Is what it says on the "My Account" section.
Sounds almost like saying four minutes and sixty seconds, doesn't it?
So anyway, it means I have been here at this site for five years.
Bloody Hell!
I don't think I've been a member of anything for that long and I owe it all to you lot.
Erin has to sit at the top of my thanks though, for if she did not have the tenacity and strength to keep this place alive, I certainly wouldn't have been here for that long and neither would any of the rest of you.
Next are those people who unselfishly give of their time to help Erin and the rest of us. Erin's little elves are a vital part of this site and don't any of you forget it.
Next are those special people called editors, for without them, many of the people who write here - myself included - would not produce the standard of work that sets this site above so many others.
Last, but by no means least, I would like to thank the readers; those people who take the time to digest the work that us authors bang out, occasionally comment upon or click the Kudos button, helping to make those of us who have that affliction called writing and make us all - especially me - feel that it's all worthwhile.
Thanks guys and gals!
Here's to five more.
Nick B
Makes my
4 years and 33 weeks seem positively underdeveloped, except I was lurking here for some time before that, and did previously join under an asssumed name, which even I can't remember. So theoretically, I might have been here longer than you, Nick.
I was checking through my story list, all 9 pages of it for any new comments, and see that people do read back numbers, although perhaps Bike is a bit overwhelming for newbies, sadly very few comment, although I did have lovely one from Kaleigh over the weekend.
I also re-read some of my short stories, and consider that occasionally, I do put words together in an order which may be judged to be worthy of the term 'good writing'.
Ang, you do write well
And you do as I do, check for new comments. There is an easier way - go to 'my account' and click the track tab. This will list all items - yours and other people's - and would make it a lot quicker and less demoralising to check for such input.
As for your writing, I find your writing excellent and am often quite jealous of some of the ideas you come up with.
Thank you for adding to my blog - and the site.
I don't just look it, I'm totally grateful
I'm kind of like Angharad in one minor respect.
And I like her a lot, too. And Congratulations to everyone, including you, Nick B. for supporting BCTA.
I was here under a totally fake name I can't remember back around 2003, and as Holly Logan 6 years & 14 weeks ago.
But I opened this account as Holly H Hart 4 years, 15 weeks ago. I think I'll keep it.
One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness.
It usually comes back to you.
Angharad, your stories are all worth reading. I was hoping that archiving 'Bike' in bigger lots as I started and PS is continuing, would make it easier for people to get started and catch up. and I hear from someone who is doing that, or they post here that thy are doing it. Of course by now it is at 32 files even at 50 chapters per file ... Hoping for at least 28 more.
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Actually, 4 Minutes 59.836 Seconds...
FWIW, 52 weeks adds up to 364 days. So the timer won't shift to five years until tomorrow.
(5 years, 42 weeks)
Thanks, Eric
But congratulations may have been nicer
I don't just look it, I'm totally unphased by one day
Wasn't Really Sure...
...what to add, so I just stuck with the info.
I do thank you for the stories you've posted, and can certainly echo your thanks to all the people here who make the site possible and keep me returning.
Makes me wonder..
Your post, and various comments make me wonder how long I've been visiting this place. I started lurking - in the summer (And reading Bike, among other things...) But, I don't get my 52 weeks until next month... That's when I created an account and started posting my pathetic (from the grammar/slepping point of view at least) first attempt at writing. Wow. A lot has happened in that time.
Congrats on your milestone!
(P.S. the typo above was intentional!)