Jennifer's Beginnings

This story is based on the story called, "I, My Sister" and was written by Diana Christy (07/97). I would like to thank Diana for allowing me to use parts of her story in mine. I would also like to thank Arcee and Darkside for offering suggestions needed to finish this story. I could not have written this story without their support. Thanks guys!

Warning: This story contains sexual material and transgender themes. If you're not 18 or over, or are offended by such material then don't read it! This story can be posted on Fictionmania or any other free sites however, I do ask that you notify me first before doing so.

The Life And Death Of Al Parker
Part 1 - Jennifer's Beginnings

By Kelly Davidson

Chapter 1 - Easy Money

"Ten thousand dollars," said the fat, bald man.

Al Parker was shocked at the offer. He had heard Klein Walker was a cheap son of a bitch but this was an insult.

He pushed back his anger and calmly replied, "you have to be kidding Mr. Walker. You want me to break into a very secure research lab and steal information that you'll turn around and make millions off of. We're talking about real jail time here if I get caught!"

"If you're as good as you claim you to be then that isn't a concern now is it?" Klein sarcastically snapped back. "I could find a dozen other people to do this job!"

"Yes, that's true," the young man replied, "but then your chance of success is much lower, isn't it? The last thing you need is to send someone who'll get caught and then tell the police everything." Al stopped talking for a moment to let comment sink in. Klein Walker may be a cheapskate, but he wasn't a fool.

"I know this security system like the back of my hand," Al continued. "Hell, I used to work with the company bigwigs during my stint in the army -- trying to find ways around this system. I know its weaknesses and secrets and I was trained by the army to get in and out of a location without anyone even knowing I was there. But if I do get caught, it will appear as if I was there for other reasons."

"How will you accomplish that?" Klein demanded.

"That's my concern," the private detective replied. "But for me to take this job it's going to cost you $150,000 in cash".

"THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS!" Klein shouted back, trying to bully the younger man into a lower amount. "I'll give you $20,000, take it or leave it."

The pair continued to haggle for another 5 minutes before they finally agreed on $50,000. Not as much as Al had wanted but he could live with that amount.

"Here are the plans for the house and the other information you asked for," said the fat man handing over a large envelope to Al.
"The lady will be leaving for Washington this evening and won't be back until Friday night. Her bodyguard is almost never there when she's gone, we checked. When will you be leaving?"

"Tonight," Al answered quickly. "With luck, you'll have the information no later than Saturday. In the mean time I'm going to need an advance to handle my travel expenses, say about $5,000?"

"I'll give you $1,000 and not a penny more until I see what you're going after." Klein laid down a stack of bills down in front of the detective, now turned corporate spy. "See you in a few days then." Klein turned to some paperwork on his desk. It was his way of impolitely dismissing the young man from his presence.

"In a few days," Al repeated back. He didn't bother trying to shake Klein's hand as he left. The private investigator may now be working for him but that didn't mean he had to like it.

As he walked out of the office, Al's mind was in deep thought. There were a number of things that needed to be done before he left that night. With just under a week left before Christmas it would take even longer to accomplish these tasks since he had to fight the vast crowds of last minute shoppers. He was so deep in thought, that it wasn't until Al heard his name for the third time that he realized someone was calling him.

"Hey Al, wait up!" said the voice from the other side of the street. He turned to see his friend, Jim Baker, running up to him.

"Hey, what planet were you on?" Jim asked. "I've been yelling your name for over a minute."

"Sorry about that," Al replied sheepishly. "I've got a lot on my mind." He decided to spill the beans.

"I'm on my way to the jewelry store to buy Sally an engagement ring. I already have one picked out. I just needed the money to pay for it."

"Hey, congratulations buddy. When do you plan to ask her?"

"Christmas Eve," Al replied back happily.

"That's great buddy. So what the hell were you doing in Walker's Enterprise? Don't tell me you work for him now?"

"Sort of," Al explained. "He's hired me for a job and I'm leaving tonight. I hope to be back by Saturday."

"Tom doesn't know about this, does he?" Jim asked. Tom was Al's partner and the closest thing to family that he had. Tom also knew, like half of the Seattle police force, that Klein Walker was a career criminal who had always managed to stay one step ahead of the law. His partner's one goal in life was to put Klein behind bars for good. If Tom found out that Al was doing a job for his old adversary, well, the shit would hit the fan.

"No he doesn't Jim, and I'd like to keep it that way. If you ever run into him please don't say anything, okay?"

"Hey man, no problem Al," said Jim and then eased the situation. "I won't be around for the next few weeks anyway. The army's sending me out on a mission tomorrow. Sorry Al, but I can't tell you were I'm going. You understand."

Al shook his head. "I understand, but just before Christmas. That's one of the reasons why I didn't re-enlist. You can never plan anything in advance. Hey look, give me a call when you get back in and we'll celebrate over dinner or something."

"Sounds great buddy," Jim smiled. "Talk to you when I get back."

Al shook Jim's hand and watched him leave. The army had treated him well but unlike Jim, he'd been ready to leave after his four years were up. But not Jim, he was a career soldier and enjoyed the life. The detective thought that was a mistake. His friend was smart and could easily land a good paying job almost anywhere. Well, Jim was happy and how many guys could say that about their job. Right now Al had his own life to run and he didn't have any time to waste. There would be a train leaving for Salt Lake City tonight (wrong tense) and he needed to be on it. The detective turned and started walking towards the shopping mall.


Dr. Sarah Jensen stretched far back in her chair. She felt stiff from sitting so long and being in this windowless office didn't help matters. It would have been nice if the contractors had included at least one window when they were setting up this room but her bosses wouldn't hear of it.

'Oh well, it wasn't too high of a price to pay for working at home,' Sarah thought. She decided to take a break and get a cup of coffee.

As she closed the office door the doctor heard it lock automatically. This was another price to pay for working at home. The security agency had insisted the door to her office remained shut and locked anytime she was away. At least she didn't have to use a key to get back in; the door was equipped with a palm reader, the newest thing in security systems.

And then there was Gerald, the security agent assigned by the agency to watch over her and the lab. He was the biggest price she had to pay for working at home. Still, it wasn't that bad. At times she was glad he was there to help her out. Today however, was not one of those days. Gerald was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper when she walked in.

"Good afternoon doctor. How's it going?" he asked.

"Fine I guess. I still have a lot of work to take care of before I leave tonight." She spotting the dirty dishes Gerald had piled up in the sink. "Why didn't you put these dishes in the dishwasher? It's only three feet away!"

"Hey doctor, it's not my job. I'm only here to protect you and keep an eye on the lab, not play maid. But leave it there, I'll get to it later!"

Sarah knew he wouldn't. They had been down this road many times before. She also knew that he knew it would bug her until it got done and she would end up doing it for him. The doctor was a very neat and orderly person who insisted on a tidy house. It wasn't in her nature to leave a mess lying around for very long.

"Speaking of maids, when do we get a new one?" she asked while grabbing a dirty plate. It had been over a month since the last one quit and she was getting tired of doing her research, the housework and picking up after Gerald.

"I don't know yet doctor. The last two didn't check out. There are a couple of others I plan to talk to next week but you know how careful we have to be with the work you do."

'As if that had anything to do with it,' Sarah thought to herself. What it really came down to was how pretty and willing one of these new ladies would be to go to bed with him. In the past 2 years they had hired six different female maids with the oldest being just 23 and the youngest only 19.

They would work for a few months while becoming Gerald's girlfriend and everything would be just fine. But then the bodyguard would grow tired of them. Once the romance faded these women usually didn't want to be around him anymore so they would just quit. Gerald may be charming and good-looking but underneath all the glitter he was still a chauvinistic pig.

"We need to get a new maid 'soon' Gerald!" she complained. "It's affecting the research I'm doing and we don't want that to happen, do we? I don't care if the next new maid is 80 years old; I want you to hire someone new by the end of the year! Do you understand me Gerald?"

Sarah took a deep breath to calm down. She was under way too much stress at the moment and having to fly to Washington to meet her boss didn't help. She really needed that vacation she would be taking after Christmas. New Years Eve couldn't come soon enough for her.

"Okay doctor, calm down. Once you get back from Washington we'll take care of the matter." Gerald tried to change the subject. "Speaking of which, do you want me to drive you to the airport tonight? It would give you a chance to relax before the flight and you wouldn't have to leave the car in the airport garage."

"No thanks, I'll drive myself," Sarah answered back. The last time she left her car with Gerald he had driven it for the entire week. When she got it back there was an empty gas tank and two, long ugly scratches on the driver's door.

'Not this time buddy', she said to herself heading back to her office. There was still an hour or so of work left to do before she would start packing.


Chapter 2 - Road Trip

Al stared out at the mountains slowly going past the boxcar door. There was no better way to travel than by this case a freight train. He was standing inside a yellow boxcar with the name "Railbox" printed on the outside; one of thousands just like it that roamed all over the United States and Canadian railroads. "Next load, any road." was its slogan. In this case he was the load, the road was the Union Pacific railroad, and his destination was Williams siding, located just north Salt Lake City. As luck would have it, the UP main line ran less than a mile from the house he was going to break into.

It was the third day of his trip and Al was dirty, smelly, and tired. The last item he could take care of once he got to his motel room. The other two would have to wait until he got this job done. Just in case he did get caught breaking in, he wanted to give the appearance that was a nothing more than a homeless vagrant. But he knew he wouldn't get caught.

Al thought of himself like James Bond! Daring, cunning, resourceful, and able to work himself out of a tight situation when he needed to. He had spent most of his time on the train planning how to get in and out of the house in case he ran into any trouble. His disguise was nothing more then a safety net in case all else failed. The private investigator was convinced nothing would go wrong.

He saw the sign with the word "Williams" printed on it located right next to the track switch. The train was going much slower now as it strained to climb the steep grade it had just encountered. Al picked up the two backpacks he'd brought along and slung them over his shoulder. His favorite pack, covered with railroad patches front to back, contained food and water he had taken for the trip - as well as a change of clothes he would change into once the job was complete. The other pack had been custom designed to hold the equipment he needed to get past the security system. It had been liberated from the Army depot shortly before he was discharged.

Al waited until the train slowed to about 10 miles per hour before jumping off. Then he stood by the track and watched the rest of the cars slowly roll by. He didn't know it then but it would be the last train he would see for a long time.

The hike to the house was hard but he didn't mind. Normally the private detective ran 5 miles a day and was in excellent shape. Being cooped up in the boxcar had been the hardest part of the trip so far and Al was enjoying every step he took.

As he cleared the woods, Al spotted what he had come for. The house was located on a small hill surrounded by a high, brick wall and to the trained eye, a very elaborate security system. Anyone climbing over the wall or gate would set off an alarm alerting the people inside. Wanting to get a better view, the private investigator climbed a tree near the wall. From there he could see a beautiful, expensive home with a windowless room added to the rear. Compared to the rest of the house that room looked out of place.

In the driveway was a brand new Ford Mustang. The information he had been given said it belonged to the bodyguard, Gerald. Today was Friday and Al figured he would most likely be going out for the evening. At least that was what he hoped would happen. There was no car in the garage as expected. The owner, Sarah Jensen, was obviously still in Washington and wouldn't be home until later that night. It was a perfect setup! Now all he had to do was wait until it got dark, come back, get the information he needed, and then go collect his $50,000 from Klein Walker.

Al left the woods and started jogging down the road toward a motel located three miles away. The detective was tired and looking forward to a decent 8 hours of sleep in a real bed. Less then an hour later he arrived at the 3rd class joint called The Sunset Motel. The owner looked much like the place did, old and run down. 'Well, beggars can't be choosy', Al told himself as he walked in.

"I need a room - one that's quiet and away from the traffic," Al told the owner/manager.

"I'll give you number 4," the man replied back. "It's clean, quiet and the shower works." The owner emphasized the word "shower". Well, at least he smelled the part.

Once in his room, Al unfolded the map of the house to look at it once more. He really didn't need to look; the private investigator had a photographic memory. Still, his army training had taught him to be thorough.

"Piece of cake," he said to himself lying down on the bed. Less then 10 minutes later he was sound asleep.


Gerald was furious. His car, his brand new Mustang wouldn't start. It was less then three months old and already it had developed ignition problems.

"What morons!" he muttered to himself after he'd hung up the phone with the local Ford dealership. The manager had promised to pick up the car within the next hour and find out what the problem was. In the meantime he was stuck at home miles from anywhere. The dealership manager had assured him that he would get his car back before the day was over.

They'd better or there will be hell to pay! Gerald said to himself.


Tom McClain arrived late at the office but wasn't surprised to see Al not there. They both worked irregular hours and coming in late was part of the job. He looked down at the answering machine and noticed several messages waiting to be played back - some of them were a few days old. Tom frowned slightly. Al was supposed to have taken care of this while he was away.

'Well, maybe he got called out on his own assignment,' Tom thought. It had happened once before. He clicked the play button and listened to the messages on the machine. None of them were from Al.

'Damn it!' Tom swore silently. How many times had he told Al to check in and let him know what was going on. His partner had all the makings of a great detective but was also too much of a lone wolf. While being a private investigator wasn't as dangerous as some detective novels made it out to be, there were still some tense moments at times. And if anything bad did happen to his friend well, Tom needed to know where to start looking.

Well, he would talk to his friend when he got in. In the meantime Tom had his own work to do. He had to fill out a report for a woman who had suspected her husband was cheating on her. She was right of course, he was. When would they ever learn?


Chapter 3 - Inside the lion's den

Al woke up to the sound of the radio broadcasting a winter storm alert. It was already getting dark outside and the weatherman was warning everyone of a severe snowstorm that would hit the area sometime after 9pm.

'Perfect,' he thought to himself. 'The snow will cover up all my tracks after I leave.'

He studied the map of the house one more time before taping it to the underside of the drawer. Carefully he slid the drawer back into the slot. Then he grabbed the backpack with the equipment. As he stepped outside a blast of cold wind greeted him. Well, he would warm up in a few minutes. Al did some stretching exercises and then started jogging toward the Jensen house.


"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T FIX IT UNTIL TUESDAY?" Gerald yelled into the phone. "Take the part off one of the other cars on the lot."

The bodyguard listened to the manager's poor excuse on why this couldn't be done. He had watched them tow his car away with the assurance it would be fixed by the end of the day. Now the dealership waited until 5 minutes before they closed to tell him it would be Tuesday before the part would come in.

"What about a rental?" Gerald demanded. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE ANY? You have an ENTIRE LOT FULL OF CARS I COULD DRIVE!" The manager on the other end tried to explain about their insurance not covering such a situation but Gerald cut him off.

"Screw YOUR insurance," said Gerald in a fit of rage. "I have my OWN INSURANCE AND I WANT A CAR RIGHT NOW! NOT NEXT WEEK, TODAY!" Sometimes yelling got him what he wanted but not this time. Gerald slammed the phone down in a fit of rage.

