The CBC has announced that its program "The Passionate Eye" will present a documentary next Sunday at 22:00 eastern time dealing with transgendered children and their parents. The trailer, shown tonight, led me to believe that the parents were supportive and the children young.
This for your information in case that you are interested in viewing.
Queen Ruth
May the sun always shine on your parade
CBC blocked in the US.
Thanks for the information. I tried to get into the CBC and had to resort to my anonomizer to provide a different URL. Hopefully I'll get it all worked out before the program is aired.
Many thanks
TG Children TV program
While that sounds VERY intresting, those of us in the US can't get it ...UNLESS someone records it for a torrent..... hint,hint anyone?
US can get anything, Sapphire...
If we want to bad enough... Though I would suggest you search for an anonymous proxy based in Canada for a Canadian site: (this is only ONE listing of canadian based public proxies, I suggest googling "canada anonymous proxy" yourself and searching all the results...)
What you want to look for is either "Anonymous" or "High Anonymity", a low response time, and a high uptime.
Abigail Drew.
PS: my comment in that thread that I have many browsers that I keep current and would love to help you with your own browsers settings still stands. I just didn't want to bother with it at that point when at least 70% of the world or so are covered between the Firefox instructions I gave, or the IE instructions Pippa gave. But if you use another browser... Just let me know, and I'll post up instructions for another 5% of the world. ;)
Abigail Drew.
You know...
This seems to be coming up more frequently... If I were to sit down and put together detailed instructions for finding proxy lists, filtering the results to a "good" proxy, and inserting the found information into at least the big five (Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera, Safari), would there be a chance for it to get linked to the important links section on the front page?
If not, there's no reason for me to bother.
I do understand the information could be abused, especially with the whole teaching a man to fish - we might inadvertently teach our attackers a more effective way to attack us.
Trying to be helpful,
Abigail Drew.
Abigail Drew.
Link to proxies
While I think that would be a great thing to do and a useful bit of info, I'm not certain it fits well enough into the mission of the site to push something else off the front page. Perhaps I could add a link space for such secondary but useful things to the bottom of the page? Let me think about it.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Except Cuban Cigars
Boycott and all.
nah... I know this guy, who knows this guy...
Abigail Drew.
Abigail Drew.