Many centuries ago in tsarist Russia, Tsar Rudolph sat on his throne in a dank and musty palace near the Kremlin. It was late fall, and the weather was dreary. His wife, the Tsarina, was peering out the window, looking across the bleak square.
"Rudolph, my liege, it is beginning to snow," she said with some conviction.
The Tsar, with nothing much else to do walked to the window to take in the scene.
"Catherine, that is just more of the same miserable rain we've seen for days."
"No, it's starting to snow. You can see a few flakes falling out there."
"It is only rain."
"No, I see snow."
"Look, Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear."
Only Forty-five days.
Berry punny!
You think THAT is a pain?-- AND today is Veterans' Day in the US
A local FM station, 99.1 I think, started playing CHRISTMAS music YESTERDAY and nothing but Christmas music.
And it's only Novemeber 11th.
Please take a moment today to remember/thank those who have served their countries in times of war or great hardship, be they sailors, soldiers, medics or whatever.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Tell Tsar Rudolph that people who live in grass huts shouldn't store thrones. Um, you DON'T want to know the *shaggy dog story * THAT groaner is the punchline to.
John in Wauwatosa
I heard it as
Rudolph was a member of the Communist party.
That might make more sense actually
I just heard it this way.
Red and Russia
Hi Portia,
Centuries ago there was Black Russia and White Russia, but, to my knowledge Red wasn't associated with Russia, at least as a badge of the country, until the dawn of communism.
Still a good pun though.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Very Old Joke
I first read this joke in Boy's Life more than 50 years ago. Of course there it was a Communist Party member. That made a little more sense.