"GREAT! A Friday night and no car to go anywhere." The bodyguard sat down on the couch to sulk. If only Dr. Jensen hadn't taken her car. Now he would have to spend Friday night home alone. But Gerald didn't realize how mistaken he was.


The sky was starting to spit snow when Al arrived at the main gate. There was a light on in the living room but the car that had been parked in the driveway was gone. Quickly he moved off to one side of the surrounding wall towards a clump of trees. In this type of weather it would be impossible for anyone to see him from the road.

He took a few steps back and made a running jump for the wall. His fingers grabbed the edge and slowly Al pulled his head even with the top to see what he was up against. Imbedded in the bricks were a series of sensors spaced about every six inches. They were designed to pick up large objects climbing over the wall, like a man for instance. The sensor's range was only a few feet at best; but then it didn't need to be more since the wall was almost seven feet high. It would have taken a giant to jump over the wall and clear the sensors without breaking a leg (or two) on landing.

Al looked around for the place he had spotted earlier in the day. A thick tree branch had been allowed to grow over the wall making it the perfect bridge to cross. Carefully he climbed high into the tree until he got to the branch. After making sure it wouldn't break, he slowly inched his way out across it. Once passed the wall, Al placed a rope over both sides of the branch and gently lowered himself down. When his feet touched the ground he retrieved the rope and looked around for a junction box.

The house was protected by a high-rated security system called 'The Nighthawk'. It was the same system Al had worked with before while in the Army. 'The Nighthawk' was simple in terms of hardware but very effective in what it was designed to do. Each system had it's own standard computer that could be located anywhere inside the house. Attached to the back of the computer was a high powered receiver.

By using radio signals, it allowed the system to be free of wires between the computer and the sensors; wires that could be cut both accidentally and on purpose. The sensors in the wall were connected to a device called the junction box. Its purpose was to collect the data from the sensors and pass it on to the receiver via a narrow-band signal. The signal was scrambled between the two locations making it almost impossible to duplicate. Because of its strength, the signal was equally impossible to jam unless someone used a jammer the size of a small car. In the case of the latter, any interruption in the signal would cause alarm to go off making the attempt pointless.

All in all it was a beautiful system but it had one major flaw -the junction boxes were not made to be tamper-proof. Instead of having the front panel monitored with a sensor so the computer could alert someone when the door was open; it was kept shut with a cheap metal latch that a 2-year-old could have opened.

Al had tried to warn the company about the problem but the designer's arrogance wouldn't allow him to admit there could be anything wrong with his baby.

"After all," the designer had lectured the young army soldier like some college professor who was berating a student for questioning something so obvious; "first you have to get to the junction box - which of course is impossible anyway. So why increase the security of the box if a intruder can't get to it in the first place."

Al almost rolled his eyes when the designer then started talking about how much more expensive the system would be with the change. He had checked to see what the cost would have been. All together, the parts wouldn't have added up to more then $20 per box. If they went with just a simple, high-rated lock, then that price was almost cut in half. What was a couple of hundred dollars extra to someone buying a $100,000 system? It was well worth the cost considering it would have increased the security protection of 'The Nighthawk' tenfold.

At the Jensen house there were two junction boxes assigned to each of the four walls for a total of eight.

'That salesperson must have done some fast-talking,' Al told himself. 'One box per wall would have done the job nicely.'

The private eye spotted what he was looking for behind a bush and went to work. First he pulled out a digital tester and turned it on. The numbers on the display panel were lit making them easy to see in the dark.

Next he hooked up the leads to the junction box circuits and hit the scan button. What few people realized when they purchased a security system was that there was always a back door built into them. This allowed the service people to monitor and calibrate the system without having to pry the password out of the owner each time this was done. In a matter of minutes his tester had figured out the code needed to disable the sensors on that part of the wall for one minute. Sixty seconds would be plenty of time to cross over the wall and get away. Al punched the code into the memory, disconnected everything, and packed the digital tester back into its backpack. Then he made his way over a set of trashcans next to the garage window.

Being careful not to make any noise, he tucked the backpack into one of the cans and covered it up with trash. While Al was confident the house was empty, he wanted to be sure no one was inside before he brought anything in. After all, what would a transient be doing breaking into a house with a backpack full of expensive, electrical equipment?

Prying open the garage window was easy; it wasn't even locked. But in the process of climbing in, Al knocked over a can, which made a loud rattling noise as it hit the floor. The PI almost jumped out of his skin when he heard it hit the ground. He stopped dead in his tracks and listened carefully to see if he could hear anyone coming.


Inside Gerald heard the can fall and laid down the newspaper. He didn't believe things fell for no reason so he quietly tiptoed over to the door and put his ear to it. Listening carefully, he was soon rewarded by the sound of footsteps walking across the hard garage floor. Then the handle on the door jiggled.


Al tried the door even though he knew it would most likely be locked. Well, that really wasn't true. It was fitted with one of the cheaper door locks you could buy.

'Very typical of the world we live in,' Al thought to himself. 'Buy a super expensive alarm system for the house but protect the outside doors with a $2 lock.' He took out a pick and in less then 30 seconds he had it unlocked.


While this was going on, Gerald's training was kicking in. He walked inside a closet and closed the door until there was just a crack to see through.

'Better to find out just whom I'm dealing with before acting,' he thought to himself. His right hand gripped the gun that was already out of its holster. It had been a while since he had had a reason to use it. What he saw come through the door surprised him. In walked a skinny, dirty man dressed in shabby clothes.

'A thief!' If so he was going to be in for a rude surprise.

Next to the door was the alarm panel. Al noticed the ready light was green, indicating the system was waiting to be turned on.

'Also very typical of the world we live in today,' Al said to himself. In the army his commander had drilled into him to turn on the alarm whenever he was leaving a secure area. Yet most people only set the alarm when they would be gone for more then a day - sometimes not even then. Al didn't see the point of having a security system if you weren't going to use it all the time!

He stood by the door for a moment and listened. The car outside was gone and the house seemed to be quite deserted. If the bodyguard were in the house he would have known it by now. Al headed up the steps toward the bedrooms, unaware he was being watched.

Gerald was sure he was dealing with an ordinary thief. The intruder was heading upstairs, not towards the lab. The bodyguard put his gun away. He wouldn't need it to take care of this job. After about 30 seconds he headed up the stairs behind Al.


Al entered the main bedroom and started going through some drawers packed with expensive lingerie. 'This doctor sure has good taste,' he thought. Underneath a pair of lacy underwear he found some expensive gold rings.

'Jackpot!' Al almost said out loud. Maybe he wouldn't have to use any of the money Klein Walker had given him to get back home.

His original plan had been to get some stuff together in the event he was caught, making him look like an intruder rather than an industrial spy. Then, after he got what he had came for, he would put everything back the way he had found it. But the lure of easy cash was just too inviting. The investigator now understood why criminals continued to rob houses even when they no longer needed the money. It gave them a high.

Looking in another drawer he found $700 in cash rolled up in a pair of pink socks. This was getting better. Other drawers revealed similar items he could sell for lots of money. Al stuffed them all into a small bag he had brought along.

"Now for the real prize," he said quietly to himself. As he turned towards the door Al came face to face with the biggest man he had ever seen in his life.

"Hi there," Gerald said with a smile. Al felt something hit the side of his face and a moment later found himself on the floor. As the private investigator tried to get up, he was rewarded with a blow to his side that knocked the wind out of him. Then came a sharp blow to his back, leaving him partially paralyzed. Al gasped for air and looked up at the big man standing above him, still with a smile on this face.

"I...I," he gasped. "I made a mistake...the wrong house."

"Yes, you made a big mistake my friend," Gerald replied back. "And now you're going to pay for it." The bodyguard reached down to hit the intruder hard again.


Chapter 4 - The wrong choice

The flight had been a long and Sarah was glad to be home. Pulling into the driveway she noticed the light was on in her bedroom.

'That's rather odd,' she thought as Gerald met her at the door.

"We have a small problem," he said to her.


Al was locked in a small room located inside the very lab he was supposed to have broken into. His body was bruised and bleeding from the beating he had taken. Gerald's punches felt like he was being hit with a sledgehammer and the bodyguard seemed to take great pleasure in distributing them even when it was clear Al was no longer a threat to him.

As he lay on the bare cot, his eyes turned to the large mirror located on the wall that the lab office shared. He had been too groggy to notice when Gerald brought him in but guessed it was really a one-way mirror. He rubbed his head and tried to think about what had happened. The physical pain was bad but it was his pride that hurt the most. After all his planning, what had gone wrong?

Gerald had questioned him roughly for over an hour about how he had gotten over the wall and what he was doing here. Well, at least Al had the satisfaction of knowing the screw-up didn't occur there. But that had been over an hour and a half ago, the police should have arrived long ago. If only he could see what was happening on the other side of the mirror.


On the other side of the mirror Sarah stared at the intruder lying on the cot. "How did he get in?" she demanded to know.

"I'm not sure," Gerald replied back slowly. "As you can see, I questioned him extensively. He told me that he pole vaulted over the front gate. I guess that's possible, he's in pretty good shape for a transit; but I didn't find a pole anywhere near the gate. He said he needed some money for a place to stay. Here are all the things he had on him."

Sarah looked at all the items Al had taken from her room, some of them having a very high sentimental value to her. She really did need to get a safe, didn't she? Cash could be replaced but not sentimental items. There was also a wallet containing an ID card with the name of "Joe Smith" and his picture on it. Odd, he was wearing the same clothes in the picture that he had on now and the ID card was several years old. It had to be a fake.

"I was getting ready to call the police but...," said Gerald.

"Yes," Sarah finished for him. "That's the last thing we need right now."

There was more at stake here than a simple break-in. If the agency found out what had happened they would force the doctor to move out of her home and into someplace they felt was more secure. If she refused well, they may not cut their support for her research but she couldn't take that chance, could she?

The doctor was so close to achieving her goal and needed the test subjects the agency provided her with. But what could she do? Gerald could take care of the man and not have it bother him but her? No, she could not be a party to murder. She would rather turn him over to the police first. So was there another way? Gerald read her mind and prepared to spring a plan he had been thinking about before she had shown up.

"There is another way we can handle the situation where the police don't have to be called in and no one gets hurt," he told her in a cunning tone. "It also fixes another problem we talked about earlier. Remember how you were telling me we needed a maid and I told you about the security risk. The problem is finding someone we can trust...or control."

Sarah didn't even look over at Gerald. She just stared at this dirty, most likely smelly thing that had invaded her home and tried to steal her precious possessions.

'Why not?' she thought. 'The police would only turn him lose in a few days to steal from someone else. This bum was never going to find a job and here she could offer him real security where he would serve a useful purpose. Outside he was just another leech on society.'

"We have to make sure he has no family or friends before doing 'anything' to him," she finally said. "We don't want someone coming around later looking for him. Let me in so I can question him."

"Hold your nose," said Gerald as he unlocked the door. "He stinks pretty badly!"

Al didn't rise as the bodyguard and Dr. Jensen strolled into the room. Damn it, how was he going to get out of this mess without being arrested? And if he was arrested, how was he going to make sure no one found out who he really was? Well, the police hadn't been called otherwise they would have been here by now. Al decided to play it cool and see what they wanted. The lady spoke to him first.

"So, I understand you went through my things looking for stuff to steal. What do you have to say for yourself?" she asked sternly. Her bodyguard wasn't kidding, he did stink.

"Hey lady, I'm sorry. It's cold outside and I didn't want to spend Christmas in the snow. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone, honest. I'm very sorry, please let me go. Please?"

'Not a bad act,' Al thought to himself.

"What about your family? Don't you want to spend time with them?"

"Don't have no family. My parents were killed in a car crash by a drunk driver when I was two years old. I lived in an orphanage until I was 13, then I ran away." Al didn't mention he had been caught a few days later and sent back.

"So no family? No one to miss you?" Sarah asked in what sounded to Al to be a concerned tone.

"No, no one. I'm all-alone with no one who cares for me. I take care of myself. I've done so for a long time." Al looked down on the ground trying to create sympathy for himself. Being so close to Christmas, people tended to be more generous to the less fortunate. It was a dirty trick but Al needed to use every one in the book if he planned to get out of this mess. He couldn't have realized he was writing his own death warrant.

"How come you're in such good shape for a transit?" asked Gerald.

"Hey man, it's a hard life, with no health policy if I get sick, you know what I mean? I spend hours in railroad boxcars with nothing to do so I might as well keep in shape, right? Besides, it protects me from the other people who ride the rails."

'He's perfect,' Sarah said to herself. There were no family members or friends who would miss him. He's kept himself in good shape, which was needed for what she had in mind. Yes, he would do very nicely.

"I'll give you a choice Joe. I can call the police and have them pick you up or you can help me with my research. I will need a sample of your blood and skin. Don't worry, it won't hurt at all. And, you will need to spend the next 48 hours here while I conduct my tests. The sample is for some genetic research I am working on. I'll even let you keep the cash you took from my sock drawer. So, what do you want me to do?"

Gerald knew his boss had made up her mind to use him when she mentioned the word's "genetic research". It was a big breach of security to mention what they were doing here and Dr. Jensen knew it all to well. There was no way this Joe Smith, or whoever he really was, was going to walk out of this lab alive if he decided wrongly.

Al on the other hand considered himself very lucky. Not only could he avoid going to jail, he may even earn some money out of this. At least he wouldn't be going home empty handed. He would have loved to teach this big ape a lesson but if that was the cost of not spending Christmas in jail, along with a small sample of his skin and blood, it was worth it. Al started to roll up his shirtsleeve.


Chapter 5 - Crossing the "T"s, dotting the "I"s

Sarah was pouring through the thick books on her desk. The hardest part of the process was making up a word -- one word --which had never been spoken before and would never be heard in public. It sounded so easy and yet it wasn't. The problem was, you never knew when the test subject (that is how she thought of Al now) was going to run into someone from a foreign country where in English the word meant nothing but in their language it did. She was on her third word; the first two had failed to be unique. One had been a medical term in Russia and the other was a common name for a tool in Spanish. The odds against hearing such a word were great but if it happened, the results could be disastrous.

Her computer was searching the CD's (there were 19 of them) containing numerous words from around the world. It checked to see if the word she typed in existed or sounded like any of the other words the CD's had on file. But even they didn't contain all the words (yet) and she still had to look in real books to be sure.

The computer beep and displayed, "NO MATCHING WORDS FOUND." Sarah also hadn't found the word listed in any of the books she checked. So, this was the word she could use. 'Ekala!'

Next the doctor looked at the profile sheets of several donors she had received from around the country. All of them were young females between the ages of 18 and 25. She looked at each one carefully and picked out what she thought were the best two. One was a 23-year-old named Cindy Baker. From the report she had beautiful blonde hair and a body to match. She was also intelligent and carried herself well.

The other was an 18-year-old female named Jennifer Anderson. She was a cheerleader and an "A" student in high school. The person taking her report had given her a top score of 5 in several categories including looks, poise and mannerism. Sarah thought about it for a moment and put Cindy Bakers profile back in the pile.

