For 36 years I have lived a conflicted life. I went through abuse when I was younger, but I made it through. I took up wrestling in High School and did pretty well at it. I have memories of my life as Keith that I will enjoy, but I have decided that the real, complete me must be set free. I have decided to transition, but maybe not in the way that many may think. I didn’t go out and buy a bunch of dresses (though that would be a hoot) and I didn’t start wearing makeup (I doubt I would do it correctly without practice) and I am not shouting out to the world I am trans accept me.
No I am not that kind of person. I am sweet and for the most part not confrontational (though I am outspoken). I don’t shy away from telling people what I think, but I am always willing to give people a chance to make amends and am quick to offer an apology when I have erred.
I enjoy a good cry, for whatever reason. But most my life I have cried over the things that people have done to me. Now it is time to cry tears of joy though, tears that say I don’t need your acceptance because I know who and what I am and I love me and that is more than enough.
I enjoy tranquility and peace, though most of my life has been a battleground. It is time that I lay down my sword (oh my God you’re a D&Der and wondered what kind of sword and how much damage it would do if I roll a 20, for shame) and my shield, it is time for me to put away the notion that I must war with my enemies. I retreat, I surrender, I yield, if you do not wish to walk beside me, we will walk our separate ways, life is too short.
My transformation is not about clothes or hair or jewelry or sex. It is about me and that is where it is going to start. I have known for quite some time that I have a female soul and it is, as they say, time to get comfortable with my own skin. I will from this second hence, no longer put up the masculine façade because it is what people expect from me and I will be true to myself. And the clothes, hair, jewelry will probably follow somewhere down the line. Keith is no longer, and I, Katie, am more than a screen name that posts witty stories on a cult internet site.
Breath in the pink, exhale the blue… Breath in the pink, exhale the blue…
Way to go girl!
Preach it, sister.
This is much the way I feel about my own situation, though it differs, insofar as I only have a femininely wired brain, but my spirit matches with my born gender.
I accept myself, and that's all that really matters. Though it will bother me a little if my family cannot accept me, either blood, or not. In the end, however, if they cannot, I will simply have to live without them.
Abigail Drew.
much better, indeed
congrats, hon.
Good for you Katie, life is
Good for you Katie, life is too short, we are our best when we are true to ourselves.
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Your emergence Little Katie
you sound like I did only 7 years ago when I decided that I could no longer enjoy life as it had been for all too many years. Along with another here, I will celebrate the passage of another year of my life on October 7th - the end of 74 years on this plant but in essence only 7 years as my true self. No matter what the years add up to - it is never too late to finally announce who you really are to the world.
Good luck & happy times on your never ending journey.
May the sun always shine on your parade
May the sun always shine on your parade
Hold on, there!
We're a cult internet site? Eeeek!
Way to go, though, doing it on your own terms. I hope you have no demented reverends in your past who will want to use enhanced "enhanced interrogation techniques" to save you from yourself. *smile*
The emergence of me
Congratulations! I wish you PEACE and JOY
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Good for you!
That point where you just basically say "Fuck the world, I can't live like this anymore". Not everyone reaches that space. Deciding to do the right thing for yourself is kinda the turning point. And yeah, maybe the hair and clothing and all will come. And maybe it won't. Not everyone shares the same path.
The point is you decided to face it head on, to be who you are and damn the torpedoes.We who follow similar paths salute you.
Good for you girl LONG LIVE KATIE you ROCK and I have been waiting to say this to you HUGS & KISSES GIRL from RICHIE