Extreme Makeover

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As you may have noticed, I posted a new story this morning, but I can't help thinking it had been posted here before.

Convinced I'd published this some four years ago, I searched through the stories here, but couldn't find it, so if you missed it, here it is ...



Thanks, Dreammaker

I've obviously slept once or twice since posting and have quite forgotten where I put it entirely :(

I don't just look it, I'm totally out to lunch

Xtreme Makeover

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

Hey Nick,

It is still a good story though. I would have thought it might get a little oaky after all this time, but no, it still has a wonderful bouquet.

with love,


with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

Like a fine wine?

Mellowing yet retaining a certain sparkle?

Hope, you say the nicest things :)

I don't just look it, I'm totally blushing

Thank you, Stacy

I didn't expect it to be quite so well received - even second time around.

I don't just look it, I'm totally gobsmacked.

Extreme Makeover

Is Extreme Makeover it a rewrite of the older Extreme Makeover?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine


Not really a rewrite as such.

I found some rather glaring mistakes and corrected them. I also tidied the grammar up a bit, but other than that, it's pretty much the same.

I don't just look it, I'm totally as was