"Sorry Cindy, I have to go with the younger woman this time." There was one more thing she had to do before going to bed. 'How late was it?' she wondered. The clock showed it was almost 3am. Sarah looked up the number and dialed.

"Sam, this is Sarah Jensen. I have a job for you. I need you to find out what is happening with a Jennifer Lynnette Anderson." She gave him all the information he needed. "I also need you to find me a new female ID around the same age range and Sam, I want you to keep this to yourself, understand? Yes, I know that will double the price; I'll pay it. Okay, thanks Sam. You can fax me the information when you get it. Night."

Dr. Jensen hung up the phone and stretched. It had been a busy day but tomorrow, no today, was going to be an even busier one. Still she didn't feel tired despite being on the move for more then 20 hours straight. The excitement of starting a new experiment had kept her going half the night.

Now came the hardest part, waiting on the information to come in from Sam. She peeked behind the curtain at the man sound asleep in the room. Gerald had found the vagrant a pair of sweat pants and T-shirt to wear along with a bar of soap. He made sure the man had taken a shower before being locked up for the night.

How strange that fate had brought this stranger to her. In less then 48 hours he would go from being a useless vagrant to a great asset for her use. She would learn so much from him, more than she had been able to learn in the past year. Hopefully he would prove what Sarah already thought to be true about her new drug. She took one more look at him then dropped the curtain and headed up to bed.


It had taken the better part of the morning but Sam had found and faxed the information to her. It was better then Sarah had expected. Jennifer Anderson had been killed in a traffic accident a few months earlier. Her older brother and sister had died years ago and her parents were retired and living in Florida. They apparently didn't have any close relatives (there were none listed on the report Jennifer had filled out when she agreed to donate her tissue sample) so there was no chance on running into anyone out near Salt Lake City who knew her. Sam was asking if he should reactivate her Social Security number or provide Sarah with another identity of someone else who had been born around the same time. Sarah thought for a moment.

Here was an ideal situation to use the real identity of the donor from which the sample had been taken. In many ways, she was going to bring Jennifer Anderson back to life. To bad she couldn't allow Jennifer's parents to see her again because she was sure they must have been devastated. Losing a child had to be hard to deal with, but losing all three of them at different times must have been pure hell!

Well, she couldn't let them know about her creation. In fact, no one but Gerald, herself and this vagrant could ever know the truth. That was why she needed a proper ID for this subject, in case the people she worked for decided to do a little background check themselves. This subject would need a driver's license, credit cards and a checking account. In short, she needed to be just like everyone else in the world.

Sarah was amazed how everything seemed to be coming together. She had needed a maid and a subject to test her drug on, and then this vagrant showed up that no one would miss. Then she needed a new identity for him and the real donor's information was readily available. It was like some higher being was pulling all the strings together for her. Now that all the strings where in place, she was ready to begin. She would start the process after the subject had his supper.


Tom was more then just a little concerned. It had been over three days since he'd heard from Al and that just wasn't like him. He had already left 2 phone messages on his home answering machine asking him to call. Well, Tom decided he was really going to give it to his friend the next time he saw him. Taking off like that and not telling anyone where he was going was irresponsible and stupid. Tom tried to stop thinking about it as he turned back to another case he was working on.


In his locked room Al had time to think about everything that had happen in the past 24 hours. He should have been home by now, kissing Sally and getting ready for Christmas. Instead he was prisoner with no idea what was really going on. He wondered if this Dr. Jensen would keep her word. Suddenly the door opened and Gerald walked in carrying a tray of food.

"Better eat it all," he informed Al laying the tray on the desk. "That's all you're going to get for tonight".

They had fed him breakfast but not lunch so Al was hungry. He dug into the hot food, enjoying every mouthful. He was sure the big ape was watching him on the other side of this mirror.

'Well let him enjoy himself,' Al said to himself. 'In another day I'll be out of this prison and on his way back home.'

'Home!' The word sounded so nice. Al started to dream about how wonderful it would be to get home and sleep in his own bed. All of the sudden he felt very, very tired. Strange, he never went to bed this early and yet...he couldn't keep his eyes open. Al moved towards the cot and fell onto it. In less then a minute he was sound asleep.


Chapter 6 - The experiment

He woke up in a chair located in Sarah Jensen's bedroom. Someone had removed all his clothes and placed him in a robe. Still a little groggy, Al looked around and saw a small pile of clothes on the bed. Dr. Jensen was standing in a corner looking at a laptop computer while Gerald stood next to him. The private investigator felt a slight pain in the back of his neck, as if it had been pricked. He also could see and feel several sensors attached to his legs, chest, arms and head. Looking at the clock next to the bed Al realized he had been asleep for over three hours. What the hell had happen to him in those three hours?

"Ah, I see you're finally up," Sarah said to him cheerfully. "Good, we can begin our experiment."

"What experiment? I didn't agree to ANY FUCKING EXPERIMENT! And what the HELL are these fucking things?" Al demanded to know while pointing at one of the sensors on his leg.

"Those are the newest thing in the medical community; wireless sensors. I can pick up all your vital signs on this computer without the need of wires. They're much more comfortable to wear than the old type. Don't worry, you will only have them on for a few days." Sarah smiled warmly at him but Al sensed it was forced rather then one of genuine compassion and concern. "Now, if we can begin. Since you seemed to enjoy going through my things I thought maybe you'd like to try some of them on. I want you to go over to the bed and put on my clothes."

Al Parker was taken back by the request/demand. "Are you crazy lady? There's no way in HELL you or that big ape of yours is going to make me put on your clothes. I don't know what you take me for but you can forget that idea. Call the fucking police if you want but I want no part of this."

"Oh, that's too bad," Sarah said with a disappointed frown that Al sensed was also being forced. "I was so looking forward to seeing you get dressed in some of my finest lingerie. Perhaps I can make you change your mind."

She moved closer to him and spoke, "Ekala! You will do exactly what I tell you to do. You will not try to hurt Gerald or myself in any way and you will never speak the key word Ekala out loud. Ekala! "

She paused for a moment then said, "Now, I want you to get up and get dressed in my clothes that I have laid out on the bed." Al felt a slight burning in his neck but ignored it.

"I said are you crazy lady? There's no fucking way..." he stopped short in mid-sentence. Despite not wanting to, he found himself getting up and walking towards the bed. When he tried to stop himself, the burning sensation in the back of his neck got stronger.

"What the hell, WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?" he yelled out to Dr. Jensen. She didn't answer, instead keeping her eyes glued to the computer screen in front of her.

Al removed the robe and then watched in horror as his hands; his own hands, reached out and picked up a pair of pink, nylon panties. He suddenly felt a strong desire growing inside him to put them on.

"No, no, stop! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" he shouted to his now useless hands. He didn't want to put them on and yet in the back of his mind he knew he was going to do just that. He stepped into the panties and pulled them up his naked body. Then he picked up the bra.

"GOD DAMN IT, STOP!" Al shouted out to his body. In the back of his mind he didn't want to do any of this and yet he couldn't a prevent himself to doing so. Al felt like he was on a runaway roller coaster with no control over what would happen next. He was only along for the ride.

Al hooked the bra just like he had seen his girlfriend do many times before. Then he pushed his arms through the straps and straightened it the best he could. Next he picked up the lacy blue half slip off the bed. He concentrated on trying to stop the action before it happened. But the more he tried to fight it, the greater the desire to put it on grew.

"You DAMN BITCH! STOP what you're doing or I swear to God I'll break your fucking neck!" He shouted out more threats but noticed Gerald didn't move from his corner to try and stop him.

Dr. Jensen meanwhile gave him an emotionless expression and looked back down at the computer screen again. Stress levels, respiration, heart rate were all way up, far beyond normal. It was a good thing this subject was in excellent shape, otherwise there could be some serious damage.

'Well, enough of this,' she thought. It was now time for phase two. She cut him off in the middle of some more threats.

"Ekala! You shall remain happy and calm. You will not issue any more threats and you will enjoy doing what you are doing. You will only answer questions in a nice and polite way from now on. Ekala!

Immediately Al's outside appearance changed from anger to an almost unnerving calm. Inside his stress level rose up to 220, 80 points higher than what was considered normal. But to Sarah's surprise, his heart rate dropped from 160 to 140 and his respiration showed some improvement as well. She hadn't expected that to happen.

"Oh, this is so pretty!" Al remarked as he slid the half-slip up to his waist.

Gerald started to chuckle, enjoying every moment of the show. The doctor looked up at him sternly. She took her experiments very seriously and didn't want anyone around who didn't feel the same way.

"Gerald, why don't you wait outside in the hallway until I need you." The bodyguard gave her a questioning look. "It's okay, I have things under control and it looks as if our guest is enjoying this now, isn't that right Joe?"

"Oh yes doctor. I just love putting on your clothes," Al replied. This was totally opposite of what he'd wanted to say. Inside Al was like a boiling volcano ready to explode. He tried to concentrate and block out this need to wear her clothes but it only caused the burning in his neck to increase and the desire to grow even stronger.

Gerald nodded and left the room without saying a word, while Al started putting on a pair of the doctor's pantyhose. He used to love watching Sally get dressed whenever he spent the night at her place. But he was doing the same thing based on what he had learned from watching her. And worse, there was nothing he could do about it. It was so frustrating, so embarrassing. Sarah watched the readouts some more and then spoke to him.

"You know, if you calm down and just accepted what's happening then things would go a lot smoother for you. Getting dressed up in women's clothing really isn't so bad, I do it all the time." She giggled slightly at her own comment.

"Thank you for the advice doctor." 'Damn it!' He wanted to yell and threaten her but all he could do was reply back in a nice, calm way.

'How am I going to get out of this?' he thought. 'Think man, think!'

After Al put on the pair of pantyhose he reached to pick up the dress she had laid out for him. No, he wouldn't put it on. He was going to fight this with all his might. He concentrated as hard as he could to stop himself.

'No! No! No! I won't put this dress on! I'll stop myself from doing it. I won't do this! I have control over my own body. No! No! No! I won't do this.' He kept repeating that in his mind but all it did was build up his desire to wear the dress even more.

His hands gently lifted the dress off the bed and held it up in front of him. It was a beautiful blue and white flower dress trimmed with white lace at the neckline and hem. If Sally had been wearing it he would have been drooling all over her. It was a real feminine dress and knowing that only made it worse for Al. He knew he was going to put it on. No matter how hard he concentrated, how hard he tried to avoid it, there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Still he tried, concentrating now on just the word, "no". His only reward for the effort was a burning sensation in the back of his neck and a desire to put it on that reached a 'feverish state'. Every part of his body was telling him that putting on the dress was the right thing to do, that it wanted to feel the dress against his skin. Inside Al's mind screamed out to stop but his body just wasn't listening to him anymore. After a few seconds of struggling, he lost the mental battle. There was nothing Al could do but watch and suffer in silence as his hands worked the dress over his head and pulled it down over his body.

The doctor meanwhile watched the readouts with fascination as they rapidly increased. The subject's stress level reached 260 and continued to climb. His heart rate reached 170 but quickly dropped back down to 120 after the dress was on. Respiration was still high but showed strong signs that he was getting tired of fighting. Perfect, just as she had predicted. But there were still other tests to perform before she could be sure everything was all right.

"You did a very good job, Joe. Now I want you to sit down at my vanity here." Al did as he was commanded in silence despite the fact he tried to say no.

"Okay Joe, I want you to put on this wig and then some makeup. Don't worry if you can't get it on right, we can fix that later."

This constant fighting within him had drained Al, still, he tried resisting with what little strength he had. It didn't matter, he watched his hands reach out and pick up the blonde wig the doctor had set out for him. With care, he placed it over his head the best way he knew how. Then his attention turned to the makeup lying about on the table. He had seen Sally fool with her makeup before but he'd never actually watch her put any on. Sarah gave him some directions but Al ended up doing a terrible job. He put on way to much eye shadow, some of the mascara ended up on his nose, and he didn't get all of the lipstick on his lips.

Sarah patted him on the shoulder after he was done. "There, that isn't too bad for a first time." She smiled at him in the mirror and Al couldn't help but smile back. How he wanted to wipe that smile off her pretty little face.

The readouts on the computer were going down now. Heart rate was at 100; respiration was almost back to normal. His stress rate was at 190; still high but showing signs of improvement. It was time to proceed with the next step.

"Come with me Joe. It's time we find out the TRUTH about you." Al stood up to follow her out of the bedroom.

"Oh, I'm sorry about the lack of shoes," she told him opening up the door. "I didn't have time to buy any high heels in your size. Besides, I didn't see a need to spend good money on shoes you would only wear once."

Al was relieved over the doctor's last sentence; at least he wouldn't have to repeat this experiment again. He couldn't have been more wrong about anything else.


Chapter 7 - And the truth shall set you free

Gerald was standing in the hallway as they walked out.

"Hi gorgeous!" he said with a smirk. Then he started laughing uncontrollably at Al. Inside the private detective was embarrassed and angry. He wanted to strike out and teach this asshole a thing or too. Sarah noticed Al's stress level increase on the computer screen.

"Now Gerald," she told him. "Joe is our guest and needs to be treated with respect... no matter how he's dressed. However Joe, I feel we need to give you a new name - something to match the way you look. We'll take care of that after we start our chat. Lets go down into the living room where we can talk."

Sarah led the way followed by Al and then Gerald, who was still snickering with delight. Al took a seat on the couch across from his two captors.

"Let's begin Joe." Sarah flashed him a quick smile. She was enjoying herself. "What is your real name?"

"I told you. It's Joe Smith, just like my ID says."

"I'm sorry, but I really don't believe you." She smiled at him like someone who had the upper hand and knew it. "I see we're going to have to do it my way. Ekala! You will speak only the truth whenever you are asked a question. You will only answer my questions in a calm manner. Ekala! Now, what's your real name mister?"

Al felt a slight burning in his neck. "My name is - Al Parker."

'What the hell?' He had planned to say Joe Smith just as before, not his real name.

"I see," Sarah replied with big smile. "So Al -- how about we call you Alice instead? You look more like an Alice to me."

The private investigator felt his ears burn from shame and embarrassment. When he was a young boy, a much bigger and older kid had once called him Alice. The older kid had paid for his mistake with a bloody nose. Al wanted to do the same thing to Dr. Jensen right now.

"I hate that name so don't call me that again." Al was surprised at how rude he was able to sound despite her command to remain calm. Perhaps they hadn't worked all the bugs out yet?

Sarah looked over at him with a frown. "I see we need to help our friend here concerning manners Gerald. Ekala! You will no longer be rude or short tempered with Gerald or myself again. You will only answer our questions in a nice, calm, civil manner. You will like your new name and answer to it until we give you another name. Your new name for now is Alice. Ekala! Now, what do you think of your new name Alice?"

