OT Possible help for Post Traumatic Stress

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For all of you out there who suffer from this I found this Yahoo Article interesting especially the last paragraph.


Not sure if helps or not but would be nice if it does.



Are you sure

Angharad's picture

it's not playing it that causes it in the first place? It's mind numbing stuff, give me spider any day.



I knew...

I knew folks that ended up with carpal tunnel syndrome - after spending too much time on Tetris...


PTSD Help?

I don't play tetris because i have PTSD, and with PTSD comes being in control. I used to get riled and want to smash the computer. I don't play it and I now take meds. Its been a few weeks since my last episode.

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

It helps PTS, not

It helps PTS, not PTSD.

Playing a video game shortly after a harrowing event might be the last thing you’d think of doing. But reaching for the nearest version of Tetris could help you get over the shock, or so say the psychologists from Oxford University, speaking to The Telegraph.

I followed the link.
