Same title as Roo... oops... didn't mean to

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I didn't mean for my poem have the same title. Hope I didn't upset anyone.


Oh I'm sure this isn't the

Gwendolyn's picture

Oh I'm sure this isn't the first time It's happened. That wasn't a cliched title, but one I'm pretty sure others have thought of for one project or other. I don't think there will be any harm done. Just one of those funny things.

Same Title...

Don't worry about it, Cliff. The surprising thing is not that you both came up with the same name independently, but that you each posted it around the same time. But I've seen bigger coincidences... Titles have to be much shorter than the work they are titling, obviously. The bigger and wordier, the less effective they are. Everyone wants a title that grabs attention and is memorable. So obviously some are going to be chosen independently by several different people sometimes. It happens.

Helpful Lisa