"Oh, I love it Dr. Jensen. Thank you for picking it out." Inside Al cringed at what he was saying. What had happened to him while he had been asleep? Did they plant some sort a mind control device in the back of his neck that was making him tell the truth? Well, he would try this again.

"Okay Alice, how old are you?"

"I'm twenty...I'm twenty-two," he replied and then cursed. He had wanted to lie and tell them he was 23 years old. There had to be a way around this control of theirs.

"Very good Alice." Dr. Jensen stopped to observe the readouts on the computer before continuing. "Now Alice, I want you to answer my next questions carefully. Where are you from, why were you in an orphanage, and when did you run away?

"I was born in Kansas City. My parents were killed in a car crash when I was 2 and I was sent to Saint Mary's orphanage. When I was 13, I managed to run away and have been on the run ever since."

'BINGO!' Al said to himself. For the first time since this nightmare experiment had begun he had hope. What he had told her was in fact true and yet -- it didn't reflect what the real truth was. Yes, he had run away from St. Mary's when he was 13, only to be caught 3 days later and sent back there. But that period was a defining point in his life. From that moment on Al always felt like he was still running to get away from that place. It was one of the reasons he had enlisted in the Army when he was only 17 years old.

At St. Mary's, Al had been a master at deceit. He could spit out facts which, while true, misled people so they'd believe something that was totally false. It was like telling everyone your Uncle was in prison but then not mentioning he was also the warden. In the army this skill had served him well and with the help of others, he had managed to fine-tune his methods.

So that was the way around this control of theirs. As long as they didn't ask him specific questions such as his name or age, he was free to mislead them with facts. He wasn't actually lying to them, was he?

"It sounds like you've had a hard life." Sarah said, trying to sound sympathetic but not doing a very good job at it. "So, no living relatives you can visit? No living brothers or sisters that you know of?"

"As I told you, none. I was an only child." Al didn't mention that he thought of Tom as a brother. He didn't have to since she hadn't specified if he felt like he had a brother. Gerald asked the next question.

"How did you get onto our property without setting off the alarm?"

"I was able to climb a tree and use a branch to get past the top of the wall. Then I used a rope to lower myself to the ground." Al left out how he was planning to get out.

Gerald wasn't happy with Al's answer. He was in charge of security and it was his job to ensure everything was safe and secure. Yet a $100,000 security system had been breached because he had allowed a tree branch to grow over the wall. So damn simple and yet...he had failed to see it coming. Well, he would fix that problem.

But something else puzzled Gerald. Why hadn't the heat sensors picked the transient up when he was over the top of the wall? Unknown to Al, the Security Company had also imbedded some heat sensors in the wall and they had a much longer range. Then Gerald remembered there had been a lot of snowfall that night.

'The snow must have blocked the heat coming off this transient's body long enough for him to get across. Damn it,' he swore to himself. 'He should have realized this would be a problem. How often did it snow here anyway? To damn much! This bum's answers didn't reflect well on his ability to keep things safe and secure. It made him look like a fool, and in front of Dr. Jensen.' Gerald didn't like being made a fool of. This Al Parker was going to pay for his sins when he got him alone. Sarah could see what Gerald was thinking.

'Well, too bad,' she thought to herself. It was good to see Gerald's ego broken down a little from time to time. It also gave her something to hold over him and the worst thing about it for Gerald was, he knew it. She smiled inwardly and turned back to her guest to ask another question.


The two of them questioned Al for over an hour but fortunately didn't find out what he really was doing there. The private detective had been able to twist about 50% of the truth around to make them believe his original cover story. After they were done, Gerald led him back to the lab. A few minutes later Sarah appeared carrying something.

"Here, you can't sleep in that outfit tonight. I got you something a little more comfortable to wear. Take off the dress, slip, pantyhose..." Oh, what the hell, she wasn't a cruel person, "and the bra Alice. Then put on this nightie while I fix you something to help you sleep."

Sarah noticed his stress level, which had been averaging around 150, take a jump on the computer. It really was amazing to watch him follow her instructions so calmly while knowing at the same time that he was like a boiling volcano inside.

Rested after his last battle, Al resisted the best he could. After stripping off the doctor's clothes, he picked up the black, silky nightgown she had given him to wear. Inside his mind was screaming, "no!" while on the outside he was calm and collective. His hands placed the nightgown over his head.

'Damn it -- listen to me you stupid body. It's me, your brain. Stop, stop, STOP!' Al felt so helpless as his hands reached into the sleeves and a moment later the nightgown slid down his body just like it was supposed to.

"Oh good," Sarah observed. "It's not too small on you. I was afraid it wouldn't fit since you're slightly bigger then me. I hope it's not too snug, that's the biggest nightie I own."

"It fits fine," he purred back at her. "And so pretty - I love it. Thank you for letting me borrow it Dr. Jensen." Inside Al died a thousand deaths.

Sarah flashed him a smile while keeping an eye on the computer readings that were going wild again. "You're welcome Alice. I want to help you with your process in any way I can. Now, take this pill and swallow it like a good girl. It'll help you sleep through the night. You need to be well rested since tomorrow is going to be a very busy day for us."

'What the hell is she planning to do to me tomorrow?' Al wanted to know. He swallowed the pill as commanded and got into bed.

"Good night Alice," Dr. Jensen said while turning off the light and closing the door. She checked to make sure it was locked and dismissed Gerald for the night. Then she sat down at her desk and began printing out the results. It took over an hour.


"Tom!" The voice on the other ended sounded very worried. "This is Sally. Have you seen or heard from Al in the past few days?"

"No Sally, not for some time," replied Tom. 'Damn, she's worried about him too.'

"Well I haven't either. Al was supposed to be back by now but he isn't. I haven't seen or heard from him in four days. That's not like him."

Tom sat up in his chair. "Back? Back from where Sally? Did he tell you where he was going?"

"No. He called me on Tuesday at work to say he was going out of town and would be back this morning. He didn't tell me where he was going, only that he had been hired to do a job for someone he referred to as Mr. W. I'm really worried Tom, he should have called me by now if he was going to be delayed."

Tom realized that his partner had to be in some kind of trouble. If nothing else, he knew that Al would have given Sally a call by now.

'Damn it Al,' Tom swore to himself. 'Why didn't you tell someone where you were going.

"Don't worry Sally," Tom said in his normal voice to try and calm her down. "I'll go over and check his apartment right now. I'm sure he's okay. Probably got hung up somewhere and forgot to call you. You know how Al is sometimes. Look, I'll give you a call as soon as I find out what's going on, okay?"

"Please do that Tom," the distraught female pleaded to him. "I don't think I can sleep tonight without knowing he is safe."

"Don't worry Sally. Al knows how to take care of himself. I'll talk to you later. Bye." Tom hung up the phone. Now he was deeply worried. Al was the closest thing to a family that he had. No, he was family! Tom grabbed his friend's apartment key and headed out the door; wishing he hadn't waited so long.


Chapter 8 - Final Checks and Dead ends

It was another late night for Sarah Jensen but she didn't mind. The doctor was used to working long hours and in this case it wasn't really work to her. Sarah loved doing research and tonight she had learned so much. The results from the experiment were very promising and showed that she could now proceed with the next step.

While Al had been asleep the first time, Sarah had injected two serums into the back of his brain. One of them was the behavior serum, which had worked extremely well. She figured that it would from past subjects she had injected however, this was the first time she had used it to control someone who was 100% uncooperative and it went off without a hitch. Tomorrow she would trigger the physical serum and study those results. They promised to be just as interesting The doctor walked over to the two-way mirror and stared at her test subject sleeping soundly in his bed. Sarah would have liked to given him one last night as a man before tomorrow but that just wasn't possible. Doing so would have involved bringing someone in from the outside or satisfying him herself. Well, Sarah couldn't allow someone in for security reasons and she made it a point to never get emotionally involved with any of her subjects.

"Oh well, I guess he'll have to live with his memories," she spoke to herself. "If he has any that is?" Besides, there would be far better memories when the subject was ready for his first sexual encounter as the new person she was going to turn him into. The doctor wondered if the real Jennifer had been experienced or not. It would be fun to see how she would react to the situation, as a virgin or a young woman with experience.


Tom had torn the apartment apart and came up with very little. Al's computer indicated that he had last checked out the Union Pacific Railroad web page but for what purpose Tom didn't know. Several messages waiting on Al's answering machine indicated he had been gone since Wednesday evening. Even more frustrating was the fact Tom couldn't find anything on this "Mr. W" Al had mentioned to Sally.

But it was what Tom didn't find that worried him. Al had a box of old clothes he kept in his closet for special night work and they were gone. That could only mean Al was doing some sort of undercover work and if he got caught? Tom decided he had better start checking the hospitals next.


Gerald walked into the room and pulled Al out of the bed. "Time to get up gorgeous," he told Al. The bodyguard gave the other man an evil smile; the type one gets just before something bad happens to them. "Use the bathroom and step outside."

Al obediently stepped over to the toilet and lifted up the nightgown. The extent to which they were able to control his movements frightened him. This was some kind of evil experiment and he didn't want to stick around to see how it ended. He finished what he needed to do and stepped into the lab. Sarah Jensen was at her desk looking down at the laptop computer. Gerald was nowhere to be found.

"Good morning Alice," she said with almost no emotion in her voice. "We're ready to begin the next phase of our experiment. I need you to get totally undressed. Once you are done, I want you to stand straight and look only at me."

Al did as he was told. The room was chilly but he was happy to be out of the nightgown and panties she had forced him to wear. He wondered what this mad doctor was going to do to him next. He didn't have to wait long to find out.


Tom sat at his desk going through all of Al's files. He was looking for someone his partner had worked for or knew whose first or last name started with the letter "W". There were a number of people in his files that matched that criteria.

Checking the hospitals had been a waste of time. In one case he'd driven over an hour only to find out that it wasn't Al lying in the hospital bed, but some other poor, as yet, unidentified man. Another dead-end. No one had seen or heard from his friend in over four days.

Sally was beside herself and Tom ended up spending the rest of the night at her apartment trying to calm her fears. If things didn't pick up soon he was going to have to file a missing person on Al with the police. But there were still a few things he could check out before that happened.


Chapter 9 -- Two + Two = Five

The readouts on the computer were going crazy. Sarah had never seen them so high before with any of her other test subjects. But then, they had been willing up to this point. She issued the next command.

Ekala! Facial modification and hair modifications. 2749726. Ekala! Al braced himself for what would happen next. He knew things were happening to his body but not what or why. Since this all began he was now several inches shorter and the hair on his chest, arms, and legs had disappeared.

Things in the room began to get fuzzy and for a moment the private detective thought he might pass out. This time there was a sensation around his face, as if it was being pulled in different directions only from the inside. It wasn't painful, just a strange tugging feeling against his skin. There was also a pulling sensation around the top and back part of his head. It felt like his hair was shooting out of his head with tremendous speed. After a few moments the tugging stopped and Al regained his senses. What he felt scared the hell out of him. Before his hair had been cut short in a military fashion. Now he could feel the sensation of long hair lying on his bare shoulders and back.

What the hell had happened? If only he could turn his head just slightly to look in the mirror next to him. Instead all he could do was remain perfectly still like a statue while this mad doctor did whatever it was she was doing to him. But what the hell was her plan? Al began to worry that what had happened the previous night was a prelude to something even more terrible this morning.

Sarah saw the expression on his...her face. Well, it was time to let Mr. Parker know what was really going on.

"Okay Alice, I think I've kept you in the dark long enough. Turn around and look at yourself in the mirror."

The young man did as he was commanded and got the shock of his life. What he saw were the makings of a beautiful woman, with long dark hair, and pretty, facial features staring back at him. The problem was, it was 'him'!

Before the doctor had started, she had given Al limited free speech in case he needed to tell her about any pain he felt. But for the moment he couldn't find the words to speak. How could this be happening? How was any of this possible? Then Al remembered.

'"Genetic research!" Those were the words she had used. 'Oh my God, what have I stumbled onto?'

"What...What are you doing to me? Why do I look this way?" Al couldn't take his eyes off the image of the girl he now knew to be him.

"I guess you have a right to know," Dr. Jensen started out slowly. "In case you haven't realized it, I'm changing you into a female; in this case, an 18 year old female. You see, I needed to find out some things about the serums I've been working on. It's just not possible under normal testing conditions. So, I took the DNA from a young woman and incorporated it into your system. By the end of the day you will 'be her'. In fact, I picked up several outfits yesterday based on the measurements she wrote in her profile. They should fit you quite well." Sarah stopped to let this all sink in before continuing.

"I know all this comes as a shock and sounds painful. Don't worry, it won't hurt you at all. As for what happens next? After your transition, you will become my personal maid. I may have plans for you in the future but not right away. I'll pay you of course and make sure all your needs are met. You will learn responsibility and in time I know you will accept your current position. It really isn't that bad Alice dear."

Al couldn't believe his eyes or his ears. He was going to be *trapped* as a woman. And be a maid for how long...the rest of his life? He was going wear women's clothes and makeup like any other female? And not only would he look and dress like a woman, but he would act like one as well? And everyone he met would accept him as if he was a naturally born female?

'Oh God no, don't let it be so. Let this nightmare end now,' he prayed.

"No please, I don't want to become a girl. I can't live like this. Please, change me back to the way I was...please. Don't do this to me. I'll do anything you ask of me but please don't change me into this woman!" Dr. Jensen suddenly became very angry.

"Change you BACK? WHY? So you can become a 'useless leach' on society again?" Sarah took a deep breath to control her anger. This person would have taken her most precious possessions without a second thought for her feelings if luck hadn't played a part in all this. Yet now he, no, she was asking Sarah to consider her feelings when she wasn't able to consider those around her. How many other poor victims would this 'dirtbag' hurt just to satisfy her own selfish needs? How many would be injured by her lack of respect for others? And yet she had the nerve to beg to be turn back.

Sarah was beginning to realize how angry she was over catching this thief. She had worked hard to earn what she had and many of the things this thief was going to steal were her only link to a family now long gone. All this anger had been building up inside her for some time and now it was trying to work its way out. No, she had to calm down. This wasn't about revenge after all; this was about doing research. She took another deep breath and continued.

"I'm keeping you out of jail young man. If I did let you go sooner or later you'd get caught again and then my tax dollars would be used to support you in prison. Instead, I'm giving you a chance to do something useful with your life and serve a need of mine. Besides, it's too late to turn back now. If I tried your nervous system wouldn't survive the transition back. The only option we have left is to continue so..."

The doctor cut Al off before he could reply. "Ekala! Voice modification. 427681. Ekala!" Al felt a burning in his neck. It was like having a sore throat only his vocal cords seemed to be repositioning themselves. Then the burning stopped as quickly as it had begun.

"Now, how do you feel Alice?" Sarah asked.

"How do I feel? I feel like..." Al stopped in mid-sentence. He was talking but the voice he heard wasn't his own. It was so soft and sweet and feminine.

