's really amazing how much thought you put in your stories...
I quite agree!
You're putting a lot of thought into this, and I think (In my own opinion) that you are right to be uncomfortable with it. To me, it would sound the same as wreck, so you might have "Hey, Rekk, yer a wreck!" Hmm.
If you have another word in mind, I'd give it real consideration.
I look forward to reading it!
Wreck and Rekk
That's exactly how I hear it in my head. I think I will change it.
Thanks, I look forward to completing it! I have so many ideas that I want to try out once I've finished with this.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Thanks, I have something of
Thanks, I have something of an obsessive personality I tend to take things to extreme levels when they grab my interest.
Have a delightfully devious day,
Um.. Splurged is an actual
Um.. Splurged is an actual word.
"After they won the lottery, they went out and splurged on a new car, boat, and house."
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Many slang words are derived from real words. Sweet and Cool are two very good examples of that. If I were too suddenly exclaim "Sweet!" I probably wouldn't be describing the sugar content of my food nor if I were to suddenly shout 'Cool!" would I be talking about the room temperature.
In this case splurged has nothing to do with over indulgence. The protagonist uses 'splurged' to describe the act of vomiting. Like so:
' I felt as if I had been stabbed in the gut and splurged all over the front of my shirt'
Have a delightfully devious day,