Transgender victory in Australia.

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Link to Guardian story on victory in Australian courts regarding change of legal status without full surgical reassignment.



I should have never done it.

I think that most realistic T folk would get along just fine with an orchectomy, penectomy and no Vagina. Much of the time you get adequate breast growth on estrogen alone. That leaves money for hair removal and minimal facial surgery. All I did on my face was have my upper lip raised.

The vaginal surgery damn near killed me because I got e-coli in the bladder, and had to be on a PIC line for a month and my liver and kidneys are still compromised.

There are some practioners who see T folk as "The Money Tree". It ain't right.


Also Connecticut

Also Connecticut passed a Transgender nondiscrimination law that became effective October 1. It is incomplete, but better than nothing.