'Oh God, no!' he thought. Now he was not only beginning to look like a woman but sound like one too. Al realized he was slowly being put to death, that each command was replacing his former male self with this other woman's DNA - and so far he was powerless to do anything about it.

"You have a very sexy voice Alice," the doctor said smiling. "It's going to drive all the men crazy."

"You bitch!" Al said in a crude but calm voice. "I'll get you for this. I may not look or sound like myself, but I'm still Al Parker inside and you can't change that. The first chance I get you and that well-dressed gorilla will pay for this. Do you hear me, you will PAY!"

Suddenly it dawned on Al that he had actually been able to raise his voice back at her. Not only that, the control to do as they command seemed weaker.

'Is the drug wearing off?' he wondered?

Dr. Jensen didn't notice the slight loss of control. Instead she looked at him with a weak smile and shook her head.

"There, there now. Threatening people like that isn't very lady-like. I see we need to help you out some. Ekala! You will speak and converse in a happy, feminine manner at all times. Your tonal inflections will be feminine, ladylike, or girlish as the situation dictates. You will not refer to your transformation or speak of anything that has happen to you starting from the time you arrived at my home unless given specific permission to speak your true mind. From now on you will only use the mannerism of a young woman. Ekala! Now, how do you feel Alice?"

"I feel...fine Doctor Jensen. Thank you for asking." It took a moment for the words to come out which Al had fought hard not to say. There was a sense of relief knowing the behavior serum wasn't as strong as it had been a few minutes before. If Al could get control of his body for five minutes he could set the record straight. For now he little option but to play along until the time was right.

"Very good Alice," the doctor said. She seemed generally pleased with his progress. "Now, I have a surprise I've been saving for you. Since you don't like your current name, I'm going to issue you a new one. Actually you should react well to it. It's the name of the person who's DNA sample we are using. Are you ready for me to tell you?"

Before Al had a chance to answer Sarah spoke out the dreaded key word which had turned his world upside-down. "Ekala! From now on you will respond only to your new name. You will not respond or refer to your old name, Al Parker, at any time or to your current name, Alice. You will only refer to yourself and respond to your new name. Your new name is Jennifer Lynnette Anderson. Ekala! Now, please tell me your full name."

Suddenly Al changed his mind about playing along. The thought of saying his new name was unbearable to him. To do so would be like admitting he was no longer Al Parker. He placed his name in his mind. 'My name is Al Parker. Say it out loud. Let her know who you really are.' But what came out of his mouth was very different.

"My name is Jennifer Lynnette Anderson." Al's heart dropped, he hadn't even been thinking his new name.

"Very good Jennifer," Sarah said with pride. "You're doing very well. By tonight the old person you used to be will no longer be there." She paused for a moment. "Don't worry Jennifer, you'll still have your old memories and be able think whatever you want. All my serum does is help you along so you'll continue to be a happy, normal young woman. Soon you'll want to dress and act as a young lady all the time. You will become a new member of society, one that gives and no longer takes. And in time you will give!" she added with a wink.

'How dare she?' Al thought angrily. What right did she have to decide who was fit to be a member of society and who wasn't? This wasn't about just getting even anymore. Someone had to stop her before...before what? What was the real plan here? What was he missing? Sarah's calm voice knocked him back into reality.

"Well Jennifer, I see we need to work on your mannerisms and movements. You still stand like Mr. Parker. Let's fix that. Ekala! You will perform all physical moments and mannerisms as a young lady would. You will move, sit, stand, eat and conduct yourself in all physical aspects as a young lady would. Ekala!"

Almost instantly Sarah noticed a change in the way the younger woman had been standing. So straight and proper, someone had taught her well. To bad she couldn't activate the real Jennifer's memory. But Dr. Jensen was still years away from accomplishing that.

"Let's try walking Jennifer. I want you to go over to my desk."

Al did as he was commanded, walking very gracefully in the process.

'She's such an attractive young woman,' Sarah thought to herself. 'I wonder how Gerald will react to her?'

"Well Jennifer, it's time for you to get dressed. We have a busy day ahead of us."

She picked up a bag from the chair. "Inside this bag you will find your underwear and makeup. Don't worry, in a moment I will issue a command that will help you understand how to get dressed and properly apply your makeup. After you are done we can start on your other training. Are you ready? Ekala!.."


Chapter 10 - Lost souls

Tom watched the sun rise from his office window. He wondered if Al was still alive to see it. After missing for almost five days, Tom knew his friend's chances were slim. But he wasn't ready to give up hope yet. There had to be something he had missed or overlooked.

On his desk was a list of people he was going to visit that day. Maybe one of them would know where his partner was or at least give him a clue as to what was going on. Either way, it was a lousy way to spend Christmas Eve. As Tom studied the list carefully he didn't know that there was one name missing from it; that name was Klein Walker.


Al followed the doctor from the lab to the kitchen. On the way they passed close to the front door. How he desperately wanted to use the door to escape from this mad house. But the doctor had issued him a command so he couldn't leave the house unless told to do so. Dr. Jensen had assured him that in time he would be allowed out on the grounds and even the freedom to go into town alone. But for now, he would have to be happy being able to roam the house freely.

Gerald was at the table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper when they walked in. The look on his face was priceless. He had seen the procedure done several times before but none of the other volunteers had been as attractive as this one. He observed her long, dark hair, her pretty face, and her sexy legs. It was hard to believe that a couple of hours ago this had been a smelly, ragged young man. He was dressed in a black dress that went down below his knees.

'That's too bad,' Gerald thought. She had the legs to show off. The dress she wore was really something a middle-aged woman like Dr. Jensen would wear, not a young and sexy 18-year-old girl. The only item that could have been considered sexy about Jennifer's outfit were the two-inch heels that she wore. Maybe he could change that.

"Gerald, I would like to you to meet Jennifer Anderson, our new maid," Sarah introduced them as if they were meeting for the first time. "Jennifer, this is Gerald Rogers. If you have any questions Gerald is the person to ask."

"Hello Jennifer," Gerald said in his most charming voice. "It's going to be a pleasure working with you."

Al blushed. "It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Rogers."

'Damn!' He was acting like some kind of love-struck teenager when deep down inside he hated this asshole. When would this nightmare end?

"Please, call me Gerald. And like Sarah said, if you're not sure about something, please let me know." Gerald gave her a charming smile, which caused Al to blush again in embarrassment.

Sarah interrupted the moment. "Jennifer, I'm sure you must be hungry. Why don't you show us your cooking skills and fix us some breakfast."

"Yes Dr. Jensen." Al smiled obediently and went to work making them bacon and eggs. In a few minutes he had whipped up an excellent meal for all of them.

"This is very good Jennifer," Gerald said after they finished eating. "You're going to make someone a great wife!"

Al blushed again but inside was insulted by Gerald's latest comment; one that he knew was really meant as a cheap shot about his current situation. How could things get any worse? But he knew they would if he didn't find a way out soon. There were still parts of his manhood left but by tonight they would be gone for good. That didn't leave him much time. He had to find a way to break this control and soon.

While all this was going on Sarah sat and observed how Gerald reacted to her newest creation. Her bodyguard disliked a number of different types of people, Africa-Americans, Jews, and gays especially. It was hard to see Gerald as a bigot since he could be so charming to anyone when he needed to be but Sarah knew that he was. Gerald had a bigoted dislike for certain groups of people and felt superior to them, although he didn't openly show it very often. It was for this reason Sarah had worried a little about what Gerald's reaction to seeing Jennifer would be. After all, Jennifer had at one time been a man just like him. That would put Jennifer on the same level as a gay, drag queen in Gerald's eyes. Sarah was glad to see her bodyguard was reacting well to her new test subject. What she didn't pick up was that behind the charm, Gerald was plotting his revenge against this outsider who had made him look like a fool in front of the doctor.

"Jennifer, I want you to clean up the dishes and put them away. Then Gerald will show you to your room so you can freshen up. After you're done, I want you to report to my office so I can go over your duties with you."

She gave the Gerald a quick nod and left the room. The bodyguard sat there staring at the young girl picking up the dishes.

'God, if only you weren't really a guy!' he thought to himself. 'How much fun I could have with you. He needed to fix his hair and wear some sexier clothes but other than that he was beautiful. Any man who didn't know what he really was would want him.'

Al was aware of the other man's staring but couldn't do anything about it. Instead he gave him a flirting smile as he cleaned everything up. It felt so natural to do so, even if it did go against every desire he had inside him. Quickly the new maid finished with the dishes so he could be shown to his new room and hopefully, left alone for a few minutes.

His bedroom was located down a short hallway not too far from the kitchen. It was actually a mini apartment that was made up of two rooms. One of them was the bedroom, which had a small, private bathroom off to one side. The other was a living room, where he could entertain visitors.

'I guess I won't have much use for that room,' he told himself.

"I'll wait in here while you fix your hair and freshen up," Gerald told her. "When you're done come and get me."

The new maid walked into his new bedroom and closed the door. Alone, he tried to speak out the key word but "EK" was the only thing he could get out. That was better than last night. He couldn't even make an "E" sound when trying to say the word.

Next Al tried writing out the key word. To his surprise, he was able to write it out with very little resistance. There were more things he wanted to try but the growing desire to work on his hair finally won out and he found himself sitting down at the makeup table and picking up a brush. However it didn't bother him. Now he had hope, something he didn't have an hour earlier.

It took 20 minutes for Al to fix his hair and apply his makeup. When he walked back into the living room Gerald was sitting on a couch watching TV. As he looked up Al noticed a strange look appear on his face. It was a look of interest.

'She's so beautiful,' Gerald thought. He wanted to take her right there and then. Then he got a hold of his senses. WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING? This was a guy standing there and even after the transition was complete, this person would always be a guy inside. He could never be interested in someone like her. And yet Gerald couldn't convince his body what his mind knew. She looked so inviting.

"You look much better Jennifer. Lets go see Dr. Jensen and find out what she has in store for you today." Gerald watched her stroll out the door in a feminine manner.

'Man, it was going to be hard to resist her,' he said to himself.


"Are you sure about this?" Klein Walker asked the question again. Al Parker was now two days overdue and the crime boss was not a patient man. When Al had failed to call him Saturday evening, he had sent two of his men over to his apartment to find out why. Their report didn't make him very happy.

"Yes sir I am. We watched his apartment last night and saw his partner, Tom McClain, go inside and search it. After Mr. McClain left, I told Harry to continue watching the apartment while I followed him around. I'll spare you all the details Mr. Walker; the bottom line is he's tearing up the town trying to find his partner. No one has seen or heard from Al Parker since he left town, not even his girlfriend. I also checked with my friend down at the station. The Salt Lake Police haven't picked him up either. It's as if he's just disappeared into thin air."

The tall man stopped talking for minute then decided to ask the question anyway. "Do you think he took the money and ran?"

"Are you kidding, for a GRAND? No way! Even if he decided to take the money and run he would have taken his girlfriend with him."

"Then he must have been caught and someone is holding him, other than the police that is."

"Are you sure the Salt Lake Police don't have him?" Klein asked one more time.

"Absolutely," the tall man replied.

'Then the people at the lab must have him,' Klein deduced. 'Great! Just fucking great! Now he would have to wait at least a year before trying anything like this again. Not to mention finding out what changes they made to the security system during that time. All that boiled down to more money he would have to pay out to get the information he needed.' The fact that Al Parker had most likely paid for this mistake with his own life didn't matter to Klein. All that mattered now was the money he would lose over this, both real and potential.


Chapter 11 - One small step to freedom

It was already starting to get dark outside as Al cleaned the big living room window. Dr. Jensen had given him a list of things to do such as fix meals, change the beds, clean the bathrooms, and dusting. At first Gerald followed him around to every place he went but after an hour he got bored and only checked on him occasionally. It was during these times of being alone, that Al worked on saying the code word out loud.

The behavior control serum was definitely getting weaker. He was able to spell out the code word without any trouble at all. Even better, he was able to say "EKAL". In time he would be free of this control but time was one thing he didn't have a lot of. If he didn't get full control of his mind soon it would be too late.

Al wondered if resisting further commands would speed up this process. No, if he did that they would know and any chance of escape would be gone. It wasn't time to panic yet. He put the vacuum away and went to the kitchen to fix dinner, the last meal he would have to cook for them. In a few hours he would be either be free...or dead.


What happened to Al Parker may not have mattered to Klein but it certainly did to Tom. He had talked to five people that day that knew or had worked with Al recently. None of them had been of any help.

"Damn it Kiddo, where are you?" Tom said out loud when he got inside the car. "Kiddo" was his nickname for Al.

A few more places, a few more leads. If Tom didn't find anything soon he would have to report Al's disappearance to the police. Not that they would find anything more than what he did, which up to this point was zip.

"Why didn't you tell someone where you were going?" Tom said to himself. He was beginning to lose hope of finding his friend alive. The more time that passed, the worse his friend's chances became.


Dinner lasted longer then normal as Sarah talked about past Christmas's she had had with her family. Al stared at the coming storm brewing outside the house. A warm front had moved in temporarily raising the outside temperature just above freezing. The weatherman was calling for a bad thunderstorm followed by dropping temperatures and heavy snow. Already he could hear the thunder crashing outside and see the lighting flashing through the window. But his mind wasn't on the storm; it was on Sally.

Al should have been home with Sally by now, trading Christmas gifts and having a romantic evening in her arms. He had planned it all out. Right about now he would have been asking her to marry him. To hear her say 'yes' would have made him the happiest man in the world. But he wanted to buy an expensive engagement ring and didn't have anything saved up. That was why he'd taken this crazy job. And that was why he was in this situation. He had been such a fool thinking it would be easy breaking into such a place. He had screwed up royally and he was now paying the ultimate price.

Sarah's voice brought him back to reality. "Jennifer, why don't you clean up the dishes while I finish wrapping up a few little details in my lab. We should be ready to proceed with your final process after that. I'm sure you'll be much happier once we complete your transition."

"Yes doctor, I can't wait." Al now had enough of his control back to say what was really on his mind but held it in check. It wasn't time to tip his hand yet. The question was, should he just run away and get help or pay them back first and then escape? He couldn't take the risk. Once he told a few others what was going on here, there would always be time to come back and get his revenge on both the doctor and Gerald.

"Here Jennifer, let me help," said Gerald as he picked up some dirty plates. Sarah almost fainted in disbelief. Gerald had never offered to help with the dishes before. Maybe being around Jennifer would do him some good after all.

Al didn't want his help, what he really wanted was 30 seconds to unlock the back door and escape over the wall. Then he would use his army training to escape capture and make his way to the nearest telephone. After that, he wasn't sure, but for his plan to work he needed 30 seconds without Gerald hanging all over him.

Gerald didn't know why he was doing this. He knew who Jennifer was and yet it didn't seem to matter. Soon she would be a total woman, at least on the outside. Did it really matter what this person thought inside? His mind kept saying yes, that he should feel uncomfortable about her and yet he didn't feel that way. Instead it felt so natural being around her. He didn't know why and he didn't know what to do about it. Should he fight his desires or give into them? Would giving in mean he was gay? He didn't know. All he knew was he was physically attracted to her. 'Damn it! It could drive a person crazy trying to figure it all out.'

After the dishes where put away he asked Jennifer to go into the living room with him. "My neck really hurts. How about giving me a neck rub honey?" he asked.

"Sure sweetheart," Al purred back at him. "Sit down here on the couch."

'Right next to this big, heavy lamp,' Al added to himself. 'But not so heavy that I can't pick it up and swing it.'

Gerald did as he asked and Al started to rub his thick, muscular neck. If only he had the strength to snap it. He had to restrain himself from trying - the lamp would be good enough for now.

"Now, close your eyes and lay back sugar," Al cooed to him sweetly. "I want you to relax while I work the tension out of your body."

'And in a minute you're going to meet my friend, Mr. Lamp, and by the time you wake up I'll be over that wall and long gone,' he added silently.

Once Al felt Gerald was totally in his power he made his move. First he positioned his body closer to Gerald's head while removing one of his hands from his neck. His perfume distracted the bodyguard from realizing he now had a free hand. Al noticed the smile on his face as he caught the perfume's sweet aroma. With his free hand he grabbed the lamp and dragged it closer to him.

"You're such an attractive man Gerald - I have a special surprise for you."

Quickly Al grabbed the lamp with both hands and swung it with all his might. It happened so fast that Gerald didn't have time to react. The lamp hit him squarely on the side of his head and knocked him to the floor. Somehow Gerald managed not to pass out. Al didn't wait for him to get up; he dropped what was left of the broken lamp and headed for the front door and freedom.


Chapter 12 - Road blocks

Al came so close. He was less then a few steps away from the door when Doctor Jensen shouted out, "Jennifer! Where are you going?"

Ignoring the doctor's question, Al reached for the door handle only to hear a loud thud before he was able to turn the knob. He tugged on the door handle a few times but it was frozen and wouldn't turn.

'What happened?' Al asked himself. He turned and got his answer. Dr. Jensen had pulled from her pocket a small remote control device that could be used to turn on the security system from anywhere in the house. The doors couldn't be unlocked until the system was reset at the main control or-an idea popped into the detective's head. Al turned and ran right at the doctor who was standing between him and the hallway.

"Ekala! You will stop running and stand still. Ekala!" the doctor shouted out with fear in her voice. Al felt a slight burning in the back of his neck and a strong desire to do as he was commanded but pushed it away. Running as hard as he could, Al ran straight into Sarah and knocked her to the floor not far from where Gerald was trying to get up. He was now totally free of their mind-control.

He ran down the long hallway, past the lab, to a small closet where the electrical box was located. The security system may have been the top of the line but it was totally useless without power. Al swung open the fuse box door and with all his might pulled out the main breaker. Immediately the hallway went dark and then an emergency light kicked on, providing just enough light to see where he was going. There was an outside door located near the closet; Al tried the knob only to find it wouldn't turn. How could the system still be operating without power? It wasn't possible unless.

Al ran back to the lab door and discovered the green ready light was still shining out from the palm reader panel. A wave of despair came over him. The security system must be located on a separate circuit. Most likely its electrical box was located inside the locked lab. Al kicked the panel in anger, causing sparks to fly from it and lighting up the hallway like the 4th of July.


In the living room Dr. Jensen hovered over Gerald, checking to make sure he was all right. There was blood dripping down his face from a slight cut on his forehead but the real damage she realized was to his ego. She saw the deep anger in his eyes.

"Where is he?" the bodyguard asked with a slur, still not fully recovered from the blow he had taken.

"She ran down the hallway and a moment later the lights went off. I put the system on a level 2 alert so she won't be able to open up any doors or windows or use the phone."

Sarah knew Gerald understood what a level 2 alert was but explained it anyway since he was still rather groggy. A level 1 alert would have brought in the police.

"We have to find her Gerald before she finds a way out or causes any more trouble," Sarah said looking anxiously at her bodyguard.

"He won't get out, this house is like a fortress now," he replied back with certainty. His training kicked in. There was one way maybe.

"Stay here Doctor, I'll be right back." Gerald disappeared into the dark garage and a minute later returned with two flashlights. He handed one of them to Sarah.

"Does your computer still work?" he asked.

"Yes, but the sensors on Jennifer only have a range of about 20 feet and they don't work very well through walls," Sarah replied.

"That'll be good enough. It'll let us know when he's close. Let's go find him." Gerald led Sarah down the hallway.


Al, in the meantime, was starting to panic. Kicking in the panel hadn't released the door to the lab. He ran into the exercise room and closed the door behind him. There was no backup light in this room so it was pitch black except for the lightning flashing through the window.

He tried the window but it wouldn't budge. In desperation he picked up an exercise weight and threw it at the window with all his might. To his surprise, the weight broke the glass but bounced back into the room. Upon careful examination, Al discovered there were bars across the window. Even with the proper tools it would take at least an hour to cut through them. He didn't have the time or the tools to do the job. Sarah's voice rang out from the hallway.

"Come on out Jennifer, you can't get away." A moment of silence followed. "I promise, I won't let Gerald hurt you for what you did to him. I only want to complete your process to make you whole. You can't go through life the way you are. I promise it won't hurt at all. Now come on out Jennifer, lets not waste any more time."

A bolt of lightning lit up the room followed by a deafening thunderclap. The hard rain was making it impossible for Al to hear anyone walking outside the door. By now his panic had turned to despair. Every female emotion inside him wanted to break down and start crying -- to accept defeat. Tears began to form in his eyes.

'NO damn it, not yet.' He was still Al Parker, at least his mind and some parts of his body still were. He couldn't give up as long as there was still a chance of escaping.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Al tried to calm down and figure a way out of this predicament. Okay, he couldn't open any of the doors or windows as long as the security system was on; and there didn't seem to be a way to turn it off. That meant he had to bust his way through one of them. To do this he needed something bigger than these exercise weights, like a battering ram. Whatever he used, it would have to break through on the very first attempt. The mad doctor and her henchman would be on him before he had a chance to try again. But what had that much force that he could use?

A light went off in his head. The car! The doctor kept the keys to the car in the ignition. Right now the car was parked in the garage which was located on the other side of the house. If he could get to the car, he could smash through the garage door and ram the front gate. There was only one problem. He heard Sarah speak again.

"Come on out Jennifer, this is silly. You'll feel a lot better once we're done. There's no need to play this game of hide and seek; I saw what you did to the security panel. I'm not mad, I swear. I know you're just confused and angry but once we finish your transition you will feel a lot better. By waiting it's only making it harder on you. So come on out now Jennifer. Be a good girl and lets finish what we started without anymore problems."

"Why don't you just yell out the code phrase and finish the process?" Gerald whispered to her.

"Because," replied Sarah with a tone of annoyance, "I need to see the data when the transition happens. Something is very wrong here. Supposing I change her and as a result she dies because I'm not around to save her? Or she decides to kill herself? Or the code word doesn't work? I need to be there when this happens. Now lets find her fast, before something else happens." Gerald began searching the room right next to the one Jennifer was in.

The problem facing Al was Gerald and Dr. Jensen. It was unlikely they would let him run past them and Al knew he didn't have the strength to escape either one once they got their hands on him. He could think of only one way to get past them. Mentally he got ready for the game.

In high school, Al Parker had been a running back on the football team. In one game, he had scored the winning touchdown by running over two linemen near the goal line in the final seconds. Now he was in the same situation, only this time the prize wasn't six points -- it was his life. He wouldn't get a second chance at this.

Gerald moved to the next set of doors. It was possible Jennifer had gone upstairs using the back stairway but he thought this was unlikely. No, she would most likely try to stay close to the ground. Sarah touched his arm; the computer was picking up something. Jennifer was close by.

There were two doors remaining, one on each side of the hallway. Gerald chose the door to the weight room first. Al crouched down low behind the exercise bike as the door opened up. Lightning flashed and he saw Gerald's face as he looked around. In his mind he was ready. He heard the coach's voice yelling at her to hit them low and hard. The hard rain outside sounded like the cheering of hundreds of fans, urging him on to victory. For a moment he was back on the football field, reliving that last play of the game. Gerald stepped inside the room while the doctor waited in the hallway. He heard the word "hike" and sprung into action.

Gerald's weight was almost twice that of Al's so it wasn't a simple task of running over him. He had to use Gerald's weight to his advantage. Instead of coming at him head-on, Al hit him from the side. His charge, along with Gerald's weight, forced Gerald's body to move sideways and he fell over a weight bench. The blow also took its toll on Al and he came stumbling out of the room with only half the momentum he had started out with. That momentum carried him straight into Dr. Jensen who was clutching a computer in one hand and a flashlight in the other. Both ladies hit the wall hard and fell to the ground, only Al never stopped moving his feet. Before Sarah had a chance to grab anything he was already up and running for the garage. Gerald came out and stopped to help Dr. Jensen up.

"After her you fool. She's getting away," shouted the doctor.

"He won't get far," Gerald said with a confident smile. He grabbed the flashlight and walked quickly to the garage while Sarah followed in confusion.


Chapter 13 - False Hopes

He swung open the car door and jumped inside. "Please be there," he prayed.

His hand reached for the ignition and touched the keys. Yes, it was going to work. He was going to get away.

Quickly he turned the key and the starter moaned to life - and that was all it did. The car didn't start.

"Come on you piece of Junk!" Al tried again and once more the car refused to start.

"DAMN IT! START!" Al yelled as he pounded on the steering wheel in frustration. Once more he turned the key and once again the results were the same. The starter turned over but the motor wouldn't catch.

"Going some place Jennifer?" Sarah stood by the door looking down at her with a stern look.

"Not without these she's not doctor," said Gerald as he leaned over the door holding some wires.

"No. NO!" Al repeated as tried to start the car one more time.

"It's time Jennifer!" Doctor Jensen said crisply, as if she was talking to a lab animal. "Just relax, this won't hurt one bit."

"No, please don't do this," Al pleaded with tears in her eyes. "Please, stop what you're doing. No Pleaseeeee."

Sarah ignored the pleas. "Ekala! Breast and vaginal modification. 0000001. Ekala!"

Al became frozen in time. The behavior control may have been on the fritz but the modification serum was working just fine. A gentle tingling grew in his chest and he desperately wanted to rip his blouse open to look at what he knew was happening there. The tingling grew to sharp, pins and needles and Al thought he could just see the gentle outline of a nipple starting to show through his blouse. Inside he felt sick and no matter how hard he concentrated to stop the changes, the pins and needles grew in intensity. By now the twin bulges in his blouse were growing as the flesh inside it expanded.

The breasts, HIS breasts were forming and with every passing moment seemed to get larger and more pronounced. As hard as he tried, he couldn't scream or stop the changes happening.

A sharp, stabbing sensation in his groin almost reduced him to blind panic, and it was the change he had been dreading the most. He felt something withdraw into him and wave upon wave of mixed emotions overloaded his brain; half pleasure, half terror. In his mind he knew what was going on, even though he was powerless to stop it. He felt his limp, flaccid penis start to shrink inside itself, getting smaller and smaller as the flesh was reformed into his vagina. Al wanted to throw up in shock but that too was denied him by the control serum. Then it was over and Al had control over himself again.

His first feeling was that of utter disbelief. This couldn't really have happened. He touched his large breasts and felt a cool wave of excitement come over his body. The feeling soon turned to sickening horror as the consequences of what had just happened started to sink in.

'No, this wasn't happening! It has to be a bad dream,' Al screamed silently. He reached his hand underneath the skirt in the hopes that his penis was still there. He didn't find it. The look on his face told them everything.

"Congratulations Doctor, it's a girl!" Gerald announced with a smart-ass grin.

Al lost his temper. "You bitch! You killed me. You KILLED ME! Your experiment failed doctor. You may have turned me into a woman but I'm still Al Parker. You failed doctor. YOU FAILED! You can't control me anymore. You can't make me act the way you want me to act. Do you hear me DOCTOR? YOU FAILED! You will have to KILL me now but at least I can go to my grave knowing you are a FAILURE, that this whole damn experiment of yours DIDN'T WORK!"

"Dr. Jensen, is this so?" Gerald asked. He saw the cold look on Dr. Jensen's face and realized it was true. Jennifer words had hurt the doctor worse than the bruises she'd received a few moments ago. If there was one thing the doctor took seriously it was her work. It was her pride and joy and when something didn't go as planned, she always took it hard.

Sarah didn't speak for a moment. She thought about what could have gone wrong, about what was different with this experiment from the others. And just as important, could the problem be fixed? None of the other subjects had shown any kind of behavior problems like this before. Why was Jennifer different? Then it struck her. Of course!

"I made a...slight miscalculation Gerald," admitted Sarah. It was as close to saying 'I screwed up' as the doctor would come.

"Fortunately this problem can be fixed. Gerald, help Jennifer out of the car and to the lab. I need to make a slight modification."

Jennifer started to scream and kicked at Gerald but it was to no avail. He scooped her up like a baby doll and carried her to the lab.


Chapter 14 - The fix

Most people spent Christmas morning opening gifts and sharing warm moments with their loved ones. Tom McClain spent his morning filling out a missing person's report. It was a technicality since there wasn't anything for the police to go on. With no sign of foul play, Tom would be lucky if the detective assigned to the investigation would spend more then a few hours on the case. Most likely the detective would consider this a case of someone who left town to start a new life without telling anyone. So the report would be looked at and then filed as unsolved until someone brought something in that justified its re-opening. In a week everyone except Tom would forget about it. That meant it was up to him to find Al and bring him home.

The private investigator didn't have the money or time to do a full-scale search; he was barely making it as it was. But Tom made an oath that he would find out what happened to his friend no matter how long it took. There was still a chance he was alive although Tom couldn't convince himself that this could be true. He knew Al Parker was dead. Now he had to find out why.


Sarah Jensen sat at her desk going over some final notes on her report. It had been a busy week and in a few hours she would be on a plane headed towards a luxurious resort. It was going to be great to get away for a few days. Jennifer walked into the lab carrying a cup in her hands.

"I brought you some coffee doctor. I hope you don't mind."

"No, thank you Jennifer. I was just thinking how nice a cup of coffee would taste right now." She stared at Jennifer for a moment. How relaxed her maid appeared to be. Only her eyes seem to tell a different story. There was something haunted about them.

"Do you and Gerald have any plans for New Years Eve?" Sarah asked while taking a sip of her coffee.

"Oh yes, he asked me to a party. I can't wait!" The excitement in Jennifer's voice seemed to bubble over. "I only wish I had something special to wear to the party. I haven't had the time to buy anything nice and well...I want to make a good impression on Gerald."

Sarah smiled warmly. "I understand Jennifer." There had been a time in her life when she had had a crush on a guy. It was refreshing to see the same type of reaction in Jennifer.

"Tell you what Jennifer. Why don't you knock off for the rest of today and go shopping for some new clothes. I still owe you $700 from our agreement last week and I'll give you an advance on your salary. That should be enough for you buy some nice outfits to wear."

"Oh, thank you Doctor Jensen. You don't know how much I appreciate this." Again, her eyes seem to be saying something different.

"You're welcome Jennifer. After Gerald drops me off at the airport the two of you can go shopping." She started to speak but Sarah stopped her. "I know you've come a long way this past week Jennifer, and you want to surprise Gerald with a new outfit for the party. But until you get your driver's license you need Gerald to drive you around. You understand my dear."

"Of course Dr. Jensen. It's okay. I enjoy spending time with Gerald. He's been so nice to me, even after I hurt him. I want to make it up to him...and to you."

"I know you do Jennifer. You've been trying very hard and it shows. I told you it would be easier once the process was finished. Now, run along and change into something else. Oh, and tell Gerald I want to see him."

"Yes Dr. Jensen." Jennifer walked out of the room with a special bounce in her step. The doctor sat there for a moment and thought about what Al Parker had to be feeling. Anger? Rage? You could never tell there was a struggle going on inside her mind. Turning back to her computer, Sarah started typing in some more notes only to be interrupted by Gerald a moment later.

"Good morning doctor. Jennifer said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I understand you and Jennifer have plans for this weekend."

"Nothing special. I'm meeting a few friends at Dewey's to celebrate the New Year. I'm taking Jennifer along to keep an eye on her since you won't allow me to keep her locked up anymore." Gerald made his disapproval of the doctor's decision known.

It had only been two days since Sarah had deemed it safe to allow Jennifer to move back into her own room. Up to that point she had been spending part of her days and all of her nights locked up in the observation room. Gerald was still uneasy about the doctor's decision to let her roam free.

"I told you Gerald, you don't need to worry about her anymore. This time the mind control serum will hold." Gerald looked at her with doubts.

Sarah sighed. "Okay, I screwed up last week. I knew the serum would start attaching itself permanently to his DNA after six hours. I should have realized that by changing his DNA into Jennifer's DNA the behavior serum would become weak and ineffective. As you can see, injecting her with the serum a second time has corrected the problem. I've also modified the serum so this won't happen again. If anything, it was a good learning experience."

"We got lucky doctor," Gerald said quietly

"Don't you think I know that," Sarah snapped back. "I make mistakes too. But this was one mistake I was able to correct. She won't give us anymore problems. Yes, we need to keep our eyes open and make sure we didn't miss anything. But even now, what can she really do about her situation. I have permanently made sure she can never tell anyone she was a man or let anyone know what really happened to her unless we instruct her too. Jennifer is fine Gerald. You need to stop treating her like a prisoner who needs to be watched every moment of the day and more like a member of our staff."

Sarah took a deep breath and continued. "I told her to take the afternoon off and go shopping for some clothes. She's really looking forward to your date."

"It's not a date doctor," Gerald replied back annoyed. "I told you I'm just taking her along to keep an eye on her, that's all."

"Well she sees it as a date. In any case, here's a thousand dollars. Make sure she buys everything on this list first. Anything left over can be spent on clothes. Make sure she gets at least two nice dresses."

"Great!" Gerald rolled his eyes. "I get to spend a entire day shopping with 'the freak'."

"Don't call her that!" Sarah replied back angrily. "Jennifer is a real woman, even if she didn't start that way. Try to forget what she did to you and treat her as if you just met. You may even find out that you like her company."

"Sure," Gerald replied back. He wasn't interested in a long-term relationship, especially with someone that had made a fool of him twice -- once by breaking into the house and the other by almost escaping. He couldn't wait for the doctor to leave on her trip. Payback for Jennifer would be a real bitch.

"Try!" Sarah said one more time. If Gerald had one weakness, it was his ego. "I'm going upstairs to finish packing. I need to leave within the hour." Dr. Jensen headed off to her bedroom leaving her bodyguard to lock up.


Chapter 15 - Small Breaks

Tom clicked the play button on Al's answering machine.

"Hi, this is Rob Davis from Precious Stones. We have your ring in Mr. Parker. Can you please give me a call today so we can arrange a time for you to pick it up? My number is...."

Tom wrote down the phone number on a scrap piece of paper. What ring was this man talking about? He checked the phone book and found the store wasn't that far away.

"Maybe this will be the break I need," Tom told himself as he left Al's apartment.


Gerald drove Jennifer to the local mall. He hadn't figured out how he was going to extract his revenge, only that it would be a long, slow, and sweet process. Every now and then he would look over and catch her staring at him. She would quickly turn away and blush. Under normal conditions this would please Gerald but there was nothing normal about this.

Al on the other hand was feeling totally opposite of what he was showing. Inside his feelings ranged from anger to fear at the thought of going out in public for the first time. He knew that the people at the mall would accept him as just another young female shopper. Some of the men would stare at him, others would make crude comments behind his back, and most would desire his new body. And the women, they would understand and accept him as their own. At that moment Al had never felt so out of place in the world.

"Okay, where do we need to go first?"

"Let's head to Wal-Marts. Their prices on cosmetics are low and I'll have more money to spend on an outfit for tomorrow." Jennifer flashed him a small smile.

Gerald realized the doctor was right about how this freak felt towards him. Well, he would change that once they got home.


"Susan, how are you?" Sarah wrapped her arms about the other lady and gave her a big hug.

"I'm fine Sarah," Susan Bennett replied back smiling. "You're looking good girl."

"Oh, looks are deceiving. I've had a hard week at work. Trust me, I'm ready for this break. How are the kids?" Sarah asked as she followed her friend to the rooms that had been reserved for them.

"Cynthia is doing great. She started school in September and is spending New Years Eve with some of her girlfriends. Keith on the other hand has been giving me all kinds of problems. I'm hoping our move to San Diego will change his attitude. But enough about them, what have you been up to?"

The two ladies continued to chat as they walked to their rooms.


For Gerald it seemed like an eternity. First Jennifer had to buy underwear. That was an experience in itself. There were so many different things she had to buy. Panties, bras, slips - the list went on.

After that came her makeup. Jennifer couldn't get just one type; she had to get several bottles of the same items, all in different colors and shades. Gerald guessed the real Jennifer must have had quite a collection of stuff when she was alive. All this searching took over two hours. Then Jennifer started looking at a few dresses on a rack.

"How does this look Tiger?" she asked holding up one of the dresses.

Her nickname for him annoyed Gerald. So did the dress. It came all the way down to her knees.

"How about something a little bit shorter Jennifer?" he suggested. "After all, you want to look real nice for the party tomorrow."

"Oh, I can't do that. Short dresses aren't very lady-like. And my mother would kill me if she knew I wore something so revealing."

Gerald frowned but then a smile slowly took its place. A plan developed in his mind and for a moment he debated the risk of using the keyword in public. Checking to make sure no one was nearby, he pulled her close and whispered in her ear.

"Ekala! You like wearing short skirts and dresses. You enjoy showing off your body and dressing as sexy as possible. Ekala!" Jennifer put the dress she was holding back on the rack.

"These dresses aren't the style I'm looking for Gerald. Let's go look somewhere else." Jennifer picked up her purse and headed toward the cashiers to pay for her other items.


Chapter 16 - Discussions

Sarah took a sip from the glass of ice water she had brought into the steam room. The large room was empty except for the two of them. Susan had been her roommate and best friend in college. Those had been such fun times. They had both been well known on campus and at times had to fight the guys off so they could study. It was rare to have a weekend when they didn't double date. In college they had been like twin sisters, so much alike and completely inseparable.

But then it happened. On one of those double dates Susan met Mr. Right and after graduation she married him. For years Sarah didn't hear from her friend very often as their paths took off in different directions. Then one night Susan's husband was killed in an automobile accident. His death had been hard on her friend but Sarah had been there to talk with her on the phone during those long, dark nights. Now it was like being back in school again and they spent most the day talking and laughing like two teenage girls.

"So Sarah. You haven't told me about your work. What are you up to?"

Sarah took another sip of water and decided how to answer the question. Well, if she couldn't trust Susan who could she trust?

"Susan, you have to promise not tell anyone, okay? This is very top secret."

Susan giggled then realized her friend was being very serious. "Of course Sarah, you know I can be trusted." Her face reflected the mood of the conversation."

"I've been working on a new drug that has shown some very promising results. I can't tell you everything, only that it's big."

"How big?" Susan asked, her attention focused on every word her friend was saying.

"Remember in college how you always wished you looked more like Leslie Yale? With my new drug, I can make that happen. I can make your body look like anyone you wish it to be, male or female."

"You're kidding? That's incredible Sarah."

"I know. However it's not perfected yet and there's still a lot of testing to do. But think of it Susan. If this drug is successful it will allow us to grow new arms or legs for someone who had their original one amputated. Birth defects could be wiped out with a simple injection. And people with a bad heart, liver or kidneys could have a new one grown for them. But the most important aspect of the drug is, eternal youth. No one who took this drug would ever need to grow old again. Of course, we could only allow 'certain' people to have access to my drugs." Sarah emphasized the word "certain".

Susan didn't know what to say. It sounded like a fairy tale and if anyone else had told her she wouldn't have believed it. But she knew better with Sarah. If there was one thing her friend didn't joke about it was her work.

"How close are you to perfecting this drug?" she whispered.

"Very close Susan, within a couple of years. I can grow new organs but there are certain side effects, bad ones I'm afraid, which in the end leads to death. And most bodies can't handle the stress from the drug's effect. There's a limit to what it can do and my...boss...can't seem to understand why this research is so important. I'm trying to go one way with it and he wants me to go in a totally different direction. It's very frustrating."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Before the doctor could answer, a couple of other ladies walked into the steam room ending their conversation.


"How do you feel about your new outfits?" Gerald asked.

"I hate them you asshole! They're way too short! I look like a fucking hooker in them. If you think I'm going to wear them just to entertain your perverted desires you're wrong! I'm not going out in public dressed like that."

For the first time in over a week Al had been given permission to speak his true mind. He was angry and embarrassed about the day's events. He had gotten used to being dressed as a girl in front of Dr. Jensen and Gerald but going out in public was different. 'Horrible' was the word that came to mind.

Then there were the outfits Gerald had forced him to buy. Slutty and whorish in appearance, yet he had tried them on in front of a dozen other people who all commented on how sexy he looked in them. It was embarrassing knowing that he was making himself look more like a sex object than a normal person of the human race.

"Oh, I think you will pretty girl. I have plans for you tomorrow. There is this great guy I want you to meet. He's going to love you, if you know what I mean." Gerald winked at her.

"No way asshole, I'll resist him. I'll do things to make sure he knows I'm not a real girl. I can do that too, I know how. I'm sure the doctor won't be very happy when she finds out and then it will be YOUR butt in a sling!"

Al was worried that Gerald was serious about his threat but didn't show it. Instead he gave him the biggest and sweetest smile he could.

"You're bluffing." Gerald responded but Al picked up on the uncertainty in his voice and turned to attack.

"I always figured you for a cheap, two-bit pimp Gerald. What's the matter, couldn't make it in the CIA? It shows asshole!"

Gerald slapped Al hard enough to send his female body to the floor. "Shut up BITCH!"

Al wiped the blood from his lip. "That's no way to treat a lady asshole. No wonder the only date you could find for tomorrow night is your own right hand. I noticed it's much stronger then the left one, as if it gets a daily workout." Al saw that his words were hitting their mark.

"I said SHUT UP!" Gerald reached down to hit Jennifer again but stopped. If he knocked her around too much and left bruises he would have to explain himself to Dr. Jensen. His plan to torment Al Parker had backfired and now it was this bum that had gotten the best of him. There was nothing he could do but stop it before things got out of hand.

"Ekala! You will return to your regular self. You will not talk about this to anyone. Ekala!" Jennifer stood up and smiled lovingly at Gerald. "Go to your room. I don't want to see you again tonight."

"Certainly tiger. Goodnight." Jennifer smiled and walked away. Gerald headed for the exercise room. He had a lot of frustration to work off right then.


Chapter 17 - Party time

Susan and Sarah hadn't been able to pick up their previous conversation until the next day. They were enjoying a pleasant breakfast while checking out two men sitting close to them.

"Sarah, were you serious about what you told me yesterday?" asked Susan.

"Very much so Susan. Of course we would have to limit the number of people who would have access to my formula but I can safely say you and your family would be included. You asked me if there was anything that you could do to help me out. Well, there is one thing you could provide me with, money!"

Susan was taken back a little. Her friend had as much, if not more money then she did. Sarah saw her reaction and explained.

"Yes, I could do it on my own but I'd rather not. If the people I work for saw large amounts of cash being taken out of my account they would know I was up to something. What I need is an outside source, one that they can't track, to finance my research. In time, I'll pay you back plus give you access to my formula. I know your daughter has some inheritance money coming in soon. I would only need part of it, say one million dollars. As collateral, I would name you as the beneficiary of my estate if anything does happen to me. It's worth three times the amount I want to borrow." Sarah turned and smiled at the two men sitting at the other table.

"That's not a problem Sarah. I've already talked to Cynthia about the inheritance money and she's agreed to share it with me. I would like to learn more about your research, maybe visit you sometime in the coming year if that's okay?" She also turned to smile at the two men.

"That'll be fine Susan. Maybe you could bring your family with you. I haven't seen them in a while. Then I can show you everything. You won't regret it Susan, I promise"

Sarah noticed the two men, hopeful dates for the New Years Eve party that night, stand up and walk towards them. She smiled inwardly; it had been a while since she had spent the night with a man.


"Hurry up Jennifer," Gerald yelled from the living room. Working out last night hadn't helped his bad disposition. More than ever, he was determined to extract his revenge on her. All that changed when she stepped into the room.

"How do I look Tiger?" she asked.

Jennifer was wearing a short, black leather skirt and a bright red blouse. Her legs were encased in a pair of dark hose that led down to a pair of bright red, high-heeled shoes. Her long dark hair was beautiful, showing hours of work so it would be just right, and her makeup was perfect. She looked so pretty and sexy standing there with a mischievous smile on her face.

"You look fantastic Babe," Gerald blurted out, suddenly forgetting who she really was. She was by far one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.

Inside Jennifer, Al was screaming to get out. All day long he had fought the efforts of his own body to get ready. He had even tried wearing something a less revealing but the desire to look as sexy as possible, just as Gerald had commanded him to do, had won out. Now as Jennifer, Al was being drawn out the door, where he was sure to be the spotlight of the party. If only Jennifer's body could go but his mind could stay at home.

"Lets go Jennifer. It's time to make your debut." Gerald held the front door open and watched as she strolled out to the car with her heels clicking. His interest in her peaked again.


Chapter 18 - The end of innocence

The New Year's party was fun, at least for Gerald. Throughout the night his friends kept coming up and asking where he had found such a "dish". Jennifer, under Gerald's insistence, ended up dancing with most of his friends that night but at midnight wound up in his arms.

"I guess it's that time Jennifer," he said with a sly smile. Al, who was inside Jennifer, was beside himself.

On the inside he was screaming, 'Don't you dare kiss me you asshole. Don't even think about it.' But outside all he could to do was blush and prepare for what was to come.

"I guess so Tiger," she replied back in a warm, sexy voice. Gerald reached down and kissed her. Al felt like he was going to throw up. His new body on the other hand reacted in a very pleasant and normal way. He fought to stop the reaction but realized it was a losing battle. All of sudden Jennifer's young female hormones began to kick in and the excitement started to build up inside. Finally they both came up for air.

"Come on Jennifer. Let's start the New Year off right." Gerald bid good-bye to his friends and quickly pulled her out the door.


Once they got home, Gerald began kissing and touching Jennifer's body more intensely. Despite his best efforts, Al was unable to stop Jennifer's body from reacting the way it did. As if on cue, Jennifer started responding to his kisses more affectionately and her female emotions kicked into overdrive.

Inside Jennifer, Al was trapped in a sea of conflicting emotions. Gerald's touches felt so good to his new body yet at the same time he struggled to fight these feelings off. Gerald reached down and pulled off her top, exposing her lacy bra to him. Then he started to unzip her skirt. All of the sudden Al experienced a new emotion; concern. She pushed Gerald slightly away from her.

"I...I think we need to slow down some Gerald. I'm...I'm not ready for this yet. I'm sorry, but I'm can't go any farther with you. Not at this time--not until I'm married. You understand Tiger, don't you?"

'So, the real Jennifer had morals after all,' Al thought to himself. 'Maybe she had been raised a good Catholic girl all her life.' It appeared her natural reaction was to resist sex until marriage. But Gerald wasn't about to stop now. He was ready to take her, with or without her permission or regardless of whatever moral values she held.

"It's too late to slow down Jennifer. I want you badly. I need you badly." He paused for a moment to catch his breath. "Ekala! You want to have sex with me. You can no longer stop yourself from having sex with me. You will give yourself completely to me. Ekala!"

Al's feelings changed from resistant to totally giving in. Inside there was nothing he could do but take in all the sexual feelings bombarding his mind. It was horrifying and confusing to him.

"Let's go to my room Tiger. I want to make it for the first time in my own bed." Despite Al's best efforts, Jennifer grabbed Gerald's hand and quickly led him to her room. Inside Al was screaming at the top of his lungs to stop this madness. Why couldn't he stop the one act he found so horrible and disgusting.

Gerald stopped Jennifer just inside the door and rapidly removed her bra, revealing her young, firm breasts to him. The thought of her still being a virgin excited him that much more. No one had touched these breasts before. No one had screwed her before. He was going to be her first. And to think he had almost passed this up. What the hell had he been thinking?

Slowly he started sucking on one breast while caressing the other with his hand. Jennifer's body began to react in a favorable fashion while inside Al's anger turned to panic and fear. How far would this pervert go? He felt Gerald's hand reach down and proceed to remove Jennifer's pantyhose and panties.

'This can't be happening. Please, let this be a bad dream. Please God, make him stop,' Al begged.

Al tried to rationalize what was happening. This was just a fucking nightmare. Yes, any minute now he would wake up, or the police, or Dr. Jensen, or Tom would barge in and stop this madness. But there was no cavalry coming over the hill this night - there was only the two of them in the big, empty house.

After stripping off every piece of her clothing, Gerald picked Jennifer up and placed her on the bed. Without taking his cold, sex-starved eyes off her naked body, he removed the rest of his clothes and got on top of her.

Inside Al was crying as he waited for the insertion. It was like waiting for a doctor to stick you with a needle; that nervous, horrible feeling where you wish it was already over. Jennifer's body on the other hand, was primed and ready the way nature had designed it to be. Sweat began to appear over her body and Al wasn't sure if it was out of her fear, sexual desires, or both.

'Oh please God -- don't let this happened to me,' he cried out inside. The excitement from his female body began to replace the fear and Al started getting angry with himself for enjoying this so much. 'Oh please don't let this happen. Oh please stop this now. Oh please...Oh GOD!'

Al felt Gerald's penis enter into Jennifer's vagina. It was the most pleasurable and horrible experience he had ever felt. For a moment he just lay there not knowing what to do. He was going to have sex with a man and worse, he was being made to enjoy it.

'God, please let me die right now,' Al screamed silently. Then Gerald's voice reached with another command.

"Ekala! You will start having multiple orgasms. Ekala!"

Al felt the pressure building up inside him. Just when he thought his body couldn't have felt any better the pleasure doubled. His female body clamped down on Gerald and it good. Then the first orgasm stopped and the next one started, and then the next one, and then the next. With the start of each orgasm Jennifer's body pushed upwards against Gerald's hard body, forcing him inside her even more. Suddenly Al's mind went blank and for a moment he was lost in a sea of complete pleasure. When Jennifer's body slowed down and he regained his senses, Al felt Gerald's stuff inside his female body. Every part of his body was covered in sweat and shaking with excitement.

Gerald looked down at her with a wicked smile. "I didn't notice anything strange to make me think you weren't a real woman, did you?"

Al felt like he was going to be sick.


It was pitch black outside the window Al stared from. Somehow staring into the darkness made the young woman feel better. His body was still shaking from the sexual episode it had experienced a little while ago but inside his true feeling raged.

'How could anyone do something like this to another person?' Al thought. 'How could Gerald have violated his wishes and taken advantage of his body while knowing his true feelings of not wanting to have sex with him. And the worst part was, his new female body had enjoyed every minute of it. Just thinking of the experience caused shivers to go up and down his spine in anticipation.

Gerald had been tired out from their moment of passion and was snoring soundly in her bed. But Jennifer's body could have gone on all night and was currently wishing for more. Inside Al felt numb. Was this what it was like to be raped? To have every ounce of dignity, every shed of self-respect stripped away from you. Al couldn't even look at himself in the mirror; he was too ashamed. He had enjoyed it, every damn minute of it, and even now found himself wanting more. Because of that he hated Gerald more then ever.

"One day I'll pay you back you bastard. One day."


Chapter 19 - Repercussions

Sarah was driving back from the airport in a very pleasant mood. Her New Year's Eve date had been very satisfying and now she felt like a totally new woman. Tomorrow she would have to go back to work but today she dwelled on the previous events.

"God, he made me feel so good," Sarah said to herself. All her previous stress had been left at the resort and she was ready to start this year off right.

'Maybe I should have a one-night stand with a stranger at the beginning of every New Year,' she thought.

Seeing Susan had also cheered her up. Sarah didn't have many close friends; her work just didn't allow it. But being around Susan made her realize how great it was to laugh and talk with another woman again. The two of them were so much alike. Now that her friend was moving to San Diego, it would be easier to get away and visit her on the weekends. Maybe they could double date again, just like in the old days. Sarah pulled the car into the garage and walked inside her house.

"Hello doctor," Gerald said to her. "How was your trip?"

"It was fine Gerald." Sarah didn't see a need to tell him all the fine details. She noticed Jennifer wasn't with him and he seemed to be acting very strangely.

"Where's Jennifer?" she inquired.

"In the exercise room working out." A small smiled appeared on his face. Sarah instantly became suspicious. Finally she couldn't take it anymore.

"What's going on Gerald? You're acting awful guilty about something. Didn't you take her shopping like I told you to?"

"Of course I did doctor. And nothing is wrong. I just realized you were right; that I needed to start treating Jennifer like a member of the staff, that's all. She really is a... pleasant person to be around." His small smile was replaced by a big smile.

"Right," she replied in a sarcastic tone. Sarah didn't believe him for a minute. "Get my bags and take them upstairs, will you please. I need to check on a few things."

"Of course doctor." Gerald gave her another smile and walked into the garage.

'Well something is going on here,' Sarah said to herself. She would try to find out what that was from Jennifer. She found her maid on the floor mat doing sit-ups.

"Hello Jennifer."

"Hello Dr. Jensen, how was your trip?"

"It was fine Jennifer." Sarah closed the door so they wouldn't be heard. "Do you know what's going on with Gerald?"

Jennifer looked down at the ground in guilt but didn't say anything. Sarah realized she was going to have to help Jennifer out some.

"Ekala! I want you to speak as your true self and answer my questions truthfully. Ekala! Now Jennifer, what's going on?"

"He RAPED me doctor, that's what's going on. He took advantage of the situation and used me even when he knew I didn't want him to."

Al's anger began to focus. It wasn't really Gerald's fault; he was just an asshole. The real person responsible for last night was Dr. Jensen.

"You did this to me," the young woman hissed. "You created the situation and then you failed to protect me. Once again you screwed up doctor. I hate you for this! Do you hear me Dr. Jensen? I HATE YOU! One day I'll even the score for killing me, for locking me into...."

The word "failed" dug into Sarah's skin like it had a week earlier. She cut Jennifer off sharply.

"Ekala! You will return to full control and behave as the young lady you have been commanded to be. Ekala!"

'That idiot!' Sarah said to herself. 'Didn't Gerald have ANY idea what he was doing? Didn't he understand the opportunity he had caused her to miss? No, he probably didn't. If she had known ahead of time she would have hooked some sensors up to Jennifer body to study the effects. Now the opportunity was gone for good. Worse yet, Gerald didn't understand the consequences of his actions. Well, she would explain it to him in term's even he could understand. But first she had to deal with Jennifer.'

Calmly she replied back to the younger woman as a mother would to her daughter when explaining the facts of life.

"I understand your fear Jennifer. But it's perfectly normal to have sexual relations with your boyfriend, especially one as charming and handsome as Gerald. When two attractive people are together it's going to happen sooner or later. And you are a very attractive young woman Jennifer. The first time is always the hardest...I understand. It's all new to you - and you're afraid about doing everything correctly. Trust me, you'll find it much easier the next time. In fact, you'll find it the most enjoyable aspect about being a woman. In the mean time, I'll talk to Gerald and help him understand. But let's not hear any more talk about being taken advantage of. It's a very natural act when a man and an attractive woman get together like that. You did enjoy yourself, didn't you?"

"Oh, yes doctor. It was...wonderful." Jennifer blushed while answering the question. "Thank you for your advice doctor. Last night was a little scary and I felt bad about what happened afterwards but -- now that I know it's very natural for us together like that, I feel much better about it."

"I'm glad Jennifer." Sarah gave her a stern smile. "Why don't you go change into a pretty dress. I'll tell Gerald to take you out some place nice and then tomorrow things will be back to normal. Oh, and please let him know I would like to see him in my lab after he is done unloading my things. I have something for him."

"Yes Dr. Jensen," Jennifer said obediently.

'So this was the doctor's solution; DO NOTHING. It was all "natural" was it! Well there was nothing natural about being forced to have sex with someone you didn't want to have sex with. It was RAPE!'

Al knew last night would be replayed over and over again. As long as he kept Gerald happy then as far as Dr. Jensen was concern, everything was fine. He began to feel sick over the thought of last night being repeated over and over again.

Dr. Jensen unlocked the lab door with her key. It would take months to fix the security panel Jennifer had destroyed, so now she had to deal with the inconvenience of carrying a key around. She sat down at her desk and started rummaging through a drawer for something.

"You wanted to see me doctor?" Gerald asked as he closed the door. He was still acting a little guilty, like a boy who had gotten caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Here!" Sarah said as she tossed him a box of condoms. "I suggest you use them the next time so we can avoid any problems."

Gerald was taken back by her suggestion. "I don't use these things. And why would I need to with him...her."

"How many times do I have to say this!" Sarah said raising her voice as a mother would to a young child. "Jennifer is a REAL woman now. That means everything about her works just like a REAL woman. That means she can REALLY get pregnant with your child. Do you want that to happen?"

"So what? If she does get pregnant it can be taken care of. What's the big deal anyway, it's just a simple operation." Sarah almost lost her temper.

'Stupid male chauvinistic attitude!' It was obvious Gerald had no clue or responsibility when it came to dealing with women. It wasn't that he was stupid, Gerald had a very high IQ according to the agency records. The problem was he didn't think of anyone but himself outside of work. Well then, it was up to her to think for him.

"It is a big deal but I'm not going to explain it to you right now. What I am going to do is set up an appointment for Jennifer to see my doctor and get checked out. If everything looks okay she can start taking birth control pills. But even then it's going to take 30 days for the pills to kick in so get use to them," she said while pointing to the condemns. Gerald had a glum look on her face.

"Cheer up Gerald. It could be worse. Think how Jennifer is going to feel when she finds out I set up an appointment for her to see my gynecologist."

All of the sudden Gerald didn't feel that bad anymore.


Chapter 20 - A starting point

Tom stared at the map long and hard. So, Al had gone to Utah. He had rushed down to the store and questioned the man who sold his friend the ring. From him, Tom learned his friend had put $500 down on a $3,000 ring with the promise to be back on Sunday to pay off the balance. A quick check of Al's savings account showed he didn't have anything near that amount of money saved up; nor had he taken out or applied for a loan at the bank. The jewelry store manager remembered that he had more than $500 on him when he counted out the down payment -- at least $400-500 more.

'Where in the hell did Al get that kind of money,' Tom asked himself? The salesman also remembered Al telling him he was going on a business trip to Utah. Unfortunately that was all he remembered. The private investigator turned back to the map that he had been staring at for almost two days. Utah was a very, very big state.

Tom sat back in his chair and closed his eyes, trying to piece things together. He now had some idea where his partner had gone but no clue as to what was so important in Utah.

Second, someone must have advanced Al the money to make the trip. But if that was true, why hadn't this client called Al to find out what was going on? Surely they would have left a message on his answering machine by now, asking him to call them back. After all, you just don't throw $1,000 away unless money doesn't matter to you. That meant whoever sent his friend to Utah probably knew what had happened to him. Maybe they even took care of him once the job was completed.

And finally, there was the money? What kind of job would have paid at least $3,000 for four or five day's worth of work? That kind of money was unheard of in this business. Most jobs involved trying to catch cheating husbands in the act or tracking down deadbeat fathers, hardly worth $3,000.

Suddenly Tom had a troubling thought. Supposing Al had gone to Utah to do something that wasn't legal? This would explain all the money he had on him and why he hadn't let anyone know where he was going or why.

Somehow his disappearance all centered on this Mr. W, whoever that really was. Find him and you would find the answers to these questions. Unfortunately there were millions of people whose last name started with the letter "W" and Tom couldn't even be sure if this person's name did start a "W". It may have been a code letter Al had made up to cover his tracks. All Tom could do now was wait and hope for a clue to the puzzle. He looked eastward out the window at cold, cloudy day. His friend was out there somewhere.

"I swear buddy, I will find you. If you're alive, hang in there. Just hang in there."

Tom turned back to his computer and started typing up some notes for his most recent case. On the folder it was titled, "Al Parker - missing person."

To Be Continued in Part 2 - What every happened to Al Parker?

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